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Soul Chance

Page 6

by Nichelle Gregory

  “Did she say why she was there?”

  “She was here looking for you. Claimed the two of you had business to discuss?”

  “Hmm. Maybe she was looking for a job.”

  “Don’t think so, Dad. Cassie said she was moving.”


  Ryder frowned, surprised by his dad’s brusque tone. “Yes, to Arizona. Why do you sound pissed?”

  “Ryder, I’ve got to take this call. We’ll talk later, all right?”

  “Fine.” Ryder ended the call deep in thought. He wondered who’d called his father and if that was the reason for his sudden sour mood.

  Ryder set his empty coffee cup in the sink. He walked out of the kitchen and his gaze fell on the baby grand in the center of the living room. Blood pumped faster through his veins as he pictured riding Ari up against the piano. She’d been so wet, so responsive, even though he knew she’d been astounded by how he’d taken her.

  Ryder shook his head as he glanced at his watch. It was time to wake up Ari. She had no idea what she’d signed herself up for with him.

  Ryder’s cock twitched with anticipation. Her wild proposition last night had come as a shock. His first reaction had been one of frustration and disappointment. Once again, Ari had tried to find a way to manipulate him in order to get what she wanted. Ari was in for a rude awakening if she thought her little deal would be easier than their previous arrangement. She was his for approximately the next one hundred and eighty-two days, and she would know it.

  Starting right now.

  Ryder walked out of the kitchen to Ari’s room and stopped in front of her door. He listened for movement then opened the door when he heard none. His gaze fell on Ari, still asleep, nestled beneath the covers. He moved over to the bed, pushing memories of how tight and warm she’d felt around his cock yesterday to the back of his mind. Sex with Ari was amazing. That fact had been one of the reasons he’d agreed to her crazy offer. He enjoyed her company and he wanted her like hell. He’d been looking forward to exploring more than just the fantastic physical connection between them, but apparently, Ari didn’t share the same desire.

  Ryder tightened his jaw as Ari stirred. She looked so angelic and peaceful he almost hated to wake her. “Rise and shine, songbird.” Ryder crossed his arms when Ari groaned but didn’t wake up. “Ari.”

  Ari opened her eyes with a sleepy grimace. “What the hell, Ryder? What time is it?”

  “Time for yoga.”

  Ari gave him a you-must-be-crazy look before turning away from him. “Have fun.”

  Ryder pulled back her covers, ignoring Ari’s groan of protest. His gaze drifted up her legs to the tempting glimpse of her barely covered derrière beneath her oversized T-shirt before she shifted her body. “You have ten minutes to have your ass on the terrace.”

  “Ryder, I’m tired. I am not getting out of this bed.” Ari glared at him as she snatched the covers from him and yanked them over her.

  “Taking care of your body is taking care of your voice. For the next six months, you will take care of your instrument as I see fit. Get. Dressed.” Ryder pivoted and left Ari’s room. He went into the closet in the hall and took out two exercise mats. The delicious scent of the hazelnut java he’d brewed permeated the air as he walked through the ranch, making Ryder wish he’d poured a second cup.

  Ryder pushed opened the front door. He went outside on the terrace and positioned the mats to face one another close to the stairs. Ryder stretched his arms over his head, enjoying the breeze washing over him and warm sun on his bare chest. The humidity in the air was low compared to what it would be in a few hours. Mornings were always his favorite. The beginning of the day held the most promise. Ryder liked to get up, exercise, have breakfast and mentally prepare for work.

  “How long is this going to take?” Ari asked as she stepped out onto the porch. She reached up, took hold of her twists and secured them in a high ponytail with the band around her wrist.

  Ryder checked his watch. “Ah. On time. Excellent.” He grinned, pleased to see Ari even had a minute to spare.

  Ari crossed her arms beneath her breasts, insolence flashing in her pretty brown eyes. She looked tantalizing as sin, dressed in black yoga pants and a yellow halter top that accentuated her sexy body.

  God, he loved her hips—

  Ari clapped her hands. “C’mon, Ryder. My bed is still calling me.”

