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Irons 2

Page 7

by Mj Fields

  “She just loved flat Jax and made babies.”

  He looked at the pan and then smiled, “Yeah. Flat Jax just didn’t know how much he loved her then.”

  “How many babies--.”

  “Slow it down Angel.” He gave a less than confident laugh.

  “Not now, geesh.” I joked.

  “And not ten. Maybe two or three.”

  “Yeah?” hearing him say that made my heart feel like it may burst.

  “I will cook. You will love me and teach me how to love the way you do.”


  “No Angel, you’re leaps and bounds ahead of me in that department.”

  “We’ll be great parents.”

  He looked over and me and nodded. Then took the glass of wine sitting next to me and took a sip.

  I laughed and he glanced back at me, “What?”

  “The thought of children make you thirsty.”

  He shook his head no and set it down.

  He fed me tonight, said it was his turn and I didn’t disagree. Jax was a great cook. The way he fed me was extremely hot. He teased me with the fork, he held food between his teeth and pulled me in to take it from him. He wiped my mouth and kissed me between bites.

  I was so turned on by the time I was half done that I felt I may crawl out of my skin. I stood, took the fork out of his hand and climbed up on his lap. “Hi,” he whispered as he looked in my eyes.

  “Hi back,” I said as I pressed my lips to his.

  Our sensual moment was interrupted by his phone chiming and he quickly sat back, “Shadows. Sorry Angel, I have to take that.”

  Chapter 8


  Never enough time

  “Four hours, tell me you’re fucking kidding me man,” I snapped at Shadows.

  “Nope.” He answered.

  “Norfolk house set?” I asked.

  “Sure is.”

  “Fine, fuck! See you soon.”

  I turned and saw Frankie’s head tilted as she looked at me. “Everything okay?”

  “Regretfully no. Night drill. I have to be back in three hours.”

  “That’s okay,” she smiled as she walked up and wrapped her arms around me. “We had a great couple days.”

  “Now we have a lifetime. Let’s pack up. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

  “I married a soldier Jax, this is expected. Besides maybe I can get some sleep now,” she giggled.

  God I loved her laugh, her smile, her happy. “I can assure you I will wake you up when I get home. I just wish I had more time to get you settled in. This is bullshit.”


  “Never got a chance to give you our wedding present,” I said as I opened the garage door.

  “Our wedding present.” She sighed, “I didn’t get a chance to--.”

  “This gift is for us.”

  I opened the door and the motion sensor light came on, “You bought an SUV?”

  I had to laugh. Women don’t know vehicles, “It’s a BMW X5, 50is turbo V8, with 445 horsepower. It’s all wheel drive, and--.”

  “Look how shiny it is,” she smiled from ear to ear as she walked around it.


  “It’s so pretty. Jax, Give me the keys,” she held her hand out.

  “Wait just a minute,” I was a little caught off guard. “Frankie, it’s got balls. I should be driving. You don’t know the roads up here and--.”

  “Really?” She rested her hands on her hips and smirked.

  “Yes really,” I walked around her and opened the passenger door. “Let’s just get you acclimated to her okay?”

  She was hesitant and I saw that little spitfire in her begging to come out swinging. I didn’t budge, “In our family, the man drives.”

  She rolled her eyes and conceded. I waited until she was in and buckled before shutting the door behind her.

  I held up my finger and went back in the house. I had forgotten my reenlistment paperwork. When I came out she was in the driver’s seat. I opened the door, “Climb back over.”

  “In our family, the woman drives too.” She turned her nose up a little.

  “Not today she doesn’t.”

  Our eyes were deadlocked. She was waiting for me to back down and that wasn’t going to happen.

  She huffed, “Fine.”

  As she was climbing over the console I reached out and patted her sweet little ass, “Good girl, Angel.”

  She quickly looked back at me and gasped, “Jax.”

  “Your ass is too damn perfect. It was begging for me to pat it.” I climbed in, sat down, adjusted the seat, and threw on the safety belt. “In the glove box is the remote access. Hit lock after we’re out of the garage please.”

