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Abominable Science Page 50

by Daniel Loxton

  Gigantophithecus, ix, 91, 103–110, 105, 107, 324

  Gillman, Peter, 88

  Gimlin, Bob, 38, 44–50, 110, 302–303, 319

  giraffe, 380n.14

  glaciation, 25–26

  Goebbels, Joseph, 141

  gorilla, x, 18, 18, 21, 23

  Gosse, Philip Henry, 137, 224–226, 373nn.132,136

  Gould, Rupert: on Daedalus sea serpent sighting, 221; on Duke of Portland account, 134; on Fly sea serpent sighting, 224; on Gray photograph, 142; on lack of plesiosaur bones in Loch Ness, 170; on “plesiosaur hypothesis,” 138, 226; on seals in Loch Ness, 161–162; on Smith and Herriman account, 375n.176; on Spicer account, 133, 359n.45; on Stronsay Beast, 213; on underwater passage from Loch Ness to North Sea, 173–174; on variability of eyewitness reports, 141, 253

  Gould, Stephen Jay, 224

  Graetz, Paul, 272–273

  Granger, Walter, 105

  Gray, Hugh, 142–144

  Gray, Wentworth D., 277

  Great Sea Serpent. See Cadborosaurus; sea serpents

  Great Sea-serpent, The (Oudemans), 17, 184–185

  Greece, classical: hippocamp motif in art of, 188–189; and sea serpents, 181–193

  Green, John: on Bigfoot hunt proposal, 35–36; on early accounts of Bigfoot, 34; on eyewitness reports, 55–56; on footprint evidence, 60–61, 345n.94; on hoaxes, 65; on Patterson–Gimlin film, 49; on physical evidence, 68, 70; on Roe account, 37, 39–40; on sightings of excessively tall creatures, 54; on Wallace hoax, 41, 42, 43

  Greenwell, Richard, 11, 306, 323–324

  Grendel, 31

  Groot Slang (mythical giant snake), 382n.41

  Groves, Colin, 327

  Guide to Marine Life of British Columbia (Carl), 245, 247

  Haas, George, 299–300

  Habeler, Peter, 112

  habitat: cryptid, 23, 24; cryptid, compared with dinosaur, 158–159, 275–276, 288; fragmentation of, 23–24

  hafgufa (Norse sea monster), 193

  Hagenbeck, Carl, 270–272, 275, 381nn.24,26,30

  hair: as problematic physical evidence, 62–65; of Yeti, 98–101

  Hale, Christopher, 81

  Harmsworth, Tony, 155, 168, 358n.30

  Harris, Richard, 337n.3

  havhest (Scandinavian hippocamp), 201

  Hawks, John, 298

  Heironimus, Bob, 48–49

  Herrick, Douglas, ix

  Herriman, J. A., 237, 375n.176

  Heuvelmans, Bernard, x; background and training of, 305–306; on definition of cryptids, 17; on dinosaur sightings, 273; on discovery of saurian fossils, 220; on drawing sea serpents, 182–183; as father of cryptozoology, 305–306; on Gigantopithecus as Yeti, 103; In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents, 185; on Loch Ness monster and “plesiosaur hypothesis,” 158; on Mackal, 305; and Minnesota Iceman, 302; and Mokele Mbembe, 275, 278; on number of sea serpent sightings, 211, 211–212; on Olaus Magnus’s Description of the Northern Peoples, 200; On the Track of Unknown Animals, 17, 301–302, 306; on Pontoppidan’s sea serpent investigations, 210; on sea serpents in classical literature, 186; and Stevens, 382n.54; on variability of eyewitness reports, 254; and Waddell, 351n.16; on word “cryptozoology,” 17

