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The American Terrorist

Page 20

by Ron L. Carter

Every year Muslims gather at the largest Islamic convention in North America just outside of Chicago. It is a four day convention and has an estimated two million Muslims from the United States and Canada each year. The attendees include imams, activists, Muslim professionals, and community groups. Doug wasn’t going to be there at the right time of the year for the convention and it wasn’t going to be a target of his because it is attended by too many women and children. The most important thing to him was that he didn’t want to kill a lot of innocent women and children.

  While in Chicago he wanted to revisit the John Hancock building where he had taken Shirley in 1975 during a medical convention. The John Hancock building is the fourth largest building in the United States with one hundred stories and is 1127 feet high. The building is 897,000 square feet and has offices and seven hundred luxury residential condominiums. It also has a seven hundred and fourteen car parking garage. Doug wondered if someday the terrorist may try to blow up the building like they had blown up the “Twin Towers.” He knew it had to be one of their major targets. He had read about the terrorist plots that were foiled to blow up the nearby “Sears Tower” in Chicago. It is very similar in size and height as the John Hancock building except it is one hundred and eight stories and is 1451 feet high. It is currently the highest building in the United States since the destruction of the “Twin Towers.” (1)

  On the drive to Chicago Doug was thinking about the time he and Shirley dined at the famous “Signature Room” on the ninety fifth floor. During their dinner they shared the famous “Fog Cutter” drink. It was a drink in a glass that Shirley said, “Resembled a fish bowl, but nicer.” They each had a straw to suck up the ten to twelve different shots of alcohol. He remembered how tipsy they both were as they started to leave the restaurant. He could still see Shirley laughing and the building swaying back and forth as they got into the elevator. Neither of them knew if it was the drink that caused them to walk so unsteady or if it was the building, or both. All he knew was that they had a great time that night. Because of the good memories with Shirley he wanted to go there once again to try and relive them.

  Doug found an RV resort where he was going to stay on the outskirts of Chicago. Once he was all settled in he headed downtown. He called ahead and made reservations to eat that evening at the “Signature Room.” Later that evening, as he drove closer to the downtown area, he noticed there was a lot of commotion going on in the street. There were about three or four hundred people along the sidewalks on both sides of the street carrying signs and shouting things like; “Out with the Muslim terrorist” and “Muslims go Home” “Shut down the Terrorist Camps” and a lot of other things. He was elated to see this group of Americans on the streets and protesting the Muslim terrorists.

  He continued on to the John Hancock Center and told the bus boy he was having dinner there that night and so they let him park his car in the parking garage. He was excited to find out more about the protesting in the street so he walked back to the area and went up to a few of them and asked them what was going on. One of the protestors told him they had been following the news about the terrorist Muslim training camps in America and everyone was going to keep protesting until the government did something to shut them down. This made Doug almost want to jump for joy! His plan to expose the Muslim terrorists was finally becoming a reality. His message was finally starting to sink in to the American people. Even with this much success he knew that he couldn’t stop his mission now because if he did the entire mood in America would die down very quickly and everything would soon be forgotten.

  When Doug finished having dinner at the “Signature Room” he left the John Hancock building and headed back to his campsite. On the way back he became very angry when he saw another group protesting in the streets. What angered him was that it was a group of Muslim protestors that were carrying signs and saying the Jews, along with the CIA and FBI were responsible for the bombings on their peaceful compounds. He parked his car and went closer so he could hear what the leading protestors were saying. When he was close enough he heard the leaders saying that all the attacks on their camps and mosques was a government conspiracy to drive the Muslims out of America. He was amused by all of it as he smiled and thought, wow, I can’t believe this! They are partially right but it wasn’t the government’s plan to try and drive the radical Muslim Terrorist out of America and it wasn’t a government conspiracy, it was my plan.

  Doug stayed and listened long enough to find out who he thought was the leader of the group. It was a young Arabic looking man in his mid-thirties that was doing most of the loud protesting and speaking out about America and the Jewish people. He was dressed in the normal Muslim attire, wearing sandals and was holding the Qur’an in his left hand as he spoke to the protestors in the street. The more Doug listened the angrier he became. He made up his mind he would come back the following day and see if the guy was still spouting off his hatred and lies and maybe he could find a way to kill this guy. That night after he had gotten back to his campsite and went to bed he tossed and turned trying to get the Muslim protestors out of his mind so he could sleep. His anger and frustration kept him awake as he wondered how these people could spread their lies about something they knew nothing about.

  The next day he stayed around camp for a few hours and had lunch. He was deep in thought as he wondered about the Muslim protestors and what he was going to do. He knew he wanted to do something to let the Muslim protestors know that the “American Terrorist” wasn’t going to just sit back and let them spread their propaganda to the rest of the world.

  That afternoon he stuck his second vile of potassium Chloride in his car and headed downtown to visit the Muslim protestors. Before he arrived at their location he stopped in an empty parking lot and put on his Muslim disguise. He drove past them and parked a few blocks away and then walked back to join in with their chants. He spent the rest of the day just hanging around in the crowd. The entire time he kept an eye on his main target, the leader of the group. He had the syringe in his robe pocket waiting to see how he could best use it. At one point his target looked like he was taking a break. One of the owners of the building where the protesting was taking place had agreed to let everyone use the bathroom inside. As his target made his way to the bathroom Doug followed him from a safe distance and went into the bathroom with him.

