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Lost in the Maze

Page 22

by Gary William Ramsey

  I don’t know what to expect from these people but they’re being kind to me. I looked in the bag and it contained new underwear, a white T-shirt, and a pair of white socks. I took these items and went to the luxurious bathroom. A wall-to-wall mirror hung over a double wide sink with gold fixtures. In the corner to the right was a strange looking shower. The sign at the bottom of the door read Seabrook luxury massage steam shower.

  I removed my filthy cloths and threw them into the chrome trashcan setting under the sink. I stepped into the shower and looked around. I had never seen a shower like this before. It contained an FM programmable radio, an overhead rainfall shower, body acupressure jets, computer control panel, remote control, foot massage, side-by-side seating, two padded seats, and a button for aromatherapy. I managed to turn on the shower with the remote control and made the water temperature as hot as I could stand. I pushed the soup dispenser and lathered up. Washing thoroughly, I turned on the acupressure jets and allowed them to remove the stress from my body.

  I finally got out of the pleasure machine, dried off, and put on the fresh clothing. The pants were slightly large but everything else fit okay. I stood in front of the mirror and viewed at my long mangled hair and beard. I combed my tangled hair and walked back into the bedroom.

  A slim young lady with blonde hair, wearing a black linen suit, was standing at the foot of the bed. A straight chair was in front of her. Beside her was a tray containing scissors and other items.

  “Sir, my name is Belinda, Mr. Debue’s and Maria’s personal Stylist. Maria asked me offer my assistance with your hair and beard.” She spoke with a pronounced Greek accent. “Please be seated. Would you like the beard trimmed or removed?”

  I was astonished and dumbfounded for a moment. Finally I said, “Trim the beard and cut my hair short.” I sat in the chair. She covered me with a black silk cloth and pinned it in the back.

  “I think I will cut your hair to the length that I consider acceptable,” she said. “I will make you look human again. Now you look like a wild animal.”

  She said that so seriously I couldn’t help myself but to laugh.

  “It is not funny,” she said.

  I sat there silently for more than forty-five minutes while she worked on me. Finally she finished cutting, took out her hair dryer, styled my hair, and combed my beard. Belinda stepped back and studied her work.

  “You look very handsome now with the miracle I worked on you with my exceptional talent.”

  She didn’t smile. “Get up and look in the mirror,” she ordered.

  I went back in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. “She’s as good as she thinks she is,” I said aloud. I looked like a sane human being. I was astonished that Maria’s father had recognized me in the condition I was in on the pier.

  When I returned to the bedroom, she had gathered her paraphernalia and placed it in a large nylon bag. “Thank you so much for your excellent work,” I said. She just nodded at me and left the room.

  As soon as she left, Maria returned. She smiled broadly when she saw me.

  “You are not the same man we brought in from the pier,” she said. “You look distinguished and proper. I think it’s time now that you meet my father . He is waiting for you on the upper deck.

  I stuck the cell phone in my pocket and followed her. We walked outside and up the stairs to the upper deck. A very tanned man was sitting in a chair beside a chrome and glass table. A Jacuzzi was to the left of the large table. He was talking to a tall, black haired man in a white uniform. When he saw us, he rose and walked toward me. The uniformed man walked to the corner of the deck.

  “Nice to meet you Senator Roberts. I am Alexander Debue. I hope you have been treated well.” He stuck out his hand and I shook it.

  “I have been treated exceptionally well,” I replied.

  Mr. Debue was blade-faced, six and one half feet tall, and had a body like a whipcord from I assumed running and working out. His scalp glistened through the white hair of his crew cut. His eyes were a light shade of blue. I immediately recognized what my political advisors called charisma. He was wearing white linen Bermuda shorts and a pale yellow silk Tommy Bahama shirt. A gold chain hung around his neck.

  “I have gathered some of the newspaper articles about your case. You can read them later to understand what the US press is writing about you. Sir, you have been convicted of murder in the press.”

