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Rockstar's Angel

Page 13

by K. T Fisher

  The crowd goes nuts, my heart dropping to the floor. Did he really just ask me to marry him? Here?

  I look around at everyone. Jessica and Maisy are smiling while they cry. The guys are behind us, watching with huge smiles. I look back to Leo, still down on one knee. He's looking a little nervous. My throat is dry when I open it to answer. "Yes."

  Leo holds the microphone closer and I nod, with a massive dorky smile. "Yes!"

  Leo jumps up, wrapping his arms tightly around me. He spins me around as I laugh and cry. "I love you so fucking much." He says into my ear.

  The crowd is screaming as Jax, Max and Rhys all come over and congratulate us. Leo walks me back towards Maisy and Jessica, kissing me hard. "One more song, then I’m all yours." I watch him dreamily for the rest of the show, banging on his drums. I may be mad to agree to this after being so mad at him, but right now I couldn't give a shit. As soon as they've finished, he runs straight over to me, lifting me up and carrying me to a waiting limo. Kissing me, whispering how much he loves me all the way. "What about the bus?" I ask, watching our friends wave to us before they step on the tour bus.

  "Angel, we're not going on the bus."

  I watch the tour bus drive past us and turn in a different direction. "Where are we going?"

  He flashes me a cheeky smile, dimples and all. "I’ve booked us the best hotel babe."


  He reaches behind him and my mouth drops. That's my bag. "Jessica packed your things while you were getting ready at Maisy's. We go back home tomorrow."

  Everyone knew? "I had no idea."

  "Yeah, well, that was the whole point."

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I watch Tanya, as we drive in the limousine to the hotel. Her face showing pure pleasure and delight. I'm so glad she didn't suspect a thing about what I'd planned. It went better than I fucking hoped. I'd planned the whole thing while I was in America. All the guys were in on it as well. Thank God for that, I just didn’t know how I was going to win her back. I'd had my doubts. Would she believe me? Would she take me back? Was it all going to work out? The fact that she was still pissed at me made me fucking shit scared that she would turn me down in front of our fans. That would have left me heartbroken and fucking embarrassed! There was no doubt our crazed fans would film the whole thing on their phones.

  Slowly and gently, I reach over, grabbing her neck, pulling her in for a hot, wet kiss. "So, you ready to be Mrs Baxter?" I whisper to her.

  She smiles at me, licking her pouty lips and nodding. "You bet."

  She leans up, meeting me half way. We kiss until the limo stops and we hear a knock on the window. It's the bands bodyguard/driver, John, giving me the heads up that we've arrived.

  Taking her by the hand I lead her from the limo, only to be met by flashing lights and camera’s going off everywhere.

  I knew the paparazzi would follow. It was inevitable seeing as I just proposed to Tanya at the concert. As I'm in a good mood, I give them a grin and a thumbs up while I rush to get Tanya inside. I grip onto her waist a little tighter, I can't tell you how relieved I feel right now. There were so many emotions going through my head at the time, especially after talking to the guys. Max thought she'd be too pissed at me, and the fact I proposed in front of our fans at a gig would anger her even more. Rhys agreed with him, but Jax was on my side and thought she'd cry and say yes. It was a risk I just had to take, thankfully it paid off. I know we still have to clear the air about some things, but so far so good.

  Thank fuck I had Jax’s support in all this, his help in writing that song for her was what sealed the deal. Otherwise, I'd have been fucked! I told Jax exactly what I wanted to say. I wrote my feelings down about everything and Jax, being the talented artist that he is, transformed it into an amazing, meaningful song for my beautiful angel. In fact it turned out so well we're going to put it on the next album. We haven't decided whether it will be me or Jax who will be singing it just yet. The band wants me to, but singing is definitely not one of my strengths. I'm better off staying on the drums where I belong.

  We're escorted to our room by the most uptight woman I've ever fucking met. People watch me out of the corner of their eyes as we pass. I know what I look like to them, and I don't give a shit. I'm dressed in leather, a plain shirt and covered in tattoos, a beautiful, innocent looking girl on my arm. I look dangerous. If the people staying at this expensive hotel don't actually listen to our rock music, then they have no fucking clue who I am. Again, I don't give a shit! Full of confidence, I wear a shit eating grin all the way to our room. I'm on fucking cloud nine right now! I've just played a great gig and Tanya just said yes to marrying me! These snobs couldn't bring me down if they tried.

  When we get into our room I watch Tanya as she looks around. It's a nice enough room, I've stayed in better, but I'm not going to say that to her. This is her moment, and I don't want to ruin it or her good mood. Tanya is a feisty woman, the slightest thing or wrong word can piss her off. She can be hard work, but that's what I love about her.

  While Tanya admires the room and the balcony, I jump into the shower. After a show I'm really grubby and sweaty and ……. FUCK! I stop in my tracks as I get out the shower. I'm frozen in place at the sight of Tanya. She's breathtaking, dressed in a see through lace outfit, which hardly covers any skin, just her private areas, that's what makes it so fucking sexy. She looks down at herself, grinning, a smug smile on her face. "Jessica really knows me well."