  Going inside Doug went over to one of the stalls close by and asked the leader in Arabic if he truly believed in what he was telling everyone in the streets. The leader seemed a little startled and agitated that this Muslim older man had just asked him such an absurd question. With anger in his voice he said, “I believe in my heart, every word I’m saying is true and that America and the Jews are behind all the attacks on the Muslim camps, mosques and the Muslim people.” Doug just agreed with everything he said as another Muslim came into the bathroom. He knew he couldn’t stick the syringe in the leader here, even though he wanted to. He washed his hands and casually left the bathroom behind the leader.

  He wanted desperately to somehow shut this guy up. He knew the truth behind all the attacks and didn’t want to see this guy using what Doug was doing as propaganda to spread his hatred toward the Jewish people and the Christians. He stuck around and followed the leader when he left the area. He was with two other men and they got into an older white van and drove away. He knew they would be back to spread more of their hatred the next day so Doug was going to take his time and come up with another plan to kill him. He left and went back to his campsite to get some rest.

  In the late afternoon the next day Doug put his pistol, silencer and the syringe in his car and went back to the Muslim protestor location. Before he got there he again put on his Muslim disguise before walking into the crowd. He spent the afternoon just hanging around the protestors and listening to what they had to say. Listening to their anger and hatred just strengthened his resolve to finish his mission.

sp; Doug had found the Leaders white van and parked close by. Later in the day he went to his car and waited out of sight for the leader and the other two protestors. It was just about dark when they finally got into the van, and drove away. Doug followed them to an apartment in the middle of town. They dropped off one of the protestors and then drove another few miles to some older apartments and parked in one of the stalls. His target and the other protestor went into a dark apartment building. He followed them and watched closely to see which apartment they went into.

  When they went inside they turned on the lights and he could see their silhouettes clearly through the curtains as he watched from outside. There were a lot of bushes and ground cover that surrounded the buildings so there were plenty of places for him to hide. He watched them for a few minutes to see what they were going to do next. After he was sure they were going to be there for a while he went back to his car, drove down the street and parked around the corner. He then walked back to the apartment building with his pistol, the silencer attached, and hidden under his robe.

  The sidewalk and surrounding area was dark as he made his way slowly to the corner of the building. Making sure no one else was around he walked closer and peered through the curtains. It appeared to Doug that the two men were preparing something for dinner. He took careful aim at his first target only about twenty feet away. He squeezed off the first round and it went through the glass window and his target immediately fell to the floor. Just as the other guy went to his aid Doug shot him and he went down. This time the bullet caused the window to shatter and there was the loud sound of broken glass hitting the concrete below the window. He quickly turned and started to walk back to his car. Just as he turned around there was a young teenage boy about ten yards from him and it looked like he was heading into one of the other apartments. He was just standing there with his eyes and mouth wide open. He looked paralyzed for a short moment. Doug could tell from the fear in his face that he was wondering if he was going to be Doug’s next victim. Doug pointed his gun at him and the only thing he said to him was “run”. He didn’t have to say it twice as the young man took off running as fast as he could go until he disappeared. Doug figured he was going to call 911 as soon as he got around the corner and was safe from him.

  A porch light came on and a few apartment doors opened up as people started looking outside to see what the noise was all about. He thought the place was starting to get a little scary as he ran to his car. Once he was there he threw his gun in the driver’s seat and drove about five blocks away. As soon as he found a secluded area he took off his Muslim disguise and put the pistol and everything under the back seat.

  He had just left the area when he heard a police siren heading in the direction of the apartments. He hadn’t gotten more than a mile away when a young policeman pulled him over with his flashing lights. He had his gun drawn and aimed at Doug as told him to get out of his car with his hands in the air. He slowly opened the door and had his hands raised as he got out. Man, they finally caught me, I’m screwed now, just try to stay calm. The policeman slowly walked over to him with his gun pointed at him. Doug said to him, “What’s this all about, officer?” The policeman didn’t respond at first but as he got closer to him he could tell that he wasn’t the Muslim man he was looking for. Even so he still asked him what he was doing in the area and where he was going. Doug told him that he was going back to his campsite where he said he was staying in his motor home and that he had gone to dinner at the John Hancock building but had gotten lost on his way back. Doug again asked him what all this was about and the policeman said, “We got a report that a Muslim man just shot someone at the apartments not far from here. It was reported that the suspect was driving a car that resembled the one you’re driving,” as he shined a flashlight in the front and back seat of Doug’s car to see if there was anything suspicious. Satisfied he wasn’t the killer they were looking for he was in a hurry to get back to his search for the real killer. He asked Doug if he needed directions back to his campsite and he told him he had figured out where it was and could get back there on his own. The officer turned and headed back to his patrol car as he told Doug that he could go. He peeled rubber from his patrol car as he sped away. As soon as he left Doug sat in the front seat of his car and let out a big sigh of relief as he realized how close he had come to being caught. If I hadn’t taken off the Muslim disguise as quickly as I did I would now be in handcuffs and heading to jail. Then he thought about the shot of Potassium Chloride being under the back seat of his car. It wouldn’t have done him any good if he needed it to inject himself. From now on he would keep it where he could reach it fast.

  As he drove back to his campsite he was thinking the young man he let run away was the one that gave the police the information about him and his car. When he first saw the kid, and for a split second, he thought about killing him before he let him run away. He just couldn’t kill an innocent teenage boy. He was relieved to know the police were looking for a Muslim man and not some retired doctor. Even so, he thought it was way too close for comfort. Once he was back at his campsite he was still pleased with himself as he smiled, those two Muslim terrorist trouble makers won’t lead anymore protests and spread anymore hatred and lies in America. They got what they deserved.

  * * *

  Chapter 21 - Michigan


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