Book Read Free

Accidentally Perfect

Page 19

by Torrie Robles

  The house is quiet as I continue to drink my coffee and watch the city come to life down below. The quiet is calming. I know it won’t be much longer until the girls are up jumping around with the excitement of what today means. It’s been two weeks now, and if everything is healing right, Addie gets to have a walking cast, leaving those crutches in the trash. I have felt so bad for my baby these past two weeks. Her arms are always tired. The bruises and red spots are never ending. I smell him before I see him. Fresh out of the shower, Nathan comes into the living room. “Good Morning, love.” He leans down and places a kiss on my forehead. I love the feeling of his lips upon my skin. “How did you sleep?”

  “Well, after the workout you gave me last night. I’m surprised I’m awake as early as I am.”

  “It’s because of that workout that you are able to sleep so soundly. I don’t think you moved all night.”

  “It must be all that cum, it’s like a natural sedative.”

  “A sedative, huh? Well, that’s a first. Maybe we can market it. The slogan can be, “My man’s cum, the meme maker.”

  “Meme? I don’t get it.”

  “Meme, like let’s make memes. You never said that to the girls?”

  “Nope, I don’t think so.”

  “Oh, oh well. I heard it from the some of the Hispanic help we had while growing up. So what were you thinking about when I walked in.”

  I pour him a cup of coffee from the coffee carafe I brought with me into the living room this morning. “I spoke to my uncle down south about financial backing when it comes time to make my move about the Foundation. I still have no clue what I want to do. I don’t just want to give money; I want to do something.”

  “Well, there is something that I wanted to talk to you about. I’ve spoken with a couple land developers this week, and I have some good news. Last week I spoke with my sister about an idea I had. I think it’s something that you would be on board with, and I think it’s something that you can head up.”

  “Okay, what is it.”

  “Nathan’s House.”

  “Nathan’s House? I don’t get it.”

  “I thought we could expand the foundation and use the neighboring land next to the main house and build smaller houses. Kinda like our own little foster home community. The land is capable of holding multiple houses because the zoning allows it. At first I thought about one big house, but Natalie explained to me if I wanted the kids to feel normal then smaller may be better. What do you think?”

  “Holy crap Nathan, that’s perfect!” I put my cup down. “Oh my goodness! That is exactly what we should do! If everything goes right then, I can expand it to Oklahoma and help the kids down south as well!”

  “Well, I hope that’s a possibility. I think if we establish a good thing here, then it will only take a matter of time before we can expand it throughout the country.”

  “It sounds like a huge undertaking though. How would we be able to handle it all?”

  “Well, with my money, Natalie’s money and the Jacobs money there isn’t any reason why we can’t get started soon. But you’re right, this is a full-time deal. What Natalie does is just during this time of year. What Nathan’s House requires, will be a full-time commitment.”

  “I see.”

  “If this is something you want then Natalie, and I will support you, but you have to make that commitment also. Natalie already said she will do the fundraising all year round. With the enormity of this project, she’s going to need to. This may be like another child. You are going to have to nurture it and support it. Be there for it like you’re there for the girls. Nursing may not fit into the picture right now. I’m not saying that once it’s up and running that we couldn’t find someone to maintain it, but I don’t see anyone having the passion you’ll have to make sure this project is successful.”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t want to have someone else put in all their sweat in tears on something that’s my passion. Geez, I don’t know though. I love what I do. I love my patients. I love being at the hospital, making a difference.”

  “You’ll still be making a difference though, love. You will be responsible for the happiness of so many children who may not have it without you. Plus, you can be like the resident nurse. I’m sure with a few houses full of kids there are going to be plenty of runny noses, sore throats and skinned knees that you can fix.”

  “Can I think about it?”

  “Of course you can. I have the developers on hold, once you decide then let me know.”

  Nathan goes into the kitchen to make some breakfast. If I know my girls as soon as they roll out of bed, they are going to want to eat. This is an enormous opportunity for me to take on something so special. I know the Foundation is important to Nathan and Natalie. If their mother were still alive, I have a feeling it may already up and running. This is a huge step. I would need to make contact with the city’s children's services and see what I need to have to be able to get it started. I’m sure Nathan’s legal team at Whitmore would be helping us out and getting everything in order. Natalie’s fundraising ability is outstanding. I have no doubt that she would be able to bring money in. I just have to make the decision to walk away from the hospital so I can focus one hundred percent on Nathan’s House. “Hey baby, do you want to eat now or wait until the girls are away.”

  “I’m coming.” I go into the kitchen, and the aroma hits me full force. Wowza, he used a lot of garlic and pepper.

  “So what are your plans for today?” I take the plate he hands me and sit down at the bar.

  “Well, I’m taking Addie to see if she can get her walking cast. Brad’s going to meet me there, and he’s going to take the girls for the rest of the day. I think he may keep them overnight since he has an open period tomorrow. In a few more weeks, he won’t be able to have them so much because basketball pre-season will be starting.”

  “Hmm, so I get an alone night with mommy?”

  “Yes,” I laugh “A night without having to drown out the moaning with blasting music.”