  I'm going to have to thank Jessica for that one. Damn, Tanya looks hot. I did have other plans for when I finished with my shower, but with Tanya looking like that, I can't help but want to devour her body, every little inch of her.

  I stalk over to her, like a lion hunting its prey. As soon as she's in my reach I pull her towards me, claiming her lips. I hear her whimper against me and her arms wrap around my neck. She tastes so fucking sweet and perfect. I've missed her so much, over a week of not tasting my woman has nearly driven me insane. I slowly walk her backwards, to the closest wall, rubbing my hard dick against her swollen pussy, so she can feel just how much she's affecting me. I want to make that lace surrounding her pussy wet with her cream. Tanya reaches down, pulling away the towel wrapped around my waist. I don't like that she's wearing more than me, so I demand she takes the lacy number off. She looks sexy as fuck in it, but I want it off her now. I need her naked for me. She does as I ask. I have to hold in my laughter as she curses over and over when it doesn't come off as quickly or as easily as she wants it to. When she's finally naked, standing proudly before me, I pull her back to me, trapping her against the wall. I know she loves this, she loves me surrounding her. I pin my arms either side of her head, kissing her hungrily. Growling like a god damn animal. Her hands feel their way around my back, her nails scratching as they go.

  "I need you." She breathes heavily on my neck. I reach down, cupping her mound, dipping one finger into her moist heat.

  "Fuck, you're so wet."

  "All for you, baby." I place a hand on each of her arse cheeks, lifting her. Tanya's face is level with mine when I thrust balls deep. I see her eyes roll back in ecstasy. She groans loudly, again her nails digging into my shoulders. "Fuck me!"

  I'm not about to ignore my woman’s demands. I fuck her hard, up against the wall, knowing that hotel guests nearby may hear her screaming. With the pace I'm going at, this will be over sooner than I want, but we have the rest of the night to go slow. Anyone listening will know I know how to treat my woman well. I thrust harder, growling when it's not hard enough. Carrying her to the bed, I lay her under me, throwing her legs over my shoulders. She whimpers as I go just a little deeper. I let my thumb play with her hard clit, and she screams out my name as she comes. I held out my release until she cried my name loudly, I follow soon after.

  When we've both come down from our high she turns to me, smiling. "Hey."

  I caress her sensitive tits, smiling back lovingly at her.

have something for you." I leave her on the bed, looking surprised. I go and fetch the little box that I had hidden in the room before we got here. When I return to her she's sitting up, leaning against the large headboard. I have to fight not to stop and stare at her, she really does look like an angel right now. She pulls the bed covers over her, crossing her legs so I can sit facing her. I'm still naked and proud. I notice she takes a seductive glance at my dick as I sit down. "I know I've already asked you, but I wanted to give you this in private."

  Her eyes widen as I bring the black box from behind my back and open it. She gasps, covering her mouth with one hand. "Oh my God, Leo!"

  Tanya's eyes meet mine, they're shiny with tears. "You like it?"

  She gives me a look that tells me that was a stupid question. "Put it on me?" She quickly asks, I slide it onto her wedding finger. It's not too large, but it is a big diamond. Sparkling brightly as she admires it. "It's gorgeous, Leo."

  "I love you, Tanya. You mean the world to me. I want you to be my wife and someday have children together. You're my angel. I want you to be forever mine. We drive each other crazy, but that just makes me love you more. Will you marry me baby?"

  This time I smile as I talk, I'm confident this time around. After all she's already said yes, so she should say it again. I don't even have a chance to prepare myself when she attacks me and we enjoy round two.

  In the early hours of the morning I lay next to Tanya, just staring at her. She's finally mine. I'm never letting her go again.

  The bed sheet drapes down her back, letting me see the curve of her perfect arse that disappears under it. I notice she has a few red scrapes and marks on her smooth back. I frown, she told me I wasn't that hard on her. After taking her up against the wall, then again in the bed, we took a shower together. I'd already had one but I couldn't pass up the chance of seeing her naked. Being away from her has made me crave her so that I don't want to spend a minute apart from her when we're together. I scrubbed every inch of her skin , washed her blonde locks which made her moan, that got me hard again. Tanya got straight down on her knees without a word from me, wrapping her mouth around my cock. Sucking until I came in her mouth, drinking every last drop. I love my dirty little girl.

  We ordered room service as we'd worked up an appetite. Tanya wanted us to eat naked, so we did. Half way through our late night dinner, she sat on my lap which was interesting. Very fucking interesting, as we started eating from each others bodies. Later, during the early hours we went out onto the balcony and looked at the stars. My innocent kisses on her neck spurring her on for another round of passion. This time it was much slower, we were quiet, not saying a word as we made love under the stars. It didn't stop me from thrusting hard, pounding a little. I'm a man, what do you expect? She didn't say a word. I knew she loved it, but I don't like seeing those marks on her back. I should have laid a blanket down or something. That was one of the most intense orgasms I've ever had on that balcony. Sometimes slow and hard is just as good as fast and hard. Either way, if I'm inside Tanya I don't care how it is. Every time is great with my woman.

