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On His Terms

Page 13

by Jenika Snow

  He didn’t speak, didn’t even move. All Rian did was watch her like he wanted to say something, like he wanted her to know something. His mouth parted, and she expected him to blow off what she said, but when he snapped it shut and clenched his jaw tight, her heart started pounding harder and faster.

  “Rian?” she whispered, confused as to what was happening right now. She could feel it in the room, surrounding her, making the hair on her arms stand on end and this weird feeling in her stomach intensify.

  “Nothing. I’m fine.” He exhaled and ran a hand over his perfectly styled hair, which in turn had the ends standing in disarray.

  She swallowed roughly at the way his deep and husky voice seemed to spear straight through her pussy. “It doesn’t seem like everything is okay.” Her voice cracked slightly. Her throat felt incredibly parched as she watched his gaze travel over her face, as if he was trying to read her without words.

  “Is it wrong that I wish I would have made the contract longer?” His voice was hard, and the way he said those words made her think he was saying more than just that. “Is it wrong that I want you more than I deserve?”

  “What?” She gripped the sheets in her hands.

  He shook his head but kept his gaze on her. “I’m talking about exactly what I just said. I’m talking about wanting more than just these seven days with you.” He moved his hand over the side of her head. “I want you like I’ve never wanted another woman. I don’t deserve you, that’s for fucking sure, but I’m selfish and want you regardless.”


  He ran his hand over his jaw, and looked away for a second, before returning his gaze toward her. “All I know is that for the past six months you’ve infuriated me, annoyed me, pissed me off on every occasion, yet I still wanted you more than I have ever wanted another person in my goddamned life. Doesn’t that say something monumental?”

  Her heart was beating fast and fierce, as if it was trying to keep up with what was going on around her. “Yes, and I feel the same way.”

  “Fuck, baby, you have no idea how hard it was for me to get that out.”

  Oh, she had an idea, because it had been hard for her to come to that realization, too.

  “Nothing needs to be said. Not a word.” He leaned in and captured her mouth with his, grabbed the back of her neck with his hand, and kissed her senseless. “You feel that?” he murmured against her mouth, and she knew, just knew, what he was talking about. It was this feeling at the base of her spine, slowly moving through her until it stopped in her mouth and heated her from the inside out.

  Her pussy tingled and became wetter the longer and more intently he kissed her. She felt like she was suffocating with pleasure and need. Her arousal and brain were raging war between each other. Her emotions were real, genuine, and Rian had just bared his soul to her.

  He broke the kiss and placed his hands on either side of her, like he was caging her in for what was to happen next. This was different, his passion more isolated, controlled, and focused right on her and this moment. This felt like he was with her in the now, like this wasn’t about him having sex with her, but about him giving a piece of himself to her.

  “I am, Sorcha.” He groaned against her mouth, and she knew she had said those words out loud. He loomed over her, all hard sinew and tendons straining and bunching above her and making her mouth water. He looked down at her lips, and she involuntarily licked them. Rian groaned, and this clenching need slammed into her pussy. He leaned forward so that she was braced back on the headboard, and forced to inhale the dark scents that covered him. It was a mixture of his expensive cologne, of the liquor he had drunk tonight, and then of everything else that made up Rian Hartford.

  The position had her breasts thrust out. She lowered her gaze to his mouth, the need to press her lips to his again overwhelming her until she found herself rising to do just that. Her mouth was an inch away from his, and their breath mingled as their arousal increased. She could feel his need for her as if it was her own.

  “Tell me again, Sorcha. Give me this one moment to surrender because you want it and not because you signed a contract.” His upper body was pressed to hers, and the feel of his hardness against her softness was alluring and tantalizing. “Tell me, baby.” His voice was low and strained, as if he were having just as hard a time as she was controlling her emotions.

