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Shiver of Deception (Soul of the Sinner- Book 5)

Page 7

by Rumer Raines

  The old man sat between his henchmen who never took their eyes off any of us. We were prepared for anything they wanted to start. They had no idea we would be the ones to end it. My heart started to race when he took out a picture of Bryn and slid it across the desk. Frank Deluca was a cop, and he was good at never showing you shit. The man could call your bluff and leave you wondering how in the hell he did it.

  “This bitch killed my son. I know she is here in Chicago, and I know that one of you did a background check on her. Now, if you wouldn’t mind handing her over, I can get back to Boston.” He rubbed his hands together.

  “You’re right. She applied for a job here and we turned her down. I think she said something about leaving town. I’ll have my people look for her, and if she is still in Chicago, I’ll get get her back to you,” Frank told him.

  I closed my eyes as he gave a nod to his little posse and left through the back door. Thomas walked behind them, making sure they did in fact leave, and I felt Alex and Frank’s eyes on me.

  I let out a harsh breath.

  “Interesting group.” I buried my hands in my hair.

  “Where the fuck is she, Oliver?” Frank growled.

  “She didn’t do it,” I said roughly.

  “How in the hell do you know?” Alex yelled, and I turned away from them, heading to the bar to grab a beer.

  “I just fucking know.” I rubbed my chin.

  “You don’t know shit. This girl shows up out of nowhere, and because of her, another family was in this club trying to piss on our turf.” Alex practically pounded his own chest.

  “As much as it kills me to say it, Alex is right. I am not going to start a fucking war for some waitress. If you know where she is, you need to deliver her to the Columbos. The sooner the fucking better so they can get the hell out of Chicago,” Frank ordered.

  I cringed as I listened to Frank dictate to me what must be done. Frank was the Don. He was the fucking boss. What he said was law. He was telling me to go get Bryn and hand her over to the Columbo. I had always been loyal to the Delucas and never thought I would turn my back on them or not follow their wishes. I had dedicated my life to this family, this business.

  I kept secrets and helped them bury bodies. There was as much blood on my hands as on theirs. I was just as guilty as them. When Frank spoke, I always listened… except for this time.

  This is the one time I’d had to choose. It was either Bryn or the Delucas, and my heart was telling me who to choose, not my head. My heart showed me a home with kids and a woman who I felt I honestly was in love with. My head thought only about money and power. The problem was, even with the money, if I lost Bryn, I would feel desolate.

  “Give me twenty-four hours to track her down,” I told them as sadness crushed me.

  They were my brothers. This was my family, the only one I had.

  They each gave me a hug before going back to work, and I went back to my office. I sent Bryn a text telling her to stay put, and thankfully, she didn’t argue.

  The Columbos made sure to make their presence known. They came in for drinks and showed back up for dinner. They watched everyone that came in and out of the club.

  “Hey, can we talk a sec?” Thomas asked as he came into my office, slamming the door. I knew him enough to know he wasn’t mad; he just didn’t have a gentle bone in his fucking body.

  “Yeah, what is it?” I asked, closing my laptop.

  “I know you know where she is,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “I don’t…”

  “Oliver, we have known each other for a long time. You know exactly where she is. I am sure that Frank and Alex know it, too. All I want to know is if you are willing to hand her the fuck over?” His voice was calm, his gaze steady.

  I didn’t know how to answer the question. I couldn’t tell him I knew where she was or he’d try to force me to answer him. “She didn’t kill him, Thomas. She is being set up,” I said in a grudging voice, hoping he was listening to me.

  “I am not the person to judge her,” he replied.

  “What if I told you that her father gave her to that family, that she was a payoff for his gambling debts?” I asked.

  He took a deep breath. “I don’t want to hear her life story, Oliver. We all have our problems.” His voice was crisp and clear.

  Thomas was right. We’d known each other for years, and just as he knew my tell signs, I knew his. I knew his weakness, and I wasn’t above hitting him where it counted.

  “Her story is almost like Hannah’s. Do you remember how you felt when you thought we were going to kill her, Thomas?” My voice came out low and smooth.

