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The American Terrorist

Page 31

by Ron L. Carter

Doug loved the history of Alabama. It’s where the Civil Rights movement started back in 1955 when Rosa Parks, an African American from Montgomery, Alabama was ordered to go to the back of the bus where all the blacks were supposed to sit while the whites sat in the front. On that day she refused to go to the back of the bus and her much publicized actions are what first led to the Civil Rights Movement. He was going to stay in Montgomery and visit the historical Rosa Parks Museum while on this mission.

  Doug checked into an RV Park just outside of town and set up his campsite so he could plan his next attack. The next morning he got up and went to the Museum and saw the bus that Rosa Parks rode on that famous day in history. He spent the entire day going through the museum and to other historical sites in Alabama.

  Doug’s target in Alabama was a Muslim terrorist training camp called “Fox Den.” It was a camp hidden in the woods near Toby’s junction about twenty miles out of town. He loved the way the Southern people had rallied behind some of his previous attacks in Arkansas, Georgia, and Tennessee. He was hoping he would gather even more support when he exposed the “Fox Den” terrorist camp. While he was on his tours he asked the tour guides and other local people questions about the location of the camp. He wasn’t surprised that he was able to get a general idea of the camp because everyone he talked to seemed agitated that the camp was right in their back yards.

  The next morning he got up early and headed in the direction of the camp. After driving a few hours he located at the end of a long winding dirt road. As he approached the entrance to the camp he saw the familiar guard house like the ones he had seen at several of the other locations. The guard on duty stopped him and asked him what he wanted. He told him that he must have gotten lost while looking for a relative’s house and was trying to find his way back to town. The guard raised his eyebrows and cocked his head to one side and said, “Just go back down the way you came and you‘ll run into the main road in about twenty miles.” Doug sat up a little higher in his seat and looked around the camp as he asked, “What kind of place is this? The guard wasn’t very friendly as he replied, “It is a religious Muslim retreat.” Doug then knew he was at the right place because no religious camp needed a guard at the entrance. He thanked the guard and asked him where he could turn around. The guard pointed and said for him to back up and make a U turn in the road and go back the way he came. On the way back to town he was planning his next move on how to blow up the camp. That night while back at his campsite, he formulated a plan.

  The next day he walked into town and rented a car under a fake name and drove back to his campsite and parked it in the visitor section. He took two C-4 bombs and wrapped them together with duct tape, attached a phone to them, stuck them and his Muslim disguise in a brown paper bag next to him on the passenger side floor board. He also made sure he had an extra phone with him. He taped his loaded pistol and a full extra clip to the inside of his left leg. He went to a local hardware store and purchased an air pump just in case he needed it. He stopped and put on his Muslim disguise on the way to “Fox Den” camp.

  When Doug got within a few miles of the camp main entrance he pulled over, let the air out of his left back tire, and raised the trunk lid. He waited for a car with a lone driver, heading in the direction of the camp to get close and then he jumped out of his car and waived him over. He told the driver he had a flat tire and didn’t know how to fix it. He asked the driver if he knew how to change a tire and told him he would give him twenty dollars if he would change it for him. The driver said he would fix it for him if he had a spare tire in the trunk. Doug shrugged his shoulders and said “I don’t know if there is one or not, it’s a rental.”

  The driver got out of his car and went over to Doug’s car and looked in the trunk. He found the spare tire and began to put the jack under the frame of the car to raise it up to change the tire. While the driver was in the middle of changing the tire Doug took the brown bag with the C-4 from his floor board and walked over to the driver’s car. He made sure the driver was busy as he opened the door to the driver’s car and put the bag under the passenger seat. His plan was that he was going to have the driver deliver the bomb into the camp for him. Once he was in camp Doug would blow it up. Once the driver had the tire changed Doug started to hand him a twenty dollar bill and thanked him for his trouble. As the driver reached out to take the money he looked at Doug with a real funny look on his face. He quickly turned and ran to his car. That’s when Doug realized his disguise had gotten wet from the sweat of his face and had partially falling off. The driver retrieved a pistol from his car and before Doug could get back into his car the driver had him lie face down on the ground. He had the pistol pointed at his head and asked, “Why are you wearing a disguise? Do you have something to hide?” Doug didn’t say anything; he just lay in the dirt road and contemplated his next move.

  After a few minutes the driver told him to get up because he was going to take him to the leader of the camp and find out what he wanted to do with him. As Doug stood up he raised his arms half way in the air and held them that way until he got in on the passenger side of the driver’s car. Once the driver believed he was sitting securely he closed the door behind Doug. He quickly started around to the driver’s side to get in. The entire time he had his pistol aimed at Doug’s head. During that short moment, and without moving his head or body, Doug reached down and pulled out his pistol. As the driver started to sit down in the seat next to him Doug shot him in the side of the head. He thought, that dummy should have tied me up before he put me in his car or at the very least checked me for weapons.

