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What a Devilish Duke Desires

Page 24

by Vicky Dreiling

  Mina waved for her sisters to join them. Then she introduced Miss Hortense Osterham to Mr. Osgood.

  Mr. Osgood’s eyes lit up. “Miss Osterham, may I escort you to see the goldfish?”

  “Yes, I would be delighted,” Hortense said. She set her hand on his arm.

  “May I escort you, Miss Longmore?” Harry asked.

  “Yes, of course,” she said, taking his arm.

  Harry led the way across the lawn. They all crowded on the small wooden bridge and watched the goldfish wiggling their tails. Harry glanced at Hortense and joined her on the other side of the bridge. “I fear I may have inadvertently caused you vexation the last time we met.”

  She winced. “I beg your pardon, Your Grace. You have been a perfect gentleman. Our mothers, however, have been…determined.”

  “Yes, they undoubtedly have the best of intentions, but it can sometimes prove awkward,” he said.

  “I’m glad we have an…understanding,” Hortense said.

  “Indeed, Miss Osterham. I understand completely.”

  Harry joined Lucy shortly afterward.

  “I expected the fish to be gold,” Lucy said, “but some are orange.”

  Harry stepped beside Lucy. “My mother is proud of her pond.”

  “What do they eat?” Miss Osterham asked.

  “Roast beef,” Mr. Osgood said, making Miss Osterham blush and everyone else laugh.

  “Feel free to wander the grounds as you wish,” Harry said. “There is shade beneath the tents and benches beneath some of the trees.”

  Everleigh rubbed his hands together. “Granfield, I daresay our ladies will agree to accompany us.”

  Mina shook her head. “We will not live in your pockets. You will appreciate us all the more when we make you wait.”

  Everleigh fisted his hand on his hip. “What say you, Granfield? Have we just been given the boot?”

  Harry winked at Lucy. “I think they wish to play hard to get. Have no fear, we will catch them.”

  “Lucy, I wish to introduce you to some ladies who are interested in your dance instruction,” Mina said. “In particular, you must meet Lady Ravenshire. She’s quite droll. You will like her and Lady Bellingham very much.”

  One hour later

  Harry sat lounging in a chair under the tent with his friends. They were drinking lemonade since his mother refused to serve spirits.

  “A year ago, we would have wandered far from the tent to smoke Bell’s cheroots,” Harry said, crossing his booted feet. “Do you have any, Bell?”

  Bellingham let out a disgusted sigh. “No. Laura said they make me stink.”

  Harry sighed. “My dog stinks. Barlow refused to wash him.”

  Colin’s shoulders shook with laughter. “Who the devil is Barlow?”

  “My manservant. I suppose I’ll have to bathe him.”

  Bellingham arched his brows. “Your manservant?”

  Harry nearly spewed lemonade. An elderly lady passing by regarded him with a comical look of horror and hurried off.

  “Oh Lord,” Colin said, wiping tears of hilarity from his face.

  Everleigh frowned. “I say, Ravenshire, are you weeping?”

  That comment set off raucous laughter.

  Bellingham stood. “The ladies are approaching, gentlemen. Pretend you’re civilized.”

  Of course they guffawed.

  Angeline shook her head. “Dare I ask what the four of you find so hilarious?”

  Colin tugged on her wrist. “Wife, I doubt you would find it amusing.”

  “Oh, I find you endlessly amusing, husband.”

  He winked. “Be sweet to me, and I’ll let you tear down the walls again.”


  Lucy took a chair next to Lady Bellingham. Harry was glad she looked at ease.

  “Miss Longmore, are you new to London?” Lady Ravenshire asked.

  “Relatively new,” Lucy said.

  Harry noticed Lucy was adept at answering questions without giving away much information. He found it rather curious and wondered if she did it purposely to keep her life private.

  “I found the city bewildering when I first came to London,” Lady Bellingham said. “I’d lived a quiet and sheltered country existence.”

  “I enjoy the shopping,” Lady Ravenshire said. “I have my eye on a new carpet.”

