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Irons 2

Page 16

by Mj Fields

“You’re leaving me?”

  She shook her head no but it wasn’t all that convincing, “Firefly, Jax.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Have a seat, Irons,” Shadows pulled out the chair next to him. “I’m gonna tell you what we knew before the accident and what we know now. Stop me when you need to. Tell me what you do and don’t remember.”

  “Let’s have it.” Frankie set a plate down in front of me.

  “Eat first.”

  “Lost my appetite.”

  “You will end up like you were last night, Jaxson Irons, now eat.”

  After a few bites Titan began.

  “Annapolis graduation. Party at your place. You and Mimi Deveroux woke up in bed. You said you don’t remember shit, you also said she thinks she may have been drugged.” He stopped.

  “Go on.”

  “You remember that?” Frankie asked.

  “Seems very familiar.”

  “Mimi’s cousin was murdered in front of her less than five months later. She told you she believes they were gunning for her. They wanted to keep her mouth shut.”

  “About what?”

  I watched them all look at each other and then Frankie looked at me, “She was five months pregnant.”

  “What does that have…” I stopped. I already knew the answer, Firefly. I looked at the ground and shook my head. Frankie, sat down across from me, I couldn’t look at her.

  “Fast forward to your father throwing his hat in for governor. Arthur Deveroux is known to be in line to be his lieutenant governor.” Although I already knew, I didn’t stop him. I needed to make sure they were facts, not false memories and I needed Frankie to know the truth, all of it. “We know a scandal, a child, could ruin your father’s chances at becoming governor and we also know Arthur was not his first choice as a running mate. But Arthur Deveroux made sure he was.”

  “When Frankie went home, we stepped shit up double-time.” Shadows pulled out a file. “You told us everything you knew. You told us why it was to be kept a secret and we have explained this to Frankie. It was for the safety of the child and her. She understands.”

  I looked up at her and she nodded then looked away.

  “What we have learned in the past week and a half from Johnny and his guys is that your mother and Deveroux are real tight. But she also has a secret of her own, a wild card.”

  I looked over at him, “No idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Helen Irons, went to school at Harvard on scholarship. Her classmate, Calvin Roberts, and she had an on again off again affair. Calvin Roberts, had a girlfriend back home, Cynthia Simms. When she found out about his infidelities she committed suicide. Calvin fell off the map for a while and four months later he was dating her cousin, Maxine Simms-Deveroux. They dated a few months and when she left him she met Arthur Deveroux. Roberts continued his affair with your mother until they graduated. We got the info out of Helens best friend in college who is a professor at Harvard Law.

  “Keep your enemies close.” Titan chimed in.

  “We just uncovered that your mother and Arthur Deveroux are very tight,” Shadows began.

  “Understatement.” Titan snickered.

  “So mother is fucking Deveroux?”


  “Perfect.” I sat back. “So my mother’s hurt feelings have caused all this. Vengeance trumps family and vows.”

  “Your father seems to be clueless.” Titan said sitting back.

  “But he’s not faithful either, Irons. Louisa, the woman in charge of the house staff. They seem to meet twice a week outside of town.”

  “So my father is fucking the maid.”

  “Hispanic maid,” Titan laughed and winked at Frankie.

  She rolled her eyes, “Which is probably the reason she isn’t all that fond of me.”

  I rubbed my head, “Fucking mess.”

  “The only difference between this and the majority of the USA is the millions involved,” Shadows laughed, “Fucking soap opera.”

  “It’s not the money, it’s the power.” I said as I looked up at the ceiling. “I want someone in Canada.”

  “Johnny is already there. Left last night after Frankie messaged me. Russ is in Princess Anne.”

  “Why did you message them?”

  “I found your file.” I looked at her and shook my head not understanding, “The one you locked up and hid when we came here after we promised to love, honor, and respect one another. Apparently hiding children and lovers wasn’t part of the deal.”

  “It was to keep you safe, Frankie,” Titan snapped at her.

  “Titan, ease up.” I warned him.

  “It’s the damn truth.”

  “I agree but my wife has a right to be upset.”

  “She also had a right to know,” Frankie stood up.

  “I had no intentions of forming a relationship with her.” I said calmly.

  “That’s why you went to Canada and saw her. That’s why after your visit you came to me, rushed a marriage--.”

  “That’s not fair, Frankie, you knew damn well how I felt about you, and that was before I even knew about her.”

  “But now that you know about her, you’ve seen her, how can you just walk away?”

  “To keep you safe. To keep Mimi safe, to keep peace, Frankie.” I slammed my fist on the table. “For the greater god damned good!”

  “She’s your child, Jaxson.”

  “She has parents, Frankie, she wears a little pink tutu, she smiles, she’s polite, and she’s happy. What the hell can I offer that is more than that?”

  “Her parents travel the world, she’s raised by a nanny, she goes to a private school, she’s been in three different schools in two years. She has dyslexia, she struggles with friends, is being tested by shrink after shrink because they are trying to decide what they can do for her to help her socially, but whenever someone gets close to discovering what could help her, they move schools.”