  “Mr. Debue. I did not kill my wife. I was bashed on the head and thrown overboard from the cruise ship. I don’t know who did this or why.”

  “Please call me Alex. Tell me how you ended up on my pier?”

  I related the entire story to him, leaving out the details about Moses. I didn’t want to appear delusional.

  “Did you know that your primary Democratic opponent, Governor Patton perished?” Alex asked.

  “How did he die?”

  “It was reported as a freak accident, a bite from a poisonous spider.”

  “Alex, my primary concern is not political. I want to find my daughter, protect her and clear my name. The situation with Governor Patton is too coincidental not to be connected to my circumstances.”

  “May I call you Michael?”

  “Of course.”

  “Michael, I have followed your political career. I was prepared to donate to your campaign generously if you ran for President. I have made my fortune primarily with my ability to judge men and predict their behavior. I think you are an honest man, and I am prepared to believe your innocence. Being in the import, export business and the world financial markets, I believe that you policies would stabilize the US economy, therefore stabilize the world economy. I think the present administration is destructive to the capitalistic system. Presently Vice President Broome is the leading contender to replace President Helms. His election will continue the destructive policies that have led to world chaos. We need a man like you to restore order. I will help you prove your innocence. If you killed your wife and jumped overboard to commit suicide as they reported in the news, you would not be here now.”

  Before I could answer him my cell phone rang. “Alex may I take this call? It’s important to me.” He nodded, and I walked to the end of the upper deck for privacy.


  “Michael this is Brenda. I just finished talking to Director Stancil. He wants to talk to you personally. He was shocked that you’re alive. He said that even thought the evidence is overwhelming that you are guilty; he and the primary investigating agent in your case are convinced that you were set up. He gave me a private number for you to call.” She gave me the number and I added it to the phone contacts.

  “Thanks Brenda. I’ll call him and will be back in touch with you.”

  I hung up and went back to where Alex was waiting. “That was my Washington Assistant. She’s arranged for me to talk to the Director of the FBI. If you don’t mind I need to make that call.”

  “Michael, where did you get that phone?”

  “I took it from the drug dealers.”

  “The phone can be traced. The drug dealers have sophisticated equipment. I suggest that you destroy that phone and allow me to provide you with a new one. We don’t want drug assassins coming here.”

  He motioned to the uniformed man who immediately came to where we were sitting. “John, go to my cabin and bring one of the cell phones in the desk drawer, and John, bring a hammer.”

  “Thanks Alex, hadn’t thought of that.”

  “Michael when do you plan to return to the States?”

  “I need to get there as soon as possible. I just don’t want to be arrested when I step on US soil.”

  “Listen, I have a private jet and a leased hanger at Ellington Airport in Houston. I can get you there without anyone knowing.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “My daughter Maria was born in Austin, Texas, therefore by birth, a US citizen. She completed her undergraduate work at Princeton and graduated from Harvard Law School. She i
s licensed to practice law in four states including Texas, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. She wants to live her life as a United States resident. Frankly due to the corruption in US politics; the United States is going to hell at home and abroad. I want honest leadership in the Presidency and an Administration that is respected around the world. I want my only child to have a chance at happiness, and I will use my fortune to create a better atmosphere and honesty in the government of the USA. I promised my deceased wife that I would assure Maria’s happiness. You Sir, in my opinion, are the best chance to insure that goal is accomplished.”

  Before I could respond. John returned and handing me a cell phone and a hammer.

  “Michael, that phone was custom designed and produced for me, and it can not be traced. The hammer is to destroy the phone you have. Do it now.”

  First I retrieved the Directors number from the phone and punched it into the new phone contact list. I dropped the drug dealers phone on the deck and banged it twice with the hammer. John reached down, picked up the pieces and threw them into the water. He then walked back to the corner of the deck out of hearing distance.

  I stood silent for a moment. Events were occurring too fast for me to completely comprehend. Alex and Maria Debue were just too good to be true. With all that I had been through, I found it difficult to trust anyone.