  Thomas quickly stood and grabbed the chair, throwing it across the room. It hit the wall so hard, I heard it crack. Within seconds, he was approaching me like a fucking bull ready to attack. He yanked me up by the collar, and I could tell he was holding back from hitting me.

  “Don’t fucking go there, Oliver. I don’t want to hurt you!” His voice had a slight tremor.

  “Why not? Only Hannah deserves the benefit of the doubt?”

  One hand released me before everything went black.

  I don’t know how long I was out, but when I came to, I was drenched in water. I sat up and noticed Thomas sitting at my desk watching me.

  “I guess I went too far?” I asked as I tried to sit up. My entire face ached like it had been run over by a truck. I walked over to the small mirror hanging next to the door to check out the damage, seeing that my eye was already swollen shut.

  “Yes, you did. But I did think about it while you were out. You are right. We can’t just hand Bryn over to them. If for no other reason, it goes against the code. We don’t kill women, and I don’t think we can help them do it,” he said with mock severity.

  I nodded, and he told me to make sure Bryn stayed wherever I had her hidden. Thomas said he’d be in touch and that he needed to check some shit out. I wasn’t sure exactly what needed to be checked out, but if it helped me protect Bryn, I was all for it.


  I was starting to go stir crazy being locked up in this room. It’d been three days since the Columbos came to Chicago, and Oliver said he didn’t know when they would leave. What I did know is that every night he spent up in this room with me had been amazing. Unfortunately, he was only with me at night. During the day, I sat alone watching television, and I was close to my breaking point.

  I didn’t go on the run to end up as a prisoner, not even Oliver’s prisoner. Our eyes met when he walked into the room and pulled off his shoes. Even with a black eye, Oliver was sexy as hell. He never would tell me who he had to fight, but he didn’t seem concerned about it. He immediately started to get undressed, but I wasn’t in the mood. His eyebrows rose as I increased the volume to the television. Oliver looked between the television and me and chuckled.

  “Is someone in a bad mood?” His brows drew together.

  “What do you think?”

  “Do you want to talk about it?” He stepped closer to the bed.

  “Are the Columbos still in Chicago?” I asked.

  Oliver’s eyes closed as he sat at the foot of the bed. “Bryn, that isn’t any of your concern.” His nostrils flared.

  I crawled off the bed and stood in front of him. “Are you kidding me? How in the hell isn’t this my concern? They are after me, Oliver. I am the one hiding in this room, not you. I sit in here watching talk shows while you are out living your life, talking to real people.”

  His expression softened as he listened to me. “Yes, Bryn, they are still in Chicago. Is that what you want to hear? They are dead set on finding you and burying you. Will that make you sleep better tonight?”

  So, the Columbos were still in Chicago. They knew I was there, and they weren’t leaving until they found me. I only had one choice.

  “I am going back to Boston,” I whispered.

  Oliver’s eyes had a haunted look. “Excuse me?”

  “I am going back to Boston, Oliver.
I have no other choice. They are here looking for me, and I can’t stay in this room forever. If I go home, maybe I can find out who killed Steven.”

  Oliver’s jaw tightened as he started to pace the room. “You’re not leaving, Bryn. You will be dead before you make it to the airport.”

  He was right, of course. The Columbos were like bloodhounds, and they’d caught my trail. However, I got away from them once, and I knew I could do it again. I couldn’t discuss this with Oliver. He would never let me walk out of this room. He would fight me on it, and to be honest, I didn’t have the heart to fight with him.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’ll stay,” I whispered as he chewed on his bottom lip.

  I walked closer to him, and the sweet intoxicating musk of his body overwhelmed me. Our closeness was like a drug, lulling me to euphoria. My fingers ached to reach over and touch him.

  I kissed his chin. His lips slowly descended to meet mine. I kissed him, lingering, savoring every moment. It was a kiss for my tired soul to melt into.