  “Come over to the mat.” Amused, Ryder keep his face expressionless as she moved into place. “Have you ever done yoga?”

  “No, and I haven’t a clue how this is supposed to help me sing. I do know getting a good night’s rest is conducive to performing well.”

  Ryder ignored her tart tone. “We’ll start with some basics.” He moved onto his mat, spread his feet apart and made sure his weight was distributed evenly. “Copy me.” He reached up to the sky then glanced at Ari out of the corner of his eye. “This is called the mountain pose. Your feet should be in line with your hips. Your neck should be aligned with your spine.”

  Ari sighed but moved her body as he instructed. Ryder dropped his arms and went over to her, amused by her amateur attempt to copy him. He placed one hand on her stomach and the other on her lower back. “Breathe in and out, slowly. Concentrate on each breath and how it feels coming from your body.”


  “Shh…” Ryder held back a chuckle when Ari glowered at him. “Look forward and reach up to the sky.” He nodded appreciatively as she lifted her hands. “Yes, that’s it. Relax. Close your eyes and forget I’m here. Just breathe.”

  Just breathe? Standing without wiggling was difficult enough. Ari exhaled, trying not to be distracted by Ryder’s sun-kissed muscles highlighted in the morning rays of the light filtering onto the terrace. He was too close to her. Her heart refused to beat normally. Why didn’t he have a damn shirt on?

  Ari scowled at him when he moved back to his mat, hating the way her pulse had quickened from his mere touch. All night, flashbacks of his no-holds-barred possession of her body had tormented her, keeping her in a state of arousal not unlike the one she was experiencing now. Ari squeezed her inner thighs together as she mimicked Ryder’s movements. She sucked in a sharp breath when her actions sent electric tingles through her tender pussy.

  “You okay over there?”

  Ari kept her head facing the ocean. “Yup.”

  “Excellent. We’ll hold this position for a few minutes then.”

  Ari didn’t respond. She closed her eyes, attempting to block out everything as he’d instructed. Ari concentrated on breathing and becoming more aware of her body, which didn’t seem fair. Every breath in reminded her of how Ryder had knocked the wind out of her with each deep stroke he’d given her the evening before. Her nipples peaked beneath her halter top and Ari’s arms wobbled.

  Sex with Ryder had always been good, but it had never been rough or unpredictable. Yesterday, he’d stunned her with his dark commands and relentless thrusts. She wasn’t accustomed to a man taking her in that manner. She usually set the pace and gave the instructions. Taking control in the bedroom had been easy with past lovers, even those who had thought themselves in the driver’s seat. The way Ryder had taken her last night had been a new experience.

  “This next one is called the warrior one pose. Watch me.”

  Ari brought her arms down and turned to Ryder as he got into position. The gentle wind swirling around them riffled his hair. Ari tamped down the urge to go over and smooth the sandy blond locks down. It was challenge staying focused with him as her instructor. He looked fantastic as he got into his pose. Ari stared at his physique, trying to decide if he was more gorgeous in his designer suits or stripped down to shorts like he was now. She decided it really was a shame he had to wear clothes most of the time.

  “See how I have my arms?”

  Arms. Sweet mercy, look at his arms. Ari broke out into a sweat as she and blinked.

  “Ari, are you paying attention?” Ryder raised
an eyebrow in her direction. “I can help you get into position if you need me to.”

  “No. I’ve got it.” Ari quickly scrambled into the pose, not wanting anymore physical contact than was needed between them. She exhaled, realizing how ridiculous that notion was when for the next six months she had all but volunteered to be his sex slave.

  “Nice. You’re a natural.”

  Ari smiled, pleased by his compliment despite how exasperated she was by his unannounced early morning wake-up. She felt awkward in her stance but as seconds ticked by, Ari found herself focusing less on her discomfort and more on her posture. Balancing and breathing took more effort than she’d expected.

  “Switch legs.”

  Ari did as instructed, casting a quick glance at Ryder. She was impressed by his agility. He made yoga look easy—and sexy.

  “All right, the last pose I’m going to show you is probably the most familiar one when one thinks of yoga.”

