The Ice King On My Hate

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The Ice King On My Hate Page 13

by Reese Madison

  “I did. I spent way too much money today. If you want I can return some clothes.” I offered.

  He looked into my eyes, “Money is not something you need to concern yourself with.”

  “What should I concern myself with?” Oh God, am I flirting with him? What’s wrong with me??

  His eyes wandered down to my cleavage, “You say you don’t want me, then you come to me like this? I think you taunt me my pet.” He accused playfully.

  I picked up my leash and twirled it around as I looked at the man who could make me feel all those wonderful things, until recently. “Maybe I am taunting you. The you that makes me feel like I look right now.”

  His eyebrows drew together for a second then he realized what I’m trying to say and lifted one eyebrow as if in warning, “I’m going to make you feel like you look alright.” He pounced before he finished his sentence. I think I squealed with delight as I tried to escape by running around to the other side of the bed.

  He stalked me slowly with mischief in his eyes, “Have you been on that pill long enough yet?”

  I nodded having spotted for the first time in years just last week. Then I put my hands on my hips and pushed my chest out making his stop short. “Why now? Why tonight? Is it the new look?”

  He looked me over slowly as he replied, “I buy you semi modest clothing so I don’t throw you down and climb inside you.” His eyes met mine, “It’s most definitely the new look. You could have chosen modesty as to not turn my eye, but you didn’t. You chose this, to show off just how beautiful you are. What did you expect from me? To ignore this?” He motioned with his hand to my new get up.

  “Every time I think I have you figured out you say something to completely surprise me.” I give up. Only Fletch can get away with saying he wants to fuck me because I look hot. Only he could make it a compliment.

  “You can always say no Jasmine. Say no right now and I find another way to enjoy my evening ripping your clothes off.” He’s asking how far he can go. I think this is the first time he’s asked me for anything.

  “I’m ready, have been for a while.” I admitted as I sat on the side of the bed to get these boots off.

  He swatted my hands away and took over. “You were pretty pissed at me yesterday.” He reminded me. “Were you ready then?”

  “I can be mad at you and still want you. I wouldn’t have given up our first time together while mad at you, just like I won’t sleep with you if you piss me off in the future.” I gave him my other foot.

  “It’s not healthy to withhold sex to gain leverage in a dispute.” He sounds like he knows, but I know better.

  “Nothing about this relationship is healthy.” I teased.

  He set my boots aside and closed in putting his knee on the bed beside me making me crawl back as he climbs over to pin me underneath his large frame. “You make it healthy. Do you know why I haven’t punished you for running away on me?”

  I got comfortable as he settled and lowered to kiss my neck. “No.”

  “Because I’m too damn happy having you back. That was your first and only Gimme. Run again and I’ll chain you to my bed.” He nipped my jaw and lifted up to take in my hair. I’d pulled it up and behind me because it’ll get caught under my butt and pull if I don’t. “The hair color makes your eyes stand out. You’ve always been pretty to me, but now you’ve accented everything making me very proud to have such a formidable wife.”

  I tiled my head and smiled, “I’m not your wife.”

  “You are in here.” He shifted and put my right palm over his heart, “This is all that matters, not some piece of paper and a ceremony. This isn’t temporary, and I don’t want anyone else but you, ever. Please don’t leave me again, I don’t think I’d survive it.”

  Boy he’s really laying it on thick. “I’m not going anywhere. We’re going to have to talk about how to handle the media though.”

  “I’m working on that with the club. We’ll see where we stand tomorrow. Right now I want to make you my wife in every way.” He closed in and kissed me slow and tender at first.

  Then there was this mutual frenzy to get our clothes off that made me laugh a couple times.

  Suddenly he fit his body over mine so perfectly I literally dissolved under him. I can’t tell where I end and he begins. He’s gently nudging his way around with his tip to make sure he doesn’t hurt me. His cock is long and thick. The two fingers he’s been using on me have probably helped mold me for his size, but this is still going to hurt.