  His hands moved gently down the length of my back. His expert touch sent me to even higher levels of ecstasy. Instead of falling onto the bed, I turned around so that Oliver would fall onto it and I crawled on top of him. I kissed down his chest until I got to his belt. I unbuckled it and pulled down his pants. Oliver watched me, already hard. His dick dripping with pre-cum, I wrapped my hand around him and took him into my mouth. He moaned, wrapping his hands in my hair as he thrust into my mouth.

  “I don’t want to cum in your mouth, baby. You have to stop.” He groaned as I tightened my grip and licked up his length.

  When he pulled himself from my mouth, I crawled over him and fell onto his hard dick as we both gasped. I didn’t give myself time to adjust to his size. I just started moving… back and forth… up and down. I just wanted to ride Oliver so I would never forget. I didn’t want him to forget either.

  He sat up, pulled my t-shirt over my head, and tossed it to the floor. He wrapped his hands around my breasts as I bounced on his massive cock. I never dreamed his hands would feel so warm, so gentle. Hypnotized by his touch, I tingled under his fingertips.

  When Oliver released my breasts, his hands held my face. He stared into my eyes as he thrust up into me. His hardness electrified me. It was a raw act of possession. Oliver and I had fucked each other before. We had even made love, but this was different. We both knew what this was, and neither one of us wanted to admit it. This was our goodbye.

  After we both came, I laid in Oliver’s arms. I was so tired my nerves throbbed. With a shiver of vivid recollection, I thought about what I had to do. I slowly crawled out of bed before I changed my mind.

  Confused, I wandered restlessly around the dark room. Oliver was still asleep, so I knew this was the time. I got dressed and walked to the door. I hesitated, torn by conflicting emotions. I didn’t want to leave him, but I had no other choice. I was sick with the struggle within me.

  I walked out, taking back hallways to make sure I didn’t run into anyone who might still be at the club. I walked a few blocks, sticking to the shadows, then called Uber with the money I had taken from Oliver’s wallet. He had enough cash on him that I would be able to get a plane ticket. A war of emotions raged within me as I had the driver take me directly to the airport. I had no other choice but to go back to Boston. Someone was setting me up, and it was up to me to find out who.

  “Where are you headed?” the ticket agent asked.

  “Boston,” I whispered as I turned around to face her.

  She advised me that there was a flight leaving in two hours, and I sighed realizing that I had no other choice but to wait.

  Once I made it through security, a tear fell down my cheek. My legs felt weak, and I wanted to go back to that little room that Oliver hid me in. I hoped he would someday understand why I had to leave. Until then, I’d fight for my freedom.


  I stopped and inhaled a deep breath. I didn’t have any other choice but to call this damn meeting. I wasn’t honest with them, so now I had to confess. I needed their help, but I didn’t know If they would give it to me. I turned on my heel and strode to the door. Reluctantly, I walked in, my movements stiff and awkward.

  “Oliver,” Frank rumbled and Alex nodded. “Is there a reason you called me in at eight in the morning?” he asked.

  I paced the room as they both watched me. How in the hell do I ask them for their help after I lied to them?

  “I need your help. Bryn’s gone,” I murmured.

  Alex sat up and glanced between Frank and me. “You’re not talking about the Bryn that you claimed to have gone missing days ago? The same Bryn the Columbos have been looking for and have refused to leave town until they track her ass down?”

  Frank straightened, sighing loudly. “This isn’t good, Oliver.” Frank’s brows drew together in an angry frown.

  “This is beyond not being good, Frank!” Alex shouted. “And maybe, since you’re in confession mode, I should ask what the hell happened to your face? We didn’t ask before, but we aren’t stupid enough to not notice your black eye, especially with Thomas disappearing around the same time. Did the two of you get into a fight when he confronted you about lying?” Alex asked.

  “I fucked up. I did the same thing that both of you did. I fell for a woman, a woman who is bad for business.” I was pissing them both off, but I didn’t give a shit. I did the one thing that we never do… I threw their women back their faces.

  Frank’s jaw clenched, his eyes slightly narrowing. Alex’s mouth was so thin from anger I could barely see his lips. I’d said too much to back down now, so I continued.

