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ROMANCE: Biker Club Romance: Infernal Affairs (Alpha Males playing Wicked Games MC Ride Romance New Adult Romance) (Unlawful Secret baby Undercover cop romance Series)

Page 15

by Linda Wright

  “Carter, it’s good to see you. “

  It was at that moment that Nathan emerges from inside of the house and is greeted by the governor.

  “And this must be the lucky gentleman who will be moving on to the Point.”

  Nathan shakes his hand and looks over to his mother and father.

  “Well nothing’s really certain governor but you know how my mother is.”

  He gives a smile to his mother and she looks at the governor than back to Nathan.

  “I think you should tell him Leta.”

  “Tell me what?”

  The governor looks at Nathan

  “Well your mother had contacted me and told me how much you had wanted to attend the Point since the Col. had and so had his father and well Nathan I’m proud to say you will attending the Academy next September as a cadet.”

  Leta looks at her son and has tears in her eyes

  “I was going to have the governor announce it at the party tonight, you will act surprised won’t you?”

  Nathan looked at his mother. Once again she had her own way. All this was just to prove she got her son into West Point. As the Col. escorts the governor into the house Etta and her family ride up. Leta sees Etta and smiles.

  “Nathan, do help Etta out of her carriage.”

  Etta smiles at Leta

  “Ms. Leta it’s good to see you. Thank you Nathan.”

  “I’m so glad you could come Etta. Oh Nathan would you show Etta inside?”

  Nathan takes her hand and escorts her into the house. Once through the huge front doors the house seems so massive as much of the furniture has been removed for this party. Through the side massive glass doors is the patio where the party continues and the food and music are on the patio. Nathan looks at Etta.

  “Would you care to have some punch?”

  “Oh yes that would be lovely Nathan.”

  Across the other side of the stream Darcy was sitting by her window. The music from the party floated through the night air. AS I sat and listened tears rolled down my cheeks. Seems grandma had heard Nathan would be leaving for the Point next year after his birthday. The party was to be his pre celebration and of course I was not invited. Of course the two most important functions of the season and I’m not attending either of them. So here I sit looking out the window listening to the music.

  Downstairs my ma and grandma were in the living room.

  “It’s a darn shame Darcy couldn’t attend this party also.”

  My ma looked over to her mother.

  “Mother let’s not go through that all over again.”

  “I’m not but I’m sure it was all so innocent. I’ve seen the Gower boy and he really was just a friend.”

  “Maybe so mother, but have you ever seen Darcy’s face light up when she speaks about him?”

  The older woman nodded and smiled.

  “Yes but that was when they were in grade school. A simple girl crush nothing more.”

  “Maybe but I’ve seen that look in her eyes when she was six and it’s still in her eyes now.”

  “ She loves that boy, always has. The bad thing about it is his folks and your husband will never let it happen.”

  My ma looked at her.

  “Happen? Let what happen?”

  “Oh come Mary are you that blind”

  “I’m sure Darcy will find the right man when he comes along.”

  Grandma nods her head and goes back to her knitting as my ma sips her coffee.

  It was the evening of the spring dance and I sat quietly in my room. My folks had gone to Howards for supper. Pa and Mr. Howard worked together and both ladies have been trying to get together for months. I heard grandma call me from the hall.

  “Darcy, can you come down for a moment?”

  “Be right there grandma.”

  I headed out of my room and down the stairs. As I got to the doorway of the living room Iswa grandma smiling.

  “What do you need grandma?”

  She stepped aside and there stood Nathan.

  “HI Darcy.”

  I was just stunned.

  “Nathan? “

  Grandma had gotten behind me and gently shoved me in the room and closed the doors. I had to admit Nathan looked well.

  “Well how have you been?”

  I still was a bit shocked but tried to answer.

  “I’ve been alright and you? I mean I heard you are going to West Point next year. You must be excited.”

  I moved over to the nearest chair and sat down. Nathan sat on the sofa across from me.

  “I’ve been down at the stream I thought maybe I’d see you there but..”

  “Well I promised my pa I wouldn’t go there anymore.”

  “Oh I see.”

  “Truth is nothings the same without you there Darcy.”

  “I’m sorry Nathan. I’m sorry for so many things getting in trouble for asking you to teach me to dance, not being able to go to the dance tonight and now for making you sad.”

  I got up and walked over to the widow and looked out into the darkness.

  “ I wish we could back in time and be the kids we were back then.”

  Nathan had gotten up and slowly moved behind me until he was able to put his hands on my shoulders.

  “I’m not, I wouldn’t want to trade the beautiful woman I see here back to that young tomboy with the braids and her shoes tied over her shoulder.”

  I had to smile when I thought about the first time he saw me I was in braids and my shoes were over my shoulder. I knew I had to tell him how I felt and if I didn’t do it now I would lose my nerve.

