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Lost in the Maze

Page 11

by Gary William Ramsey

  “Nice to see you again too Sonny,” she said and lingered for a moment so he could get an eyeful. Macy winked at him and sat down. She was expert at using her sexy body to enhance her ability to control men.

  Sturgess jumped into the front seat. “Let’s go Sonny. You know the drill.”

  Forty-five minutes later they arrived at the executive hangers near O’Hare Airport. Sonny parked the limo and accompanied them to the plane. The Gulf Stream G550 was in front of the hanger with the jet engines humming.

  “Dubov instructed me to accompany you guys to New York and to drive Macy back to the mansion when we return,” Sonny said. He looked over at Lisa. “She’s a sexy little thing,” he said, and snickered.

  Macy grimaced knowing that now she had to deal with both Sonny and Orin Sturgess. They boarded the plane with Sonny sitting in the co pilot seat beside Sturgess. Macy put Lisa in a window seat and sat beside her. Lisa was silent, as she had been instructed. When they were in the air, Macy walked to the cockpit.

  “Where exactly are we landing?” she asked.

  “We’ll land at Teterboro in New Jersey. It handles charter flights for the general area. It’s about forty minutes from New York City and Nevsky’s condo. Sonny will take you to Nevsky to deliver the girl. That’s Dubov’s orders. When the delivery is complete, Sonny will bring you back here and I’ll fly you to Chicago. Before takeoff we’ll have some time if you want a little action. We’ve got a place at the private hanger in the back where we sleep when we have an overnighter. It has a nice king sized bed.” Sturgess laughed, and punched Sonny on the arm.

  Macy leaned over again allowing her blouse to gap open exposing most of her copious breasts.

  “Maybe I will,” she giggled. “To be honest, Dubov usually last about three minutes when we do it. I could use some loving that lasts at least until I finish.”

  “Whoa,” Sturgess hooted. “Me and Sonny could help you with that.”

  Macy grinned, walked to the galley and prepared a bourbon and ginger ale for herself, and a Coke for Lisa. She also picked up a cellophane wrapped sandwich for the girl. While she was preparing the snack, she heard footsteps behind her and hands on her ass. She jerked around. “Very nice ass,” Sonny murmured. Macy removed his hands.

  “Just hold it till we land,” she said. “Can I make you a drink?”

  “Whatever you’re having.”

  “Just wait till we get to Teterboro,” Macy whispered in his ear. If we can ditch Sturgess, we can have some fun before you take me back to the mansion.”

  Sonny grabbed his drink and went back to the cockpit. Macy took the Coke and sandwich to Lisa. She ripped off the tape from the girl’s mouth.

  “Here eat this. You’ll feel better.” Macy looked toward the cockpit. Sturgess and Sonny were talking and laughing. “Listen carefully Lisa. When we land I’m going to distract those two bastards. When I retape your hands, I’ll make it loose enough that you can get your hands free. I’ll also leave the car door unlocked. As soon as the men and I are out of sight, I want you to run. Just to the left of the hanger about a hundred yards away from where we’ll park is a lounge. You run directly there and go into the women’s rest room and lock the door. Don’t open the door to anyone but me. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” Lisa whispered. Her voice was trembling so much that Macy barely understood her. They sat in silence for the next thirty minutes. Macy noticed the airport lights in the distance.

  “Landing in five minutes, fasten your seat belts,” Sturgess bellowed.

  Macy was astonished at how smooth the landing was. The redneck Sturgess was at least a good pilot. She unbuckled her seat belt and walked to the front. “What’s the plan?” she asked.

  “I’m going to use the john,” Sonny said, and left her alone with Sturgess.

  “We have a vehicle behind the hanger. You and Sonny can deliver the girl to Nevsky. He has the directions to get there. As I said before, after the delivery, he’ll bring you here and I’ll fly you back to Chicago. We’ll have plenty of time for some fun when you get back,” he chuckled.

  “Hopefully you can ditch Sonny for awhile, I really want some of you,” Macy said. Sturgess reached over and fondled her breasts.

