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by Alex Cook, Indigo Sin, Taylor L Ray, LaVerne Thompson (epub)

  Chapter Seven

  Reilly didn’t know what the hell happened in the last twenty -four hours, except that she’d spent them in Skye’s arms. It was more than her teenage mind had ever dreamt of. Come to think of it, it was more than her adult mind could comprehend. Since they’d gotten to the hotel room and finished their shower they hadn’t left the bedroom. They both cancelled their plans for the evening, claiming jetlag — Skye with Chris and the groom and a few of the men in the wedding party, and she with Trisha and her cousins. However, neither of them could get out of the morning activities or those planned for the rest of the day. Trisha was already asking questions about why she didn’t meet her last nigh t. If they showed up at Trisha’s fiancé’s home together, there’d be a boat load of questions; questions Reilly wasn’t sure she had the answers to. She glanced over at Skye behind the wheel of the rental car he’d picked up at the airport. He knew the city and was driving them to meet the rest of the wedding party for brunch.

  “Everything will be fine,” he said again as though reading her anxiety.

  She gave him a weak smile and he took her hand and kissed her palm, but he didn’t release it. Instead he place d it on his thigh and covered it with his own. She took a deep breath and stared at the street in front of them. “I hope so.” Trisha had been after her to go out more, to find someone, but she’d always told her she was too busy getting her business up a nd running, which was all true. Yet now she’d be showing up at the wedding with Skye, as in with Skye. Hell if she didn’t have a hard time believing it.

  Too soon for Reilly, Skye pulled up in front of the groom’s family residence used whenever they were in town and parked behind a Mercedes. When Skye released her hand to park the car, she moved to unlatch her seat belt, but he touched her arm stopping her and doing it for her. “It’s going to be fine,” he repeated.

  “But what the hell do we say? We met on the plane and then…” “Rocked each others world?” He grinned and raised her hand to lick her palm. “As soon as we can get out of here, I want you to rock my

  world some more.”

  And just like that her panties were soaked, and he damn well knew it. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. He might have meant it to be a quick kiss, she wasn’t sure, but it seemed whenever they touched, they couldn’t stop. His hand moved to grasp her nape and anchor her where he wanted her, as she pressed against his mouth, his tongue entering to play with hers. He moaned into her mouth and her own arms came up to wrap around his neck. A sound that didn’t make sense penetrated her consciousness compelling her to open her eyes a split second before Skye blinked and turned his head. Standing at the side of the car was Chris. He’d been banging on the glass, a big grin plastered on his face.

  “Oh shit!” Reilly exclaimed.

  Skye turned back to her. “Relax. We’re a couple now.”

  She raised an eyebrow at his possessive stat ement. “Really. And how do I know you don’t have a girl friend back home, or that I may have a boy friend.”

  He frowned. “If you do, you’d better call him now and tell him it’s over.”

  “Excuse me...” That’s as far as she got before he kissed her again. By the time she regained her senses, he was out of the car and Chris was opening her door. As soon as she got out of the car, Chris hugged her and kissed her cheek.

  “So when did all of this happen,” he said smirking.

  She frowned at him remembering what Skye had told her on the plane then she pulled away from him and punched his arm.

  “Ouch,” he said frowning. “What was that for?” He stared back and forth between her and Skye. “Oh,” Chris said. “Look I’m sorry. I was an ass then, but you guys still managed to get together so it’s all good, right?” He hugged her to him and grabbed Skye’s arm. “Lucky bastard. You be good to her or I’ll kick your ass.”

  “I’ll kick his ass,” Reilly said laughing.

  When the door to the house opened Chris’s fiancée, Kath y came out. Reilly moved away from Chris to hug Kathy. She’d met Kathy last year when Trisha was home for a visit. She was a petite thing with short dark hair cut in a pixie style. Chris at six one towered over her, but they looked adorable together. “It’s good to see you Kathy.”

  “Is Chris behaving himself?” she asked grinning.

  Skye snorted as he moved to hug Kathy. “Not hardly.” He winked at Reilly’s words. She rolled her eyes; it figured Skye would know Kathy too. Skye took Reilly’s hand as they all moved through the doorway and into the peaches and cream-colored marble foyer together.

  Just as she turned her head to look around the place, Trisha came running down the grand staircase in front of them screaming her name. “About time girl!” When Trisha saw Skye beside her, she grinned. She came to a stop before Reilly and gave her a big hug then hugged Skye. Grabbing Reilly’s arm, her friend pulled her away from Skye and ahead of everyone else, calling back over her shoulder. “We’re all out by the pool.”

