Heavenly Surrender

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Heavenly Surrender Page 12

by Justus Roux

  “AHHH!!” Kali screamed leaping at her. Gabriele pulled the trigger, blasting Kali back. Gabriele threw her shotgun aside and pulled out her daggers. Kali quickly got up, blood poured from the wound on her shoulder.

  Gabriele charged at Kali knocking her backwards. “Don’t tell me the fight has left you demon,” Gabriele said, throwing Kali to the ground.

  “Die,” Kali spat at her as she fan opened a claw-like weapon. Gabriele winced as it tore threw her flesh.

  “Gabriele!” Michael and Saban yelled.

  “I am alright. Stay where you are.” Gabriele jumped back a little from Kali.

  “You bleed too, huntress.” Kali came to her feet.

  Gabriele gripped her daggers tighter, keeping her eyes locked on Kali. A whooshing sound cut through the air, causing Gabriele to jump. When she looked up Kali had a stunned look on her face as her head separated from her body. Gabriele was blown back by the force of Kali’s soul being destroyed.

  “What happened?” Michael hurried over to Gabriele.

  “I don’t know.” Gabriele let Michael help her up.

  “One, two, three, hmmm, wasn’t there a mortal with your little party?” Manus emerged from the woods, coiling up his whip.

  “Who are you?” Gabriele said, snatching up her shotgun.

  “The name is Manus.”

  “What are you?” Michael added.

  “Ah, now Michael don’t tell me your hunter senses are dulling. Can’t you smell that I am a demon General?” Manus paused. “You are the one who killed Syn too, tsk tsk, I am so disappointed.”

  “Why would you kill another demon?” Gabriele spoke up.

  “Why not, Kali was useless to Lasax anymore. She had grown too soft thanks to her angel lover.”

  “Get ready,” Michael said to Gabriele and Saban as he lifted up his pistols.

  “Relax hunter, I have done what I was ordered to do. But don’t worry, I am sure we will meet again.” Manus turned around and simply disappeared.

  “I don’t like this Michael,” Gabriele said, scanning the area.

  “I can’t sense him anymore,” Saban added.

  “I think it’s best if we get Ayden out of here.” Gabriele slung her shotgun over her shoulder and headed inside the building. She saw Ryker standing guard in front of a small room.

  “Is it over?” Ryker asked, lowering his weapon.

  “For now, but we have to get Ayden out of here. There is another demon General roaming around.”

  “I saw what happened. Are you okay?” He looked at the scratches on her arm.

  “They aren’t too bad.”

  “You could have been killed. Why didn’t you let the others help?”

  “I am sorry; I had to kill her myself. But you are right, I should have had the others help.”

  “I thought we had to move him.” Ryker looked into the room where Ayden was sleeping.

  Gabriele smiled at him. “Ummm, you won’t like this part but we have to hurry.”

  “Oh no,” Ryker groaned as Saban lifted him over his shoulder. Michael carried Ayden and Gabriele led the way.

  Ryker groaned when Saban put him down. “Where are we?” he asked, his head still spinning from moving so fast.

  “Canada,” Gabriele replied.

  “You really like remote places don’t you.” Ryker looked around the forest they were in.

  “It’s easier this way.”

  “Michael!” Miranda yelled, running towards him. He scooped her up into his arms where she started kissing all over his face.

  “Miranda?” Ryker asked.

  “How did you guess?” Gabriele playfully elbowed him in the stomach.

  “Michael, thank you,” Asurul said as he appeared before them. Michael nodded his head towards him.

  “How is Ryo?” Gabriele asked.

  “He is still with Isa. It is too soon to tell.” Asurul walked over to Ayden. “Ayden.” Asurul squatted down. “Why aren’t you gathering strength?”

  “I will father.”

  Asurul could sense the sadness in his son. “This time you will find her, I know you will.”

  “I don’t know if I want to try anymore. How many women must die because they think they are in love with me?”

  “You have to try, Ayden.”

  “Please father, leave me alone about this.”

  “Very well, you should concentrate on gathering your strength for now anyways.”