  “Again, thank you Alex for what you’ve done. Before I decide what to do next, I need to call a law enforcement officer in the US. Please excuse me.”

  I walked to the opposite end of the deck from where John was standing and placed the call to Harold Stancil.

  “Stancil here.”

  “Harold this is Michael Roberts.”

  “One of my Agents told me you left messages on your wife and daughter’s phones, but I still can’t believe you’re alive. I must be convinced that this is really you. Tell me something that only Senator Roberts would know.”

  I thought for a moment. “Harold, two years ago when I was Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government affairs, we worked together on a terror threat. A Serial Killer called The Eradicator was involved in attacks in Houston, Texas. Special Agent Gerry Stewart was the lead investigator. One of our private meetings was at you home. Your wife Alice convinced me to stay for dinner and prepared grilled lemon butter Flounder.”

  “Michael, what in the hell happened to you?”

  I repeated the complete story to him, but left out that Alexander Debue helped me, and that I was presently with him.

  “That’s incredible,” he said. “Michael, are you aware of what happened to your wife?”

  “Yes Sir, but I had nothing to do with her death.”

  “I am terribly sorry for your loss.”

  Tears filled my eyes again and I was silent for a moment. “Thank you,” were the only words I could utter.

  “Michael, I have some very important news for you. Lisa is alive. I have her in protective custody. My undercover agent who is imbedded within the Russian Mafia rescued her.”

  “Oh my God!” I felt tremendous relief that my daughter was safe. “Thank you for taking care of her.”

  “Michael, there is credible evidence that a major terror attack on the US government is planned. I believe that the Russians are working with ISIS, and they have people inside the government. I frankly don’t know who to trust. Therefore I’ve kept Lisa’s rescue and location secret. She is presently with a trusted retired Agent. I sent Agent Stewart to pick her up and take her to a safe house in west Texas, near Pecos. I promise you she’s safe.”

  “Thank God. I’ve got to go to her as soon as possible. I can’t imagine the devastation she feels.”

  “At this point we haven’t told her about Susan or you. We thought you were dead, and didn’t think she was in the mental state to be told that both of her parents were deceased. She’s also unaware that you have been convicted in the press for the murder.”

  “Can you help me get to her?” I asked.

  “Michael, I think we need to keep your circumstances secret. If it’s known that you are alive, two things will happen. First you will be arrested the moment you land on American soil. Secondly, the same people who killed your wife and left you for dead will undoubtedly attempt to assassinate you.”

  “I don’t care, I must get to my daughter. Where is Agent Stewart taking her? I need to go there.”

  “Give me some time to arrange it, and I’ll get back to you with her location. I’ll need to talk to Gerry. She may still be in New York or in transit to Pecos in West Texas. Are you sure you’re in a safe situation now.”

  “Yes Sir, but I am not familiar with Pecos, Texas.”

  “It’s situated in the river valley on the west bank of the Pecos River at the eastern edge of the Chihuahuan Desert. I have trusted retired agents there. They’ve agreed to keep her under their protection until we can get this situation straightened out. Trust me, she will be in safe and competent hands. I’ll call you back within the next two hours and tell you if she’s arrived.”

  “I’ll wait for your call.” I gave him the cell number and hung up.

  I walked back to where Alex was sitting and joined him.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked.

  “My daughter is alive and I need to get to her. I think I’ll accept your kind offer to fly me to Texas. I was in contact with Harold Stancil, the Director of the FBI. He confirmed that if it’s known that I am alive, that I would be immediately arrested for the murder of my wife.” My voice broke when I uttered that last sentence. I composed myself and continued. “He’s going to call me back with my daughter’s location.”

  “Michael, I’ll get you to her wherever she is. In the meanwhile, I want you to talk to Maria. You’ll require legal assistance and trust me; she’s an outstanding Attorney. You need a legal strategy and she can initiate the procedure.”

  I sat back and rubbed my eyes. A new phase of my ordeal is beginning.

  Chapter 45

  Agent Stewart walked outside to complete the call to Director Stancil.