  I roll over, placing an arm and a leg over her. Trapping her under me I fall asleep.


  I wake up incredibly, but beautifully sore. Last night was amazing. I've never had as much sex as I did last night. Sex with Leo is extra special though. Nobody has, or ever will, please me like he does. Not that I want anyone else now. I've taken Leo's words to heart. I want to be his forever, and him mine. I lost count of how many orgasms I had. Leo knows what I like, that's all I can say. Not that I let him do all the work. He wore himself out so I gave him a rest as I rode him like a pony, and sucked his dick. He knows that I like to taste myself on him. It's the best way for me to reach orgasm quickly. I stretch, which causes me to wince a little, my back took a little beating last night on the balcony. It was totally worth it though.

  I look over to Leo as he sleeps. He’s not the best person to sleep next to, his snoring can wake the dead. I don't want to sleep beside anyone but Leo, my soon to be husband. I smile at the thought. I did feel a little silly when he told me what those pictures that had pissed me off really were. Between our sex romps, we'd spoken about things that needed to be discussed while we were alone. It turns out the blonde I'd referred to as a skank was the jeweler that was helping him pick out the best ring for me.

  How was I supposed to know that? He told me her name so I Googled her and read that she's a diamond expert and helps the rich and famous pick out their sparkles. Well, I'm no celebrity so being the commoner I am, I had no idea who she was! So I'd kicked off, but I couldn't be happier right now. I hold my hand out above me as I lay in the massive bed, admiring my ring. Leo did good!

  Four hours later, we're in the limo again, going home. Sadly.

  Leo had woken up to see me smiling at my ring twinkling above me. We'd had a very nice shower together, again. No, we didn't have sex, it was just a really nice shower. We washed each other, talked about when our wedding would be and what it would be like. After Leo thoughtfully dried me, we both got dressed. Thank God Jessica had packed me a bag, because when we went for breakfast the hotel restaurant was very upper class. I wouldn't have wanted to eat down there in last night’s dress, that’s for sure! I wore my skinny jeans and white blouse with my peach heels. My hair pulled back in a bun because it was a freaking uncontrollable mess from having Leo's hands running through it all last night. We ate breakfast sitting opposite each other. Leo, bless him, stood out like a sore thumb and I loved him even more for it.

  On the journey home, I sit close to Leo, his arm around me as I lean into him. As we near home, Leo sits forward, surprising me. "Before I take you home, I wanna show you something." He leans closer, giving me a kiss. "Seeing as you're in a good mood." He cheekily adds.

  I don't know what to say apart from, "OK." I'm a little worried that he needs to catch me in a good mood in order to show me what this surprise is.

  For the rest of the journey Leo keeps giving me excited looks and smiling. I think he'd probably be bouncing up and down on the leather seats if he could. He really does seem excited, almost like a child on Christmas morning.

  He speaks with John in a hushed voice as he tells him where we're going. Not long after we drive by the home he shares with Max, then Sophie and Rhys's, then Jax and Kendal's. I look over to Leo to see he is now bouncing in his seat, making me laugh.

  He's looking out the window, but hearing me laugh he looks at me and smiles. We stop in front of a set of gates I've never seen before. Well, I probably have, seeing as I go to Kendal's and Sophie's houses at least once a week, but I've never paid much attention to it all.

  Leo gets out, tapping a code into a little machine by the gate, then runs back into the limo as they open. We drive through. I look around at the trees and flowers as we drive by. The garden look very similar to Kendal's. I bet whoever lives here needs a gardener, just like Kendal, to keep it looking so pretty.

  We stop in front of the house and my jaw drops, it's stunning. Pale brick work, with a bit of a gothic look. I'm not saying it has gargoyles leaning from the top of the house or anything like that, it just gives that impression with the style of the windows and doors. It is so Leo. He takes hold of my hand, helping me from the limo. He stops outside the door, still holding my hand as he turns to face me.

  "Do you like it?"

  I look up at the house then back to Leo. It clicks. "You bought this place?"

  He nods, he's so darn cute. He looks a little shy right now, as though my opinion really matters. "Wow Leo, its freaking gorgeous.” At least from what I can see of the outside anyway. Leo continues to stare at me, giving me that shy look and my thoughts start to swirl around. I just agreed to marry him, he's just bought this house. Does that mean this will be my house? "Leo, is this going to be our home?"

  He breaks out into a full on huge panty dropping smile. "Will you move in with me?"

  This is too much. I start to cry. I can'
t believe how much my life has turned around! Only a few months ago I was pissed at Leo, hell I was pissed at him yesterday!

  I was wrong about everything though. The reason I left him in the first place! He didn't want me to go, he didn't want us to be a secret. I kept my pregnancy a secret from him and thought he would hate me for it, but he put his love for me first. Even when I went crazy on him for thinking the wrong thing when I saw those pictures of him in America, he didn't stop. Even when I was a complete bitch. Instead of thinking I'm too much work, he proposed to me, he sang to me at the end of his show. He gave me a private, sweet proposal in the hotel. Not to mention the many orgasms as well. Now he's brought me to this fucking gorgeous house and is asking me to move in!


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