  “Oh Lord,” Colin said. “First the carpet and next it will be paint. Wife, I beg you to stop making over our homes. You may decorate our friends’ houses. They will likely turn you out when you knock out a wall or make them dig for buried treasure in the attic.”

  Everyone laughed.

  Colin frowned. “Angeline, you look a bit weary. Let me take you home to rest.”

  “I am a little tired,” she said, placing her hand on her rounded stomach.

  Lady Bellingham walked up behind her husband and kissed his cheek.

  “Checking for the stench of cheroots, my dear?” Bellingham said.

  “Who, me?”

  “I do miss them, you know.”

  “But you would miss me more,” Lady Bellingham said.

  “You drive a hard bargain, wife.”

  Her eyes lit up. “I know how to get my way.”

  “Everleigh and Harry should take notes,” Bellingham said.

  “Hah,” Lady Bellingham said. “You would be far better off if you took instruction from your friends’ wives.”

  “But I want them to suffer, my love,” Bellingham said.

  Harry rolled his eyes. “Everleigh, you see before you two men who are completely smitten and domesticated. We, on the other hand, are free as birds to do whatever we wish.”

  “I smell a wager,” Bellingham said. “Do look for it in the betting book at White’s on Monday.”

  Harry shrugged. “If you’re willing to part with your purse, I’m more than willing to relieve you of it.”

  A few minutes later, Charles Osgood and Miss Osterham arrived looking more than a little windblown. “We ventured to the green house and lost track of time,” Osgood said.

  Lucy noticed the young lady’s cheeks were rosy. It was a good thing they had returned before anyone else noticed their absence.

  Mrs. Norcliffe appeared. “I daresay you all look as if you’re enjoying yourselves.”

  “Indeed, it has been a fine party,” Ravenshire said, “but we must depart. Angeline needs her rest.”

  “Thank you for a lovely afternoon, Mrs. Norcliffe,” Lady Bellingham said.

  When a crowd of ladies surrounded Mrs. Norcliffe, Harry took Lucy aside. “Let us leave before the mass exodus.”

  “Yes, thank you.” She didn’t want others to mark that she was traveling alone with him.

  “Did you enjoy the party?” he asked as they strode through the house.

  “Yes, I especially like your cousin Mina.”

  “Everyone adores her,” Harry said. “In case I forgot to say it, you were the prettiest lady there today.”

  “You are sweet, Harry.”

  His smile lit up like a dozen candles. “No, I’m hopeful.”

  She knew what he meant. Thoughts of his mother’s words in the garden dampened her spirits for a moment. Somehow in the midst of all their meetings in the park and his carriage, she’d managed to push his ducal status to the back of her thoughts. To her, he was Harry, charming, determined, and always optimistic Harry. But today his mother’s words had reminded her that he was not just any man. He had duties in parliament and duties to his family as well. Everyone in the ton expected him to marry well. He was responsible for his lineage and his future sons and daughters.

  For now, she would hold him in her arms and in her heart until the season drew closer to an end. The very thought made her chest tighten as if she couldn’t breathe. She would have to be the one to end it, but she must be patient and wait for the right opportunity. When the time was right, and she would know it, she would inform him that he must find a woman who belonged in his world. Someone who had dozens of eleg
ant gowns and an enormous marriage portion. Someone who didn’t serve lemonade and clean gentlemen’s rooms. Someone he wouldn’t regret marrying for the rest of his life.

  But not yet. She wasn’t ready. She probably would never be ready. For now, she would take advantage of every moment until the season and their affaire de coeur ended.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The sun had started to set when Harry handed Lucy up into his carriage. No one observed that she was traveling alone with him. Once they were seated, he knocked his cane and the vehicle rocked into motion. He shut the drapes and turned to Lucy. “All day, I’ve thought about only one thing.”

  Her lips parted. “What is it?” she asked.


  She inhaled on a shuddered breath. “Harry, you always make me feel special, even though I’m not.”

  He put his finger over her lips. “Hush. You are an exceptional woman.”

  She was only a maid and a dance instructor, but when he looked into her eyes, she believed him. “You are so dear to me,” she confessed.

  “Lucy, I was a lonely, dispirited man until I met you. Now you are the center of my world.” He kissed her gently. “My God, what did I ever do to deserve you?”

