The Ice King On My Hate

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The Ice King On My Hate Page 12

by Reese Madison

  He stopped to talk to a few people along the way. I smiled and nodded keeping my big mouth shut. Salina gave me a look that told me she was both sad for me and disappointed in me. I’m not standing up to him and she doesn’t understand why.

  I’d run from him but after my last attempt I’m pretty sure he’d catch up to me. I think that scares me worse than being homeless again. He won’t be so forgiving next time.

  “Jasmine?” A man’s voice asked snapping me back to reality.

  I looked up and around for which one is talking to me.

  The guy with ‘Goat’ on the front of his cut waved his hand in front of my face and asked, “I asked what you do? You know, for a living.”

  I shook my head and put up a fake smile, “Nothing. I’m a spoiled trust fund baby.” I looked up at Fletcher, “May I be excused? I need the restroom.”

  He nodded and draped my leash over my shoulder. “Hurry up.”

  “Dude.” Goat backhanded Fletcher’s arm. “Why are you so mean to her?”

  “Butt out Goat.” Joe must be on Fletcher’s side. Oh well, thanks for trying Goat. You sound like a nice guy, too bad we’ll never have a real conversation.

  I lingered in the bathroom for a few minutes just because I need the break. My Hate Cake is getting taller in my head again. I tried to wash my face and send some of my anger down the drain but all I’m doing is getting wet.

  Red joined me and threw her hands up in the air, “I’m free!! I’m free!! Look at me!! Nobody’s sucking on my titties!!” She grabbed them in her hands and fluffed a couple times. “Holy shit they’re huge!” She looked at them one at a time as if noticing for the first time.

  I cracked up loving her so much right now, “You are so not right in the head.”

  “Oh my God!” She lifted her heavy boobs again, “I hate these things. Joe thinks it’s great they’re so big, but I can’t seem to stop feeding that child long enough for him to get anywhere near them! Then when I do they’re so sore I’m like, get the hell away from me!”

  “Can’t say as I understand, but I’m glad you’re free for a little while.”

  “What about you?” She pointed to my leash. “How free are you?”

  “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. We have our ups and downs, it’ll pass.” I assured her not wanting to give up on the laugh yet.

  “Listen, if you need anything you can call me or Salina. We won’t offer advice if you don’t want it, but we can offer a getaway car. We’re really good at driving getaway cars. Just call either of us if need one, okay?” She has a mother’s loving nature already.

  “You’re going to be a great mom. Maybe if mine was better I wouldn’t be such a fucking mess.”

  She grabbed a couple tissues and started wiping my face. “Colson men don’t love like normal men. It takes a unique woman to break one. You may never tame him, but you have his heart, the rest will fall into place.” So she does understand.

  “I hate that I love him.” I pouted.

  “I can tell.” She pulled me in for a hug, “It’ll be okay. If you love him like I think he loves you, you’ll be just fine. Go get a glass of wine from Fritz. Tell him to put it on my tab.” She let go to grab tissues for herself now.

  “Thanks but Troop has a tab going I can add it to. I’ll take your advice and get that wine though.” I gave her a genuine smile so she knew her efforts were duly noted.

  She laughed, “Yeah, you better make him pay alright. He’s a dick.”

  I laughed again, “Yeah, tell me about it.” I opened the door and practically watched my smile fly away into the rafters. “Seriously? I was gone five minutes.”

  “Ten.” He corrected and wrapped my leash around his fist. When he turned around I made a crazy face using my hands to his back. Jerk. I heard Red laughing hysterically behind me.

  Things weren’t too bad at the club the rest of the night despite the bumpy start. Fletcher ignored me for the most part unless someone tried to pull me away to go chat with the girls. Then I’d get the look that tells me no, and he’d go right back to talking to whomever he’d been talking to.

  Back at the room I waited for whatever he has in store in hopes he’ll be quick and I can go to sleep.