  Hibbert, Samuel, 369n.50

  Hill, Sharon, 324–325

  Hillary, Sir Edmund, 87, 92–93, 99–101, 355n.121

  Himalayan brown (red) bear, 75, 81–83, 82, 95, 100, 113–114

  Himmler, Heinrich, 84

  hippocamp, 181, 187, 187–211, 204; and Albertus Magnus, 197–198; as art motif, 188–189; in Belon’s De aquitilibus, 202; and Cadborosaurus, 188, 250–251, 368n.34; and Christian allegory, 191–193; in classical Greece and Rome, 187, 187–190, 188, 189; evolution of, 201–206; in Gresner’s Historiae animalium, 202–204, 203, 204; in medieval Europe, 187, 190, 191–193, 192, 198–205, 202; and memes, 255–156; and mythology, 189–190; and Naden Harbour carcass, 247, 248; names of, 201; in Nicolas’s Codex canadensis, 205, 206; in Nordic culture, 193–197, 194, 195, 204; in Olaus Magnus’s Description of the Northern Peoples, 198–200, 200, 202–203; in Physiologus, 191–193; and water-horse tradition, 254

  hippopotamus, 145, 288, 379n.7

  Historiae animalium (Gesner), 202–204

  History of Animals (Aristotle), 184–185

  History of Loango, Kakonga, and Other Kingdoms in Africa (Proyart), 266

  Hitler, Adolf, 84

  hoaxes: “Carlos” channeling, 67–68, 348n.167; financial benefits from, 2, 67; Krantz on, 66–67; at Lake George, 125; at Loch Ness, 125–126; of Loch Ness monster, 144–151, 146, 148, 150, 154, 158; Minnesota Iceman, 302, 303; of Mokele Mbembe, 276–277; presented as evidence, even after debunking, 43, 65, 150–151; of sea serpents, 221, 227–231, 234, 240–244; as “teachable moments,” 4–5; of Yeti, 86, 88–89, 111–112. See also Bigfoot: hoaxes of

  Hodgson, Brian, 78

  Holiday, F. W., 167

  Home, Everard, 213

  Hooker, Sir William, 219

  Hope, George, 223–226

  horses, mistaken for water-monsters, 126, 165. See also hippocamp

  Hovind, Kent, 293, 308, 309

  Howard-Bury, Charles, 76

  hrosshvalr (horse-whale), 193–195, 194, 195, 201, 204

  Hunt, John, 93

  Hunt, Mildred, 35

  Huxley, Thomas Henry, 13, 178, 251, 254

  Huyghe, Patrick, 252, 254

  Hydrarchos sillimani, 227, 227–231

  Hyman, Ray, 329–330, 391n.106

  Ice Age, 25, 25–26, 121, 158

  ichthyosaur, 217, 218, 219, 380n.16

  In the Wake of the Sea-Serpents (Heuvelmans), 185

  India: giant snakes in, 186; and Gigantopithecus, 107; seaweed mistaken for sea serpent in, 236–238; Yeti sightings in, 111

  indigenous societies: and confirmation bias in interpreting legends, 33; and different views of myth, legend, and reality, 264; and investigators’ refusal to accept negative testimony, 282–283, 339n.39; and “leading the witness” in interviews, 263–264, 281–283; and pitfalls of investigations of legendary creatures, 16, 31–33, 264, 278–284. See also myths and legends

  intelligent design, 8

  International Society of Cryptozoology (ISC), 11, 306, 307

  Introduction to Geology (Bakewell), 219

  Inverness Courier (newspaper), 126–128

  Irvine, Malcolm, 163

  Isidore of Seville, 193–194

  Izzard, Ralph, 84, 94–95

  Jackson, John Angelo, 93

  Jagger, Mick, 285

  Janis, Christine, 327

  Jason and the Golden Fleece, 185, 186

  Java Man, 105–106

  Jefferson, Thomas, 371n.105

  Johnson, Stan, 321

  Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre (JARIC), 153

  Jones, Wood, 93

  Jörmungandr (Midgard Serpent), 195–197

  Journey to the Center of the Earth (Verne), 137, 226

  kelpy (Scottish folkloric monster), 123, 124, 254

  Kemp, Fred W., 241–244

  Ketchum, Melba, 63, 64, 347n.145

  ketos (sea serpent–like creature), 181, 181–184, 188, 195

  King Kong (film): and Cadborosaurus, 241, 244, 249; and Loch Ness monster, 129–134; water monster in, 131, 131–133