  “You both put the business on the line with Lola and Adele. Hell, even Thomas risked everything for Hannah. I didn’t like any of that shit, but you’re my brothers. If you wanted these woman, I wanted them for you. I didn’t plan for Bryn to come along, but she did. She’s in danger and is on the run. I think she went back to Boston, and I am going after her. I need your help, but I am willing to do it alone.” They both stared at me, neither saying a word.

  Taking one last deep breath, I looked at them both and nodded. “I will be out of town for a few weeks.” I walked out of the office and headed home to pack a bag. I was going to Boston to find Bryn and bring her home.

  One of the perks of being in the Mafia and owning people in high places is the best travel accommodations. I made one phone call and would be in Boston in two hours. It didn’t matter if the flight was booked; someone would be bumped. I also never had to pay, which was good since Bryn took all the cash I had on me before she left.

  When I boarded the plane, I was relieved to see that no one was sitting in the seat next to mine. I reclined my leather seat back and thanked God for first class. The minute my eyes closed, my mind drifted to thoughts of Bryn. They always say life flashes before your eyes when you’re old or dying, but I guess not in this case. I thought about the minute I first laid my eyes on Bryn, when she walked into my office for that damn job interview, and how my cock went hard immediately. I remembered the time we spent teasing each other in my office and the first time we kissed. I smiled about every second I spent inside her, and my dick once again hardened as the damn flight attendant walked over to offer me a drink.

  When she brought my complimentary bourbon, I drunk it in one gulp and closed my eyes to think more about my Bryn.

  “Are you going to drink and sleep the entire trip?”

  My blood ran cold when I heard the familiar voice. Opening my eyes, I turned to the dead eyes of Ralph Columbo. Lifting the back of my seat, I gave him a stern-faced expression.

  “What the hell?”

  His dark face set in a vicious expression, he sat down in the seat next to me and put on the seatbelt as if he was getting comfortable. “I heard you were headed to Boston. I figured you’d be my best option to find that bitch that killed my son,” he spat out.

  How in the hell was I supposed to track down Bryn with this bastard o
n my trail? “I hate to disappoint you, but Bryn isn’t the reason I am going to Boston.” My eyes narrowed as he laughed.

  “You won’t disappoint me. I also don’t believe you. The minute you step off this plane, my people will be watching you. I will wait until you take me to her.” He frowned with cold fury.

  I turned to look out the window, realizing I was in trouble. I couldn’t look for Bryn with the Columbos watching my every move. The Delucas were in Chicago, so I was on my own. Was this what happened when you turned your back on your family? You walk away from them and end up needing them the most.

  Ralph Columbo and I didn’t talk for the rest of the flight. He read the free magazine and I stared into the clouds wondering how the hell I would get out of this mess. I needed to find Bryn and warn her that he was back in Boston without leading him to her.

  When the plane landed, he looked at me and grinned. The smile never met his eyes as I grabbed my carry-on bag.

  “Do you have a place to stay? I would be happy if you stayed at one of my homes. I will even let you choose which one.” His expression held a note of mockery.

  “I’m fine,” I advised. There was no way in hell I’d stay anywhere near his home, let alone inside of one.

  There were four men waiting at the gate, and I already knew they were waiting for Columbo. They each eyed me as I walked past, and I listened as he greeted them.

  “That is Oliver. We’ll be paying him extra attention while he is here in Boston,” he said loud enough for me to overhear as I walked in front of them.

  “Mr. Oliver, how about we give you a ride?”

  “I’m fine, old man,” I shouted as my pace increased, as did theirs.

  “Mr. Oliver, we don’t have to be enemies. We all want the same thing,” he shouted.

  He was wrong. We didn’t want the same thing. He wanted to kill Bryn, and I was determined to protect her.


  “Hi, Mom.” My eyes watered as I stared at my mother for the first time in almost a year. She looked the same, although maybe a little older. My mother was beautiful, with black shiny hair that she now wore in a cute bob. She had dark circles under her eyes, which now had tears in them.


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