  When he touched me I pulled away then remembered to slip my other personality into place. “Sorry.”

  “Shit. Sit down.” He motioned to the chair.

  I sat pulling my knees up to my chest.

  He went to the minibar for a beer. “Drink?”

  I shook my head trying to hold onto the silence he covets so much. I really don’t want to get into it with him. It’s not like he cares what’s going on in my head, so why does he always hound me? Ugh. I may have that drink after this is over with. Might even take a hot bath.

  “Tell me why you think I hate you so much.” He demanded interrupting my bubble dreams.

  I shook my head and looked away, then down at my fingernails. I need a manicure. Yuck.

  “You’ll sit there until you do.”

  I sighed, “It doesn’t matter.”

  “It does matter when whatever it is, shuts you down physically from me.”

  “Of course.” He doesn’t care about me, he wants his wet pussy back.

  “Of course what?” He sat in the opposite matching chair.

  “Of course it’s about the sex. I’m not sure I can get that back. You should probably look elsewhere.” It surprised me how much it hurt to say that to him. If he does go elsewhere I’ll run away for sure.

  “Don’t tell me what I should do. I don’t want anyone else, I’ve told you this. What the hell is your problem Jasmine?” He’s more irritated than I expected, for something he doesn’t care about. It’s confusing.

  “It’s really hard to be nice to you when you’re so mean to me. You’ve said one nice thing to me since we met and blew it completely out of the water with your meanness shortly afterwards. It’s like you want me to hate you. Do you know how hard it is to say something nice about someone like you?”

  I stood up, got the evil eye, and sat back down in a huff, “When the girls asked about us I hated that I had to lie and say we were happy. It’s obvious you’re not happy no matter what the fuck I do. I give up Troop. Just boss me around, order me to suck your dick or whatever you need to do to take me home so I can have one fucking thing in my miserable god forsaken life that doesn’t suck ass!!” I was yelling at him by the end.

  “Are you done?” The Ice King asked cool as ever.

  I sat back, “I know I’m going to pay for that, but I really needed to yell at you.”

  “I see that.”

  “Okay look, I’m sorry I went off. I’m just telling you if you want me to want you again you’re going to have to back off on the asshole routine. I can’t fix that for you. If you don’t want to fine, just don’t get mad at me for something I can’t do anything about. My body isn’t designed to respond to that level of mean.”

  “I’ll fix it, don’t worry about that.” Arrogant ass!

  “Okay, well then. Are we done here? I’m kind of tired.” And his arrogance is starting to really piss me off now. What makes him think he can fix me like that?? I don’t have a fucking on/off switch!

  “No, we’re not done here. Stop lying to me with this ‘kind of tired’ bullshit. There’s a reason I live alone in the middle of nowhere. I don’t play well with others, and I don’t share.”

  “What are you talking about you don’t share? Share what?”


  “You better not share me. I’m not into that kinky three-way shit, and I damn sure don’t want any other guy touching me, so you better not even go there.”

  “Not what I meant.”

  I thought for a minute and remembered the looks he’d been giving me the other day while I was hanging out with the girls. “Are you kidding me? Yo
u got mad because I was with them and not kneeling at your feet?”

  He shrugged before informing me, “I want what I want, and I’m used to getting it.”

  “Good God you’re like a giant bratty child with a new toy, you won’t let anyone else even so much as look at it.” I laughed and shook my head. I put my hands up in the air, “Okay, the coveted The Ice King gets whatever he wants. I won’t have any friends.”

  “What did you just call me?”

  I cringed, “The Ice King? Sorry, usually that shit stays in my head.”

  “The Ice King.” He considered it for a moment then nodded, “I like it.”

  I snorted I laughed so hard, “You would!” I flicked him off for real this time. “Asshole.”

  “Come here.” He waved me over.

  Crap, here we go. I took the hand of the personality that’s helping me tolerate him and dragged the cold bitch over with me to stand between his knees. “Yes Your Highness?”