  “And being able to take our time, since the fear of one of them walking in or knocking won’t be a problem. I look forward to it. I may not think of anything else all day.”

  “I would be offended if you did think of anything else other than me, naked, spread eagle, lusting for your cock.”

  “Shit, Bear, I may need a preview now.”

  “Too bad lover boy. That’s not gonna happen. The girls will be up shortly, and I have to get going.”

  “You’re killing me, sweet girl. What’s the plan after Add’s appointment? Do you want to meet me for lunch?”

  “Can’t lovey. Sorry. After that, I’m going to head over to the hospital and check in. Look in on my patients, see who is still surviving. Stella and I are supposed to eat lunch, and I have my yearly physical in the afternoon.”

  “Do you want me to come with you for your appointment?”

  “Um, no. I don’t need you in the room while my feet are up in the stirrups. Besides, Stell is my Nurse Practitioner. I’m in good hands.”

  “How on earth can you have your best friend looking in all your girly bits? There is no way I would allow Troy near my dick or balls.”

  “Well, I guess it’s just the level of friendship. I wouldn’t trust anyone else’s hands.”

  “Not, even mine?” He moves to me pulling me to him.

  “Well, you will always be my exception.”

  “That’s good to know.”

  Adele’s appointment was a success. Her bones are healing ahead of schedule, and everything looks like there isn’t any reason why we should think there would be issues in the future. Thank God! She walked out with a pink walking cast. I ordered a pink one, at her request. She even had me call Natalie and book a day where they can get together and bedazzle it. When we were done, Brad took the girls for a celebration lunch and then shopping at the toy department since they now need more tea sets and fake food to make Nathan a meal fit for a king.

My patients are all still alive and kicking. A few of them have gone back home since their blood counts were looking up. Since I’ve been gone, I haven’t gotten any new patients. That’s good. I wouldn’t want to come in during the middle of a stay. I like to have patients from admission to release. Not all the nurses are like that, but I just happen to be one of the ones who like to start and finish something. If by chance they come back, then I make sure they are under my care again. It’s a relationship of trust that I like to have with them.

  “You look good, Lane. I can’t believe I haven’t seen you in the past few weeks.”

  “I know, I’m sorry. I feel awful.”

  “Please, girl. You are married now. Of course, the friends fall to the back burner. If my husband looked like Nathan, I would file a missing persons report on myself because I would be out of commission that’s for sure.”

  “My God S, it’s not like we are humping like rabbits and can’t make it out of the penthouse. We have the girls. It’s just been busy.”

  “Ah, ‘The Penthouse.' Must be nice.”

  “I’m not gonna lie; it’s fantastic. The rooms that Natalie did for the girls are to die for. They are in heaven.”

  “Yeah, you can thank me again for pushing your ass into that one.”

  “I will be forever indebted to you Stella. Seriously.”

  We spend a good two hours going over everything that we’ve missed in each other’s lives over the past few weeks. To my surprise, she has been out on a few dates with Troy. They seemed to hit it off when they were thrown together to get back home when Nathan and I had to hurry back to New York. Troy must not talk to Nathan about his dating life because I’m sure he would have mentioned it to me. I told her about meeting the infamous Diane and Joseph. She was proud to hear that I have no fear when it comes to her and her past relationship with Nathan. I am so much more of a woman than she is, and I have no doubts about Nathan’s feelings for me and the girls. He reminds me every, single, night. I spoke with her briefly about the possibility of leaving the hospital and taking on Nathan’s House. Like a best friend does, she was one hundred percent supportive of whatever decision I make.

  “Okay, get undressed so we can get this over with. Honest, Lane, I don’t understand. Why you don’t you have someone else do your paps? Do you know how uncomfortable this is for me?” We are in the exam room after our lunch.

  “Seriously S, you have exactly what I have. There are no surprises. I trust you, besides, heaven forbid it happens, but if you were hospitalized with cancer wouldn’t you want me to take care of you?”

  “You have a point. I would only want you.”

  “Well, I only want you looking at my hoo-ha, so there. We’re even.”

  “Oh child, we are far from even. Do you even realize how many times I have had your legs spread eagle in my face? More than any friend should say, Lane.”

  Stella does my breast exam, just the professional she is. “Are you starting soon? You’re wincing like your boobs are sore.”

  “I don’t know, and why didn’t you ask me that when I came in any way. Isn’t that a typical question?”

  “Look, if you don’t like my bedside manner you can always find someone else to feel you up and scrape your cervix. I wouldn’t be offended. Alright, scoot down and put your heels up.”

  “Hey, I was thinking about getting the Depo shot. I’m tired of forgetting my pills and having to double up. One shot once a month is so much easier. What do you think?”

  “Hold still, I’m inserting the speculum. If you think the shot would be better, then do it. It is easier than having to remember to take that little bastard every day. We know your memory isn’t the best.” I can feel that she stills.

  “Stell, what’s wrong. What do you see?”

  “Lane, when was your last period?”

  “I don’t know. But I should be starting any day now. Why?”

  “I need you to get dressed and go leave a urine sample.”