  “Baby I’ve waited a long time for this.” Inside Macy was repulsed that this low life touched her. Time for revenge later, She thought.

  “What’s going on up here?” Sonny asked with a gruff laugh.

  “I’ll get the girl and you pull the car around,” Macy said. “Let get this over with.”

  “I’ll wait for you in the lounge,” Sturgess said. “You guys should be back in about two hours.”

  He left the plane while Macy went back for Lisa. She very loosely taped the girl’s hands together. “Sorry we have a change of plans. We’re going to get in the car with Sonny. On the way to the city I’ll figure out a way to get you out of here. Just follow my lead.” Lisa looked at her with blank eyes. Macy was worried that she may be going into shock.

  She led the despondent girl down the steps. Sonny was waiting in a black Ford SUV. Macy deposited Lisa in the back seat and got into the front beside Sonny. The big guy had a piece of paper in his hand, and was entering the address in the navigation system.

  “With the New York traffic, it’ll take about an hour to get there.” Sonny put the car in gear and left the airport.

  Macy moved closer to him as they entered the freeway. She put her hand on his leg.

  “Sonny I’m so sorry but I need to use the restroom. Will you please stop.”

  The big man glanced at her. “After we drop the girl off.”

  Macy moved her hand to his thigh and squeezed. “Can’t wait.”

  Sonny took the next exit and pulled into the lot of a Burger King. “Be quick, and bring me back a large black coffee.”

  Macy spotted a Quality Inn Motel at the cross streets of Lancaster and Durham next to the restaurant. She went to the bathroom, locked the door, grabbed her cellphone and pushed in the numbers for Director Stancil’s private line. He answered on the third ring.

  “Why are you calling me on this unsecured line. This is not our protocol.”

  “Sir, it’s an emergency. I’m just off Hwy 84 a few miles from Tetterboro at a Burger King restaurant. It’s at the corner of Lancaster and Durham. There’s a Quality Inn just next door. One of Dubov’s henchmen is in the car with the Senator’s daughter Lisa. We’re driving a black SUV. We’re less than an hour from delivering her to Nevsky. I can’t let that happen. There’s no doubt that she will be savagely raped and maybe killed. Can you help?”

  “Macy I don’t know who I can trust here in Washington. However I do have contact with a retired Special Agent there in New York. I trust him completely. Do you think you can delay at your present location? I can have my contact in the parking lot of the motel in less than an hour if you can hold it together on your end. Remember it’s not a sure thing. He can handle the henchman and take the girl to a safe location. His name is Russ. You can easily recognize him, 6 ft. 6 inches tall with white hair.”

  “I’ll figure something out. Get him here as soon as possible.”

  Chapter 22

  I was alone as I walked on the beach on that cool fall morning. The sound of the waves softly rolling to shore, and the pleasant ocean breeze gave me a feeling of calm and comfort. I spotted him, in the distance, silhouetted against the off-white sand, his black feathers glistening. As I approached the Raven, it stood motionless, which was unnatural for his species. They usually squawked in an undistinguished manner, warning other Ravens that a human was near, and flew away. This one just stood there, not moving. I kept walking until I was five feet away from him. He was blocking my path. I am a human and I am superior to fowl. I will not alter my path for a dimwitted bird. He must know his place in the scheme of life and move out of my way.

  I called for him to move, but he stood firm, slowly turning his head toward me. His black eyes and empty gaze stared into my soul. The gaze was mer
ciless and without recognition of my superiority. The cold chill of fear pierced my consciousness, but I refused to divert from my path. I glared back, determined to break his spirit. For an agonizing time, which seemed like forever, we were locked in mental combat. His blank, piercing stare pitted against my unrelenting determination.

  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he opened his beak, squawked and unceremoniously flew away. I walked to the place where he had been standing and defiantly kicked the sand where death had left its prints. I refuse to let death beat me. I refuse to let my spirit and my soul die. I will find my way out of this damnable maze.