  She smiled and pushed back a lock of his dark hair. “You rescued me.”

  He cupped her face and kissed her gently on the lips. “Will you forgive me in advance for my confession?”

  “Very well,” she said.

  “Sometimes I think I’m going mad with wanting you,” he said.

  She placed her hand over his heart. “You are never far from my thoughts.”

  He traced his finger over her lips, and her mouth parted involuntarily. There was a languorous expression in his blue eyes. His breathing was fast and a little rough. “I want you, Lucy. God forgive me, but every night when I go to bed I wish you were there with me. I can’t help wanting you, needing you, craving you.”

  She cupped his face. “You are my first thought in the morning and my last at night.”

  His breathing sounded labored. “I want your kisses, and devil take me, I want to touch you.”

  A virtuous lady would deny him, but she could not when there was so little time left for them. This short season would be all that they would ever have. “I want you, too, Harry.”

  His lashes lowered, and she realized he was looking at her mouth. When she wet her lips, he caught her in his arms and pulled her onto his lap. “Now, Lucy. I can’t wait any longer. I want to kiss you now.”

  He thrust his tongue in her mouth in a rhythm mimicking what he really wanted—to slide inside her wet, intimate heat and pleasure her until they both collapsed from exhaustion.

  She opened her eyes and traced her finger over his mouth. He took her finger into his mouth and sucked.

  She inhaled on an audible ragged breath.

  He’d surprised her. “So sweet,” he said, cupping her petal-soft cheek. She would be shocked if she knew how often he thought about baring her body and kissing every inch of her skin.

  “You make me want things no lady should want.”

  “Your words make me desire you all the more,” he said.

  A pink blush stained her cheeks. “When you kiss me, I feel as if I’ve drunk too much wine.”

  “You’ve no idea how much you mean to me,” he said. He was breathing harder now. “I want you so badly.”

  “So do I,” she whispered.

  “Oh God.” He kissed her again, and she opened for him, but this kiss was no sweet, soft touching of lips. He plundered her mouth again and again. All the while, his big hands were sliding along her spine. She was vaguely aware of his fingers fumbling at the back of her gown, and a moment later, she felt the shock of cool air on her skin.

  Harry broke the kiss. “Let me look. Let me touch.”

  She knew she ought to stop him, but she didn’t want it to end. In truth, she wanted his hot hands on her skin. As he bared her breasts, he cupped them, and she was lost in his touch. He swirled his tongue around her nipple and suckled her. A bolt of sheer ecstasy coursed through her veins. When he ministered to her other nipple, she whimpered and squeezed her thighs together, eliciting more pleasure. God help her, she was panting and wanting more, much more. She was aware of dampness between her thighs, but she was beyond caring.

  He lifted her skirts and petticoat, baring her thighs. “Straddle my lap and hold on to my shoulders.”

  She tried to stay his hand, but he whispered, “Let me pleasure you.”

  When he touched her intimate folds, she inhaled on a shattered breath. His fingers were sliding and parting. He rubbed a sensitive place, and she could not help arching into it. She’d touched herself before, but never like this.

  He captured her nipple and sucked while he teased the sensitive bud again. Her feminine folds were slick and she was arching into his touch. “Yes, sweet Lucy. Let yourself go.” Then he suckled her other nipple, and she shattered apart with a high-pitched sound in the back of her throat. Then she collapsed against his shoulder.

  Gradually, she realized that he was still breathing hard. When she looked at his lap, she could see the bulge and knew he was aroused. She looked into his eyes. “I don’t know how to…reciprocate.”

  He took out a handkerchief and sucked in his breath when she worked the buttons loose on his trousers. When she slipped the last one free, he sprang out. Her eyes grew rounder. “Oh, my goodness. You’re huge.”

  “Why, thank you,” he said. Then he took her hand and wrapped it around him. “You don’t have to do this.”

  She met his gaze. “I want to give you pleasure, Harry.”

