Soul Chance

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Soul Chance Page 14

by Nichelle Gregory

  “What are you doing here?” Ari stifled a yawn. “And what’s with the King Kong knocking when you have a key?”

  “Why weren’t you at callbacks?”

  Ari folded her arms. “I wasn’t there because I wasn’t there.”

  “That’s not an answer.” Ryder pushed past her, stepped inside and the screen door slammed behind him.

  “No”—Ari leaned against the doorframe—“I suppose it isn’t, but it’s the only one I’m willing to give you.”

  “Dammit, Ari, you should’ve come back. All of the judges—including me—were ready to put you through to the next round. All you had to do was show up, and you didn’t.” Ryder shook his head, ignoring the emotion stirring in Ari’s brown eyes. “I know I don’t have a right showing up here and ranting about your decision, but I have to know your reasoning for skipping out on an opportunity of a lifetime. It couldn’t have been because you felt the odds of winning a competition like this were too great for you. We both know how much you like to gamble.” Ryder scratched his jaw as Ari dropped her face from his. “I swear, I just don’t get why you didn’t bet on your talent, take the risk and finish your audition. If there was one thing in your life that you should’ve followed through with, it was this.”

  Strained silence followed as Ryder stared at Ari, wishing she’d say something.

  “Are you done?” Ari’s voice was as hollow as Ryder’s heart when she reluctantly met his gaze.

  The sheen of tears glimmering in Ari’s eyes set every one of Ryder’s nerves on edge. He took a step toward her then tightened his jaw when Ari took a step back. “I am. Goodbye, Ari.”

  Ryder didn’t wait for her to respond. He turned and exited through the screen door, wanting to smash something, anything to avoid examining the shattered pieces inside him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “That’s it, Ari.” Jay went over to the window and opened the curtains. “You are going to tell me what the hell is going on with you right this minute. I can’t take another minute watching you waste away on my couch.”

  “I’m not wasting away. I’m resting.” Ari groaned as she lifted her head off the soft cushion she’d been dreaming was her own personal cloud of misery to float on. “What time is it?”

  “It’s time for you to give it to me straight.” Her brother joined her on the loveseat, pushing her feet forward so he could sit back. “Did you ever call Erin back?”

  “I was going to do that today.”

  “Right.” Jay snorted. “You’ve gone from party girl to hermit. What gives, Ari?”

  “I thought you’d be happy to see me staying in for a change.” Ari rubbed her eyes. “What are you even doing here? I thought you had dinner plans with Red.”

  Jay gave her a wry look at the use of his nickname for Shannon. “I do, but I told her I was going to stop by here first and check on you. I was hoping not to find you lying in the same position.”

  Ari sighed. “Sorry to disappoint ya.”

  “You’ve been back for two weeks and I haven’t seen you do much else than mope and listen to that damn song on your phone…which is off the chain by the way, but Ari.” Jay blew out a breath. “If I have to listen to it. One. More. Time.”

  Ari smiled in spite of her sadness. “Hey, you’ve only heard it a few times. I know it may look like I’ve been doing nothing, but I have two interviews tomorrow for singing gigs with two different casinos.” She gestured around her brother’s former bachelor pad. “I’ve been keeping it spotless around here, and I sent you the money for this month’s rent.”

  “I know you’ve been searching for a job, and I did get the money.” Jay tapped her knee. “I don’t care about the cash, or the shape of my condo. Well, I do care, but that’s not the reason I’m here. I want to know what’s going on with you. I know it’s more than the audition that went wrong.” Her brother patted her leg. “C’mon. You’ll feel better if you get it off your chest. No matter what you have not said…I know this melancholy funk has something to do with Ryder.”

  “You’re right. It does.” Ari sat up and proceeded to tell Jay the PG rated version of what had happened between her and Ryder, leaving out the details of their last conversation. She stared at her brother as he rubbed his bald head, wanting to hear his take on things.

  Ari stared at Jay, waiting for him to speak, then burst up off the couch. “Well? What do you think about all of this? Please don’t keep me in suspense.”

  “I think you’re in love with Ryder Stevens.”

