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Page 6

by Frank, S. W.

  The unusually bulky and cheap quality watch was not the kind Roberto would ever wear. No, he was a man who only wore the best. This timepiece was subpar and only cost a few hundred euros. Giuseppe nodded and the inexpensive watch dropped to the ground and cracked into pieces by the heel of Giuseppe’s boot. Only then did Giuseppe speak, “Friends, eh Roberto. What friend sets-up another and for what purpose do you stab me in the back?”

  The hand was removed and Roberto’s words came out with a heavy breath, “Giuseppe, what do you mean?”

  “Your meeting in Venice with the DSS and do not lie. What did you discuss?”

  “I was asked a question, a promise was made and that’s all.”

  “What question?”

  Roberto’s eyes were downcast, “I am truly sorry friend. The DSS were threatening to haul me off to jail. You know the passports I’ve supplied for others to gain access into the United States. They found my contact number on a man and it led straight to my door.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this?”

  “It was not your problem. What could you have done?”

  “Such lack of trust, saddens me. What did they ask?”

  “For me to wear the watch and get you to speak about Alfonzo and illegal activity. They were interested in his political contacts here.”

  “But you didn’t ask me about Alfonzo.”

  “I could not betray you.”

  Giuseppe’s solemn face told his thoughts. He could not turn back from the deed. The pain seared his skin as the salty sweat seeped in. “What promise was given?”

  “My father and I will avoid jail. My father is older, his heart is weaker. He would not survive the harshness of a cell. He spent fifteen years in his youth in one and he would rather die than return.”

  “Ah, Roberto. If only you had faith in our friendship we would not be here.” He gripped the man’s shoulders. “I believe what you say.”

  Roberto nodded, “Do it. I rather it’s at your hands.”

  He released the man and removed a jeweled blade from a velvet cloth in his pocket. In the blanketed dark its sparkly jewels glistened. Roberto’s eyes were on it. The craftsmanship was designed for a king. To die with it brought a smile to his lips, “Rumors are truths with lies. Is that what I believe it is?”

  “Yes, in death there’s peace forever, my friend.” Giuseppe leaned in and hugged Roberto sadly. He gripped the man tight simultaneously plunging the blade deep into his friend’s heart. Roberto’s body jerked, there was a gasp and Giuseppe twist his wrist. Roberto went limp, the head slumped forward onto Giuseppe’s shoulder and he held it upright. The blade was pulled free and blood poured from his friend’s chest, but he held him, mourned him and let the sticky warm fluid stain him. He wanted to remember, his friend in death as he did in life. Had Roberto trusted him with this matter with the DSS, he would have removed his problem. Eradicated it, he had the means, but instead he’d chosen to compromise himself and that was his mistake.

  He kissed the side of his friend’s head. He loved Roberto like a brother once. He lowered the lifeless body to the ground. The men immediately took possession of the corpse and tossed it in the rear of the sanitation truck. The side lever was pulled and Roberto’s body rolled back to mix with the trash then disappeared when the huge metal teeth clamped shut.

  “Get rid of the car, dismantle it, clean this blood and leave not one drip for anyone to follow!” He instructed the men as he strolled to his car. Giuseppe looked at the blade. Its diamond encrusted hilt was adorned with a variety of priceless gems. His ancestors were credited for forming what is now known as La Costra Nostra, when the working classes were ruled by Kings, but the modern organization is nothing more than a copy of its predecessor. The blade used to kill his friend was an antique. It belonged to his great great grandmother, a gift from Italy’s King to his mistress from Eritrea, Africa. He cleaned it on the hem of his jacket then climbed inside the car, his white shirt, tie-died red!


  Nico drove up to the gate of the manicured estate and put the rental in park. He looked over the seat at the assortment of stuffed animals peeking over the large shopping bag. He’d taken his sons to FAO Schwartz and they helped him pick out age appropriate items for their younger siblings. They even pushed a card down in there somewhere. He twisted around when the guard behind the bulletproof security station spoke. “Yeah, how can I help you?”

  Nico angled his face toward the security camera, “I’m here to see Selange, tell her it’s Nico.”