  She takes off her gloves and helps me up. “Why do I need a urine sample, Stella?”

  “Come on Laney, you’re a nurse. Why do you think?”

  I think I might have blacked out for a second because the next thing I know is that I’m lying flat on my back when I was sitting up. Stella is fanning me with a pamphlet about what’s the first step to a healthy pregnancy. How ironic. “Are you serious? You think I’m pregnant?”

  “I don’t want to think, I want to know. Come, go pee in the cup and bring it back to me.”

  I find my legs and make my way to the bathroom. My mind races with all the what-ifs. What if it’s true? What if Nathan didn’t want children? Did we talk about it yet? Have we made plans for expanding our family? Oh my God, can I be pregnant?

  I do the deed, and I give Stella the cup. “Go back into the exam room and I’ll be back shortly.”

  I do the walk of shame, or what it feels like it. How and the hell can I be so stupid. So irresponsible to get knocked up when the ink on my marriage license is barely dry. My mother is going to have a field day with this screw-up. Two pregnancies and both were unplanned. Not necessarily unwanted, but certainly weren’t in the cards on either occasion. I watch the clock tick along while I wait for my best friend to deliver the news that may forever change my life. The door opens, and the look on her face tells me everything I need to know.

  “How and the hell am I pregnant?”

  “Girl, we both know the how, what we need to ask is the who?”

  “The who?”

  “Ah yeah, we need to figure out who’s the baby daddy. Nathan or Michael. Now lie back so I can do an ultrasound.”

  Sitting in my office feels like something I have to do now and not something I want to do. I always thought work, having my own company would fulfill everything I wanted out of life. Now, it doesn’t bring me the joy that it once did. I called Troy this morning to discuss the expansion of the company. “So what has you all twisted? You look like you’re trying to find the cure for world hunger.” Troy comes in and takes a seat in front of my desk.

  “I just wanted to touch bases with you about the Whitmore Assets expansion.”

  “It’s going well; everything is right on track. We should have enough of our current clients on board along with plenty of new clients to have it a go at the start of the New Year.”

  “You still looking to relocate out west and head it up?”

  “Well, about that. I’m not sure I’m willing to move. I’ve kinda been seeing someone, and I know it’s too early to say anything for sure, but I don’t not hate her, you know?”

  “My, my, my. After all these years knowing you, serving with you, watching your drunk ass puke everywhere time and time again, did I think you would second guess your life for a woman.”

  “Hi pot, meet kettle. Fuck man, I didn’t think I would even consider it after the shit storm I walked away from when I left for our first assignment. But she’s different, you know. She’s a no-nonsense type of woman. She says it how it is and doesn’t allow me to pull any shit on her.”

  “She sounds like she knows who she is. The question is, does she really know who you are? Our pasts define us, Troy.”

  “You don’t have to tell me that brother.”

  “Well, if you’re serious about her. I want to meet her; maybe the four of us can go out soon. Have some dinner, get to know her.”

  “No need for that man, she’s your wife’s best friend.”

  “Well, fuck me.”

  “Mr. Whitmore,” my secretary, breaks in, “Your father is here to see you.”

  “Shit. Alright, well we need to revisit the west coast deal then. If you don’t want to go, I’m not sure I trust anyone else to take care of it. I’m sure as hell not gonna relocate to open it and get it started. This whole expansion may need to be tabled for a while.”

  “Alright, I got it. I’ll talked to Stella about getting together. Man, I can’t believe Laney didn’t tell you. That woman can keep a secret.”

>   I watch Troy walk out and my father stroll in like he owns the place. “What do I owe the pleasure of your company today? Shouldn’t you be at work? I am still paying you to hold down a job, aren’t I?”

  “Please spare me the whole ‘I’m the lord of Whitmore and you aren’t,' I’m not in the mood for it.”

  “Then what do you want?”

  “Well for one, do you think it’s appropriate to have a woman you barely know walk around wearing the family jewelry? Don’t you think it’s a bit premature for you to be giving something so valuable to someone you barely know.”

  “You mean my wife? I’m not going to defend my marriage to you or anyone else for that matter. What I give my wife isn’t any of your concern. I have every right to allow her to have every single piece of gold my mother owned. That’s what being her only beneficiary means. If that is the only reason why you came here, then I suggest you turn back around and get back to the office. If your job isn’t something that’s fulfilling you any longer, then I am sure I can find someone to replace you.”

  “Please boy, you think you have any actual power? You hired people to do the job you didn’t want and now you think you have the right remove me or anyone else for that matter.”

  “Well, old man, do you want to challenge me? I would like to see you try. I may have people running each and every division of Whitmore, but remember, it’s still mine. All of it is mine. Every piece of it is in my name. The office you call yours, well you see, you’re just using it. Borrowing it from me. Even that chair you sit your ass in every day is mine. That will never change.”

  “Maybe, maybe not, son. Time will tell.” I am so tired of hearing the same old shit come out of his mouth. It’s like a broken record that just won’t stop.

  “Is there anything else? I do have a company to run.”

  “Funny, I am still amazed this one is still afloat. Seeing as the boss has no background in business, let alone running one.”


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