  I captured his face and looked into passion filled hazel eyes. There are no words needed.

  He pushed in and closed his eyes as if in pain. “How can you be so tight?”

  I bit back my response because it’s not appropriate to get into that at the moment. Instead I focused on relaxing for him to go deeper. The deeper he goes the more I want. I find myself wanting to absorb everything he is. To protect this big man who definitely doesn’t need protecting.

  Or does he? He may not need it on the outside, but his insides are deeper than they appear. I made a silent vow to protect and care for him any way I can just before my body exploded under him.

  “Shit Jasmine.” He cussed sinking all the way in.

  This only made me dig in and push back for more. “Don’t stop.”

  “Baby, I can barely move you’ve got me clamped down so tight.” He replied between kisses to my cheek and down my neck.

  I grabbed his ass as hard as I could and arched for even more. “I’m greedy.” My confession came with a third orgasm. Poor guy hasn’t moved since he landed deep all the way to his balls.

  “No shit.” He chuckled for the first time ever making me laugh. “Don’t laugh! Geezus Jasmine! You’re not helping. Stop fucking laughing!” He’s biting my jaw as I giggle uncontrollably. “Oh hell.”

  He cocooned his arms around my shoulder and head to move out and back in carefully. Two short strokes later I can feel him filling me.

  I grabbed his hair and kissed him until the throbbing subsided between us.

  He lifted up and looked into my eyes, “You my dear, have some explaining to do.”

  I bit my lip trying to look innocent, something I’m not any longer.

  “I felt it Jasmine. Why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin?”

  “I don’t know, except I was afraid it would change things somehow. No matter how it played out in my head, it was never good.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense. What really doesn’t make any sense is how you’ve remained a virgin all your life.”

  “It’s kind of a long story. It’s not that I’m a prude, I’ve done almost everything else, mostly with you, but I always wanted to save that for after I got married.” I shrugged, “Maybe I was really saving it for when I knew it was right.”

  “We’re going to drive each other nuts, you realize that don’t you?” He didn’t wait for an answer before pulling out and rolling to his back beside me. “Five minutes and you’re going to walk funny tomorrow.”

  I giggled and kissed his shoulder as I sat up, “Let me go freshen up first.”

  The next morning as we tried to leave the hotel parking lot I jumped off the bike and laughed, “No way. Leave me here. After what you did to me last night you owe me a day off. I can’t ride that thing, I can’t sit!!” He kept his promise about making walk funny today.

  My girly parts hurt! Not bad, but bad enough I’d rather not be on the bike for a little while. That coupled with some serious nipping and sucking, my whole body is singing in glorious pain.

  He looked damned pleased with himself and handed me the room key. “Pack our shit. We’re leaving tomorrow at noon. Stay off that beautiful ass today, you’ll be on it for a six hour ride tomorrow.”

  I felt a huge weight lift knowing I can just chill today. “Thank you Master.” Now when I say it, I say it with
affection. Before it was to appease him, now it’s because he is truly a Master of my body.

  He righted his bike keeping his eyes on mine. “Behave, and don’t leave the hotel.”

  “Be safe.” I stepped back as he started his bike.

  Nope, didn’t miss him one bit that day. Okay, that’s a lie, but it was nice having some time to myself. I snuck some wine down to the hot tub by the pool in a paper coffee mug and set about soaking my old bones.

  I’m not that old, thirty-on isn’t old. I did a little calculating in my head and realized I’ll be thirty-two in just a few days. I can’t get my hair wet so I leaned my head back and closed my eyes to avoid temptation to dunk. The chlorine would funk my fresh color.

  It’s weird knowing I have a birthday coming up and not being able to share it. If people knew my birth date they’d be able to Google me all that much easier. My dad was big on birthdays. He always knew the perfect gifts to get.