  “What are you talking about? What is she talking about?” I looked at Titan and Shadows.

  “Her parents get a large deposit every month through an online company they run. They supposedly sell medical supplies. The woman you saw her with is a nanny, the third in two years.”

  “And what do I do, go to Canada and say, this little one is mine and snatch her up? Bring her here and say hey kid, I’m your dad and your grandparents are thugs, but because they have money they get away with it and will be running the state of Virginia soon? I mean think about it, Frankie, she’s better off without me in her life.”

  “You’re more than capable, Jaxson.” She snapped at me.

  I had to look away. Disappointment wasn’t something I enjoyed, it made me feel weak.

  She stood up and walked to the coffee maker and poured herself another cup.

  When she walked back over she looked at Titan and Shadows. “Give us a minute, please.”

  When they left the room she sat down. “Jax, she needs you.”

  “Frankie, she won’t be safe, she --.”

  “She’s not safe now. You and I got married, that made her unsafe. Mimi is a loose cannon, I read the messages between the two of you--.”

  “You got in my phone?”

  “Yes, I did,” she crossed her arms in front of her. “Get pissed all you want, you asked for answers and I was trying to help.”

  “And how did the snooping work out for you, Frankie? The way you are looking at me, the way you feel about me now.”

  “The way I feel, Jaxson, I’m pissed that you hid things from me. I’m pissed that you didn’t trust me--.”

  “I was trying to keep you safe.”

  “And I am pissed that I understand that. But, Jax, if anyone can keep that little girl safe and loved--.”

  “No. She is better off without me.”

  “Fine,” she stood up.

  “What does fine mean?” I stood and looked at her.

  “It means your mind is made up. It means it doesn’t ma
tter what I think, it means--.”

  “Are you going to leave me? Cause I swear to Christ, Frankie--.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. My vows meant something, Jax. Let’s see if yours did.”

  “You know they do.”

  We sat looking at each other. I knew she was questioning me. I knew she was wishing she didn’t love me but I knew she did. “We will get through this together, Frankie.”

  She nodded.

  “You guys can come in now.”

  Chapter 21


  What next?

  We weren’t home four hours and Commander Smith was at the door.

  “How is he?” He asked as he walked in.

  “Tired, miserable but he’s alive.”

  “Has his memory returned?”

  “Some of it.”

  “You two really married?” He asked as he tucked his cap under his arm.


  “But no license so we can’t get you enrolled under his health care plan.”

  “We’re working on finding out where it went.”

  “I was thinking we should just do it again, Frankie, what do you say?” Jax came out on crutches.

  I smiled at him and walked over to help him.

  “What do you think Will is thinking about this, Irons?” Commander Smith asked.

  “I think he is thinking I am one lucky-son-of-a-bitch.” Jax held his hand out. “And for more reasons than one.”

  Smith smiled and looked him up and down. “Metal in that leg?”


  “Doctor say if you’ll be cleared for flight?”

  “I actually made a decision. I’m not going to re-up.”

  “You may want to think about that. Medical discharge might be more financially beneficial.”

  “I expected a fight, Commander.”

  “I watched them bring you back to life, Irons. I have a whole new prospective. You were born for more than this.”

  “Thank you, sir, I appreciate the concern.”

  “I would have brought flowers but I wasn’t here asking for a date. Food was out of the question, Millie isn’t a good cook, so I did you a favor,” Commander Smith joked. “But I’m sure Francesca can cook.”

  “No, sir,” I smiled.

  “Maybe you and Millie ought to take a class,” he joked. “I won’t keep you, I just wanted to see you with my own eyes and make sure you think about the medical discharge. Might get you out of the Navy sooner.”

  “That was never my intention.”

  “I know, son. I’m sorry that this has happened.”

  As soon as he left I ducked underneath Jax’s arm and walked into the kitchen, “You hungry?”

  “Starving, Frankie, it’s been two days since you have let me do anything more than look at you.”

  My face got warmer, “You know why, Jaxson.”

  “I have answered what I can.”

  “Except for why you went to her? Why you needed to see her.”

  “To get answers. I didn’t want you to get upset. We’re in a good place. Frankie, I want nothing but answers from her.”


  “And you know what I know. She didn’t tell me anything. The things she did say I knew were untrue. But I know she is scared. I also know that I will not be the one making sure she is okay, and she knows that too. What she doesn’t know is I have someone watching her.”

  “And that’s it?”

  “Of course it is, Francesca.”

  I nodded and continued cleaning off the same spot on the counter that I had been.

  “I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “It hurts to not be trusted.”

  “Point taken.”


  He moved towards me.

  “How about a bath together.”

  “You have a cast, two actually.”

  “We have more than one set of sheets, or maybe just watch a damn movie with me. Let me hug my wife, something, Frankie.”

  “I could watch a movie,” I conceded. “You pick it, I’ll make popcorn.”

  “You think maybe I should make the popcorn?”

  I smiled and shook my head no.

  “There she is,” he whispered as he looked at me.

