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A Very Lusty Christmas [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 16

by Cara Covington

  “It’s hard on everyone,” Miranda said. “Normal has been usurped by this horrible war. The world seems like it’s in complete and total chaos.”

  Kate reached over and covered Miranda’s hand with her own. Her friend was a bride missing not one, but two husbands. Realizing that and understanding how she must be feeling was almost enough to make her feel guilty at her own good fortune. Her men were only two hours away, and not in the line of fire.

  Then she thought of Captain Somerville, and how he’d come to be there. She also thought about Gerald’s close call of the day before, and shivered. She guessed the dangers of these times didn’t only exist away from America’s shores.

  An hour later she’d changed into casual, civilian clothes and had to resist the urge to throw her arms around Gerald and Patrick when they arrived to pick her up.

  Gerald drove, and Kate sat between her men as he took them through the center of the small town and then headed north. Before even two minutes had passed, Gerald steered the car down a dirt road on the left.

  “Where are we going?”

  “We have something to show you.”

  Kate opened her mouth to ask more, but she turned her eyes to the front, and saw the house.

  Red brick with white trim, it seemed enormous. She saw the large porch at the front, shaded by a sloped roof, and thought it was nearly as appealing as the one at the Convalescent Home.

  Gerald pulled the car into the drive, and when she got out, she realizedthiswas the house she could see if she stepped out the back door of the Home. They’d driven for a few minutes, but she’d bet they could walk through the field from this house to the Home in a quarter of the time.

  “Whose house is this? Are we visiting, then?”

  “We’re visiting, yes, but no one lives here. Yet. As to whose house it is…it belongs to all of us. Specifically, it belongs to the Town Trust.” Gerald led the way to the front door, and unlocked it.

  Kate had heard about the Town Trust, and the organization given to the town of Lusty by its founders—two of whom, Sarah and Amanda, she knew quite well by now.

  One of Amanda’s husbands—Warren Jessop—had been a lawyer. He’d come up with a way to keep Lusty the sanctuary they meant it to be, in perpetuity.

  “This house was built in 1908, the year our parents got married. They had a few happy years here, before the first war. When it broke out, our fathers enlisted, of course, and were sent overseas,” he said.

  “That would have been hard for your motherandyour grandparents.”

  “I can only imagine,” Patrick said. “Ger and I, and our brothers and sister were born here. We lived here, as a family, until after Grandpa Josh died in 1937. Then we moved back to the Big House, because we didn’t want grandmother to be alone.”

  “This seems like a very happy house,” Kate said. She could feel the echoes of past joys, and maybe a hint of past heartaches, too.

  “It has five bedrooms, all upstairs.” Gerald stood back, and Kate knew he wanted her to look around.

  “It doesn’t seem as if it’s been vacant for years,” she said. She walked through the downstairs rooms—parlor, living room, dining room, and pantry. The kitchen was a good size, but didn’t have modern appliances.

  The house, of course, was unfurnished.

  She climbed the stairs, noticed they were solidly built, and that the banister didn’t have a lot of dust on it. At the top of the stairs she turned left and found herself in what undoubtedly would be the master bedroom, as it was quite large.

  “No, we tend to keep the houses in good repair, whether they’re lived in, or not.” Patrick smiled. “There are a number of us who’ve come of age, some who have married, and some who are about to. There are plans to expand the town, to make this road we’re on here a cul-de-sac. There are even plans in the works for a school.”

  “Miranda will like that,” Kate said.

  “That’s a few years down the road, but yes, I’m sure she will.” Gerald stayed back by the door, and his voice echoed slightly in the empty room. “This house needs some updating for these more modern times. But it would be a good house to raise children in, don’t you think?”

  She turned from her perusal of the room to look at the men. They stood, side by side, two such different personalities yet, at this moment, so very much alike. Hands in pockets, the light of hope in each of their eyes, she could see that they were both waiting for her to say something.

  “Yes, it would be a very good house to raise children in.”