  King’s Mirror, The (Norse text), 193–195

  kipunji, 19

  Kirk, John: Cadborosaurus sighting by, 246; on mistaken identity, 160, 164, 234, 285; Ogopogo sightings by, 376n.204; on quality control in cryptozoology, 322–224; on Roe account, 39–40

  Knight, Charles R., 288

  Koch, Albert, 227–231

  Koffman, Marie-Jeanne, 104

  Komodo dragon, x, 18, 21

  kouprey, 18, 21

  kraken, 193, 196, 252

  Kramer, Harold, 14

  Krantz, Grover, 302, 307; on credibility issues, 307; on “Cripple Foot” (Marx) hoax, 53; on “dermatoglyphic” evidence, 307, 387n.32; on mistaken identity, 56; on Native American legends
, 32; and “no dead bears” argument, 69–70; on number of hoaxes, 66–67; on Patterson–Gimlin film, 46, 48; on planetary extent of Bigfoot claims, 71; on problematic eyewitness reports, 55–56; on problematic footprints, 61–62; on problematic hair samples, 62; on Wallace hoax, 42

  Kwakwaka’wakw (Native Americans), 32

  Lake Bangweulu (Zambia), 272–273

  Lake Champlain, 26, 323

  “lake monsters,” 23–24. See also Loch Ness monster

  Lake Tele (Republic of Congo), 266, 277–289

  Land That Time Forgot, The (Burroughs), 226, 268

  Landau, Elizabeth, 298

  Langley, W. H., 241–242

  Le Page, David, 276–277

  LeBlond, Paul, 149, 233, 247–249, 251

  Lee, Henry, 209, 238

  Leviathan, 180–181, 229

  Levin, A. Leo, 14

  Ley, Willy, 17, 223, 274–275, 278, 302

  Life of Saint Columba, The (Adomnán), 135–137

  Lilienskiold, Hans, 205, 207

  lindorm (Scandinavian snake or dragon), 200, 201, 207

  Lister, Dr., 230

  Liu Wulin, 103

  Loch Ness, 120–123; elevation of, 26, 173; fish population of, 158–159; and hoaxes before monster, 125–126; maps of, 121, 122; seals and porpoises in, 160, 161–164; and tourism, 122–123, 141–142, 357n.1; underwater passage from, to North Sea, 173–174; underwater surveys of, 158–159, 164–173, 171, 172

  Loch Ness and Morar Project, 125, 144, 155, 158–159, 170, 173

  Loch Ness monster, 118–174; and Adomnán’s Life of Saint Columba, 135–137; biological and ecological constraints on, 23–24, 158–159; descriptions of, 128, 130–133, 132, 140–141, 155, 359n.45; financial benefits of publicity about, 141–142, 165; and King Kong, 129–134; lack of fossil evidence for, 26–27; lack of physical evidence for, 159; and media, 127–128; origin of name of, 358n.20; and “plesiosaur hypothesis,” 130–131, 137–140, 156–164; and popular culture, 137–138, 142; statistics on belief in, 317–318; and supernatural phenomena, 321–322; and tourism, 141–142; and water-based Scottish folkloric monsters, 123–126

  EYEWITNESS REPORTS OF, 126–135, 139–141, 155, 158; backdated, 134–135; first modern, 126–129; by keeper [Miller], 127, 358n.27; and King Kong, 129–134; by Mackal, 304; by Mackay, 127–129, 359n.37; and memory distortion, 164; by Spicer, 130–134, 359n.45; by “three young anglers,” 126–127, 164; variability of, 140–141, 155

  HOAXES OF: by Searle, 144; by Stuart, 149–151, 150; Surgeon’s Photograph, 145–149, 146, 148, 154, 158; by Wetherell, 144–145

  HUNTERS OF, AND EXPEDITIONS, 164–173; in archives, 165; with bottom dredging, 170; Dinsdale, 151–155; Shine, 125, 130, 133, 158–159, 171–172, 174; with sonar, 158–159, 170–173, 171, 172; with submarines, 167, 168; with surface cameras, 165–167, 166, 169; with underwater cameras, 167–169; Wetherell, 144–145

  MISIDENTIFICATION OF: and birds, 139, 140, 159–160; and boats, 153; and dogs, 143; and otters, 160–161; and porpoises, 162; and salmon, 129; and seals, 128, 161–164

  PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEOS OF, 142–155, 163; by Dinsdale, 151–155; by Gray, 142–144, 143; by Rines, 167–169, 169, 322; by Stuart, 149–151, 150; Surgeon’s Photograph, 145–149, 146, 148, 154, 158, 361n.110

  Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau, 120, 166–167, 365n.206

  Lockley, Martin, 263

  Loftus, Elizabeth, 14

  logging, 57, 341n.56

  Long, Greg, 47

  Lost World, The (Doyle), 138, 226, 268, 276

  Lungfish and the Unicorn, The (Ley), 17

  Lyons, Sherrie Lynne, 220

  MacArthur, Robert, 24

  Macdonald, John, 128–129, 134

  Mackal, Roy: background and training of, 304; on camera vigils, 167; and creationism, 292; and credibility issues, 12, 304–305; on Dinsdale film, 151; on Gray photograph, 143; Loch Ness monster sighting by, 304–305; on misidentification errors, 159; and Mokele Mbembe, 278–279, 281–283, 304, 339n.39; The Monsters of Loch Ness, 305; on otters mistaken for Loch Ness monster, 161; on rock art, 380n.14; on Surgeon’s Photograph, 146

  Mackay, Aldie and John, 127–130, 161, 358n.30, 359n.37

  Mackay, Charles, 197, 369n.54

  Marak, Dipu, 115

  Marcy, Milt, 285–286, 384n.94

  Martin, David, 33, 145, 147, 149, 174

  Martin, Mungo, 33

  Marx, Ivan, 48, 50–54, 65, 337n.3, 345n.91

  Masao, Fidelis Taliwawa, 380n.14

  mastodon, 228, 371n.105

  Matthews, Justin, 316–317

  Mayor, Adrienne, 184, 308, 327

  McCormick, Cameron, 251

  McGowan, Christopher, 217

  McTaggart-Cowan, Ian, 236

  media: and Bigfoot, 35–36, 41–43; and King Kong, 130; and Loch Ness monster, 127–128, 144–145; loose standards of proof in, 3, 67–68; and Mokele Mbembe, 270, 271, 273; and sea serpents, 215, 228, 240–244; and Yeti, 76, 93–96, 97, 98

  Megalosaurus, 219

  megamouth shark, x, 20, 22

  Meldrum, Jeffrey, 12, 43, 46, 62–63, 115, 302, 308

  memes, and hippocamp characteristics, 255–256, 378n.239

  Memory, F. W., 140

  memory, malleability of, 57, 164, 365n.202

  Mencken, F. Carlson, 311–314, 321

  Merman (Triton), 181, 188

  Messner, Reinhold, 84, 112–116

  Metlow, Joe, 51

  Meurger, Michel, 125, 173–174, 200, 201, 209, 308, 322

  Midgard Serpent, 195–197

  Miller, William, 358n.27

  Milne, Ian, 126–127

  Minnesota Iceman, 302, 303

  Missourium, 228

  Mitchell, Chalmers, 275

  Mokele Mbembe, 260–295; biological and ecological constraints on, 23, 288; and burrowing hypothesis, 264–265, 286–287, 379n.7; and creationism, 265, 285–286, 292–295, 308–309, 384nn.93,96,100; descriptions of, 266, 272, 274–275, 287, 288; and dinosaur fossils, 266–273; financial benefits of publicity about, 278–280; and footprints, 262–263, 286; and Greenwell’s classification system, 324; habitat of, compared with sauropod habitat, 275–276, 288; habitat of, location of, 266, 270–276, 274; and Hagenbeck’s Men and Beasts, 270–272; hoaxes of, 276–277; lack of fossil evidence for, 26–27, 290, 292; lack of photographic or physical evidence for, 283–284; and media, 270, 271, 273; name of, 265, 281; and rock art, 380n.14; and tourism, 279–280; unlikelihood of existence of, 271–272