  She took a deep, steadying breath before she spoke. “I want you, Rian.” The smile he gave her was pure male satisfaction. Sorcha couldn’t help but give him this. It wasn’t because he had asked, or because he had said the things he had. It was because she wanted him to know. Sorcha didn’t know what would happen between them, that after the week things might go back the way they had been. She wanted to believe that this wasn’t just an “in the moment situation feeling” he had.

  He slowly pulled the blankets away from her, stood to remove his pants, and then slipped under the covers so that his heat immediately enveloped her. He leaned over her, caressing the bare skin of her arm while he moved his gaze over her face. Rian’s look became even more heated, and then he kissed her again. She moaned when he placed his weight fully on her. He held the side of her face and stroked his thumb along her cheek.

  She brought her arms up and rested her hands on his bulging shoulders, the sinew hard under her fingers. He moved his other hand over her hip and down her thigh, softly squeezing her flesh. Her body, her skin, and her very cells were alive with pleasure and caring about him.

  He moved his hand inward, so close to her pussy that she was nearly shaking with anticipation. She desperately wanted him touching her, teasing and tantalizing her and having her forget why she shouldn’t let her emotions get in the way. Having Rian in full alpha possessive mode was what she needed, but right now he was being soft, easy, and gentle. He moved his fingers over her pussy, and unfortunately she couldn’t feel the full force of his touch because of her cotton shorts. She wanted skin to skin, wanted to feel his hardness pressing against her, in her, and consuming her.

  In the next second, he pulled away. Her body cooled slightly, but the fire still simmered deep inside of her.

  “Take off the shorts, Sorcha.”

  His voice caused a fresh stream of wetness to coat her pussy lips.

  “Do it, Sorcha. Do it now.” He wasn’t being demanding but dominating, which was a big difference.

  She opened her mouth on a silent groan, his dominance igniting something inside of her and making her burn even hotter. She swallowed as she hooked her fingers under the elastic of her shorts and slowly pulled them down and kicked them off.

  “I want the panties gone, too.” He stood by the edge of the bed, his erection tenting his pants. He had to want to touch himself. Shit, she wanted to touch herself, and then touch him.

  When the shorts were off, she slid her plain panties down.

  “Now the shirt.”

  Breathing in deeply, she sat up further, removed the tank, and tossed that to the ground, too. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and her nipples instantly became hard from the chill of the air. Then she lay back down, stared right at Rian, and waited for him to make the next move.

  “Spread for me, Sorcha.” His voice was husky, still dominating, but had this edge of unrestrained aggression laced with it.

  She felt so out of control, so helpless against her feelings toward him, and it scared the shit out of her. This wasn’t right, wasn’t how she should be feeling toward him. Spreading her thighs like he said, she felt her labia spread under his gaze. How much of her could he see in the shadows?

  “You want me, and I want you. Am I wrong about that?”

  She nodded. “I want you.”

  “Good, that’s real good, baby.” She closed her eyes and breathed in. She didn’t know how to accept all of this, how to handle everything. Right now this was real.

  “Look at me.” His voice was steely and hard.

  She opened her eyes but didn’t respond. His smile was slow and sexual when his
gaze dropped to her pussy again.

  “Wider. Spread your legs wider.”

  She started to hyperventilate as her arousal continued to pump through her veins. He wasn’t even touching her, and yet his expression alone had her on the verge of orgasm. Her nipples became swollen, erect, and ready for his mouth. He was still gazing at her pussy, and then finally reached down pushed his pants off, and then gripped his shaft.

  “Put your hands above your head,” he said low and deep.

  God, she loved the way he spoke—loved the feeling of helplessness and surrender. No matter what she thought or how her brain raged against her body, she knew that she would take whatever he offered.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Rian was between her legs seconds later. “I want to make love to you, go slow and easy and show you that you mean more to me than the woman that signed herself away for a week.” He moved his hands to rest on her inner thighs and spread them as wide as they would go. When he used his thumbs to gently pull her pussy lips apart until they were stretched wide, she gasped out. And then Rian was moving lower, and the feeling of his hot breath on her sensitive pussy lips sent shockwaves of desire through her.