  Ari sat back down on the loveseat and slumped against the cushions with an exaggerated groan.

  “Uh huh.” Jay chuckled. “The all-consuming flurry of emotions that makes it hard to think? It’s proof positive that you’re in love and I believe Ryder has fallen for you too. Things have gotten messy.” Her brother waved a hand. “That’s all normal. Most importantly, it’s all fixable…if you’re willing to be vulnerable.”

  “I’m already vulnerable.”

  “But you haven’t shown that to him.”

  Ari sighed again. “And he hasn’t shown it toward me.”

  “Really? Is that what you think?” Jay shook his head. “Ryder encouraged you to audition, came to your doorstep to chastise you for not following through with it. He released you from having to pay back fifty thousand dollars’ worth of debt…something he wouldn’t even consider doing if he didn’t care, if he didn’t think being with you without a deal in play was worth more.”

  Ari blinked, shell-shocked by her brother’s breakdown of the events she’d yet to make any sense of in her own head.

  “Ari, you know how I am about the men that you’ve dated.”

  Ari gave him a faint grin. “You didn’t trust the motives of any of them.”

  “Right. So listen to me when I tell you that I think you should be honest about what you’re feeling with Ryder. I believe he has your best interests at heart, which puts him at the top of the list as a suitable match for my sister.”

  Ari sniffled, overcome with the hope Jay’s words had given her. “Wow. I need to mark this day on the calendar. You actually like the man I’m into.”

  “You probably should make note of this moment.” Jay grinned as he glanced at his watch. “I’m going to be late if I don’t go now to meet Shannon. Why don’t you join us for dinner?”

  Ari stood with her brother. “No, you two enjoy your evening together.” She gave him a tight hug. “Thank you for the invite, though. Tell Shannon I said hi, okay?”

  “Will do.” Jay walked to the door as his cell chimed. He took the device from his pocket and grinned. “It’s Shannon.”

  Ari nodded as he answered the call, her heart twinging at the affection exchange she heard between her brother and his fiancée.

  “Red wants to talk to you.”

  Ari took the phone from her brother. “Hey, Shannon.”

  “Hello, Ari. I’ve got a question for you.”

  “And I’ve got an answer.” Ari smiled when Shannon giggled.

  “Will you be my maid of honor? I don’t have a bestie to bestow the honor on. I want someone that I know. Someone I know cares about us both, and that person is you.”

  “Wow.” Ari’s vision blurred. She blinked as she cleared her throat. “Thank you, Shannon. Of course I’ll be your maid of honor.”

  Shannon squealed with delight. “Great. Ari, thanks.”

  “It’s my pleasure.” Ari smiled at her brother who was all grins.

  “We’ll talk soon.”


  “Oh, and, Ari?”


  “I don’t know all the details of what’s got you blue, but I want to tell you to fight for what you want.”

  Ari squeezed Jay’s cell, trying not to sniffle into the television star’s ear. “I will. Thanks, Shannon.”

  “Hang in there, Ari.”

  Ari handed the device back to Jay, half-listening as he ended the call.

  “Okay, I’m leaving. You go
nna be all right?”

  “I am. Go. I promise the next time you pop over unannounced, I won’t be on the couch.”

  Her brother laughed. “Ouch. I’ll call first—give you time to pull yourself together.” Jay opened the door. He paused and looked back at her. “Guess what auditions are taking place in Vegas right now?”

  “I know. Goodbye, big brother.”

  Jay chuckled as he stepped into the hallway. “Goodnight.”

  Ari closed the door behind him then leaned against it. It was torturous knowing Ryder was so close. Ari squeezed her eyes shut, envisioning his handsome face. She longed to see him. Ari drew in a shuddering breath as she thought of Ryder’s last caustic words to her, words that had kept her up at night. She’d had dreams where she actually told him the truth about why she hadn’t shown up for callbacks.

  Ari moved away from the door, frustrated. She was tired of sleepwalking through her life. Jay and Shannon were right. It was time to fight for what she wanted.

