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Cherishing His Best Friend: A Billionaire Protector Mystery Romance

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by Alexa McLean

  With a sigh, I got up and grabbed a knife. It was one of those made with a diamond infused blade or whatever the heck they like to advertise on late-night infomercials. Staying up too late one night I had bought the entire set on impulse. I don’t even cook.

  “Oh! My! God!” Kelly screamed at the top of her lungs as she snatched the dress right out of my hands. “It’s gorgeous! Isn’t it? Oh, it is!” She pinned it against her chest and spun around. “I’m going to put it on and then I expect you to take me out to dinner.” She said with a giggle.

  My headache throbbed and I was glad to see her go. I dragged my feet over to the bar and poured myself a drink. I tipped it back and felt the warmth spreading through my chest. The bottle was half empty.

  I swished the amber colored liquid around before pouring myself another. This time, I savored the taste. Across the counter, I saw my reflection against the mirrored walls. What did I see? A billionaire with nothing to live for.

  My mind wandered into my past and there lingered the one person that had once meant the world to me.


  We were best friends growing up and at one point, I figured out that I was head over heels in love with her. She was everything I had ever wanted and she was right there. And yet, I had been much too scared to ask her out. I had no doubt in my mind that she would friend-zone me and I couldn’t bear that kind of rejection.

  Even now, as a successful businessman with years upon years of experience with rejection, I couldn’t stand the thought of her telling me ‘no.’ It would break my heart more than it already was.

  Jeez, I can be such a fool sometimes.

  It wasn’t going to hurt me to try but I just didn’t want to face the reality that maybe she had already married and that she was happy without me while I was miserable without her. In all likeliness, she was probably already a mom with two kids or something while here I was still playing the life of a bachelor.

  “What do you think?” Kelly called out from the bottom of the stairs. She wore a bright red lipstick that didn’t suit her at all and a bit of it was on her lips.

  “You look great.” I lied.

  She giggled and posed against the banister. “I don’t know how you’ll be able to resist me tonight.” Her eyelashes fluttered in a bedroom gaze.

  Just then, my cellphone buzzed against my pocket. I held up my hand to keep her from talking. Only then did I look down at the screen. It was a notification from the Google Alert I had set up years ago. After leaving my hometown and Brandi included, I knew that I still wanted to keep tabs on the place. It just gave me the peace of mind to know that Brandi hadn’t died in some horrible city-wide fire. Of course, I could never be sure whether she was truly safe or not but given the circumstances, it was the best I could do.

  “What is it?” Kelly asked as the color drained from my face. When I failed to respond, she placed a hand on my shoulder. “Reis...”

  I shook my head in disbelief and reread the article...

  Somerset native dies in a horrible car crash early last night. Medical examiners have determined that he was inebriated while operating the vehicle. Luckily, no one else was harmed during the accident.

  Sources say that Thomas Johnson has a history with alcohol addiction but he has remained sober for the last twenty-five years, following the death of his wife, Rachel. His daughter, Brandi Johnson, states that she did not know about her father’s relapse and mourns the fact that he turned to drink in his time of hardship instead of turning to her for help.

  While most of the town regrets the loss of such a prized citizen, some people are wondering what will happen to the diner now that its owner is no longer around. Brandi assures that she will keep the doors open for the foreseeable future...

  The article went on but before I could finish reading it, Kelly took it away. “Why are you reading about some dumb car crash?”

  I lost my patience right then and there. “Leave. Now.” I barked.

  Her eyes widened at the tone I used with her. She took a step back and held a hand to her chest like I had personally offended her somehow. “W-What?”

  “You heard me. “Leave Now.” I pointed to the door. “And don’t let me tell you a third time.”

  “Reis... I don’t –”

  “Kelly. Now is not the time to test me.” I snarled through gritted teeth. “Either you get out or I force you through those doors. The decision is yours.”

  With no other choice, she picked up her skirts and left the mansion without saying another word.

  I waited for the door to close behind her before I started to pace. This just didn’t make any sense. Brandi’s father hadn’t touched a drop of liquor since the passing of his wife. Why would he suddenly start up now? Had something happened?

  But most importantly, how was Brandi dealing with the tragedy?

  I couldn’t even imagine.

  It was time for me to make my homecoming – to set my fears aside – and be there for my best friend.

  Chapter 3: Brandi

  I WOKE UP IN THE MIDDLE of the night covered in sweat. My heart was pounding so hard that I swear it was going to burst right out of my chest. I steadied my breathing in hopes of slowing it down but it didn’t help very much. So, I rolled out of bed and headed for the kitchen with the intention of brewing myself a cup of tea. I definitely needed something that would help calm my nerves.

  As I walked down the hall, I passed my father’s bedroom. My blood turned to ice. Without wanting to, I reached for the doorknob. It turned, catching at a certain point like it always did. The faulty thing needed to be replaced years ago but my father had never gotten around to doing it and now he never would.