  There was a pause. “Sorry Nico can’t.”

  Well wasn’t this a surprise?

  “Why the fuck not, Mike is that you?”

  “Yeah, hey Nico.”

  “Whose goddamn orders, Selange or her ex-husband?”

  “I’m only doing my job Nico. I’m sorry but you’re prohibited from the property.”

  Nico exited the car. The protective encasement was part of the high brick wall. Attached to it were the thick metal gates about eight feet high. Alfonzo ensured the design prevented anyone from scaling or fitting through the spaces and when he examined it, he realized even if he made it over the gate, he’d have to contend with armed men. He flashed his teeth, “Open the goddamn gate, now!”

  He saw a group of men heading his way led by Crazy Nicky. The man covered the distance quickly and halted on the opposite of the bars. “Get the fuck off the property Nico!”

  “I’m visiting, now open up.”

  “Don’t you think you’ve done enough damage to Alfonzo, don’t you have any remorse?”

  Nico’s face tugged at his old comrade’s disappointment. “Sure I do. It’s my blood…my goddamn blood…not yours or anybody else’s who got killed. I live with it every day –but I’ll be damned if I abandon my kids. Not you or Alfonzo can force me to do that!”

  Crazy Nicky reached at his waist, his eyes fanatical, “I should do you right here you cold-blooded bastard. That kid trusted you and you had a responsibility to look after him, not go humping his wife!”

  “He’s not a kid anymore Nicky and I’m not his savior.”

  “You were. Now everything’s a goddamn mess!”

  Nico’s eyes followed Crazy Nicky’s hand. The dumb prick actually decided to bring out the weapon and point it at him. “You’ll pull a gun on me after the many times I saved your sorry ass, huh? Tu mi conosci!”

  “The Nico I know wouldn’t have let the lower head block his upper head.”

  “Don’t you judge me and don’t dare lecture me.” Nico scowled. His eyes were on the small army of enforcers. Individually, none were his equal, collectively he was outgunned.

  “Look, Alfonzo gave strict orders. You’re not to set foot on this property and if you do he said kill you.”

  This brought a smirk, “He did, huh?”

  “Don’t get any ideas about calling the lady. Selange don’t need to know you ever came.” Crazy Nicky advised. He wasn’t letting Nico nowhere near the house. Selange didn’t have a say. He was doing this for his own good. If Alfonzo caught Nico here he was a dead man. “Just get out of here.”

  “You’re not so crazy to start a war with me Nicky. Let me in to say hello then I’m gone.”

  “Like I said, go!”

  Nico’s eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. Six guns were cocked and ready. Crazy Nicky’s weapon was pointed at his head. These weren’t survivable odds. “You crazy fool, this isn’t your business!”

  “Do yourself a favor and start moving before I lose my patience.”

  Nico stared the man down. The metal barrier prevented him from cracking his skull. Nico’s mouth contorted into a half moon. He itched to get at the old man, instead he turned his back on the gunmen, yanked open the rear car door and pulled out the shopping bag. “Do me a favor and make sure she gets these.”

  “I’ll think about it.”


  “You’re a double cock!”

  “She better get this,” he said
menacingly as he memorized the faces of the henchmen, “if she doesn’t I’m coming back to put every one of you permanently to sleep, capisci?”

  The men didn’t like the threat. They wanted to kill Nico on the spot rather than let him return. They were aware of Nico’s reputation and a man like that issuing a warning shouldn’t be taken lightly. They watched the tall dark man standing indecisively on side of the car, hoping he went away without a problem. Silently, praying he didn’t cause a commotion.

  Nico got in the car, casting a furious look over his shoulder. The anger was raw. His fingers clasped the handle of his piece. He flicked off the safety and contemplated whether to say fuck it and end the stand-off by putting a bullet to Nicky’s head or leave. Every muscle constricted. Had the men glimpsed the rage inside his brain they’d scatter for their lives.

  “Hey, Nico take care of yourself. We had a lot of good times until you blew it. One day we’ll meet and share a drink with Lucifer!”