  He sat up taking me by the hips and set me on his left thigh. “Let’s not get too carried away now.”

  I couldn’t relax so I just sat there stiffly.

  He sat back taking me with him and draped his arm around me so I’d melt against his chest. “Get the girl’s numbers tomorrow so you can keep in touch with your friends. When you’re done I’m going to need your help looking for the chunk of my ass Salina chewed off earlier.”

  I smiled, “I wondered what she was going on about.” He’d gone to the bathroom at one point and Salina caught his arm and pulled him aside on his way back. Whatever she said to him I was damn glad I wasn’t there to hear. She was giving him a piece of her mind, even poked him in the chest a couple times.

  “I don’t hate you Jasmine, I’m just not a nice person.”

  “If you want me to respond to you instead of pulling away then you’ll find a way to be nice to me. I don’t think I’m asking too much. You’re the one that put this collar on my neck, if you can’t handle the responsibility, then take it off.” I know it’s wrong to do this, but I had to dare him. If nothing else I know he won’t back down from the challenge. Why do I want him to want me so bad??

  “The collar stays on. This is not a temporary arrangement, you belong to me, your life belongs to me. There is no out for you, no matter how many times you yell at me, you will always be mine.”

  “I need to want to be with you. Does that make sense?”

  “Yes it does.” He acknowledged allowing the fight to end as far as I’m concerned. I’ve seen the conflict in his eyes tonight, and a few times over the last couple days. He hasn’t been any happier than I’ve been.

  I may be his pet, but I have the basic right to make my own happiness. A sucky life is no life. I’m not suicidal, but at some point you just want to slip and fall off that bridge.


  We went back to the club the next day for official club business. I listened to them talk about patches and badges, their placements on the cuts, and promptly tuned out. Talk about boring.

  When Salina’s voice silenced the men’s I looked up, “Jasmine, come with me.” She crooked her finger beckoning me. Joe and two other really big dudes stepped around from behind her effectively separating me from Fletcher.

  I tried to look past the one big guy for Fletcher’s reaction.

  “What are you doing Salina?” His voice is as cool as it ever is, but I know that undercurrent of furry simmering beneath the surface.

  “I’m kidnapping your pet for the day. We’re going for a girl’s day out and there’s not a damn thing you can to do about it, not now, and not later.” The ‘later’ meaning tonight. I never should have made that comment to her about paying for this later.

  Fletcher stood and Joe grabbed his arm. Fletcher ripped it free and shot him a dirty look, “Fuck off.” He took his wallet from his back pocket and reached around the other big guy to hand me a credit card. “You know the rules. Behave yourself, and don’t forget to put their numbers in your phone.” His words and his eyes matched giving me a huge sense of relief.

  “Thank you.”

  “Have fun.” He nodded and sat back down.

  “Yeah!!” The girls cheered from somewhere behind Salina. What the hell is going on here?

  I made sure to get a look at Fletcher before they dragged me off. He gave me an approving, yet barely tolerating, nod. Is that sarcasm? Did the corner of his mouth twitch just a little?

  I never did salons in my old life, I had makeup people who attacked me then moved on, so this was an interesting treat. I declined the acrylic fingernails because I have no way of maintaining them in a few weeks when we get home. I put ‘The Works’ on Fletcher’s credit card and even got a massage. He’ll probably shit a kitten, but I don’t care. Not today.

  After the salon we went clothes shopping. I keep waiting for Fletcher’s credit card to shut down on me but it didn’t. I’m punishing him as best I can but the damn card isn’t flinching. Irony? Probably.

  Around eight that evening we decided to top off our day with drinks before heading back to the club. While we waited I used my new temporary pre-paid cell phone to text Fletcher that we’d be home in a little while. I like the phone Fletcher gave me better, but we had to give that one to Joe so he can fix it so it can’t be traced.

  Miss me?

  Are you coming back or what?