  Seeing his empty bed, it renewed my sobs. I couldn’t hold them back as I collapsed onto his favorite rocking chair. I just couldn’t believe that he was gone. No. This had to be some sort of nightmare. I would wake up soon and this would all be over. But deep down, I knew that wouldn’t happen.

  My father had turned his back on sobriety and it had cost him his life.

  Sickened by the thought, my stomach tightened into a painful knot. I held my arm across my abdomen but it hardly helped. My eyes burned from the tears. All I wanted to do was turn back the time and stop him from ever getting behind the wheel.

  Unable to stand the emptiness of the room, I shuffled into the kitchen and finally got around to making that cup of tea. It tasted bitter but that was because I had forgotten to add the sugar. Dad was usually the one in charge of groceries. In the time between his death and funeral, everything inside the pantry had seemed to disappear. Even the fridge had been gutted. I blame it on my stress eating. Whenever something is bothering me, I turn to eating to solve the problem. Does it help? Of course not but try telling my brain that.

  That hunger nagged at me even now so I grabbed some saltines and nibbled on them as I looked out through the kitchen window. The night seemed incredibly dark like the sky had swallowed up the moon and the stars. A shiver ran through my spine.

  Then, when I closed my eyes, that’s when I saw him. His body was a bloody mess stretched on the coroner’s table. I threw up the first time I saw him. He was barely recognizable. His face had been bashed in by the wheel and both his legs had been shattered by the impact.

  I couldn’t even imagine how they would fix him up for the funeral. Dead people usually looked a little off since they had a habit of caking their faces with makeup but what happened when they needed full constructive surgery before going in the casket.

  My stomach churned as it became increasingly queasy. I threw away the rest of the crackers. They were stale anyway.

  Thinking it was probably best for me to get a bit more sleep before the funeral, I dragged myself back to bed, trying my hardest not to look into my father’s bedroom. If I kept torturing myself about what happened, I would follow him into the grave.


  The sheets irritated my skin and my thoughts refused to let the accident go. So
, I was up once more at the crack of down. My body felt incredibly sluggish as if someone had siphoned all the energy right out of me. This time around, I brewed myself a strong cup of coffee hoping it would get me through the day.

  I took it over to the kitchen table and sat down. An overwhelming sense of loneliness washed over me. Jeremy had been a dud through the whole thing. He didn’t know how to comfort another human being and frankly, I didn’t want him around. He was just bound to say something stupid to agitate me. So, here I was, drinking some coffee all on my own while mourning the death of my dad. I bet the whole world is quaking with jealousy right now. I scoffed at the thought.

  If Reis were here, things would be different. He would know what to do. He would make me feel better.

  But why bring the billionaire into the mix? He didn’t care about his hometown anymore. He had moved on to bigger and better things. Well, good for him.

  Unable to sit any longer, I got up and walked into the living room. There, I noticed something through the window. The house next door had already been sold and there was someone moving in. Another early bird like my father, I guessed.

  I watched for a while hoping to spot my new neighbor but there was little movement. Strange, I thought. Shrugging, I sunk into the nearby couch so I could finish up my coffee.

  Would my dad have liked them? I wondered to myself. He was found on just about anyone except of course his rival, Mr. Travis. He owned the competing diner in town and for years there was a hatred so deep between the two of them that I knew better than to talk about it. But sometimes I would wonder what had caused such drama between the two men. It had to be something awful for them to hate each other so much, right?

  I got up, ready to bring my empty cup to the kitchen when there was a knock on the door. I furrowed my brows together with confusion. I wasn’t expecting anyone this early in the morning. Still, I walked up to the door and looked through the peephole.

  My heart nearly stopped dead inside my chest. No, it couldn’t be. This had to be some sort of dream...


  Chapter 4: Reis


  Brandi was even more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. Back in high school, she had a cute innocence that turned out to be my kryptonite. But now she screamed maturity. Even right at this moment, wearing nothing but some flannel, plaid-print pajamas and a head full of bed hair she was drop dead gorgeous.

  “Reis...?” She said my name once more and it sent a tingle running underneath my skin like someone had just zapped me with a defibrillator. “W-What are you doing here?” She was holding the doorknob so tightly that her knuckles had turned a bright shade of white.

  Since my tongue was failing me, I decided to step forward and bring her into a tight embrace. She definitely looked like she needed it. Her beautiful eyes were rimmed with red, no doubt from all the crying.

  I held her close and circled my hand along the small of her back in a soothing motion. She buried her face into my chest and started to sob.

  “Shh,” I whispered into her ear as I shuffled back into the couch. I eased her with me and allowed her to sit on my lap as the sobs ripped through her body. It pained me to see her like this and I cursed myself for leaving her alone for so long. Clearly, there was no one here to take care of her when she needed it the most. Well, I was done running away and being a victim to my own fears. This time around I wasn't going to let her slip away from me.

  Gently, I ran my fingers through her hair. There were a few tangles here and there but I managed to work around them.

  “W-Why are you here?” Her bottom lip quivered.