  “You know I have been keeping this inside me all these years and I feel I have to tell you. I know you’re going to think I’m silly but well I have been in love with you since I was six years old. Ok you can laugh at me now.”

  He gently turned me around and with his hand he lifted my chin.

  “I’m not laughing and I don’t think it’s silly. I’m so glad you told me because I’ve been in love you with since the first day I saw you trying to wade across the stream.”

  He slowly let his lips touch mine and my arms went around his neck as we shared a passionate embrace.

  “And now you’re going to West Point and we’ll be apart again.”

  He held me in his arms and I felt I could stay there forever.

  “I don’t care about West Point. I’d give it all up just to stay here by the stream with you. I love you Darcy Meadows for always.”

  I looked at him

  “Always and forever.”

  Later that evening I sat up in bed still excited that Nathan really did love me I was going to go to the stream tomorrow and we could sit there and plan our future together. But that was not to happen. As I was walking toward the stream my pa came along in the wagon. Just as I was about to turn off in the road he pulls up.

  “Darcy, come on I’ll give you a ride home.”

  I had no choice I had to take the ride home. Two days later news hit town Fort Sumter was fired on and we were at war. Every young man was rushing to join the army and every mother sat and prayed their son or sons would be safe.

  Nathan joined the army and with some help from his father he was sent under the command of General Albert S. Johnston and West Point graduate and highly respected officer. West Point would have to wait for Nathan he felt it was his duty to defend the south. It was the day before he was to leave and he waited by the stream hoping that Darcy would come to say good bye. He had almost given up when he say her across the stream making her way down to the stream. He made his way into the stream and she waited patiently like always. As he got to the other side she looked at him and took his hand.

  “This time I want to walk across with you. “

  “Are you sure, you’ll get wet.”

  “I’m sure.”

  Together we waded across the stream hand and hand. Once we made it to the other side we sat under the tree and held each other. I couldn’t bear to t
hink of him leaving. I know he had to do this but the uncertainty of this war. Why couldn’t the Col. find a way to keep him away from the battlefield. He looked at me as I tried to stop the tears in my eyes.

  “What’s this tears? You don’t want me to remember you with tears in your eyes. Not the day before I leave. You don’t want me to have that as my memory of my girl. You do know you are my girl.”

  I nodded.

  “And when I come back I’m going to marry you Darcy Meadows, and I’m going to purpose to you right here under this tree.”

  The next morning Nathan left by train for his basic training. Ms. Leta carried on so the Col. had to take her home. I promised I wouldn’t go to the train station I wanted to have the memory of us at the stream. It was our special place that no one could ever take from us. I heard the train whistle and knew Nathan was on his way. I wished he didn’t go yet I knew he had to it was what he was.

  It suddenly began to rain and as the drops hit the window sill I felt my own roll down my cheek.

  Chapter Four

  There wasn’t a day that went by that the townspeople gathered at the newspaper office to hear the latest on the war. Mrs. Rollins had not only her husband but her two sons also. Each day she waited to hear any news on the war. Grandma would sit with her sometimes. She felt sorry for the woman she had no one to lean on for strength. Then it came two days after the Battle of Shiloh it came out the wounded and the casualties. I looked over when I heard sobbing and saw Mrs. Rollins weeping. I looked at the names in the newspaper and saw all three Rollins men were lost in that battle. I felt an emptiness that was in the very core of my soul seeing Mrs. Rollins’ grief I couldn’t bear to read any farther than the fact that General Johnston died in battle. I wanted to look at the list but I just couldn’t I didn’t want to think that Nathan could be dead. Not after he told me he loved me and promised to marry me. He couldn’t be on the list. I forced myself to look at the G’s and there was no Gower. I said a silent prayer thanking the good Lord that he as spared.

  I walked back home only I stopped at the stream it was the one place I still felt I could reach Nathan. I felt no matter where he was if I just sat here he would know I was thinking of him. I closed my eyes and tried to picture him beside me when I heard grandma calling me.

  I got up and walked through the trees and saw her on the road.

  “I knew I’d find you here. This came for you it’s a few weeks old but I thought you would still want it.”

  She smiled and handed me a letter.

  “It’s from Nathan. Oh grandma thank you so much.”

  “Would you like to read it at home? I’m going that way I can give you a ride?”

  “I’d better thanks grandma.”

  In the privacy of my room I opened the letter and began to read ”Dear Darcy, I think of you often. There’s nothing glamorous about this war. We’re going to a place called Shiloh in a week and from there I’m not sure. I often think about you. I miss you and home. We’re all Virginia boys here but none of us are from the same town. We all talk about our homes and our families I even told them about you and they all want to meet you. It’s almost time for lights out and we’ll be leaving in the morning so I’ll end the letter here. I hope we can get home soon I’ve got to move on now hope this gets to you. I love you Darcy always and forever. Love Nathan.”