  “It can be our house, Kate, if you want it to be. We likely won’t be able to move in until after this damned war is over.” Patrick shook his head. “But that would just give us time to get things renovated and fixed up the way you’d like them.”

  “This can be our house? But it’s so big, and so grand!” Kate looked around the room, and thought of the large room downstairs. Why, this house was a lot bigger than the one she’d grown up in in Virginia.

  Gerald and Patrick looked at each other, and Kateknewthis time she wasn’t imagining it. They were communicating with each other without saying a word out loud.

  “I don’t think anyone’s actually told you that money won’t be an issue for us,” Gerald said. “We’re all of us—Benedicts, Kendalls, and Jessops alike—verywell off. One might even say…rich.”

  Kate found it telling that both men were blushing. She’d bet their wealth was something they’d been taught not to take for granted. She’d seen no signs of excess in the lives of the people she’d met in Lusty. Yes, they lived well. They had food and clothes, cars and things, but they didn’t act the way she’d seen some rich people act back in Virginia.

  She rather approved of the Lusty version of wealthy.

  She brought herself back to the moment. “What do you plan to do? After the war?”

  “We always thought we’d ranch,” Gerald said. “Others in the families are after building the businesses. There’s bound to be a good future in oil, in mining, and manufacturing.” Gerald grinned. “We’ve tried our hands at business, and we did all right with our airmail service.”

  “But we always figured we’d just take over the ranch when our dads decided to retire,” Patrick said. “We’re really just a couple of Texas cowboys at heart.”

  “Then, after the war, I’ll be a ranching wife,” Kate said. “Although, I wouldn’t mind remaining a nurse, at least in some capacity.”

  “Sweetheart, you can do whatever you want to do, as long as your name is Kate Benedict.”

  Kate took the few steps that took her to her men. “Kate Benedict has a nice ring to it,” she said. “And I’d very much like to call this house my home.”

  “I know it’s not furnished, but we’ve a few blankets in the car. What do you say we try this bedroom out?”

  Before she could answer, Gerald bent and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “We’re not going to touch your very tempting ass today, love. But we have to go back to base tomorrow morning. And when we thought of how we wanted to spend this day, only one thing came to mind.”

  Kate felt her heart race and her blood heat. Beneath her clothing, her nipples had tightened and her pussy had become damp. All her men had to do was suggest making love, and her body was ready.

  “Go get those blankets,” she said. “Time’s wasting.”

  Chapter 16

  Kate opened her eyes, and realized two things at once. The first was, obviously, she had fallen asleep. The second was that while she’d slept, Gerald had maneuvered her on top of him.

  How amazing that I can tell which of my lovers I’m lying upon by their scent, and by the feel of their bodies beneath mine.

  She had no idea how long she’d slept. “What time is it?”

  Gerald ran his hand down her back, and the gentle caress not only soothed, it aroused.

  “It’s just after four, sweetheart.”

  Darn, it’s later than I’d hoped.“I guess we need to be getting back.”

e’d still not opened her eyes. A part of her thought, whimsically, that if she didn’t open them then she could stay right here in this tiny paradise they’d created for themselves.

  Beside her she heard movement, and then the heat of Patrick’s body reached her, and his aroma filled her head. Inhaling deeply, she could smell them both and that combination filled her with joy.

  Her men would have to return to base in the morning, and she had no idea when they would be together again.

  Kate had to swallow around the unexpected tightness in her throat that thought brought.Get a grip, Katherine. It is what it is, so deal with it.

  She didn’t know if kicking herself in the ass in her thoughts would work or not but it seemed the thing to do.

  They really were, all of them, very fortunate to have as much time together as they did. With the few days they’d spent in each others’ company, plus the letters they’d exchanged, they really were very lucky compared to most lovers in these uncertain times.

  Patrick added his caress to his brother’s, and calmness returned.

  He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Mother did mention they were planning dinner for around eight tonight,” he said.

  “That’s late.” Kate had noted that the Benedicts usually preferred to eat around six or so.