  EYEWITNESS AND HEARSAY REPORTS OF: and African colonial press, 271; “all who ate of it died,” 280, 280–283; by Brookes, 273; continent-wide extent of, 273–276, 274; copycat, 277; and dinosaur fossils, 266–273; early, 266–277; by Graetz, 272–273; and interviews with local people, 278–284; by Le Page/ Gapelle, 276–277; and “leading the witness” in interviews, 263–264, 281–283; and mistaken identity, 288; modern, 277–289; negative, investigators’ refusal to accept, 282–283, 339n.39, 379n.7; Orange River, 273; by Powell, 278–279; by Proyart, 266; in Rhodesia, 270–272; by Stein, 273–275, 278; variability of, 287, 288

  HUNTERS OF, AND EXPEDITIONS: and creationism, 292–295; Gibbons, 284, 285; Japanese, 279, 284; lack of evidence from, 284–289, 290; Marcy-funded, 285–286; MonsterQuest, 262–265, 287; O’Hanlon, 284; Powell–Mackal, 278–279, 281–283; Regusters, 279, 284

  monkeys, and Yeti, 85, 95

  “Monster of Lake LaMetrie, The” (Curtis), 137

  MonsterQuest (television show), 115–116, 262–265, 287

  Monsters of Loch Ness, The (Mackal), 305

  Morris, Tom, 300

  Mount Everest, expeditions to, 92–93

  Mount Everest Reconnaissance Expedition (1951), 85–87

  Mountain, Sir Edward, 163, 165

  movies: King Kong, 129–134, 241, 244, 249; and Loch Ness monster, 129–134, 142; and Mokele Mbembe, 280; and sea serpents, 241, 244, 249; and Yeti, 74–75

  M’Quhae, Peter, 220–222, 256

  Mullin, Robert, 265, 287

  Murphy, Christopher, 57

  myths and legends: and definition of cryptids, 17; and investigation of cryptids, 16, 31–33, 278–284; Native American, 31–36; Scottish, 123–126. See also hippocamp; indigenous societies; Nordic culture, and hippocamp

  Naden Harbour carcass, 246–249, 247, 377n.214

  Naish, Darren: on Cadborosaurus, 247, 251; on cryptozoology, 12, 308; on definition of cryptids and cryptozoology, 17; on mainstream science, 327; on newly discovered species, 18–19; on number of undiscovered pinnipeds, 21–22, 46

  Napier, John: on Bigfoot, 31, 46; on “Cripple Foot” (Marx) hoax, 54; on lack of evidence for Yeti, 99; and Minnesota Iceman, 302, 303; on Patterson–Gimlin film, 46; on problematic eyewitness reports, 55–56; on Sherpas’ accounts of Yeti, 79; on Shipton photograph, 85, 86, 89; on Tombazi’s Yeti encounter, 80–81, 102

  National Center for Scientific Education (NCSE), 10–11

  Native Americans, 31–36

  Natural History (Pliny the Elder), 186

  Natural History of Norway, The (Pontoppidan), 178, 196, 207–212

  Nelson, Thomas, 4

  Newman, Edward, 223–224, 233

  Newman, Henry, 76–77

  Nickell, Joe, 14–15, 160, 161, 327

  Nicolas, Louis, 205, 370n.72

  Nord, Jack, 250

  Nordic culture, and hippocamp, 193–197, 204, 369n.50

  Northern Chronicle (newspaper), 126, 138–139

  Novella, Steven, 64

  nsagna (mythical swamp creature), 273

  Nugent, Rory, 284, 379n.6

  null hypothesis, 325–226

  Occam’s razor, 256–257, 325

  odedi, 19

  Odell, Noel, 88

  Ogden, Rob, 98

  Ogopogo (monster of Lake Okanagan), 376n.204

  ogres, 31–33

  O’Hanlon, Redmond, 284

  okapi, x, 18, 19, 21

  Olaus Magnus, 198–200, 202–203

  Olearius, Adam, 205

  Omphalos: An Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot (Gosse), 224

  On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 220, 221

  On the Track of Unknown Animals (Heuvelmans), 17, 301–302, 306

  Operation Deepscan, 171, 172

  optical illusions, 234–236, 235, 238–239

  Orange River (South Africa), 273

  Ortelius, Abraham, 195, 204

  Osman Hill, William Charles, 98, 100

  otters, 160–161, 234, 364n.184


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