  Raucous chattering awoke me from the strange dream. I immediately grasped the essence of the dream. I faced death in the ocean and survived.

  I looked up to the source of the chattering. Standing three feet in front of me was Moses and Zippy. I presumed they returned for more stingray meat. Reaching into the gourd, I snatched up a couple of salty pieces and threw it to them. Moses tasted the meat and spit it out. I guess the salty taste was not to his liking. He and Zippy scampered to the trees and disappeared. On second thought, they may have come to wish me a good morning.

  I reflected on the strange dream, and realized that I must find a way off this island. Maybe cheating death again would be more difficult. With the Jaguar, poisonous snakes and other wild animals, I was especially exposed to danger at night while I slept. Once again I wondered what happened to Susan and Lisa. I will not allow my spirit to be broken. I will find them and protect them.

  I ate a hefty portion of the salty stingray meat and drank some water. Taking off my shorts and ragged shirt, I proceeded to the water and washed as best as I could. The salt water cleansed my body, and I almost felt human. After donning my cloths, I sat down in the shelter to plan the day. It’s high time that I venture to the other side of the island.

  From the location of the sun, I estimated that the time was about six am. No way to know for sure. My plan is to walk as far as I can for about five hours. If I carefully marked my trail, I could make it back to the shelter by nightfall. Walking in the woods after dark would not be sensible.

  I hung a gourd of stingray meat over my shoulder, picked up my water gourd, and my fishing spear, then headed to the spring to get water for the trip. When I arrived at the spring, I heard noises as I approached the water. Stopping at the tree line, I observed two feral hogs drinking. My first instinct was to attempt to spear one of them for a supply of meat, but today my goal is to see if there is any human life on this God-forsaken island. I sat down and just waited for them to get their fill and leave. After about fifteen minutes they left. I filled my gourd and headed due west. Carefully breaking twigs and tree limbs, I left a trail for my return. The underbrush became thicker as I moved forward, and I ignored the scratches on my legs.

  About an hour into the journey, I heard chattering, looked up, and saw Moses swinging to a tree limb above me. He was alone and vociferously making his presence known.

  “Hi Moses. Do you think I’m crazy coming into this jungle? Buddy I need to find a way off this island.” He tilted his head to the left, glaring at me. Is it possible he understood what I said? He screeched and scooted back toward the beach. I think he was warning me to go back to safety. I shook my head and walked forward. I heard him in the trees above me, following.

  The next couple of hours came and went as I trudged through never ending underbrush and various types of palm trees. I ran across several bushes filled with berries, but was afraid to partake for fear that they were poisonous. Finally I approached a clearing. There was a large rock oddly sitting in the center of the clearing. I took my tired body to the rock and sat down. I hadn’t heard Moses for the past thirty minutes but within seconds of me sitting down, he came scampering out of the woods and stood about two feet from the rock.

  “Are you my bodyguard?” I asked him and chuckled. He cocked his head to the side again and stared at me. I noticed he had something in his closed hand. “What do you have there Moses?” He jumped up on the rock beside me and held out his hand. I opened my hand and held it out to him. He reached forward and unsealed his fist. Inside were three berries. He carefully placed them in my outstretched hand. I recognized them as berries from the bush I passed earlier. I guess this was his way of showing me that they were edible. I popped them into my mouth. He made a high pitch noise, and I swear he grinned.

  Suddenly a loud pop cracked in the distance. I jerked my head around toward the eerie sound. I sensed something whiz past my head and strike the rock beside my leg. Dust and pieces of rock rocketed out. I ducked to the side and rolled off the rock as another shot rang out.

  I heard a squeal then spotted Moses lying motionless on the ground. I grabbed him and scampered, zig zaging to the tree line. I scuttled through the dense underbrush trees carrying Moses, while listening for more shots. My wheezing breath broke the silence. I moved behind a tree to examine my monkey friend. There was a spot of blood on the left side of his head. He was unconscious, but breathing. I couldn’t determine if one of the bullets hit him or rock fragments caused the wound. Tearing a piece from my T-shirt, I wet it with what was left of the water in my guard, and wiped the blood from his head, applying pressure to stop the bleeding.