  * * * *

  “Thanks for dinner, Erin.” Ari smiled at her friend sitting across from her at the table. The two had become acquainted at a party shortly after Ari had moved to Sin City. They’d spent many nights living it up on the town, flirting with men and gambling.

  “The food was really good.”

  “It was.” Ari placed her hand on her stomach, feeling pleasantly stuffed. She hadn’t had much of an appetite for days.

  Erin wagged her finger at Ari. “You’ve got next.”

  “You know it.” Ari glanced around the busy restaurant. “I’ve never been to this place.”

  Erin grinned, batting her eyes at the two men sitting at a table beside them. “Cool, isn’t it?”


  The popular place was filled with tourists and locals enjoying the DJ playing hit after hit. Jay had been right—going out with a friend had lifted Ari’s spirits.

  Erin took a sip of her cosmopolitan. “I thought you were going to cancel on me again.”

  “I’m sorry.” Ari leaned on the table, not wanting to yell. “You know I’ve been job searching.”

  Erin’s face brightened. “So you’re coming back to Vegas?”

  “I think so.”


  Ari forced a smile as she picked up her Mai Tai. Singing at The Cove still appealed to her more than the two singing gigs she’d interviewed for. “Keep your fingers crossed I land a job.”

  “You will, and if not, you could play some cards.” Erin winked at her. “You know how to win big super quick.”

  “Nope.” Ari swirled her straw in her drink. “No more gambling for me.” Her statement evoked hot memories of Ryder spanking her. A flicker of heat skimmed through Ari as she took a sip of her drink.

  Erin raised an eyebrow. “None?”

  “None. The stakes are too damn high.”

  “Listen to you.” Erin rolled her eyes. “You’ve been away from Vegas too long.”

  Ari grinned, unfazed. “I’m into yoga now.” She smiled thinking of Ryder. He’d been good for her in so many ways.

  “Oh, boy. That Florida sun’s gotten to you.”

  Ari laughed, unfazed by her friend’s teasing.

  “Okay, you’ve sworn off gambling but I know not sexy men. Let’s go say hi to those two hotties over there.” Erin cast a quick glance at the guy checking her out. “I bet this one with the sculpted beard will buy another round of drinks.”

  “I’m good, but I bet if you wait a moment that one who’s got his eye on you will come over.”

  “Think so?” Erin raised a hand to smooth her straightened tresses behind her ear.

  “If he’s truly interested, he’ll come over here.”

  “Oooh.” Erin giggled. “This should be fun.” Her gaze narrowed as she studied Ari. “What the hell happened to you in the Sunshine State?”

  Ari laughed as the man who’d been eyeing Erin got up and headed their way, knowing it wasn’t a question of what but who.

  * * * *

  Ryder forced a smile as he clapped for the hopeful young man who’d just finished auditioning. Finding the right words to describe the disaster in song he’d just listened to had been quite difficult but he’d managed to not just yell ‘you suck, man,’ and for that he was proud.

  “Almost done with Vegas auditions.”

  Ryder chuckled as Emma winked at him. He couldn’t wait to be done with Vegas, the auditions, the whole competition. Truth be told, as much as he’d been looking forward to judging the show, his heart wasn’t in it. He was distracted as fuck, sleeping like shit and consumed with thoughts about one female.


  He couldn’t stop thinking about the last words he’d said to her. He’d been so angry, so filled with need when he’d seen her, and her lack of response to everything he had said had gotten to him. He knew there had to be a more substantial reason for her not showing up for callbacks and not knowing what it was haunted him.

  Ryder made a few notes on the previous audition as the audience began to clap for the one coming on stage. He lifted his head and did a double take when he saw Ari moving toward the mic. She looked amazing in a fuchsia mini dress and silver stilettos. Ryder couldn’t take his eyes off of Ari as she greeted the panel of judges. He noticed how she was careful not to make eye contact with him.

  “Ah, we’ve seen you before, haven’t we?”

  Ari smiled back at Emma as she nodded. “Yes, you have. I’m Ari Dax.”

  “Ari Dax, yes.” Emma frowned. “We wanted you to come to callbacks and you were a no-show.”