  “Is it this?” Ari lifted one leg, placed the sole of her right foot inside her left thigh and brought her hands up into a prayer position. She struggled not to fall as Ryder stepped in front of her.

  “Yes. Do you know what this position is called?”

  Ari shook her head, wanting to put her foot back down.

  “It’s called the tree pose.” Ryder’s handsome face was alight with amusement. “Now let’s see how long you can hold it.”

  Ari concentrated with all of her might then wobbled. She looked up at Ryder when he reached out to steady her. “How long was that?”

  “Not long enough. Try again.”

  Ari huffed but got back into the pose. She locked eyes with Ryder as she held it, willing herself not to fall before he said something. Her muscles burned and her heart pounded, and Ari wasn’t sure if that was because of what she was doing or the intensity of his gaze. A bead of sweat slid between her breasts as her thigh muscles began to quiver.

  “Excellent.” Ryder went back over to his mat. “Switch sides.”

  Ari reversed her pose and closed her eyes. She found her balance easier this time around. After a moment of holding the position, Ari attempted to tune out her screaming muscles. She focused instead on the lulling sound of the waves and the tinkling wind chime hanging from the rafter overhead.

  “Last pose of the morning is called the downward facing dog. Know it?”

  “No.” Ari observed Ryder get into the position. It looked almost obscene from her fabulous point of view. “And just what is this pose supposed to do?” Except incite lust over your tight ass?

  Ryder chuckled as he got up from the mat. “It gets the blood pumping throughout your entire body. It’s also a great for your calves and heels. Try it.”

  Ari hesitated a moment before getting down on her mat. If the pose looked explicit, it felt even more so.

  “Almost, Ari. Straighten your knees and face your fingers forward.”

  Ari implemented Ryder’s suggestions, trying not to be self-conscious with him standing so close.

  “Do you feel the difference in the pose now?”

  “Y-yes.” She felt the difference all right, in her damp panties. The position, although challenging, set off a flurry of erotic scenarios in Ari’s mind. She was so hot, getting hotter as Ryder moved behind her.

  “Good. Very, very good.”

  Ari held her breath, anticipating his touch, wanting it.

  “You can relax. That’s enough for today.”

  Disappointed he hadn’t been compelled to caress her ass, Ari dropped to her knees on the mat. She stared at Ryder, her frustration turning to indignation as he rolled up his mat. How had he not been tempted to touch her?

  “We’ll do these again tomorrow. You’ll be amazed at how much easier it will be.”

  “Tomorrow is Sunday and I don’t work.” Her tone was bitchier than she’d intended, but Ari didn’t care. Who did he think he was, monopolizing her time every day of the week? Ari ignored the hard look now glittering in Ryder’s gray eyes. “Sundays are mine.”

  Ari’s pulse quickened when Ryder left his rolled up mat and came over to her. She gasped when he took hold of her chin and lifted it so she could meet his gaze.

  “You’re mine, remember? You will exercise on Sundays and practice your music. Are we clear?”

  “Yes.” Uttering that one word without screaming took more effort than all of the poses Ryder had shown her. Ari wrenched her face from his hold, biting back the sharp retort on the tip of her tongue.

  “Ah, Ari, don’t look so mad. You do get a reward for all exemplary efforts this morning.”

  Ari raised her head as Ryder lowered his shorts, revealing his thick erection. Her eyes widened in surprise. They’d slept together more than once but she’d never put her mouth on him. Ari stared at Ryder’s cock, momentarily transfixed by the veins running up the length of it. “This is my reward?” Ari wished she’d thought better of asking her biting question when Ryder’s gaze narrowed. She gasped again when he took hold of her ponytail and yanked her hair, forcing her to look up at him.

  “Has anyone ever told you that you talk too damn much?” Ryder tapped his cockhead on her lips. “Not to worry. I have the solution for your sassy mouth. Suck it.”

  Ari balked, struggling to scan the perimeter of the terrace. There was no one around to hear his outrageous request but her. “Right here?”

  “Right here.” Ryder stroked his cock, boredom laced in his deep voice.

  “What if somebody comes down the beach?”