  I hadn’t looked at him in a couple days. I had been avoiding the emotions that coursed through me when I did.

  “Jax, I--.”

  “Shh, I’m enjoying the smile. Give me more. I miss that.” He came over to me slowly, almost like he was stalking his prey, like he would do whatever he needed to capture me, like he expected me to run away. Just like he had said over and over again. Until now I didn’t realize how real that feeling was to him.

  It had always been a treat to see Jax with his guard down outside of the bedroom. Right now he was exposed, and all but begging for me to take notice. Nothing had ever made me feel so good and so emotional than I was feeling right this moment.

  When he stood toe to toe with me I felt small. When I looked up into his eyes I felt loved. When he wrapped his arms around me I felt protected.

  I rested my hands on his hips and leaned my forehead against his chest. His lips touched the top of my head and he let out a long, hard breath.

  I pushed my hands under his tee-shirt and let them slide across his skin until I linked my fingers together behind his back. I held on tight, fearing that if I let go I may fall apart. I was trying to be strong, for him, for me, for a little girl that I hoped to meet someday.

  He pulled me closer and rested his chin on my head and sighed, “How bad have I fucked this up?”

  “I love you, Jax.”

  “I love you, Angel. Can you answer the question, please?”

  I peered up at him and swallowed back my pending tears, “Don’t you know?”

  “I did. Now--.”

  “Love doesn’t change, Jax. I have loved you for so long.”

  “Then why are you shutting yourself down from me?”

  “I’d rather not fight, Jax. I’d rather not hurt you by questioning things. If I don’t agree with something I know there is no use saying how I feel. You have your mind made up. I will sit back and wait until you decide to let me in, because, Jax, you haven’t accepted that you are the one shutting me out. I’m just following your lead.”

  He didn’t say anything.

  “Okay. I’ve done it again,” I attempted to step back and he held tighter.

  “I’m still working through it, Frankie.”

  “Right, well when you decide, do you think you can let me know?”

  “Her name is Lily. She is beautiful and full of light. She has the sweetest little dimple when she smiles and her voice is what I imagine a cherub’s to be.”

  “You spoke to her?” His body tensed. “Jax?”

  He told me about the park, he told me a frisbee had been overthrown, that it landed at his feet, that he handed it to her, that she told him her name was Lily and he told her his was Will.

  “Why did you say Will?” I asked.

  “Will would have been a very good father, she deserves someone like him, not me.”

  “You know I want children?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “Well, I happen to know you’ll make a great father.”

  “You’ll make sure of it.”

  “And you’ll make sure of it too.”

  “Frankie, she wouldn’t be safe here. And I swear to you, she looked happy. She smiles like you, like she means it.”

  “I won’t push. I just hope you think about what I found.”

  “How did you find all that out, by the way?”

  “I didn’t sleep last night. I am pretty good with a computer and the rest is my secret.”

  “You don’t keep secrets from me.”


  “Johnny is there. He’s aware of what you found. He’s looking into it.”

  “So if she’s not happy--.”

  “I’m having it monitored.”r />
  “Okay. Now how about that movie?”

  “How about that bath?”

  “You have a cast,” I pushed my hand against his chest.

  “I take showers with it wrapped in a damn trash bag, I think I can handle a bath with my wife.”

  Jax stood completely naked in front of the Jacuzzi tub bent over and turning off the water. His cast leg was turned out slightly. He stood and rolled his neck and shoulder, his muscles flexed and I forgot completely what it was I was supposed to be doing.

  Jax had a strong thick neck and very broad shoulders. His back muscles popped when he moved, his waist was tight and trim, tapering in making his muscular ass appear even more round. When he moved you could see the way the muscle groups worked together making up the most beautiful ass I had ever seen in my life.


  “Yeah?” I cleared my throat.

  He turned around and looked at me, his eyes squinted slightly and he shook his head. “You going to help me out?”

  “Sure am.” My mouth watered as I looked at his perfectly sized pecs, his flat light brown nipples. His abs, leading down to the lust handles, that pointed down to the most beautiful cock created. He was no doubt well above average. Some men’s penis sat on top of their scrotum, Jax’s cock hung at least three inches below his large sac. He was at least seven inches soft. His width was just as impressive.

  He sat on the edge of the Jacuzzi and I knelt down in front of him and pulled the bag up over his leg.

  I paused and looked up at him. His voice was thick with desire, “Angel, those eyes. They’re begging. You see something you want, I encourage you to take it.”

  I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock that was now semi erect and squeezed gently, he hissed and gripped the side of the bath. I rubbed his tip across my lips and he groaned. I used my tongue to caress his rim and then licked down the underside.

  “Damn, Angel, you are so fucking amazing.”

  Encouraged by his praise I wrapped my lips around the hot skin of his head and swirled my tongue around again and again. Looking up, I watched his jaw pop. Then I stroked him down as I took inch by glorious inch inside my mouth. I found a rhythm, my strokes matched my hand movement and Jax was breathing rapidly, making strained noises as I moved a little faster up and down his cock.

  I swirled my tongue again applying more pressure and his hips bucked up.


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