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The Reluctant Fool: The Tainted Series

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by T. L. Tate

  The Reluctant Fool:

  The Tainted Series

  By T.L. Tate

  Copyright 2017 by T.L. Tate

  Distributed by Smashwords

  Cover Photo Copyright of Maksim Toome/Shutterstock

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Other Works by T.L. Tate:

  The Tainted Series'

  A Gentleman's Curse

  A Gentleman's Folly

  The Reluctant Scoundrel

  Dance with the Devil

  Inseparable Family

  (Coming Soon!)

  ***Hearts that Bleed ***


  Table of Contents

  Main Story

  About the Author

  Sneak Peek of Hearts that Bleed

  Fantastic Stories

  Connect with T.L.

  The Reluctant Fool:

  The Tainted Series

  "Come closer."

  Her voice was like sweet wine—decadent and cloying, promising a sweet treat if I obeyed. Her brown eyes were like fire and they burned her erupting desire into my psyche. She wanted me and the thought made me smile. That smile quickly changed into an expression of surprise when I felt her small hand massaging the meat of my cock. She expertly caused it to inflate. I was putty in her practiced hands and she knew it. She threw her own knowing smirk at me as I writhed in the perfection of her detailed touch.

  She tilted her head down, her long brown curls partially covering her beautiful face. "I said, come closer."

  I was powerless to resist and she knew it. I inched closer to her pillow-y lips, thinking about all of the things I wanted to do to them. Those dirty desires caused my cock to further fill with blood, stretching the material of my jeans. She was my goddess and now it was time to pay her obeisance. I could feel her desire and it compounded my own. I whispered her name, "Jen", as I moved ever closer to her. The heat of her small body was intoxicating. The fragrance coming off of her was unaided by perfume and was even more delicious because it was her natural scent. I wanted to dive on top of her and take her right then and there.

  Her lips gently grazed mine as she teased me. She knew it drove me crazy and sure enough there was a mischievous look in her eyes that betrayed her intentions. I smiled, prepared to hold her down if I had to. But I knew it wouldn't come to that. She wanted to be playful. That was fine with me...for now.

  She caught my bottom lip between her teeth and pulled. I moaned as her cheeks grew red. Her game was having an arousing effect on her as well. Her tongue darted out as she released my lip and she quickly licked where her teeth just were. I had had enough waiting. Now I wanted my reward. I wrapped her in my arms, careful not to get my hands in her hair.

  "I love you."

  She smiled. It was at once bright and shy. Even after 12 years, she still wasn't used to me so easily declaring my love for her. But she'll need to get used to it. I don't plan to stop declaring it until my own heart stops beating. "I love you, Lance."

  She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, lips puckered. I smiled and moved in to claim her luscious lips, knowing that soon I would be ripping these clothes off of her body as I make her writhe and moan beneath me.

  Our eyes flew open at the same time. Even without hearing them, we both felt it as they rudely descended upon us. And like dark magicians they cast their spells destroying the passion and joy we were building and replacing it with another important function—parenting.

  "Mommy? Daddy? Avi won't share the remote!" That was our son, Aesop. He bounded into the kitchen, his beautiful brown skin the perfect blend of his mothers pale skin and my dark skin. His curly hair bobbed as he came to an abrupt stop in front of us. His big beautiful brown eyes were looking at us in turn, wanting us to immediately fix this extreme injustice.

  Jen and I traded a glance that has been shared countless times by any couple with children. We smiled, Later. We'll finish this after they go to bed.

  I guess I was up. Raising my voice loud enough to be heard from one end of our home to the other, "Avi! Get in here, please."

  She must've been skulking about outside the kitchen because the moment I said her name she peeked her perfectly beautiful cherub face around the corner. "Yes, Daddy?" Avi, the younger of the two twins, looked more like her mother than she did me—except when she was mad. When she was mad it was like looking in a miniature, cuter mirror of myself. Her skin was also a perfect blend of her mother and I and her hair fell almost to the middle of her back in thick, proud dark curls. She was wearing a large dragonfly hairband that Jen bought her earlier in the day and a Princess Sofia nightgown. Clutched tightly in her right hand was the offending object in question.

  "Come here, young lady."

  She looked abashedly at her feet and shuffled closer. "Y-yes, Daddy?"

  I glanced at Jen and she smiled and shrugged. Taking over she asked, "Why aren't you sharing the remote with your brother, Avi?"

  She picked up her beautiful brown eyes and they were wide. "But it's my turn!" She whined and I groaned. Neither, Jen or I really cared for whining.

  "No it's not!" Aesop cut in.

  "Yeah-huh! You watched the lion show now I get to watch my show."

  Now he was whining. "But Mommy, the lion show was already playing. I didn't even get to see it all!"

  Now it was my turn. "Now listen here you two. I don't much care for you watching that much TV. I've got no problem turning it off."

  They both looked at me in unmuted shock. As if what I was requesting was like asking them to severe their own limbs and replace them with sock puppets.