  “Apparently the grandmothers went to Waco this morning and were expected back a bit later than usual,” Gerald said.

  “Oh dear. Did the invitation to shopping come from them?” Kate recalled that shopping had been one of the options for how they could spend the day. She hoped she hadn’t, inadvertently, offended the older ladies.

  “No, we were just being gallant,” Patrick said. “You’ve been stuck here in Lusty since you arrived in August. We thought you might have been feeling hemmed in.” He kissed her cheek again. “We’re both well aware that you’re used to city living.”

  “I haven’t felt stuck or hemmed in,” Kate said. “I’ve been busy, and I quite like this small community your family has built.”

  “That’s very handy,” Gerald said.

  Kate grinned. She really loved Gerald’s rather dry sense of humor. She also loved the way his voice sounded from her current position, plastered all over his chest. “So. Dinner at eight tonight,” she said. “That means we don’t have to rush back. We still have some time.”

  “Just a shame I didn’t think to bring a deck of cards,” Patrick said. “We could have played euchre.”

  Kate opened her eyes, already smiling before she saw Patrick’s cheeky grin. She’d heard the near laughter in his voice, of course.

  “What a disappointment.” Kate loved the way these men teased, and thought she was becoming quite adept at the art herself.

  “Indeed,” Gerald said. “Whatever will we do to pass the time?”

  Beneath her, Kate felt Gerald’s cock get hard and hot. In response, her nipples hardened and her body released some of its nectar.

  She felt that hot syrup leave her and land on Gerald’s cock. He twitched beneath her so she guessed he felt that, too.

  “I think I’m beginning to get an idea of how we can occupy ourselves,” Gerald said.

  “I have an idea.” Kate moved, dipping her hips in a way that felt silky and sexy, and resulted in her body capturing the stiff penis beneath her. She flexed once more and sheathed Gerald’s cock deep inside her cunt.

  “Hell of an idea.” Gerald slid his arms around her and thrust up into her.

  “It gets better.” She turned her head to encounter Patrick’s heated stare. “I slipped that tin of lubricant into my handbag. Get it, please, darling, grease us both up, and then slip your cock into my ass.”

  Both men inhaled sharply. Gerald said, “Kate, we told you that we weren’t going to fuck your ass today.”

  “Yes, you did, and all things being equal, that would be fine. But you have to leave in the morning. It’ll be weeks before you’re back and we can make love again. I’m not that sore and I really, really need to feel connected to you both again. Please.”

  “The next time we’re together, my dear, I’m going to turn you over my knee and spank your pretty little ass until it turns pink.”

  “Thank you,” Kate said. “That would bewonderful. In the meantime, I want to be full of my lovers’ cocks right now.”

  “Jesus, woman.” Patrick leaned in and gave her a fast, smacking kiss. “Good thing there’re two of us. You’re too much woman for just one man to handle.”

  Kate laughed. “I think so, too. Now hurry, please. I want to fuck you both. I need you both.”

  Beneath her, she felt Gerald tense and knew he’d likely argue with her further, if she let him. Yes, it was sneaky, but she really needed them badly. So she squeezed his cock with her inner muscles, and then she gave him a smile that let him know in no uncertain terms how much she loved him. Leaning forward, she brushed his mouth with hers. “Please, darling. Just love me.”

  “We do.” Gerald thrust up into her, and then looked over her shoulder—making eye contact, she knew, with Patrick. “All right, baby. Come here, let me help you get ready for Patrick.”

  No more words were necessary, or even wanted. Kate lost herself in the passion, in the emotion of the moment. She laid her lips on Gerald’s, kissing him, drinking in his flavor as his tongue thrust into her mouth in time with his cock caressing the inside of her cunt.

  Afternoon shadows fell, and the room became bathed in a half-light that encouraged the quiet sighs and moans of love. She heard the sound of the tin being opened, and shivered at that first touch of lubricant against her anus.