  “This is real, Sorcha. Right here and now, all of this is me wanting you because I want you.” He kissed her inner thighs, ran his tongue over her skin, and she clenched her hands in the sheets. “You’re so hot and wet for me. Tell me you want my mouth on your sweet little pussy.”

  She knew she wanted to tell him those exact words but was unable to speak.

  “Tell me, Sorcha. Tell me how you want my tongue sliding along your pretty cunt, and then me sucking your hard little clit into my mouth.”

  His erotic words were like a scorching poker to her clit. She made a small noise, his hot breath wafting over her vagina and causing lust to slam into her hard and demanding. “Yes, Rian.” She arched her neck when he ran his tongue on her slit. “Please.”

  “Please what, baby?”

  “Please be with me.” Every muscle in her body was strung tight, ready to explode. She gasped at the feel of his tongue running circles along her pussy hole, slowly dipping inside of her, and of him rubbing his finger back and forth on her clit. He opened his mouth wide and licked and sucked on her, and then moved his mouth to her clit. He sucked on her, and hummed around her until she was arching her back and moaning softly. She went to run her hands over his shoulders, but he groaned deeply, stopping her.

  She looked at him, blinking a few times as the pleasure continued to thrum through her. His head was back slightly, and the dominance was clear on his face. He stuck his tongue out and moved it in small circles around her clit, all the while keeping his gaze on her. He moved his tongue around her clit, moving lower until he was once against thrusting the muscle lightly into her hole and bringing her closer to an orgasm.

  “You taste so good, baby.” His lips glistened with her arousal, and instead of finishing eating her out he moved up the length of her body and kissed her. He forced his tongue in her mouth, making her taste herself. She moaned when he began a slow grind against her. He didn’t wear a condom, and the hot, stiff length of him pressed right between her slit. She found herself thrusting her hips up to meet his. Their rhythm was in sync, and as the seconds ticked by, their kiss deepened and the grinding pressure increased. He broke the kiss, buried his face in the crook of her neck, and started pumping his dick against her harder and faster.

  “You don’t know how hard I’m refraining from shoving my dick right into you, but I want to do this slow, Sorcha.”

  She turned her head toward him. His expression was strained, his bone structure seeming more pronounced when he slowed the onslaught of his cock against her wet pussy. She wanted him so bad that she could taste it, could feel it with everything that she was.

  “Just be with me. Let’s forget about everything else except right now, Rian.” The things she had done and said tonight surprised her.

  He groaned and buried his head in her hair again.

  “We’ll start out slow, Sorcha, because that’s what I want, too.” His skin was so hot that she felt as if she were the one burning alive. The hair on his legs rubbed against her smooth ones, tormenting her and driving her crazy with hunger. He was so hard and muscular, his body like a rock, so powerful and dangerous.

  She gasped as his shaft rubbed up and down on her cleft, his movements easy, but clearly getting more frantic with each passing second. He was fueling the fire inside of her, teasing her to the very brink without even penetrating her yet. He had his lips on her neck, licking and nipping at her flesh all the while continuing to pump against her. She was saturated, so wet that she could feel her juices leaking out and coating her entrance, lubricating her pussy hole so that Rian would have no trouble sliding in. Sorcha wanted him inside of her so badly that she started lifting her hips slightly, pushing against him. Identical groans left both of them.

  “Please, Rian.”

  “Please what, baby? Tell me what you want.” His voice was a husky whisper moving over her throat.

  “I want you—need you to be inside of me.”

  He let out a muffled sound of pleasure, and reached between them to take hold of his cock and place the tip at her entrance. The bulbous head prodded at her hole, wanting entrance. She was more than willing to accept him. The fire burned brightly inside of her, and she ran her tongue along his jawline. His skin tasted spicy yet sweet, salty and bold. It was a heady flavor on her tongue. Her nipples were hard and extended, rubbing along his chest, and growing even more erect from the friction and her lust.