  After this drink. Ask me if I had fun.

  Did you?

  Yes. You’re going to kill me when you see how much shit I bought, and get the bill.

  Not likely.

  Just a warning, I look a lot different.

  Hurry up and get your ass back here.

  No, but I won’t be long XO.

  I put the phone in my new purse after he didn’t reply. Since Red is breastfeeding she got to be the designated driver. One drink turned into three before we finally said ‘enough’ and took our tipsy asses back to the club.

  It’s dark now so I can’t see if Fletcher is in the group of guys hanging around outside by the picnic tables or not. It’s a sea of beards and leather.

  Salina leans into my ear, “Want to have some fun?”

  “Isn’t that what we’ve been doing all day?”

  “No, this is different. Wait for me to come get you. Troop’s already gonna shit a brick when he sees you, I want to make sure he shits a big one.”

  I shrugged, “Do whatever you want. All he can do is be mad at me.” I made it quite clear earlier that Fletcher is not hurting me. I think Salina already knew that, but some of the other girls looked relieved.

  She smiled and opened her door. “This is going to be fun.”

  I laughed when she opened my door and picked up my leash to wave me from my side of the SUV. “Work it. I want to see you strut.” She encouraged with a loud whisper.

  I’m just drunk enough to go along and moved my hips more than I would normally do as I walked. “Oh God. He is so going to flip out.” I can’t help giggling despite my trepidation.

  “That’s the idea baby.” She’s loving this. She oozes the kind of confidence I used to have before my life fell apart. I envy her.

  I pulled my new skirt down with a little wiggle as I walked and took a deep breath to puff out my now padded and pushed up boobs. “Here goes nothing.” The look on his face now will totally be worth the spanking later. Sitting is highly overrated anyway. What was I drinking tonight?

  Fletcher emerged from the center of the group and started towards me. Then he froze as recognition set in during his search for his pet. His eyes narrow as he’s looking me over.

  Salina held the leash out of his reach when he started to reach for it.

  “Sal.” He warned unable to take his eyes off my new cleavage.

  “Troop.” She warned back. “This is my house, in my house we respect women. Understood?”

  He reach
ed past her for the leash catching it this time, “Yes Ma’am.”

  I almost fell out of my panties. If he ever called me Ma’am I think I’d fall over dead of a sudden heart attack.

  She walked away as Fletcher walked in a circle around me. “Did you choose this? Or was it chosen for you?” That last part was dripping with something I can’t put my finger on. Does he think I don’t have free will or a mind of my own? Maybe. Probably, since I live as his slave.

  “I chose it.” I replied honestly. The girls gave me all kinds of ideas, but I chose what I wanted.

  “You chose well. My pet left a Golden Retriever and came back a panther. I don’t know whether to fall to my knees, or take you behind the building and fuck your brains out.” I think that means he approves.

  I giggled entirely too happy to see this side of him. His approval shouldn’t mean so much after the way he’s treated me the last nine months, but I can’t help myself. “I am your pet Sir, do as you wish.”

  “I will, as I always do. If I’m The Ice King then you my dear, are one very beautiful Dark Ice Queen.” Someone clapped behind him then stopped short when he lifted my chin. “You are my queen.” He closed in and kissed me long and passionately until people started another round of clapping followed by some hooting and hollering.

  When someone yelled, “Get a room!” he stepped back and took me under his shoulder instead of by the leash to do just that.

  I looked in the mirror and turned to see my favorite jerk. “I’ve never worn a skirt this short. Salina kept bringing them out for me to try on.” I explained, not that I have to. It’s more of an excuse to share my day with him.

  “I hope you bought a few more.” He’s fighting the urge to attack me in order to take in the view. I can’t blame him, I look fucking hot.

  My hair is jet black with blood red tips at the end. The colors match my moods of late. The six-inch hooker boots stop a few inches from where the skirt begins, and the red silk shirt is making my boobs look like big round circus balloons.


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