  That letter was over a week old we already had heard the news of the Battle of Shiloh and the death of . General Johnston died on the battle field of a gunshot wound to his leg. He unselfishly had his personal doctor sent to the front to aid the wounded; he on the other hand bled to death due to his wound. It was the bloodiest battle in the war so far. It was on a Sunday afternoon that is a place called Shiloh both sides lost 23,000 men. Among those brave men under Gen. Johnston that were also wounded was one young man Nathan Gower. It seemed a mortar hit right beside him and tore his left leg severely. At the army hospital they felt the only recourse to be was to amputate. It would be the end of his army career but a young surgeon had heard of a new method of saving the legs and arms of these wounded soldiers and after six hours of painstaking surgery Nathan’s leg was spared. The fact that he would always have a limp was a small price to pay to save the leg from amputation.

  It was a shattered Col. Gower who came to our house that afternoon a week after the battle.

  He seemed a broken man as if he had lost all the will to live. I had thought oh no Nathan is dead. I began to sob and he gently touched my hand.

  “No, no Darcy, he’s not gone. He’s been wounded. He suffered a serve injury to his leg. They transferred him to another army hospital and Leta and I are going to see him as soon as we can get a train out.”

  The man just kept looking at me and smiled.

  “Is there anything I can do or get you Col.?”

  The old man just smiled and nodded his head.

  “I’m sorry my wife treated you so badly my dear I know how much Nathan cares for you. I intend to tell him I have been here to see you and you know of his injury. Would you like me to tell him anything?”

  I looked at my parents and then my grandma who nodded her head and smiled.

  “Col. do tell him always and forever he’ll know what it means.”

  A smile came to the old man’s face as he once again pats her hand.

  “I’ll tell him miss don’t you worry.”

  He gets up and starts to head out the door. When my ma stops him.

  “Col. if there is anything you or Ms. Leta needs please let us know.”

  “Thank you Mrs. Meadows, thank you very much.”

  He walks out the door with my pa. I looked over to grandma.

  “He looks so broken. I wish there was something I could do for him.”

  “ You did just by what you said to him. “

  Weeks passed and there was no news on Nathan. The war raged on and more young lives were lost on both sides. I found myself wondering if I would ever see Nathan and yet there was that one hope that I would turn around one day and he would be there at the stream and we could pick up our lives.

  It was a warm Sunday afternoon I sat under the tree by the stream as I had done since I spoke with the Col. Sometime I would just sit and watch the clouds, other times I would think of Nathan and pray he would come home to me. I closed my eyes and began to talk in a low voice as if Nathan was beside me.

  “Nathan, I wish you were here so I knew that you were alright. I’ve been worried for so long to hear any news on you. Oh I wish you could hear me.”

  With my eyes closed I didn’t notice that Nathan had indeed walked to the banks of the stream and was standing there in front of me.

  “I can hear you silly. I’m right here.”

  I opened my eyes and there was Nathan standing before me with on crutches but he was standing there before me. I jumped up and put my arms around me.


  “Darcy, Darcy careful you’ll knock me down. “

  I stepped back and tried to stop the tears in my eyes.

  “How did you get here? How are you, how…?”

  He slowly made his way to the tree and leaned up against the trunk.

  “You’ll have to ask me one question at a time Darcy.”

  There were so many questions I wanted to ask and so many things I wanted to tell him but for now just to stand here and see him before me.

  “I know the last time we were here I promised you I would do something. Well if you can forgive me for not getting on one knee I’ll try to do this right.”

  He gently takes my hand and smiles

  “Darcy Christine Meadows would you do me the favor and be my wife? I’d get on one knew if it would make you answer faster.”

  I looked at him and smiled.

  “Yes, I will marry you Nathan, today, tomorrow whenever and where ever you want.”

  It was a dream come true for both of us. I was to be married in my mother’s wedding dress. As I stood in front of the mirror looking at the image
. “Well girl this is it, the moment you’ve been waiting for since you were six years old. The day you become Mrs. Nathan Gower.” The door of her room opens and her father stands there looking at his little girl and smiles.

  “You look so happy Darcy and I’m so proud of you.”



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   Copyright 2015 by (Natasha Jones) - All rights reserved.

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  I got to have him

  Every girl for herself

  By: Natasha Jones

  I got to have him

  Most people strive for happiness with little success. One of the people who certainly got everything she wanted and more was Keisha Mosby. Keisha was better known to her family and friends as KeKe. She led a pretty charmed life. She never wanted for anything; she grew up in an affluent and loving family and was blessed with both brains and beauty. She was like the perfect storm.


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