  He started rubbing himself back and forth on her cleft for a few seconds, and right when she was on the verge of complaining he thrust the head inside of her. Rian leaned back enough to look down at her face, and then kissed her soundly. Sorcha was done with teasing. She lifted her hips and arched her back, and as if reading her mind he thrust the rest of his inches into her. They groaned out identically when his hips met hers, and then he stilled. She panted against his neck, felt him run his tongue along her pulse point, and removed her hands from above her head. Sorcha had kept them there this whole time, but right now she wanted to touch him.

  He pressed his thumb against her clit and continued pumping into her. She was going to come, and it was going to be soon. Digging her nails into his arms, she closed her eyes and bit her lip. She thrashed her head back and forth, and her whole body tensed, readying itself for the impending orgasm.

  “Open your eyes and look at me when I get you off.”

  That was all it took, his deep and commanding voice telling her to come, and her muscles started to contract as pleasure filled her. She forced herself to open her eyes and stare at him. The pleasure washed through her, stealing her very breath, and burning her up alive with white-hot pleasure.

  “You are so fucking beautiful when you come.”

  She was still in the throes of her orgasm when he praised her, the words prolonging her pleasure as she threw her head back, and rode it out. She held her breath, the pleasure-filled tremors never ending in their onslaught as another climax peaked inside of her, and then exploded like a tiny thousand little pieces of glass.

  “Seeing you like this, so fucking unhinged because of me, makes me want to fill you with my cum.” His voice was strangled, the veins in his neck pronounced as he gritted his teeth and spoke the words.

  Maybe she should have cared that they weren’t using protection, and that the risk was great, but she couldn’t think straight right now. She was clean and on the pill, and Rian was a responsible man. That was one thing she knew without a doubt since working for him.

  Need coursed through her, her mind fighting a battle with everything else.

  “You’re so fucking tight and wet for me.” It was like he was forcing the words out. Both of his hands were on either side of her head as he slammed into her, and retreated.

  In and out. Hard and then slow. He did the same motions over and over again. His sweat dripped f
rom his hairline and chest and landed on her breasts, and the feeling of that wetness was like acid on her body. It felt good, mind-exploding, and she wanted more. God she wanted more. The full, heavy weight of his balls slapped against her ass repeatedly. When he started to slow his thrusting she feared he was stopping right on the precipice of her coming again, but it was clear he wasn’t about to end this. He grabbed her calf and lifted it over his shoulder, and then leaned back slightly. His focus was on where their bodies joined, and the light from outside came through to show the sheen of sweat covering his chest.

  Rian started to thrust back into her. “Brace yourself on your elbows, Sorcha. I want you to watch as I take you. I want you to see my cock going into your sweet little wet pussy, and know that you’re mine. This is mine, and I don’t share.”

  Those words meant so much more than face value. She did as he asked, watching with wide eyes as he pushed the remaining inches into her and pulled back out. He did this with measured, expert movements, skilled in knowing how to torment and arouse her without even trying. His focus was on her when she glanced at him. Head downcast, gaze trained right on her, and eyelids at half mast, Rian looked frightening as much as he looked attractive.

  “Watch, Sorcha.” His face looked controlled, but his voice was strained. His arms were braced on either side of her, and his muscles bunched. It was a façade, because he was losing it, too.

  She glanced down between her thighs, and a gasp-moan left her at the sight. The light still came through the window, and gave her an illuminated, unobstructed view of what was going on. Her pussy hole was stretched wide around his cock, his thickness impressive yet frightening. He moved faster into her, pulling out and pumping back in. The sound of their wet skin slapping together filled the room, drowned her senses, and drove her need higher.

  “Do you see how perfectly you’re made for me?” His deep voice cracked, a telling sign that he was about to go over the edge. Her climax was so close she could feel it start in her lower back, the pleasure slowly building until it would explode within her.


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