  “Are you sure that I can handle that all by myself?” She smirked.

  “Smart mouth already starting and we haven’t even pulled out yet.”

  “The honeymoon is over Jax,” she laughed.

  “Is that so?” I asked as I backed out.

  I saw her grab the remote and then the envelope with her name on it.

  “This mine?”

  I nodded, “Open it up after you lock up?”


  “Yes,” I smiled.

  One minute she wanted direction, the next she didn’t. She would keep me on my toes, just like she had kept Will on his.

  I watched out of the corner of my eyes as she read the note I had written her. When she finished she reached over and grabbed my hand and kissed it.

  “Jax. That was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever given me,” she said as she held my hand against her chest. I could feel her heart beat. “The title to the X5 is in there too. It’s yours. If anything ever happens to me--.”

  “Nothing ever will,” there was a bit of panic in her voice.

  “Of course. But I want you to know, everything that is mine is yours.”

  “I wish I had bought you something Jaxson. This is all too much. I--.”

  “You have no idea what you have given me do you?”

  She shook her head no, “I can never give you a SUV Jax--.”

  “All I want is for you to love me Frankie. That is giving me everything I will ever need, want, or desire.”

  She turned on the radio and Make You Feel My Love by Adele came on. The same song I insisted on playing when she came out dressed in white to become my wife. I tapped the steering wheel control and turned it up.

  “This is our song?” She asked.

  I nodded and she leaned over and rested her head on my shoulder as we drove into the night, towards our home in Norfolk.

  I punched in the code and set our bags down before lifting her up. “What are you doing?”

  “Carrying you over the threshold. Then I am going to kick the door shut and carry you into our bedroom Mrs. Irons.”

  She wrapped her hands around my neck, “Will you have your way with me?”

  “Is that what you want right now?”

  “That and to fall asleep in your arms. You need to nap. You have two and a half hours. A quickie and then sleep.”

  “A quickie,” I rolled my eyes as she had earlier.

  “I bet you can’t come before me,” she said raising one brow.

  “House rule, ladies first.”


  After making love to my wife and at her request sleeping for an hour, I showered and woke to her making toast.

  “You’re cooking for me?” I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

  “Just toast,” she yawned and handed me a plate.

  “Shadows is gonna come get me, I’m leaving the X5, but no joy rides okay?” I smiled.

  “I’m going back to sleep,” she purred as she climbed on my lap and nuzzled into my neck.

  “You’re making me hard.”

  “Then you’ll hurry home when you’re done.”

  “Hell yes.”

  “Okay, eat Jax.”

  Shadows texted that he was outside and Frankie walked me to the doo
r and waved to him then hugged me. “Fly safe Jax. I love you.”

  “See you in a few hours. Lock up tight. I love you,” I kissed her head and forced myself to walk away.

  Once inside Shadows’ truck I asked, “We have someone on the house?”

  “Of course. “

  “Johnny is still on Princess Anne?”

  “Irons, it’s only been three days you’ve been cooped up in that little love shack balls deep in Little Will--.”

  “Watch yourself,” I snapped at him.

  “Oh for fuck sake, did you leave your damn sense of humor up there too?”

  “She’s my wife.”

  “Yeah I get that. Speaking of, her girls been around?” Shadows laughed.

  I shook my head, “We haven’t talked about them.”

  “You think maybe you can have a little dinner party and invite that little lamb over and announce the nuptials, maybe toss the garter belt to me so I can catch it and slid it up those hot little legs.”

  “She’s a friend of Frankie’s. She should be treated respectfully.”

  “I’ll treat her real damn respectfully with my tongue.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh, “ She’s off limits.”

  “Just a taste man and I will be all set.”

  “Shadows,” I warned.

  “She’ll be begging for it. I’ll work her all up and have her ’lil panties melted to the floor. She’ll be humping my leg and begging. I’ll be all like, ‘You go ahead little lamb fuck my leg I respect you enough to let you rub that hot little box up and down my shin until you come, but I can’t help you out ‘cause I respect you.’ Now that’s some bullshit Irons.”