  Doug grabbed the C-4 bag from under the seat and ran to his car. He turned around and headed down toward town as fast as he could go. When he got about twelve miles down the road a black SUV was coming fast toward him. As it got closer it slowed down and stopped in the middle of the road as if to not let Doug pass. When he got within about twenty yards of it he stopped his car as two men jumped out of the SUV with automatic weapons and started coming toward his car. Doug figured they must be guards that are stationed somewhere near the entrance of the dirt road and they monitor everyone that goes to and from the camp. Someone from the camp must have notified them of the driver he had just killed. He didn’t say anything as they approached, he immediately rolled down his window, grabbed his pistol, and shot the guard closest to his car in the chest. The other one started firing his automatic weapon into Doug’s car. He ducked and quickly opened the door on the passenger side, rolled out and took cover behind his car. Glass and bullets were flying everywhere as the gunman continued to shoot at the car. This was the first time that he had ever been in an actual gun battle at close range. He fired over the top of the car in the direction of the guard until his clip was empty and then reloaded. He knew he didn’t have much time to think about things; he just had to follow his instincts to help him survive. As he hid behind the car he thought, keep your cool Doug, don’t lose your head and do something crazy, just think about what you need to do next. He waited until the shooter emptied his bullet clip and started running to get behind the SUV to reload his weapon. That’s when Doug took quick aim and shot him in the back before he made it to the cover of the vehicle. Once he was down Doug crept slowly over to him. He was still squirming around on the ground so Doug put another bullet in his head. He then went to the guard he had shot earlier and put another bullet in his head just to make sure he was also dead.

  Doug’s rental car had a flat tire and bullet holes all over the driver’s side of the car. Most of the windows had been blown out so he knew he couldn’t drive it back to town in that condition. He grabbed the phone from the seat and ran to the SUV. He made sure the keys were in it and there was no one else around as he jumped in. He quickly turned it around in the middle of the road and headed back down the hill toward town. His heart was pumping a million miles a minute and he was breathing heavy from all the excitement. Sweat
started to roll down the side of his nose from his forehead. As he wiped away the sweat with the sleeve of his shirt he thought, wow! That was close; I could’ve bit the dust. I think I’m getting way too old for this crap.

  He waited a few minutes then called the number on the phone that was attached to the C-4 bomb still in the rented car. He heard the explosion in the distance as he continued into town. On his way further down the dirt road he passed another car speeding up toward the camp. He ducked down so the driver couldn’t see who was driving and waived with his left hand as they passed each other. He knew he had to get into town soon or he would be trapped by the people of the camp and be in another gun battle. It was just a matter of time before they would be all over him. The one thing he feared most about those small dirt roads was being trapped along the way. After a few minutes he looked in his rear view mirror and the guy he had passed a few minutes earlier was coming up fast behind him. Then the chase began down the little dirt road. Doug was hogging the entire road so the driver couldn’t pass and he was right on his bumper. He knew he had to do something before he got into town so he sped up the SUV as fast as thought he could safely go. He stuck his pistol in his belt and when he was sure there was about twenty to thirty yards separating him and the driver of the car behind him he braced himself with both hands on the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes. The SUV came to a sliding stop and the driver behind him came plowing into the back of the SUV at full speed. Doug immediately jumped out with his pistol in hand and ran to the car behind him. The driver was still trying to figure out what just happened as Doug approached the car and shot him through the window and killed him before he had a chance to get out of the car. Doug then ran back to the SUV and headed down the road toward town once again. On the way into town he thought, I hope there aren’t any more surprises I’ve had enough fun for one day. After a lot of anxiety and anticipation he finally made it into town without any further confrontations or obstacles. Once there he let out a huge sigh of relief as he fixed his Muslim disguise and abandoned the crunched in SUV in an alley between two large buildings. He walked to where he could catch a taxi and had the driver drop him off about a mile from his RV camp. He walked the rest of the way to his campsite.

  Before Doug got back to camp he took off the Muslim disguise and stuck it inside his shirt. Once back at his campsite he carefully packed everything in the motor home and left within an hour. He wasn’t sure where he was going; he just wanted to get out of there as fast as he could. He believed the people from the camp and also law enforcement would be searching for someone all over town once they found the SUV.

  While he was driving east he had time to reflect as he said, man, you got real lucky this time, Doug. He realized how he very narrowly escaped from the driver that changed his tire. He knew that if the driver hadn’t been so rattled or in such a big hurry to get him back to the leader of the camp he never would’ve escaped. He knew that once the Muslims had their hands on him they would have either tortured and killed him or even worse, tuned him over to law enforcement.

  The next day on the news it reported that four armed Muslim men had been killed and a car had been blown up along the dirt road leading to “Fox Den” camp. The news reported that the attack fit the method of operation of the “American Terrorist.” The people in Alabama were very upset and protesting in the streets about the camp. They were angry that the Muslims had armed guards and it was so close to their homes. They had been trying for a long time to get law enforcement to do something about the camp. This is exactly what Doug needed, especially after his close encounters of being captured, the gun battle and chase with the armed gunmen. As he drove along he thought, well Michael I got the attention of law enforcement, and in the process, killed four more of the terrorists.

  The closer he got to Florida he started thinking about possible targets. He knew Florida had a lot of suspected terrorist cells hiding in a lot of different locations; he just had to find them. He knew it would be risky for him because of all the law enforcement security in Florida but he had to take a chance.

  Doug was getting tired of all the moving from place to place and setting up his campground and then taking it down and always hiding in seclusion. He never really knew just how safe he was or when he would get caught by the people he was after or law enforcement. He had so many close calls during his mission that he believed sooner or later they would get him. He was also getting tired of all the planning and killing. He was starting to feel that since he had killed so many of the terrorists he was feeling some vindication for Michael’s death.

  * * *

  Chapter 32 - Florida


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