  For me it was simple, a new gun or a gift certificate to a pet food store. For my mother and sisters he would try to be creative, but all they really wanted was money to go shopping for clothes and purses.

  “Oh my God, would you look at that? I’d like to lick that from head to toe.” Some woman’s voice made me smile. Must be a hot guy on premise. I know it’s not Fletcher, that Sasquatch fucker. He’s sexy, but only after you get to know him. Upon first look he’s a big hairy oaf.

  “Oh my, that man is on a mission.” Her statement was odd so I sat up straighter and looked for…

  “Holy shit.” I dropped my wine as my now clean-shaven and bald Master came around the side of the hot tub.

  “Is that any way to greet your old man?” He bent his knees and dropped down as I turned around.

  “I think I swallowed my tongue.”

  One of the women behind him giggled, “You and me both honey.” She waved and they left the area.

  I can’t stop looking at him. “I can’t believe you did this.”

  He crooked his finger at me, “Come here.”

  I walked over and knelt on the bench seat to look up into his eyes, “Hi.”

  He didn’t reply with words. His hands came up and cupped my face to give his greeting in a kiss, a long lingering kiss that’s probably inappropriate for our surroundings.

  He let me go and stood up, “Let’s go, you’re done soaking in that germ stew.”

  “Okay, okay. Good grief.” I fanned my face. “Wooo weee!” I laughed at myself again.

  He wrapped a towel around my shoulders as I climbed up out of the tub. “I take it you approve?”

  “I approve, and I’m in shock. I had no idea you’d actually shave for me, let alone get a haircut.”

  He shrugged gathering my things from the nearby chair. “Not a big deal. It’s just hair. The only reason it was so long is pure laziness.” He felt his chin with his fingers. “I feel a bit naked though.”

  “I’d like to get you naked.” I slapped my hand over my mouth as his eyebrows shot up, “Was that out loud?”

  “Oh yeah, that was out loud.” He nodded towards the exit, “Let’s get you up and showered so I can make love to my wife the rest of the night.”

  Did he just say ‘make love’? Does he love me? Oh God I can’t go there right now. I stepped into the elevator without taking my eyes off his clean-shaven face.

  Once the doors closed he looked down and almost smiled, not quite, but damn close for Trooper Fletcher Colson. “Was I that ugly before?”

  I blinked, “No, it’s kind of like seeing you completely naked. I rarely get the privilege, so when I do I droll like an idiot.”

  His eyebrows drew together in confusion. “I’ve never noticed you drooling.”

  “That’s because I’m good at covering it up. Your ego is big enough without me adding to it.” I pretended to complain.

  The doors opened so we made our way to the room where he let me in and ushered me right into a shower. He took a quick rinse with me just to get any loose hairs left behind by the barber.

  My shower took a bit longer since I need to wash my hair, condition it, and then shave my legs. It was a good fifteen minutes after he’d left when I turned the water off and heard him cuss so loud I dropped the towel I’d just plucked off the nearby shelf.


  I ran out to the living area and turned to see my face on the television along with another woman giving the report. “Miss Morningstar’s body was never recovered, but due to the circumstances surrounding her accident it was presumed she died falling off a yacht own by her father, the renowned Basset Morningstar. For those who don’t remember, Karen overdosed her father using the morphine drip machine he was using to hang onto the thin thread of life left inside him.”

  “Many have sided with Miss Morningstar over the years since her disappearance, but not her family.” She nodded towards my face then it switched to various family members acting all upset about what I did. Assholes. They don’t know shit.

  “Miss Morningstar is believed to be the one who help save the life of Trooper Colson, a notorious nomad and member of the biker gang known as Exiles.”

  I kicked the TV in a roundhouse that sent it right to the floor where it sputtered and died as the plug pulled free. “It’s a club you stupid bitch!! Not a gang!!”

  “That’s what you’re pissed about??” Master asked pointedly.