  “You have this all planned out huh?”

  “Mmm hmm. I bet she’d like it hard and nasty.”

  “Is that so?”

  “She would. Fuck, I’m getting chubbed up just thinking of it.”

  “Alright Shadows, I don’t want to hear your nasty little fantasies and I especially don’t wanna hear that you’re standing at half mast while I’m the only body around.”

  “Yes Sir,” he gave me a salute that ended with his middle finger stuck up in the air.

  “Anything new?” I asked changing the conversation.

  “Actually yes. Your mother seems to have been in contact with Deveroux over that past couple days.”

  “And you didn’t think that it was important for me to know this?”

  “After the wave by on the road where I assumed you banged Little Will, I decided I better leave you alone for a while. Was it hot?”

  “Shadows, back to my mother.”

  “Johnny has a guy watching. They have been meeting just off base. We should have a bug in place by the time we’re done with training. I hung out at headquarters a lot over the weekend while you were consummating your marriage, which is why you owe me Little Lamb, I am backed the fuck up.”

  “Focus, what did you find out?”

  “Deveroux and Colonel Smith have met before each of your mother and his meetings. We got it under control. Your father seems to be pretty absent in all this. He’s in campaign mode.”

  I sat and thought about ever possible scenario or reason my mother would be in contact with Deveroux and why it wasn’t my father.

  “You have time to sign your life away for another four years,” Shadow asked as we waited in the line of traffic going on to base.

  “Just made my final decision. I’m out.” My blood was boiling with the thought that my parents were plotting against my life with Frankie.

  “You’re fucking kidding right?” Shadows laughed.

  “No. Frankie has already said she’d support any decision I made and I have been struggling to decide what I wanted to do.”

  “Irons what the hell is going on?”

  “A lot. But as of this moment I have made my decision.”

  “You wanna fucking clue me in on it?”

  “I’m going to run against my father for Governor of Virginia.”

  “Are you fucking joking?”

  “Do I look like I’m joking?”

  We both stopped talking while we showed our ID and were waved through the gate.

  “Well fuck, gotta start somewhere,” Shadows laughed, “May as well be at the bottom.”

  “You and Titan should re-up. In four more years we fuck shit up in DC.”

  “Accelerated plan, huh?”

  “I won’t sit idle while my parents use me as a fucking step stool to reach the top. And I’m sure as fuck gonna let them know that no one messes with my wife.”

  “Fuck it. I’m in. Titan will be on board too. Hot Damn! Let’s fucking do this.”

  We parked and Shadows jumped out and I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called Frankie.


  “Hey Angel. I know you had your heart set on being married to a garbage man but I think I’ve changed my mind.”

  “You’re reenlisting?”

  “No. Will you support me still if I decide to run for Governor?”

  She started to laugh, “It’s in your blood, how could I stop that?”

  “With three words, ‘don’t do it.’”

  “I love you Jaxson, I’m going to stand behind you in whatever you chose.”

  “Beside me Angel, never behind.”

  “Then beside you it is.”

  “I love you. See you soon.”

  I hung up the phone and looked up at Shadows leaning against the truck waiting. “She gave you permission?”

  “She’s part of this team now.”

  “I hear ya. Let’s go get this shit done with, then you and I need to discuss my cock slaughtering that Little Lamb.”

  “Down killer,” I laughed as we walked towards the building.


  We had been up in the air for three hours already when the sun started to rise, “Check it out ladies, beautiful up here in the sky this morning.”

  “It’s a warm 80 degrees at four am over the Atlantic ocean just off the coast of Nofuck Virginia.” Titan chimed in, “Nofuck you ask? Well yes, no fuck in two days and shit is building up in here. Why do you ask, is this United States Navy information? Well there’s a hottie waiting for my call. So control unless you have a squid in there that wants a mess to clean up in the old cock pit can I please ask what the hell we’re still doing up here?”