  “That’s not your concern, songbird.”

  Ryder jerked her twists and Ari yelped. She whimpered when he seized the opportunity to push his cock deep into her mouth. Ari became wetter from the taste of him on her tongue, much to her indignation. She mewled against Ryder’s skin as he set the pace. She couldn’t escape with his grip in her hair. She focused on breathing and adjusting to the rapid rhythm of his thrusts. Her eyes watered as she brought her hands between her and Ryder. She pushed back against him with an angry grunt, a little surprised when he relinquished his hold on her tresses and pulled back from her.

  “Dammit, slow down!”

  “Ask me nicely.” Ryder’s tone was as cool as his steady gaze on her.

  Panting, Ari licked her lips, still tasting him. She glanced around the veranda again for wayward resort guests.

  “Keep your eyes on me, Ari.”

  Ari shifted her attention back to Ryder, dazed by her surreal circumstances. Her gaze dropped to his stiff cock.

  “I guess you don’t want to ask.” Ryder slid his fingers back into her hair and tugged.

  “W-wait. I do. I do.” Ari balled her hands into a fist at her side. Tears burned her eyes as she looked up at Ryder. “Please let me suck your cock slowly.” Her words sounded stilted.

  “You may.” He shook his head when Ari reached up to take hold of him. “No hands. In fact, put them behind your back where they belong.”

  Ari clasped her fingers behind her at Ryder’s command. His request both infuriated and further aroused her.


  Ari responded by leaning forward and kissing the tip of his cock. She swirled her tongue around the head then parted her mouth and took him in, setting a slower, more even pace.

  “Mmm. That’s nice but I need you to take me deeper.”


  She’d already taken him in farther than she’d wanted. There was nowhere else for him to go but in her throat. Ari doubled her efforts, hoping to get him off before he choked her. Her jaw and lips ached from her efforts not to scrape him with her teeth. Ryder’s groan encouraged her, stirring her desire to please him as she concentrated on what she was doing.

  “Deeper, Ari.”

  Ari took him in a half inch more, fighting the urge to move back when Ryder pulled his cock from her mouth. Confused, Ari looked up at him.

  “You’re not listening.” Ryder lifted his shorts over his hard-on. “Do you know what deeper means? Never mind.” He winked at her
. “We’ll work on that later too. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

  Breathing hard, Ari watched him as he went back into the beach house. She touched her throbbing mouth, despising how much she craved Ryder’s kiss. He’d teased her with just a taste of him. She’d assumed he was going to give her what she wanted.

  Ari groaned as she pressed her thighs together. Once again, Ryder had left her in a state of need and with conflicting emotions. She missed the tenderness she’d felt in his touch in Vegas, despite how her body responded to him now. She missed the conversations and laughs they used to share about music, life, and the little things she’d never really talked about with anyone else. The intimacies they were sharing now were unlike anything else she’d experienced, but emotionally, Ryder felt further away from her than he had before arriving at the resort.

  Ari shifted off her knees on the mat and lay on it. She watched the wind chime spinning in the breeze above, her thoughts spiraling around in the same fashion. This is what she’d asked for, what she wanted. Wasn’t it?

  Chapter Six

  Ryder placed the blooming cactus his team had presented to him on the corner of his desk. He glanced around his office, pleased by the progress he’d made. All of the resort’s invoices were up to date. The bar ledger had been balanced and contractor appointments for Monday had been confirmed. He had just one more drawer left to declutter and the remainder of his father’s belongings would be gone.

  Ryder pulled open the bottom drawer, glad to see only a few items to go through. He took out the three manila folders on top, scanning old invoices and receipts. After placing the folders in his pile to file, he riffled through a box of company check receipts. One for ten thousand dollars caught his eye. Ryder frowned as he lifted the blue company check and saw it had been made out to Cassie Bryer.

  “What the hell?”

  His dad had acted as if he and Cassie had no business dealings between them but clearly there was something going on. The check receipt was only a few months old. Ryder went through the rest of the check receipts and found another one written out to Cassie for the same amount. Dumbfounded, Ryder shook his head. Twenty thousand dollars?


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