  Trisha led them down the hallway past the staircase she’d come down. Once out of the foyer, the flooring was a polished wood with an ash rose tint. Reilly vaguely wondered how they kept it free of scratches, and was glad she wore flats and not heels that would leave marks on it. They walked past three closed doors with paintings done in a style like Monet’s Water Lilies placed on the walls between each door until the hallway ended and opened up into a great room. Two wide steps down took them into the large room. This room was painted in soft shades of greens and peaches. A large fresh flower arrangement sat in between two big comfy floral-patterned couches, giving the room an inviting look; someplace to sit and relax. A row of windows took up most of the wall. Reilly could see beyond it to a stone patio and further beyond that, she could see the pool area. On the left of the room she was in, there appeared to be a dining area. Another door on her right clearly led to an enclosed patio that also led to the pool area.

  Trisha pushed open the door to the enclosed patio. Leaning her head close to Reilly’s, she whispered. “Is this why you couldn’t make it last night?”

  Reilly tilted her head slightly to stare at Trisha and grinned. Trisha smiled. “Umm, tell me everything, later.”

  “I don’t think so.” Skye had come up beside Reilly and took her hand again, making it clear to one and all that they were indeed together.

  Chapter Eight

  Skye didn’t even bother to lock the door, he simply shut it then began pulling off Reilly’s clothes. Since she was pulling his off at the same time, it worked. He’d spent the entire reception hard and hurting. Reilly had looked killer in her bridesmaid’s dress, and all he could think about was getting her out o f it. Unfortunately she couldn’t leave the reception until after the bride and groom did, much as he tried to lure her away. It had been more than twenty- four hours since they’d made love. He missed her like he’d never missed another woman in his life. Trisha had kept Reilly with her the last two nights, and when he tried to complain, he’d been shot down. He was a little worried that Reilly didn’t try to stop her either, but she did kiss him and grinded against him every time he said goodbye to her. H e’d grinned against her mouth when he realized she was just as hot for him as he for her. As soon as Trisha got into the limo with her new husband and before the limo driver had even shut the door, Reilly was tugging on his hand telling him it was time to go. She did not have to tell him twice. He broke all kinds of records getting them back to the hotel room.

  They never made it to the bedroom. Skye backed Reilly against the wall and finished pulling her dress off. As soon as she had it down around her ankles, he had his pants down and her pressed up against the wall. “I need to be buried inside of you, now .”

  “Then why are you talking about doing it instead of…ahhhh.” He ripped her panties off. The best decision he’d made that

  morning was not to wear any, it saved so much time now as he bent at the knees and upon raising his sex drove inside her sweet wet haven. “Oh fuck!” he cried out. He grab
bed one of her thighs and lifted it up so she could wrap it around his hip while he pounded into her. But she was not complacent — not his Reilly — she gave as good as she got. Her sex cradled and squeezed him, welcoming him every time he entered her. Her hands were wrapped in his hair; he’d never wear his hair short again. She loved grabbing onto it, onto h im and he…well she could grab him anywhere she wanted to at anytime.

  He wasn’t going to last long. As soon as one of her hands reached around and grabbed his ass, he could take no more. Shaking, he came so hard his balls ached from the pressure of the cum ejecting from his sacks through his penis and right inside her waiting cavern. Breathing hard, he lowered her leg, then placed his palms flat against the wall on either side of her head and lowered his head to hers. When he thought he could form a co herent thought all he could say was, “I have no fucking idea what is going on between us, but I know one thing whatever it is, it’s not letting go.” He raised his head and moved his hands to frame her face. “It’s growing worse.” He shook his head. “No not worse, stronger. My God I’ve had your taste in my mouth for the last few days. I have a damn hunger for you. What have you done to me?”

  Her thumbs stroked his hands. “Me?” It was her turn to shake her head at him. “Oh no not me. You. I was perf ectly fine building my business going about my life when you came into it.”

  He grinned. “Hon, if I had gotten that message all those years ago, I’d have been in it all this time.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  He stepped back and looked at her. Taking her hand he led them into the bedroom. Laying her down on the bed, he finished taking off his shirt and lay down beside her. “Yeah, actually,” he finally answered her, “I do. I’m telling you now Reilly we would have been together all this time.” He stroked her with his finger from the tip of her cute button nose, over her full lips down her neck, trailing the digit over her heart to cup her breast with his open palm. Feeling her heart increase its beat, he smiled. “Yeah I’m positive. Which means we’ve got lots to make up for.”

  “Is that so?”


  He moved his hand to stroke the side of her neck. “How much longer are you going to be in London?”

  “Just a couple more days. I leave on Tuesday.”

  “Can you stay the rest of the week, leave on Saturday?”


  “Because I have business in Brussels, but it’s also my second home, and I want you with me.” He watched the frown form on her face.

  “But you live in the States, right?”

  “Yes, but I was actually born in Brussels, and the main company headquarters is located there. Since I have to take care of some business there mid-week, I was planning on going to visit my folks before heading back to the States. I’d like to take you with me.”

  “Skye, I don’t know. Maybe you should go see your folks by yourself. I don’t think our…relationship, whatever it is, is ready for that.”