  “Nice Lieutenant,” came over the headpiece.

  “Madge baby is that you?”

  “Lieutenant please keep this professional.”

  “You still married Madge?”

  “Yes Lieutenant.”

  “What a waste of a good piece…”

  “Alrighty now,” Shadows’ laugh boomed through, “Madge how much longer?”

  “Commander Smith will be with you shortly,” she snickered.

  “Bring it in men,” Smith instructed.

  We weren’t far off the coast when Shadows spoke, “Irons man, you have a fucking problem. You’re smoking!”

  “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is US Navy Martha, US Navy Martha, US Navy Martha. 36.85 degrees north, 75.97 degrees west, we are filling with smoke, search and rescue is eminent, 3 on board, US Navy MH -60.”

  “Irons, talk to me man,” Titan came through.

  “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is US Navy Martha, US Navy Martha, US Navy Martha. Location 36.85 degrees north, 75.97 degree west. We are filling with smoke, search and rescue is eminent, 3 on board, US Navy MH -60.”

  “They have you Irons, talk to me.”

  “I can’t see a fucking thing,” I answered.

  “Then we focus on going down easy brother,” Shadows instructed.

  My co-pilot and crewmen both began coughing.

  “Can you see me?”

  “We’re still with you,” Titan ’s voice was angry.

  “Your about fifteen feet above water and it’s all clear below. Going down easy then you get the fuck out. Open up those sliders. Smooth escape, no panic. Windows, reference point, don’t panic
, you’re gonna roll, then release your harness, and pull towards your reference point, once you’re out, inflate and survive. Nothing but a drill boys. Windows, reference point, hold on, roll and fill, unhook, get out, inflate, and survive.”

  “I’ve got Reed here, just had a baby, he gets home first you understand me.”

  “Ten feet, slow and easy Irons,” Titan interrupted.

  “Windows, reference point, hold on, roll and fill, unhook, get out, inflate, and survive.” Shadows repeated louder this time.

  “Dempsey and his old lady fought last night, he wants to make sure she knows he’s sorry. I told him he could tell her his damn self but he’s pretty fucking mouthy and I am gonna kick his ass for talking to his CO like he is.”

  “Five feet.” Titan reported.

  “Windows, reference point, hold on, roll and fill, unhook, get out, inflate, and survive.” Shadows repeated louder this time.

  He repeated the same words I had said to Will as I watched him go down.

  “Take care of my wife.”

  Chapter 9


  Clouds and darkness

  I woke after a dream of Will, and reached over seeking comfort in my husband. When I didn’t feel him next to me I sat up and looked at the clock, it was 4:45 in the morning.

  I got out of bed to use the bathroom and then decided to make a cup of coffee and wait for him to come home. I couldn’t seem to shake the chill so I decided to take a nice warm shower while my cup was brewing.

  After my shower I dressed in one of Jax’s sweatshirts and a pair of yoga pants. No nice clothes or bra necessary¸ less to take off when he got home.

  I grabbed my cup from the Keurig and sat on the couch and inhaled the pleasing mixture of my new home and the fresh cup of coffee. I reached out and grabbed the remote and turned on the news and sat back and took a sip.

  The weather was on and I was happy that it would be a nice day. I planned to let Jax sleep all day and then make a picnic for us to share on the beach, where I saw him the first time in three long, very hard years.

  I was looking at my ring when the local anchor came on, “We just received word that there has been an accident just off the coast of Norfolk beach. At 4:45 this morning an MH-60 Knight Hawk, carrying three men is said to have radioed in a Mayday. Again, we just received word that there has been an accident just off the coast of Norfolk beach. A MH-60 carrying three men is said to have radioed in a Mayday. We have very little information and will not speculate but we do know two other helicopters were in the area and the pilot was able to radio in and requested water search and rescue teams to respond to his call. The US Navy has yet to release a statement. We have no further information but as soon as we do, we will get it to you.”


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