  “Yes Ayden.”

  “You are free of your responsibility to me.” Ayden smiled up at her. Gabriele squatted down and looked into his eyes. “You have found your soul mate. I am so happy for you.” Ayden reached his hand up and stroked her hair. “Thank you for everything you have done for me.”

  “Your welcome,” Gabriele nuzzled her face in his hand, “but I am not going anywhere until you are stronger.”

  “This is not necessary. Saban is quite capable of protecting me, besides Ryo will be back soon.”

  “Ayden, I won’t leave until you are stronger.” Gabriele stood up.

  “And where Gabriele goes I go.” Ryker wrapped his arms around her. “So it looks like you will have me as a guard too.”

  “I am truly blessed to have so many people who care about my well being,” Ayden said, before he went back to sleep.

  Gabriele looked over at Asurul and saw the worried look on his face. “He will get stronger Asurul.”

  “Huh…” Asurul looked up at her. “I know he will.” Asurul took a deep breath and cleared his mind. “Gabriele and Ryker you have a decision to make. Gabriele will explain this to you Ryker.” With that Asurul disappeared.

  “What decision?” Ryker asked.

  “Can we talk about this later? I am really tired.”

  “Okay. I will stand guard while you sleep.” Ryker sensed Gabriele wanted to be alone. So he will give her the space she needed.

  Chapter 20

  “Ryo you must wake up,” Isa’s voice flooded his mind.

  Ryo slowly opened his eyes. He was lying in a big bed in a lavishly decorated room. The cool breeze coming from the opened windows felt good on his battered skin.

  “You must heal yourself.”

  Ryo looked over to Isa. She was sitting on the side of the bed putting some kind of ointment onto his wounds. Her smile always warmed him.

  “Can you not feel her presence?” Isa said, putting the ointment on another cut.


  Isa stopped what she was doing and looked deeply into Ryo’s eyes. “Your soul mate.”

  Ryo turned his gaze from hers. “You are only saying this to make me heal faster.” He felt Isa’s weight leave the bed. He turned his head back and saw her grab some large crystal.

  “There is only one person that is meant to be the other half of your soul. A lucky few find this person.” Isa held up the crystal and looked inside it. “I lived my whole mortal life without finding the other half of my soul, Ryo. The first time Asurul loved me I knew he was my other half. Nothing, not even damning my soul would take me away from him.” Isa walked over toward Ryo. “I threw myself on Asurul to protect him from Prolo’s anger. My soul meant nothing if Asurul wasn’t by my side.”

  “You are lucky Isa. But, I wasn’t meant to find such a love.”

  “I shouldn’t show you this. But I feel the despair in your soul.” Isa sat back down then stroked his hair. “Don’t give up Ryo when you have everything to live for.” She placed both hands on the crystal. “I know you once loved Gabriele.”

  “This matters little now that she has found her soul mate. I am happy for her.”

  “I know you are, Ryo.” Isa held the crystal up so Ryo could see inside it. A beautiful dark-haired woman was clutching the steering wheel inside her car. She looked very afraid of something.

  Ryo slowly sat up in bed though every muscle in his body ached. He grabbed the crystal from Isa and ran his fingers lovingly over the image of the woman. “What does she fear?”
  “Ryo I can not say. But she is very close to where Ayden is now.” Isa took the crystal from him. “That is all I can show you.”

  “What is her name?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Jasmine…the name echoed through Ryo’s mind. “There is more isn’t there? You know I wouldn’t just leave Ayden alone. Please tell me.”

  “Your soul mate is running for her life. I have been guiding her to Ayden for you.” Isa grabbed a handful of Ryo’s hair. “After everything you have done for my son the least I could do was try to protect your soul mate.”

  “Then I will use all my strength to heal myself.” Ryo grabbed Isa’s hand and gently kissed it. “Thank you Isa.”

  “It was the least I could do for you.” Isa stood up and then covered Ryo up. “I am going to put you in a healing sleep so you can get better faster.”