  Nico’s fingers slackened and eased from the trigger. The tension ebbed and the murderous thought dissolved. The old man was doing his job, he’d reserve his bullet, today. He got in the car, slammed the door and sped off. When he reached a safe distance he steered to the side of the road. He didn’t notice the beautiful trees or the tropical paradise. He was in an ugly place where loveliness did not exist. He pound his fist to the steering wheel, “Sonovabitch!”

  He kicked open the door, got out and pointed his chin to the sun. He promised Selange he’d visit. He’d flown from New York to surprise her and the kids. Maybe, he should’ve called to give her notice. “Stupid…stupid…stupid!” Of course Alfonzo gave the order. Even after their divorce he wasn’t going to let Nico have her. The bastard. The cold, heartless, little shit!

  Nico closed his eyes; he considered beating the crap out of the asshole. Then, he sighed. Alfonzo’s blood, his cousin in fact and despite his fury, he’d find another way to handle it. He did love the man once. His laugh was part disbelief and frustration. The little shit turned into a true mafia kingpin didn’t he? Not long ago, Nico was saving his ass from street brawls to close calls with gangbangers out in New York. He watched over that kid like a dog from hell. The crap he went through in those five years would amaze anybody if he told. Nico crouched under the weight of love and hate, thinking how a stone-cold killer finally was dropped to his knees by a little shit and an innocent young woman.

  Merda, who would’ve thunk it?


  Selange smiled at the sound of Maria’s voice. Although, Selange was no longer married to her son, Maria hadn’t faltered in the supportive grandmother role. She called often and confessed her dismay about the break-up then said it didn’t change her feelings about Selange, she’d always love her. This warmed Selange’s heart. Perhaps, she expected Maria to hate her, but the woman made no judgments, simply continued to love her unconditionally and that’s what made the entire ordeal less gut-wrenching.

  The tears weren’t coming as frequently and the pain of loss became tolerable. She could live with it now. It still hurt but at least she was functioning again. The few days after signing the divorce papers she’d been a wreck, an inconsolable heap of a mess. Her eyes were always red, she had to force herself to eat for the babies’ sake and she refused to talk to anybody, even Shanda. Her life changed from a beautiful masterpiece to an abstract nightmare. Yes, it got that bad. Alfonzo shut the door on any possibility of reconciliation by filing.

  It was really hard to accept, but then it started getting better. Her mind soon acknowledged she and Alfonzo were in the midst of divorce. Then when the final divorce decree came, she had tangible proof. The marriage was over, but her life wasn’t. She had begun to put her life back on track, until the nasty altercation with Alfonzo the other night. She regret saying some things, but she guessed they had to be said. She needed closure. Alfonzo wasn’t the only one angry, you know.

  Maria was talking, “I’m coming soon. The babies must be a handful. I’ll be there to help.”

  “You don’t have to do that, really.”

  “But I want to. No arguments. Okay, hablamos luego, bye!”

  “Okay, bye.” Selange replied. Guess it was settled, Maria was flying here and there was nothing she could do about it.

  The doorbell chimed and she sat her cell down just as Alfonzo entered. He still had a key. However, he always rang the doorbell to announce his presence. She wasn’t accustomed to this new life of a divorcee. Four months later and she hadn’t shed her old ways, apparently Alfonzo had.

  “Hi, I’m here for los ninos.” He said civilly when he saw her there.

  The yoga mat was out and he guessed she’d finished her little contortion exercises and decided to take a break.

  “It’s seven in the morning and they’re not awake, yet.”

  Alfonzo grimaced. Yeah, he’d come earlier than usual because he had a fitful sleep. He figured what the hell, he’d get an early start on the day and came by.

  Selange noticed his disappointment. It was awkward silence between them and she spoke first. “Listen, about the other night. I didn’t mean to rail on you like that.”

  “Forget it.”

  “I just want to apologize. You were right. I shouldn’t have brought the gun and…”

  “I said forget it.”

  “I’m trying to apologize here.”

  “For what, speaking your mind? Selange, I can handle it. Don’t lose sleep over it. You can’t hold your liquor for shit though, you never could.”

  She nodded, “Fine.”