  “Stancil here.”

  “This is Gerry checking in. I’ve completed my questioning of Lisa Roberts. She’s a remarkable young lady. She remembered several names. I recognized two of the names from our investigation of the cruise ship’s manifest. Two Russians named Alexie Bobr and Vladimir Anosov. She recalled their first names. These guys are hardened criminals, and our research revealed that they are Russian Mafia assassins. We put out an all points bulletin for the two men, but they’ve disappeared.

  She also mentioned Maxin Nevsky, who you know is the Godfather of the largest Russian Mafia Family in New York. I’ll get my guys working on the other names she mentioned, Sturgess, Sonny, and Macy.”

  “Gerry, I’m aware of the last three names. Since you are one of the only people I can trust, I’ll share some very sensitive information with you. For your ears only, okay?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “Macy is my agent functioning undercover with Ivan Dubov, who is a Russian Brigadier working for Nevsky. He’s located in the Chicago area. Sturgess is a pilot they use. Sonny was Dubov’s driver. He was killed in Lisa’s rescue. Russ Brennan, who presently has Lisa, got rid of the body. It won’t be found.” He hesitated a moment to let that information sink in, and continued.

  “Nevsky is working with a radical Muslim Terrorist they call ‘The Controller.’ We don’t know his identity, but I suspect he’s a ranking US government official. Nevsky’s and The Controller’s network is vast and includes law enforcement and has infiltrated the government like a cancer. As I’ve mentioned to you before, I don’t know who to trust so I’m operating like a lone wolf in this situation. Macy is close to uncovering the plot these traitors are planning. When she does, I can marshal trusted forces here to react.”

  Stewart listened intently to the information. The situation was worse than he imagined. “You know I’m available to do anything you need. I have friends o
utside the Agency who I completely trust, if we need additional operatives.”

  “I appreciate that Gerry. I’ll let you know. I have more bewildering information. I personally talked to Senator Roberts. He is in fact in Barbados. I told him about Lisa and that you are taking her to a safe house. He’s determined to come back and go to wherever she is. After loosing his wife, Lisa’s all he has left of his family. I’ve advised him to stay undercover for his own safety. The only secure way I can get him to the States is my brother, when he finishes with you. When do you plan to leave to transport Lisa to Pecos to the Hamilton’s ranch?”

  “I expect to leave first thing in the morning. Give him my cell number, and we can work out the details. I’ll need directions to the Hamilton Ranch.”

  Stancil retrieved his address book, “From the Pecos Municipal Airport go to the intersection of Business 20 and Hwy 285. Go north on Hwy 285 3/4 of a mile to FM 1216. Turn right on FM 1216. Proceed about fifteen miles. You’ll see the gate to the Hamilton Ranch on the right. It called Circle H Ranch. The gate is locked to the private road leading to the ranch house. You’ll need to call Ham Burris and he’ll meet you at the gate and unlock it.” He gave Stewart the number. “He’ll be expecting you. I’ll call Jim and tell him that I need him to fly to Barbados and pick up Senator Roberts as soon as he delivers you to Pecos. I’ll have further instructions for you when the Roberts girl is safely delivered.”

  “Director I think it would be a good idea for Russ to stake out Nevsky. Maybe that will give us some leads on who he’s meeting with.”

  “I agree, tell Russ to do that, and keep in touch with only me. Also when you safely deliver Lisa to Ham and Ana, call me.”

  Hanging up, Stewart returned to the cabin.

  Lisa was on the couch rubbing Joe’s head. Russ was cleaning the kitchen.

  Stewart walked to the couch and sat down. “Lisa I think you need to get some sleep. You and I should leave early in the morning. We’ll drive to Tetterboro airport and be flown to Pecos, Texas. Theirs is a very nice couple named Hamilton and Ann Burris who we want you to stay with temporarily. We want to keep you safe from the men who kidnapped you from the cruise ship. I promise you that soon we’ll give you information about your parents. I need you to trust me.”


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