  Isa watched Ryo go to sleep. “You know you shouldn’t have told him that. You are messing with fate.” Asurul’s voice startled Isa.

  “I couldn’t let her get killed after I knew she was Ryo’s soul mate. Fate will just have to get over itself.”

  Asurul started to laugh. “You keep surprising me, Isa.”

  Isa slowly walked over to Asurul and grabbed his hand. “What is wrong?”

  “I can’t hide anything from you can I.”

  “No, now tell what troubles you.”

  “Ayden is not gathering strength. He seems almost defeated.”

  “Give him time, he just woke up.” Isa leaned her body against Asurul. “May our son find his true soul mate, so I never have to see or feel his pain again.”

  “I wish for the same thing too. Each time he fails, he loses more of that light he has about him. How many more times can a man live through losing someone he cares about?”

  “Has Gabriele and Ryker decided if they are going to take the test?” Isa had to get Asurul’s mind onto something else.

  “Gabriele hasn’t told Ryker about this yet. Give them some time then go to them.”

  “Okay.” Isa held Asurul tightly and tried not to think about her son having to go through yet one more attempt at finding his soul mate.

  Chapter 21

  Gabriele closed the door to Ayden’s room. They had moved inside a small hunting cabin they found. She almost bumped into Saban as she walked forward.

  “You are like a damn brick wall.” She playfully pushed him back.

  “Michael and Miranda have gone home. He said you didn’t need the distractions right now. I will guard Ayden, you go be with Ryker. You have a lot to talk about.” Saban stepped aside. “There is another small cabin just a few hundred feet to the south if you would like privacy.”

  “Thank you Saban.” Gabriele got up on her tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  She hurried out of the cabin to find Ryker. How was she going to explain everything to him? He could free her soul, but he would risk his own to do so. She spotted Ryker watching the sunset.

  “Hey soldier boy.” She gave him a firm swat on the ass.

  “Okay you got my attention.” He smiled.

  “Come on.” She reached out her hand and he grabbed it letting her lead the way.

  She led him over to the small cabin Saban had mentioned. They entered; it looked like someone was here not that long ago. There was still some heat left in the cabin. Gabriele watched Ryker start a fire. “Ryker, we have to discuss something very important.”

  Ryker finished getting the fire going then slowly stood up. “What is it?”

  “I think you might want to sit down.”

  Ryker walked over to her and quickly scooped her up into his arms. “I think I would rather lay down.” That look on his face instantly aroused her.

  She said nothing as he carried her over towards the bed. He gently laid her down then climbed onto the bed. “Even through this whole bizarre adventure…” Ryker kissed her gently, “I couldn’t stop thinking how wonderful it felt making love to you.”

  “Ryker,” she sighed, pulling him closer. Her hands tangled in his thick hair holding him to her as she kissed him thoroughly. She felt the weight of his body on hers and she welcomed it. His hand cupped her breast, gently squeezing and kneading. He groaned as she deepened her kiss. Her hands wandered down his back, she pulled on his T-shirt wanting it off of him, needing to feel his skin next to hers. Ryker rose and quickly pulled the T-shirt off. Gabriele did the same with hers, she gasped when he pulled her bra off in one violent tug. He pressed his body against hers as he took possession of her lips again.

  “Gabriele,” he whispered as he trailed kisses down her neck. “You are so beautiful.” He latched his mouth onto her nipple and sucked gently. She grabbed his head pulling him closer. His hand wandered down her body as he continued to suckle on her breast. He tugged on her pants wanting them off her now. Gabriele wiggled and helped him remove her pants. His hand cupped her pussy, gently massaging it.

  “Ryker,” she groaned as his finger slid into her pussy, stroking and teasing her clit. Their eyes locked as he slowly kissed down her stomach.

  “I want to taste your sweetness,” he said, lowering his head between her legs. She reached up and grabbed the pillow as his tongue explored her pussy. “Nothing will ever taste as good as you do, Gabriele,” he sighed, burying his tongue deep in her. Gabriele raised her hips as he continued to dart his tongue in and out. “Look at me, Gabriele.” Ryker lapped at her clit, looking deeply into her eyes, making sure she was watching every stroke of his tongue. He inserted two fingers deeply in her as he continued to lick.