  His eyes flew open, frightened and darting from side to side.

  “Be still Moses,” I whispered. “We need to know if whoever shot at us is still searching.”

  I gently held his hand while keeping pressure on the wound. We stayed there for at least thirty minutes listening. “I don’t think they followed us.”

  Removing the piece of cloth from his head, I noticed that the wound was superficial and probably the result of a projectile of rocks from where the first bullet struck.

  Moses sat up and shook his head. He was still holding my hand. Chattering from the trees caused him to look up. At least fifteen monkeys were perched in the trees above our head. Most of the chattering was coming from Zippy, who was leading the troupe. Moses looked at me with watering eyes, released my hand and scampered up a tree to join his friends. I breathed a sigh of relief that he was apparently okay.

  I’m now aware that I’m not alone on this island. For some reason, unknown to me, whoever else occupies this place, attempted to kill me. If I am to survive, I must find some answers.

  Since I marked the trail, it would be easy to follow to the shelter. The shooter could follow it as easily as I can; therefor it’s no longer safe. I’ve got to figure out what to do next. It didn’t help the situation that I left my fish spear and stingray meat near the rock when I picked up Moses.

  As they say, I’m up shit creek without a paddle. I scrambled to my feet to go back to the beach when I heard noises. As the sounds came closer, I recognized men’s voices. I laid back down, scarcely breathing, and waited.

  “Who do you think that gent is?” a gruff voice asked.

  “How in the hell do I know?” a high-pitched voice replied. “Whoever he is, boss would want him dead.”

  “Looks like he marked his trail. Lets follow it and see where he’s holed up,” gruff sneered. “Mary can handle the camp.”

  The men walked not two feet in front of where I lay. “Whoa,” the high pitched voice said.

  He turned toward me. I held my breath awaiting the scorching sensation of a bullet penetrating my skull.

  Chapter 23

  Two days had passed since the Controller ordered Aalim Mohammed Alam, a.k.a. The Chosen One, to return to the USA and begin the recruitment of the Islamic team to create the havoc and massive destruction. When completed, the US government will be in shambles.

  The Controller was informed that the nuclear weapon, which had been easily smuggled across the Mexican border, was stored safely in a mosque in New York City. Ironically the mosque was located near the site of the former World Trade Center where on 9/11 the Islam extremists had changed the world. 9/11 will be considered a walk in the park compared to what the Controller had planed for the Great Sa
tin, The United States of America.

  His assistant entered his spacious office. The office reflected the high position he held in the government.

  “Sir, Vice President Alex Broome requested a meeting with you today at noon. He’ll have the lunch prepared by the White House Chef and his staff assistant asked for your preference of food. He wants you to come to his residence for privacy purposes.”

  “It sounds to me like he demands my presence, so I agree to attend. Have them prepare grilled salmon and a chopped salad.”

  “Yes sir, I’ll have a limo here are 11:45 to transport you.”

  The Controller chuckled. He knew that the VP wanted desperately to run for the Presidency, however his standing in the Democrat party was not respectable since his rumored affair with a twenty-one year old Intern. The tryst was never proven. The Intern had been paid off and transferred to the State Department. The Controller personally handled the cover-up and Broome owed him big time. When the Controller finished with the cover-up, no one believed the rumor.

  With the untimely death of Governor Ellis Patton, Broome had resurrected his potential candidacy. He desperately needed the support of the Controller for political purposes as well as for building a campaign war chest.

  The Controller maneuvered himself into a position of being Broome’s confidant. He had plans for the narcissistic VP. He continued to construct his back-up plan, which included the incompetent VP.

  At 11:45 he stood on the steps of the Capital Building when the Limo arrived. It was a short drive to the VP residence. He got out of the Limo and stared at the opulent residence. A few short years ago the Controller was a guide, taking students on tours of the government facilities. He never thought at that time that years later he would be one of the most powerful members of the government.


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