  “I heard about what happened and I came right away. I mean your dad practically raised me. I couldn’t miss his funeral.” I answered. “And, besides, I knew I had to check up on my best friend.” As I spoke, I placed a finger underneath her chin and lifted her head so she was forced to look at me. Her eyes were watery so with my other hand, I wiped away her tears. “I thought maybe you already had a husband and kids... but I had to make sure you weren’t alone.”

  Brandi laughed. “Husband and kids? All I got is a good-for-nothing boyfriend. I don’t even know why I keep him around.” She shook her head. “Do you know what he’s doing right now?”



  “He knows what I’m going through and he’s sleeping as if nothing happened.” She gritted her teeth together. “I have half a mind to break up with him.”

  “Why don’t you? It feels like you can do so much better.”

  “You sound like my father.” She got up and stoked the fireplace. All the logs had turned to ash. So, I took it upon myself to add a few more. “Matches?”

  “Same place as always.”

  With a nostalgic smile, I reached behind her baby picture and found a box of matches. I took one out and struck it against the side. I watched the bright flame and allowed it to burn for a moment before throwing it into the fireplace. It didn’t take long before we had a roaring fire on our hands.

  Brandi stood as close as possible and warmed her hands. “I suppose I’m scared of ending up alone. It’s better to be with someone than no one at all.”

  I took her by the elbow and turned her around. Doing so, it forced our bodies together until we were standing but an inch apart. It dawned on me then how short Brandi really was. She had always been tiny growing up but even as an adult she sported a petite frame that made her seem incredibly vulnerable. Driven by impulse, I took her in my arms once more and held her tight against my chest. “I’m sorry...”

  “Sorry?” She mumbled unable to speak properly when she was being smothered.

  “For leaving.”

  She pushed away and shook her head. “You have no reason to apologize. You set off to follow your dreams and you managed to accomplish them. That’s nothing to be sorry for.”

  “No.” I countered. “I left you here and that was a mistake.”

  She looked away, avoiding eye contact. All I wanted to do at that moment was kiss her – to show her all the emotion I still had pent up inside my heart but this was hardly the time or the place to do such a thing. Her father had just passed away and technically, she was still dating someone. I couldn’t make my move – not yet, anyway. I needed to wait for the perfect opportunity and only then would I act.

  “Reis...” She began but she never finished her thought. Instead, she rested her head on my chest. I swear she was listening to my heartbeat.

  I rubbed her back for a while, eventually losing track of time but I really didn’t mind that. It just felt so good to have her in my arms once more.

  “I should probably get ready for the funeral...” She said at last. “It’ll start in an hour.”

  “Have you eaten anything yet?”

  “Just a few saltine crackers at three in the morning.”

  I frowned. “You have to eat something.”

  “I can’t.”

  “I’m not going to take no for an answer.” I insisted. “Tell you what. Why don’t you go get ready and I’ll whip us up some breakfast?”

  “There’s nothing here for you to make.”

  “On second thought, why don’t we grab something on the way?”

  Brandi was about to deny my request but one look at the expression on my face and she thought better of it. “Fine. But only if we get something small. I don’t want to throw up all over the casket.”

  “You have got yourself a deal. I’ll be back in just a second.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To get changed. I doubt you want me to go to your father’s funeral wearing a purple polo.”

  “Hmm...?” Brandi looked me over, head to toe as if noticing my out outfit for the first time. For some reason, her cheeks turned a bright shade of red and I wondered what was going on in that pretty little head of hers. “Right. Okay. See you soon.”

  Before leaving her, I walked back over to her side and took her ha
nd in mine and gave it a squeeze. “Everything is going to be okay...” I whispered before leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. “I promise.”

  Chapter 5: Brandi

  REIS RETURNED JUST as I was finishing up my makeup. So, at the sound of his knock, I capped off my mascara before quickening to the door. Luckily, I hadn’t put on my heels yet so I could still move around with relative ease.

  I swung back the door and I swear; my jaw nearly came undone. I know now was not the time to gawk at his handsomeness but how could I not? Dressed in all black, it accentuated his muscular physic and somehow, it made him look even taller. He had also gotten rid of his morning stubble, opting instead for that clean-shaven look that I liked so much.

  “Ready?” He asked.

  “Just give me a minute. I need to throw on some shoes.”

  He nodded in acknowledgment before letting himself inside.

  With my mind muddled with the thought of him, I struggled to find my shoes. I had less than an hour until my father’s funeral and here I was fantasizing about a man who wasn’t even my boyfriend. Get it together, Brandi.

  “Need some help?” Reis asked as he held up a pair of black heels in his hands.

  “Not the ones I was looking for but they work just as well,” I said before taking them from him. Accidently, our skin brushed together and it sent a current of electricity running through my veins. I gasped and swallowed a mouthful of air.

  “Is everything alright?” He whispered in a deep, husky voice.

  Couldn’t he stop being sexy for one second?

  “Fine,” I answered as I shoved the shoes onto my feet. When they were strapped into place, I got up only to lose my balance.


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