  He spotted the unmistakable large red bag with the purple stripes sitting beside the couch, “You were in New York recently?”

  “No, they’re gifts.” She leapt from the sofa and her shapely butt moved like a pendulum, swaying from side to side with smooth grace in a pair of Lycra shorts. He tried not to ogle but his eyes were on auto pilot.

  “I made coffee, want some?” She asked trying to break the ice.

  “Thanks.” He took a few steps and peered inside. Stuffed animals in blue and pink atop other toys. His brows furrowed. “People are still sending gifts for the babies?”

  Selange, took his favorite cup out of the cabinet. The one with his name on it that Sal gave him for his birthday, “Sort of, your mom does all the time but those are from Nico.”

  Alfonzo’s lip curled in distaste. So, the fucker sent presents, how nice. He wondered if she were seeing him on the side. If she were they must meet in private because Nico was banned from the property. Yes, he’d given her the house but was damned if that bastard and his ex-wife were going to have sex under the same roof as his children, again. If they were hooking up, he wondered why none of the bodyguards mentioned it, then again Selange was slick. If she duped him before, heck fooling the guards was a breeze.

  She attempted to change the subject, “So, how are you doing?”

  “I’m okay, y tú?” He saw she was trying and decided he’d do the same. He walked into the kitchen as she poured the fresh brew in his cup and waited.

  She frowned, Angelina was colicky, waking up three and four times during the night and she had no one to complain to. She felt exhausted and overwhelmed at times. With Sal and Aldonza, Alfonzo was there doing his part and this time around she was doing it alone. A single mother and a lonely woman. Ugh, she would never share these thoughts with Alfonzo, he’d probably gloat. After-all, she’d made the decision and now she must live with her choice –and frankly, she wouldn’t change it. She loved Angelina and Vincent. Losing Alfonzo, well that was her sacrifice. She turned and gave him the cup. Hiring another domestic worker did allow Anita to help out with the children more, it was a life-saver. She had her ex-husband of all people to thank for this. “Better. Thanks for the extra help.”

  “You’re welcome.” He took a sip of coffee, “Um –damn I needed that!”

  “Late nights?” She asked, leaning against the counter.

  “You can say that.” He took another sip to avoid s
aying more. His eyes didn’t stray from her face. She had a sharp eyebrow raised like she suspected his activities didn’t involve work.

  There was an uncomfortable silence until she commented, “When the children are over I hope your guests are not there.”

  This remark stung like acid. “But I’m not married and any guest I have are welcome to spend the night. I don’t need to sneak around like some people.”

  She blinked as if slapped. She turned her back to wash the spoon in the sink and sighed, “Yeah, of course you’re still angry.” She held onto the counter and shook her head in exasperation, “I’m done.” She spun around and her eyes were brilliant specks of flashing lights, “I’m sorry I hurt you. Alfonzo, you’ve made your point, I get it, come on for the sake of our children can’t we be decent to each other?”

  He considered it, “What’s decent, pretending you weren’t fucking around behind my back? Seems you and Nico are finding a way to continue sneaking around. What I don’t get is why he hasn’t stepped up, asked you to marry him if he cared so much about you?” He sneered, “We’re divorced, and you can do whatever you want now.”

  The brilliant lights died; she inhaled so sharply it made a high pitched sound. The hazel eyes were aqueous and her lip trembled. Whatever he said struck a blow. He saw her spirit crush to nothing and felt instant regret. She ducked her head in misery and attempted to walk around him. He quickly sat the cup on the counter and caught her arm and stopped the retreat. “Hold on, you don’t get to run. You were big on the truth the other night, well here it is. I’m doing the best I can under the circumstances. This is hard for me, especially coming here and seeing you and the babies. Why can’t you realize that?”

  “I do, but what do you want me to do, become invisible? I’m trying to go forward and you’re dragging me back.” He released her arm. “We can fight about everything or work together to raise our children. I don’t want to fight with you Alfonzo. I know you’re angry but can’t you see the kids are more important than us?” She searched his eyes, “I know you love them and we’re both trying to look out for their best interests so they won’t become scarred by our mistakes. Can’t we put our issues aside for them?”


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