  Not it was Jen's turn. "Aesop, you watched your show. It's not Avi's fault that you started watching it late. Once Avi's show is finished then the TV goes off and you two can find something else to do together." She turned back to the counter where our previous war was still raging and pulled down two small victories. Handing one to each. "Here, have a cupcake and go play."

  Suddenly the TV was a thing of the past. They took their cupcakes with childish glee on their little perfect faces and skipped from the kitchen.

  I looked at Jen and smiled. "What?"

  I shrugged and kissed her cheek. "Nothing. You're just a great mother."

  She blinked, still unused to getting complements. "Uh, thanks." Her cheeks were red and she turned back to countertop and continued frosting the 6-dozen cupcakes we were making for our kids' summer program. My hands were covered with flour as I continued mixing batter for the last couple of loads.

  When I got home from work, Jen had been in the throes of an apocalyptic breakdown. She told me about how the kids just told her about the requirement for 72 cupcakes that were needed tomorrow. So I sat my bag down, untied my tie and rolled up my sleeves. We were just about done by the time she turned to me and told me to come closer.

  "I really appreciate all of your help, Lance. Sorry, I wasn't able to get dinner ready."

  I kissed her again. "Don't apologize. The kids ate and I can grab something later."

  "Thanks, honey."

  Jen amazed me. She grew up with two parents who cared more
about their own image than they did with the well being of their youngest child. At least their oldest child, Jessa, received some type of parenting. Jen was left to fend for herself as long as she didn't embarrass them. Still, Jen didn't have any parenting chops in her that were given to her by her own genetic providers. Nevertheless, that didn't stop her from being a fantastic mother to our twins and soon (hopefully) to our next child. The twins are now 4 and a couple of months ago Jen finally agreed to try for another child. That was during the week we stayed at her sister, Jessa's, house. But that wasn't the only thing that happened on that trip.

  Just the thought of Jessa caused me to delve deep into a pit filled with guilt. Jessa, Jen's attractive, angry and vindictive older sister forced me into having sex with her by way of the threat of destroying either my marriage or my wife's psyche if I didn't. When she cornered me in her bathroom, naked and in the midst of pleasuring herself, she threatened to alert Jen to the fact that we were in there together. That seemed all good and well until she followed up by stating that she would convince Jen that I was trying to fuck her. I knew that I would eventually be able to tell Jen the truth. The only problem was the two gifts remaining from the way she was raised—her low self-esteem and terrible jealousy streak. It would destroy Jen if she found out so thinking that I was doing the best thing by just giving Jessa what she wanted, I had sex with her. I hated it and only made it through because I imagined that she was Jen the entire time. Still, neither that threat nor the fact that I fantasized about Jen the whole time, takes away the fact that I cheated on my wife. I adore my wife, and I hate myself for allowing things to go as far as they did. For the rest of that week I avoided Jessa like the plague but the damage had been done. Jessa had chummed the waters and I took the bait. Now she knew my weakness and knew just how to manipulate that weakness to her advantage.

  Jessa had convinced Jen to invite her out to our house and despite their years of avoiding each other and Jen's general disdain for her sister, she still agreed. Jessa was supposed to be flying in tomorrow afternoon. It goes without saying, but I was dreading this visit. Nevertheless, despite my reservations, which I shared with Jen numerous times on the way back to our home, Jen and Jessa had gotten remarkably close in these last months.

  For years they didn't even speak now they spoke almost every night. I could see the change in Jen. She was happier. It was like there was a missing piece of her being fulfilled. She liked having a sister that she could talk to and one that seemed to understand her. She stopped referring to her sister as if she were a stranger and started expressing excitement. Even the twins were excited. They had seen their aunt Jessa precisely twice in their 4 years and they were looking forward to getting a chance to get to know her better. It seemed like I was the only one still hanging onto my distrust for Jessa. Of course, Jen didn't know why and I had no plans on telling her. I planned on taking this secret to my grave and hopefully burning in Hell for all eternity for my betrayal.

  "So, babe...your sister is flying in tomorrow."

  Her head turned so fast that her hair smacked me in the face. Her eyes were wide with excitement and a huge smile was on her face. "I know! I'm so excited!" She was like her old preppy self. Only this time the glee was genuine and not a replica designed to trick others into thinking that she was happy. She was actually happy. She was happy and I was stressed.

  I knew it was now too late to do anything to stop the incoming demon from arriving. Besides, her threat still loomed. If I don't give in she threatened to tell Jen every detail of what we did that day in her bathroom. I knew my role, Shut up and Accept it.

  "So, babe..." Just then Jen's phone rang. I looked at the clock, 7:40pm. Jen and Jessa talked every night at this time.

  "Oh!" Jen looked at me and I nodded. She bounced up and kissed my cheek. "Thanks, baby." Then she quickly rinsed her hands and went for her phone. "Hey, sis!" She was around the corner by the time she finished that sentence.

  I finished pouring the batter into the cupcake molds and put the last two racks in the oven and then washed my hands and moved over to the frosting station. Avi and Aesop appeared a few minutes later hoping for seconds. "No way you two. Go have some fruit or something." I pulled out a bowl of grapes and placed it on the island. They climbed up and started eating grapes and coloring while they watched me finish the cupcakes.