  I turned around remembering he’s there, “We have to go.”

  “Where Jasmine? We can’t go home. We can’t go to the club. Slider is going to be pissed about the gang thing, but being tied to you faking your death after helping your father commit suicide? This shit just got ugly.” He reached for his beard and found bare chin instead.

  I’m already getting dressed and packing. “See? This is why you should have let me go. Now you’re going to get fired, I’m going to get thrown in prison.” I shoved my head through a shirt. “This is just my luck. I finally start to like you and I’m going to taken to prison.”

  Fletcher put his phone on speaker. It rang twice before Joe answered, “You see that?”

  “Yeah. Now what?”

  “Have you ever tried to keep three pissed off women from going downtown to axe a news anchor?”

  “Focus Joe. Jasmine put some warmer clothes on. How did they figure it out?”

  “One of the cameramen got a clear enough picture of her face to run an FR scan. Luckily they’re still looking for a mousy brunette and an ugly caveman. You’re not going to be able to take your truck. I’m sending Gunner over now with a replacement. I’m sending you some cash to live on for a few days.”

  “Where should we go?” Fletcher asked.

  “Doesn’t matter, just drop off the map until I contact you via the prepay I’m sending along with a new truck. Olsen is going to pretend to be you for a couple days to throw off the scent until I can come up with a plan to keep your little pet out of prison. Give Gunner your ID and a credit card in exchange for the cash.”

  “You’re good.” Fletcher’s tone suggests admiration, and maybe a little trepidation. You don’t want to be on Joe’s bad side. He could really fuck up your whole life if he wanted to.

  “Red seems to think so. Gunner is at your front door. I suggest you change hotels tonight in case someone saw you today and decides to make the connection. Since all hotels want a credit card you’ll either need a Motel 6 or a campground. Lay the fuck low, real low. Got it?”

  “I got it. Thanks Joe.”

  “You bet. Hey, where can I get one of those leashes? Ow!! Woman!!” He disconnected making me laugh.

  “Poor Joe.”

  “Poor Joe my ass. Remind me to send him a collar and leash for Red as a Christmas gift.”

  “She will kick your ass.” I assured him.

  “Our asses.” He corrected stealing a kiss on his way out the door.
/>   9

  “A van??” I asked once Fletcher pulled us onto the freeway. “What are we? Transporting convicts first class?”

  “Joe said we need to lay low, campground low. Gunner assured me the back converts into a bed, but he has no idea how.”

  “We’re hippies, only now we’re missing the mousy look and the long-haired grunge guy.” I opened the glove box to check the contents.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “My sanity.” I closed the door. “Fuck. I’m not used to this.”

  “Used to what Jasmine?”

  “When I run, I run alone. I can burrow into a hole so deep it would take a geological survey to find me when I’m alone. With you? I’m a giant walking target, and now, so are you.”

  He ignored me and touched the screen to bring up the GPS menu. “Quit worrying about that and find us a twenty-four hour Wal-Mart.”

  “What for?”

  “Wal-Mart’s are used to people camping in their parking lots. Unless you break the law or get in the way they don’t really care. I can tap into their security system and monitor our surroundings for tonight. That and we can do some midnight shopping.”

  I sighed and leaned over to get to work. “What are we shopping for?”

  “Food, ammo for our pieces, hats, sunglasses, that kind of shit.”

  “We spend a lot of money.” I replied absently while browsing.

  “I spend a lot of money, but it’s nothing I can’t afford.” He tucked my hair behind my left ear. “I’d go broke a million times over for you.”

  It took me a second to process his words. I sat back and looked at him, “Who are you and what have you done with my Troop?”

  He glanced over with a tap to my chin, “You broke him.”

  My heart wanted to explode. My curiosity got the better of me. “Can I ask you something about your first marriage?”

  He took a steadying breath then nodded, “Yeah, go ahead.”

  “Were you as angry with her as you were with me at first?”


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