  Patrick stroked his fingers over her again and again, and her arousal grew from small embers to hungry, burning flames. Passion soaked her, and she moved on Gerald, slow, deep dips and swirls, interspersed with her inner muscles caressing him. She stretched up and laid her mouth over his, opening wide, sliding her lips and letting her tongue dance with his.

  Patrick moved in close behind her and laid a trail of kisses on her back and shoulders, on her neck and the lobe of her ear.

  Hands caressed and cupped, stroked and pinched. Kate closed her eyes and lost herself in the perfect ballet she and her lovers danced together. Heat enveloped her as Patrick tented her back, covering her.

  Gerald’s hands controlled her, gentle in their mastery of her. He petted and pressed until she laid her head on his chest. Her ass rose in the air and brushed against Patrick’s body. He slid his cock up and down between her ass cheeks, and she shivered with the thrill of it.

  When he moved, when he eased back slightly and pressed the head of his cock against her tiny opening, Kate groaned with delight. She pushed back, meeting his gentle thrust with equal force.

  “Oh, God, woman, that feels good.” Patrick’s words felt like the most flowery of compliments as he slid into her ass to the hilt.

  “Patrick,yes.” Kate whispered the words, and sighed as they all three began a very sensual kind of tango, tiny movements tailored to music only the three of them could hear. In tandem, one lover thrust while the other withdrew, and Kate felt caressed by cock like never before. They fucked her, these two virile men of hers, and she relished the sensation of having them both inside her body at the same time.

  “We’re one.” She’d thought no words were necessary, but some were. “When I’m alone at night, I can relive this, and love you both all over again.”

  “I love you, Katie.” Patrick gripped her hips. She could tell by the way his hands shook that his climax teased him. Then he groaned and she felt him come inside her.

  “I love you, Kate.” Gerald’s thrusts came faster, sharper, and Kate felt everything inside her turn right, and bloom.

  She dipped her hips, rubbing her clit against the hair surrounding Gerald’s cock. And when she came, she came with them, shivering, sighing, in the most amazing ecstasy imaginable.

  * * * *

  “What is it you expect me to do on a ranch, Major? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m crippled.”<
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  Captain Somerville’s words were expected, but Kate did note his tone wasn’t as angry as it had been. She’d driven him here, to the Benedict ranch, after having consulted with both Charles and Samuel Benedict.

  She let her thoughts wander, for just a moment, back to that afternoon last weekend. Her men had returned to base, and she remained here, but she wasn’t alone, or even lonely.

  Of course she missed them terribly. But there was work to be done, by them, where they were and by her, right here.

  “Well, Captain, I expect you to try.” She turned off the car and turned to him. “I know that you’re crippled, because you never let anyone forget it. But do you know what? I believe that isn’t the sum total of who, or what, you are. You wanted to know how you were supposed to run your ranch and take care of your family. You start right here, today.”

  She indicated the barn, and the man—Samuel—standing just at the open door, awaiting them. She guessed Charlie was still inside the barn. “You’ve met Samuel and Charles Benedict before. You know they’re ranchers. Their sons are all busy at the moment, and they need help.”

  “I don’t know how much help I can be.”

  “Of course you don’t. You won’t until you try. Wouldn’t you like to find out?”

  She followed his gaze down to the brand-new prosthesis he wore—a contraption of metal and wood extending from a cup that fit around his knee. He’d had the piece for only a few days, and with the help of crutches, was learning to walk with it.

  They needed to take care that he didn’t overdo it, because he could develop sores on his stump.

  Today, if all went well, he’d sit a horse again for the first time in months. Both Charlie and Sam agreed with her. Getting back onto a horse would likely be the best therapy for the man right now.

  Just then Charles came out of the barn, leading two horses. One was a chestnut gelding, the horse she knew Charlie preferred to ride. The other one she recognized in a thrice.

  Smart man, saddling Coco for the captain.

  Kate used her peripheral vision to note that Captain Somerville seemed to perk up when the horses came into view. “Well?”


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