  Jen came back a half hour later. "Okay you little monsters, time to get in the bath."

  "Yay!" They said in unison. "We want rainbow water!" They loved those little bath-bombs. Jen acquiesced and smiled at me. "I'm sorry, honey. I'll be back as soon as we're done."

  I waved at her as I popped a grape in my mouth. "No problem, sweetheart. I'll keep working."

  "My hero!" I was awarded with a kiss. As she ushered the kids from the island I reached down and gave her plump ass a swift slap, the smooth material of her tights skimming over my fingertips. She gasped and looked back at me, as if to say, you're going to get it tonight, mister.

  I smiled back at her as if to say, bring it on, Mrs. Lancaster.

  She winked and then followed the kids from the kitchen.

  By the time the kids were out of the bath, the last two racks of cupcakes were finished and were cooling. I went upstairs to read them a book while Jen came downstairs and finished frosting.

  Books were read. Cups of water were grabbed. Teeth were brushed. Covers were tucked. Mommy and Daddy kisses and hugs were given. I love you's were shared. The lights were turned off and our precious twins were out and safely headed towards the depths of dreamland.

  I climbed in the shower after eating a quick sandwich that Jen made. By the time I climbed out Jen was already in the bedroom. Her back was against the headboard as she held onto her tablet but I knew she wasn't even looking at it. I could feel her eyes following me around the room.

  Her hair was done up in a ponytail. Not something she normally wears to bed. The covers were conspicuously pulled up to her chin, which she rarely ever did. Her lips were glossy and her eyes were a darker shade...eyeliner.

  "Hey, baby."

  She pretended aloofness. "Oh hey babe. How was your shower?"

  I smiled. More games, huh? "Oh it was fine. I was hoping for company though."

  "Is that so?" More aloofness but she couldn't help the corners of her mouth from turning up.

  "Yeah." I approached the end of the bed, dropping my towel on the ground. I stood at the end of the bed, naked and wet basking in my godly glory. Even after all these years my physique was powerful, kept in check by hours in the gym and pick up games of basketball or flag-football. I knew she liked my body just as much as I admired hers.

  Standing proud before her, I grabbed onto the growing base of my cock and slowly pulled back and forward. Soon, my cock was standing in full-mast as I masturbated in front of her.

  Her eyes were molten and her cheeks were flushed. Her mouth hanged open as I watched her right arm move beneath the covers. She was watching me and loving it. Her small body jerked as she squeaked. She was biting her lip hard as her arm moved faster and faster. Her eyelids were fluttering. I smiled.

  "Is the door locked?"

  She nodded, mutely.


  I released my cock and pulled at the end of the covers. Our sheets glided over her fine figure exposing her pale shoulders. Next were her small perfect breasts. There was the koi fish tattoo. Then her hips. Right there! Her right hand was spreading her lips as her fingers dipped inside of her pussy. Her hand obscured her brown pubic hair but even from this distance I could see how wet she was.

  "Come here." There was a low growl in my voice that I couldn't control. I wanted her so much I felt like I was transforming into an animal.

  She didn't hesitate. Leaning forward at the waist, she pulled her legs beneath her and as she crawled to the end of the bed.

  I stood straight, looking down at my wife, the mother of my children, and the love of my life and I felt like a god. I wanted to possess her—all of her.<
br />
  "Open your mouth." I didn't have to say more. She did as she was told while taking hold of the base of my cock.

  Her hot breath touched my cockhead and I tensed. Her hand squeezed my base as her thumbed ran up and down my throbbing vein. She looked up at me and smiled. She had me right where she wanted me and she knew it.

  "Do you want me to suck this fat cock, baby?"

  "Yeah, baby. Take all of it."

  "Mmmm! I can't wait." Her tongue flicked the tip of my cock over and over again. The sensation brought with it a deep shiver moving from the back of my legs up to my lower back.

  "Oh", I moaned.

  Slurp! "Mmmmm!" Her tongue moved up and down the underside of my cock as her mouth spread to allow me to enter. The heat from her mouth penetrated my rod until the point that I felt a pleasurable fire seeping into me. She took me in slowly and meticulously, which I appreciated. We had time so why rush?

  Her curvy ass was in the air and I couldn't help but partake. I didn't even need to bend forward that much. I squeezed her ass and was rewarded with a throaty moan of appreciation.

  I loved Jen's ass. It was the closest thing to perfect that an ass could be. It was round, high, firm and had some give. There were a few stretch marks around her hips leading to her ass and I loved tracing them with my tongue. God! Jen was perfect and her ass was a fucking masterpiece.

  I reached further until I found her entrance. Just as I expected, she was dripping wet. It took very little effort to slide my middle finger into her pussy. She didn't even break her stride when I did it. I smiled.

  Okay. If one isn't enough...

  I slipped another finger in her pussy and she froze. I smirked but I didn't stop. I didn't stab in and out of her. Instead I rolled my fingers in circles. Small to big. At the same time I pulled out and pushed in. I was literally drilling her with my fingers. Her back arched while she groaned with my dick pressed deeply inside of her mouth.


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