  “Ryker….” Her breathing became erratic as her orgasm started to build.

  “Look at me Gabriele, let me see your pleasure.”

  She watched him lick at her clit in a steady pace. Her orgasm built and built, until finally it exploded. “Ryker!!!” she cried out arching her back.

  Ryker quickly removed his pants then got between her legs. He grabbed his cock and positioned it to her opening, then he thrust forward. He could still feel her pussy pulse from her orgasm. He leaned forward, he wanted his body as close to hers as possible. “Gabriele,” he whispered, kissing her deeply. He felt her hips move to the same rhythm as he thrust into her. The feeling of her moving under him was wonderful. That beautiful look of pleasure she wore on her face was amazing. The moans coming from her excited him more. He thrust harder as he propped himself on his elbows. “Ahh…mmm….yess,” he sighed as he continued to thrust.

  “Ryker,” she purred, running her hands over his shoulders.

  “I want this to last forever but you feel so damn good.” He thrust harder.

  “I want to see you cum,” she whispered, almost afraid of what he might think.

  Ryker came up to his knees and pulled his cock out of her, then began stroking it. Gabriele propped herself up on her elbows and watched as he came. It spurted forward covering her stomach and part of her breasts. She ran her hands over it rubbing his cum into her skin.

  “Oh damn,” he said, catching his breath. “Is that what you wanted?” He watched her rub his cum all over her breasts.


  He lay on the side of the bed next to her. She turned towards him and snuggled up next to him. “Ryker we must talk about something.”

  “Okay, what is it?”

  “You remember when I told you about Isa and Asurul.”

  “Yes, I remember.”

  “And also when I told you about my soul being free.”


  “Ryker I believe with all my heart you are my soul mate. I have never felt this way about anyone. Do you believe this too?”

  Ryker sat up in the bed. Gabriele felt a panic rush through her. What if he didn’t feel the same way?

  “Yeah, I believe this too.”

  She sighed with relief. “We can take the test that Isa and Asurul had taken. Michael and Miranda have just started this test. But…” She sat up next to him. She couldn’t look him in the face. “I don’t want to
risk your soul just to free mine.”

  “Risk my soul?”

  “If we fail this test we both become lesser-demons, which believe me, is something you don’t want to spend all of eternity being.”

  “What makes you think we will fail?” Ryker said, climbing out of the bed. He pulled on his pants.

  “I am not saying I think we will fail.”

  “It sure sounds like that is what you are saying to me.”

  “There is always a chance something could go wrong.”

  “Of course there is always a chance. But what bothers me is that you just assume we can’t pass this test of yours.” Ryker walked over to the fire.

  Gabriele quickly pulled on her shirt and pants. She didn’t expect him to get angry. “Ryker I don’t doubt my love for you.”

  “Then why do you doubt my love for you?”

  She walked over to him and stood next to him. The light from the flames danced across his body. “I don’t. It’s just that your soul is safe now, maybe I would like to keep it that way. Oh I am not saying this right.” She walked back over to the bed and sat down.

  Ryker walked over to her and knelt down in front of her. “Gabriele, I loved my wife and son very much.” He took a deep breath before continuing. “When I was up in Heaven…the illusion of them was so real. But I chose to stay with you. I could have just stayed in that illusion; they were my whole world once. But you…” he cupped her face in his hands, “are the other half of my soul.”

  Gabriele couldn’t stop the tears from falling. How could she ever doubt this man, ever doubt the strength of their love. “Shh…don’t cry huntress.” He smiled. “We have to get busy freeing your soul.”

  “Oh Ryker I love you so much.” She wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly to her. Never did she ever imagine she would find this kind of man, so gentle yet strong, so soothing, so sexy, so…..everything, yet here he was in her arms.


  Ryker held Gabriele’s hand as Isa explained everything to them. He had no doubts, no fear in his mind at all. He smiled down at Gabriele and he could see she felt the same way.


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