  “I know. I apologize for that. I wasn’t ready the last time I auditioned for you all, but I am now.” Ari waved at the audience of hopeful singers applauded her self-affirming statement.

  Candy gave her the thumbs up. “Now, that’s what I like to hear. Tell me. What are you singing for us today?”

  Ari exhaled. “I’m going to sing a song I wrote for the man I love. In fact, I’d like to dedicate it to him.”

  Ryder sat up in his seat. The man she loves? Ryder’s heart constricted as he clapped along with the crowd. A firestorm of emotions had his blood roaring in his ears as he considered the possibility the song Ari was about to sing was dedicated to him.

  “Ooooh, very nice. All right, then.” Candy nodded at her. “Do your thing, girlie.”

  Ryder released the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding as Ari began to sing the song that had been on repeat in his head since he’d left her. The emotion in Ari’s voice drew Ryder in with every honeyed note she sang. He knew the lyrics but she brought new color and meaning to the words with the heartfelt inflection of her voice. The passion she infused in every measure of the tune touched a part of Ryder’s soul he didn’t know existed.

  Wild applause drowned out Ari’s final note as she finished the song. Ryder rose from his chair, barely noticing he was not alone. Happiness soared through him as Ari took a dainty bow. She’d nailed it, and he couldn’t be more proud—more in love with her.

  “Wow, Ari.” Gary took his seat with the rest of the judges. “The last time you were on that stage you were distracted. Not tonight. Tonight, you came out here focused, ready to win, and I believe you can take this whole damn thing. You were fantastic!”

  Ryder grinned as Ari clapped her hands with joy and Candy pointed her finger at Ari.

  “Girl, that was so damn fierce.” Candy fanned herself. “So emotional. I agree with Gary. You are here to win. What did you think, Emma?”

  Emma beamed. “Ari, I believed in your star power the first time I heard you and nothing has changed. You owned every note of your song and the stage. Well done.” The funky pop star turned to Ryder. “Ryder, let’s hear from you.”

  Ryder turned his attention to Ari. “I believed your heart was in the music. You were engaged with the song from start to finish. I think you deserve a shot on this show.” Ryder tore his gaze off of Ari to glance at the panel. “It’s a yes for me. What do you say, guys? Fou
r yeses for Ari?”

  “Yes!” All three judges replied in unison as Ari clasped her hands over her mouth.

  “Congratulations, Ari.” Ryder grinned at Ari and wished the auditions for the evening were over.

  Ari’s tremulous smile was the best thing that had happened to Ryder all week. He watched Ari walk off stage and the need to talk to her propelled him up out of his chair.

  “Where you going?” Candy raised a sculpted eyebrow in Ryder’s direction.

  “Unexpected emergency.” Ryder smiled at the three judges. “You guys are going to have to hold down the fort with the auditions for a few minutes.”

  “No problem.” Emma winked at Ryder’s bodyguard, who had moved closer.

  Ryder hurried up the stairs leading to the stage and offered best wishes to the singer coming out as he stepped behind the curtain. He waved to the set of singers on deck backstage, searching the dimly lit space for Ari.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “You were fantastic.”

  “Thanks, Tasha.” Ari gave the singer a quick hug. “Good luck out there.”

  Tasha held up her fingers crossed as Ari walked away. She blinked in the semi darkness, exhilarated by her performance. Ari moved past other people to exit backstage. She couldn’t wait to call her brother and tell him how her audition went.

  Ari smiled, eager to talk to Ryder as well. On cloud nine, Ari barely glanced at the guy coming her way as he bumped into her. “Hey—” Ari gasped in shock when she recognized, Val, the ferocious bookie from Vegas she’d hoped never to see again.

  Pure instinct took over. Ari pivoted to flee, gasping when he grabbed her around the waist and put his hand over her mouth.

  “Scream and I’ll cut you.”

  The whispered threat sent chills through Ari. A knife pressed against Ari’s back and she froze.

  Val took his hand off her lips but kept a tight hold on her with the blade scraped against her spine. “Walk nice and slow.”


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