  He smiled and kissed her. She was right, but he didn’t care. He just did not want to be separated from her. But he wanted this settled between them now. If they continued to kiss like this he’d forget his own name in a moment. Shifting, he kissed the side of her neck. “We won’t stay with my folks if you don’t want to. The company keeps an apartment in the city that I was planning on using anyway. So come with me, let me show you Brussels. Ha ve you ever been there?” He moved to place a kiss on her ear, all the while her hand moved up and down his arm, and her chest pressed up against his each time she inhaled.

  “No. I haven’t, but I also have a business to run.”

  Her response had him paying attention again to their conversation instead of the throbbing between his legs. He took a deep breath as she continued.

  “One that recently just narrowly escaped ruin.” She went on to tell him about the accountant that made off with her money.

  He frowned and stretched out beside her as he listened to her, rubbing her arm as she spoke. “I’m sorry but I’m glad you were able to get most of it back. I’m even gladder that you were on the same flight as me.”

  “So you see, I do have to get back, but can you s tay until I have to leave? That will give us two more days together.”

  “I know this is all happening so fast between us.”

  “Ya think,” she grinned brushing his hair back from his face. “Maybe, but there is no denying there is a connection between us.

  All I have to do is see you, and I want you. Hell, if I even think about you which I do all the time, I want you.” He stopped to take a deep breath and tucked her hair behind her ear. “Okay. I’ll rearrange my schedule and we’ll see London instead.”

  She smil ed. “I feel the same way, and it sounds good. All of it.” He kissed her bare shoulder. “I still want to see you when we get


  “I want that too...” she placed her palms on his chest, “but I know you live in New York and I’m in DC.”

  “Yes, I remember,” he took one of her hands and kissed her palm, “which isn’t a problem since I travel back and forth from New York to Virginia all the time, so much so I have a condo near Tyson’s II, so I’m not far from DC. The minute I get back to the states, I’m coming to you.”

  She grinned. “Won’t you need an address?”

  His released her hand, moving his to cup her sex. “You’re going to give that to me right now.” And she did.

  Chapter Nine

  The sound of a horn had Reilly blinking until she noticed the light had turned g reen. Three weeks; it had been three weeks since she’d returned from Trisha’s wedding and everyday she’d missed him, even though she’d spoken with Skye every night. A couple of times they even had interesting Skype sessions that had her blushing. She’d repaid him by sending him just as interesting text messages when she knew he was in business meetings. She stepped on the gas and grinned just thinking about him. He’d ended up having to stay overseas longer than he’d planned; in fact he’d spent the last week in Hong Kong. With luck she’d be picking him up at the airport first thing in the morning. She turned onto F Street, pulling around to the back of her building right into her underground parking. She’d already stopped at the grocery on the way hom e and carried two grocery bags with her.

  When the elevator arrived she entered, hoping it didn’t stop in the lobby to pick anyone else up. She was exhausted. Because of the time difference between her and Skye, she’d been up pretty late talking with him on the phone. She wanted to make sure she was rested for him tomorrow. Something told her she’d not be getting much sleep with him around. The elevator stopped on the tenth floor and she got out with her house keys already in her hand since they were on her car key ring. As she walked down the short hallway toward her corner unit at the end of the L shaped hallway, the bag in her right hand slipped. When she bent down to pick it up, she noticed the boots in front of her. The hallway was empty; her unit was the only one on this end. She grabbed her keys ready to use them as a weapon if necessary. She raised her eyes over stonewashed black jeans, her gaze registering the handle on the suitcase behind him. She continued to raise her gaze until they reached a very familiar face.


  He was on her then, encircling her within his arms. The bags and keys fell to the carpet, she had to touch him. Her hands came up to grasp him around the neck, making sure he was real, that he’d be going nowhere. His mouth covered hers and she didn’t wait. She opened for him, letting him inside her where he belonged. Her tongue entered his mouth and found his eager to greet her.

  “Keys,” he murmured.


  Pushing away from him and taking a deep breath, she bent to pick up her keys and the bags she’d dropped before straightening back up. He stepped aside so she could open the door. As soon as she did, she stepped across the threshold with Skye behind her and closed the door.

  She turned around dropping the bags again just as he grabbed her around th
e waist and drew her to him. Once again their mouths fused.

  “I’ve missed you, Reilly,” he said between kisses. “God, I missed you. It’s real between us.”

  “I missed you too. And yes, it is.” He backed her up u ntil her legs hit the couch in the living room. “Wait,” she said, pulling out of his embrace but still holding his hand, she led him to the bedroom.

  Chapter Ten

  Six months after her wedding, Trisha sat at her kitchen table and opened the mail. She came to an envelope with gold-embossed writing on it and smiled. Slitting it open she pulled out the invitation and read aloud:










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