  He set his hand over hers and showed her how to slide up and down his hot shaft and touch the sensitive tip. When she kissed the tip and swirled her tongue around him, he groaned. His thoughts scattered as she continued. It had been a long time since he’d been with a woman. He was within moments of exploding. “The handkerchief,” he said, his voice a little hoarse. His head fell back and he spent his seed, knowing he was soaking the scrap of linen.

  He held her tightly and kissed her softly. She laid her head against his shoulder and set her hand over his heart. “I can feel you beating for me,” she said.

  He kissed her forehead. “So sweet,” he whispered. He cupped her face. “You’re so soft.”

  He was still breathing hard when he met her gaze. “I hope you have no regrets.”

  Her lips twitched. “Well, I don’t know. I might ask for a repeat performance.”

  He laughed. “The carriage is slowing. We’d better make ourselves decent.”

  He finished hooking her gown and then buttoned his trousers just as the carriage rocked to a halt.

  Harry opened the carriage door and frowned.

  A matron ran toward them. “Help!” she shouted.

  “Lucy, do you know her?”

  “That’s our neighbor Mrs. Green,” Lucy said. Her heart pounded. “I fear something is wrong.”

  Harry jumped out and helped Lucy down.

  She felt as if her heart had fallen to her feet.

  Mrs. Green was out of breath when she reached them. “Oh, th-thank the Lord you’re here.”

  “Is Grandmama ill?” Lucy said.

  “No, it’s a nasty bruise from a fall, but she’s frightened half to death. A man tricked her into opening the door.”

  Lucy gasped.

  “Where is she?” Harry said.

  “In my rooms,” Mrs. Green said.

  “Take us to her,” Lucy said.

  Harry’s heart pounded as they followed Mrs. Green up the steps.

  When they reached Mrs. Green’s rooms, Lucy ran to her grandmother. “Grandmama, are you hurt?”

  “N-not too badly.”

  Lucy saw the nasty bruise on her grandmother’s arm. “Who did this to you?”

  “I’ve no idea.”

  Mrs. Green shook her head. “I don’t know what the world is coming to when a villain hurts an elderly blind lady.”

  Harry meant to hunt the fiend down. “Mrs. Longmore, did he threaten you?”

  “H-he said Lucy was hurt,” Grandmama said. “I opened the d-door, and he shoved me. He demanded to know Lucy’s whereabouts.”

  Lucy fisted her hands. She wished she could punch the blackguard in the face. “He is an evil man to hurt you, Grandmama.”

  Harry’s jaw hardened. “Do you know this man?”

  Lucy nodded. “It had to be Buckley.”

  “Who the hell is he?” Harry said. “I beg your pardon.”

  “The dance master I assisted until Mrs. Vernon turned him away for drunkenness. He believes I’m responsible for the loss of his clients, but he’s deluded.”

  “I’ll kill him,” Harry said.

  “Hush,” Lucy said. “I must check our lodgings. He may have stolen items. I know he’s injured and possibly desperate.”

  “You are not going there,” he said. “I will check. He might have returned.”

  “I’m coming with you,” Lucy said.

  “Mrs. Green, will you look after Mrs. Longmore while I accompany Lucy?” Harry said.

  “Yes, of course,” Mrs. Green said.

  Harry knelt before Mrs. Longmore and took her hand. “Do not worry. I’ll take you and Lucy to a safe place tonight.”

  “Thank you, Your Grace.”

  “Mrs. Green will stay with you until we return.”

  When Harry escorted Lucy up the stairs, he felt her hand tremble on his arm. “No matter what, I will see that you and your grandmother are safe.”

  “Thank you,” she said. Her stomach felt as if it were tied up in knots.

  When they walked inside, Lucy had to steady herself against a chair. Buckley obviously had ransacked drawers. One of them had splintered apart on the stone floor. There was broken crockery everywhere. The wall mirror had shattered on the floor. The mantel clock lay broken in pieces near the hearth. When Lucy picked up her grandmother’s cane, she started shaking.

  Harry took the cane and set it aside. Then he pulled Lucy into his arms. “I will take you and your grandmother to a hotel tonight for your safety. Gather enough clothing for a few nights. Tomorrow, I’ll send servants to clean.”

  She felt as if she were walking against a strong wind.


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