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Page 56

by Sarah J. Stone

  But as two days and nights passed, he knew that nothing would make a difference.

  “It was an aneurysm,” a doctor said to him quietly at dawn of the third day. “She was born with it, most likely. Did she show symptoms of any head pain in the past?”

  “Yes,” Spencer said, numbly, speaking of this life and the past few ones. “Always.”

  “Was it ever investigated?” the doctor said, and he shook his head, numbly.

  “No,” his voice broke at that. “We've only been married two weeks.”

  “I'm sorry,” the doctor answered, flatly. “There's not much we can do in these cases. We've run the tests three times, and each time, it's come back with no brain waves. She's gone. I'm sorry. All that's left to do is turn off the machines.”

  “No,” Spencer replied, sharply. “No, please. She could come back.”

  “Sir, maybe you misunderstand me,” the doctor replied. “She is gone, her brain is dead. The machines are the only things keeping her alive. She can't come back.”

  “She can,” Spencer said, quietly, closing his eyes.

  “You let me know when you want me to turn off the machines,” the doctor said softly. “Take as much time as you need.”

  He left the room then, leaving Spencer to hold her hand, his own trembling.

  He never had to make a choice like this before. She had always died young, and in his heart, he knew that this time wouldn't be any different. This was just the way it was. But to make the choice to take her life away was something he wasn't sure he could do.

  He had to be sure in the belief that he would find her again. He had to truly believe that this was his Katianna, and that the second he pulled the plug, her soul would soar to a new body.

  It would be at least fifteen years before he was able to recognize her again. He would wander the galaxy alone – waiting, hoping, praying. He would look for clues, hire witches to follow magic trails, search the internet – anything that he could do.

  “Till death do us part, my love,” he whispered softly, kissing the top of her head. He was trembling as he stood up. “But I will find you again. I will.”

  He desperately wanted her to respond, to wake and tell him that she loved him. He wasn't sure he could wait that long to hear those words again or see those beautiful eyes.

  But he had to, for this was what fate delivered to him.

  “I'm ready,” he said, going out to the hallway. The doctor looked up from his notes, surprised

  “That was fast,” he answered. “Are you sure?”

  “I'm sure,” Spencer replied. “I will see her again someday, and I want to speed that process along.”

  The doctor's brow furrowed. He heard a lot of talk about death in his career, but that was a confusing phrase. He didn't question it, though. People said odd things in the throes of grief.

  “All right,” he said. “And again, I'm sorry.”

  “It's all right,” Spencer repeated. “I'll see her again soon. I have to.”

  Chapter 15

  “And what about marriage? Have you ever thought about remarrying?”

  Ariel froze, looking at the reporter in the mirror. She was used to doing interviews just about every second she wasn't performing. She was the biggest name in theater and had broken into Hollywood several years ago. Her dancing career had given way to an acting career that she thought would keep her distracted after Alexander died. Truthfully, she threw herself into the role because she couldn't stand being herself.

  It had been twenty years since he died, slipping away on Umora despite everyone's best efforts. It had thrown her into a state of grief that she hadn't thought she'd be able to survive.

  True to Nicholas' word, she remained a dragon princess. They weren't as close as they were twenty years ago, but she was still their sister. It just hurt to see their lives successful and happy. All three brothers had children; all their spouses had managed to find a way to survive. Only she was alone, and it broke her heart every time she saw them holding hands.

  “No,” she said, quickly. “I won't be remarrying. I think this interview is over.”

  The reporter realized that they had screwed up, and got up. “Ariel–”

  “Thank you,” she practically shoved them out of the door, slamming it behind them.

  Only then did she let a tear slip down her cheek.

  She quickly moved to the makeup mirror to dab up the tear and fix the damage that had been done. She was due on stage in ten minutes, and she was glad it was a show she had done a million times before.

  She tried not to think about the fact that the first time she had done this show, Alexander had been alive. He had scoffed, shaking his head, and telling her that as long as she was happy, he didn't care that the show rapped the American Constitution. What would he think, now that she had toured with it off and on for twenty years?

  She felt numb as the lights dimmed and the opening music played. She was just going through the motions, dancing the steps, moving with her partner through the beat. She didn't feel a thing, except for trying to push out the grief.

  It wasn't until she came to the very front of the stage during the second act that she felt a shock. She spun around, searching the dark auditorium. She was a professional; she didn't miss a beat. But she certainly threw off her partners, trying to change the blocking every second song to get close to the edge of the stage.

  She could have sworn she felt a dragon in the crowd, somewhere.

  The theater seated three-thousand people; she couldn't pinpoint it. Her skills were rusty; it had been a long time since they had been put to use. She remembered the days when the dragons taught her to hone it, to search for links between two beings, and to sniff out magical trails. Those days when they were all young, happy, and full of adrenaline.

  “What the hell were you up to?” her partner asked as the curtain fell the final time. “Did you forget everything?”

  “I hear the crowd roaring; I couldn't have done that bad,” she snapped. All she wanted was to go back to the hotel and pull the covers over her head. She didn't want to deal with people; she didn't want to feel their life forces.

  So, what if there were dragons in the audience? They could have come from anywhere in the galaxy; they could have come through the Other. She felt it occasionally, passing someone on the street or standing in a taxi cue. None of it felt familiar; none of it felt like the one thing she searched for.

  It was as if the only thing she could feel for anymore was a dragon prince. But she knew the one she was reaching out for would never reach back, no matter how much time she wasted.

  “Whatever. Don't forget to go to the stage door,” her partner said, rolling his eyes.

  “Oh, shit,” Ariel growled. She had forgotten that part of their contract was to sign autographs at the stage door in a rotating schedule. She had traded shifts twice to do interviews, and she knew she couldn't put it off any longer. If she asked someone else to do it one more time, her cast mates would likely never forgive her. “Do you have a pen?”

  “They have pens, diva,” he replied. “Just go quickly. You and I have an interview in the green room in half an hour.”

  “Yes, your majesty,” she rolled her eyes.

  “That's yes, General Sir,” he teased her and she broke away. She couldn't even stand the light flirting that actors often spat out. She knew it meant nothing, but it reminded her of a time when it did.

  How the crowds got to the stage door so fast was stunning to her. It was almost as if some of them had left the show early just to meet her. When she pushed it open, they cheered at the top of their lungs, shoving against her.

  Ariel shoved back, snapping at those who got too close. She told herself that she would sign ten autographs – that was it – and then she would go back in. Ten was a significant number; they couldn't blame her for that.

  “What name do you want me to make it out to?” she grabbed a tenth one, grateful that it would only be a few seconds. Frankly,
she didn't care who they were or what they wanted written, so long as it was short.

  “Katianna,” said a voice.

  Ariel froze, looking up.

  Two different colored eyes looked back at her, a smile on her face. She didn't look anything like the last girl. The only similarities were the eyes and Spencer standing beside her.

  Ariel had never been rendered speechless before. Her jaw fell open, and she stared at Spencer, shaking her head.

  “No,” she said. “No. This isn't real.”

  “And yet the proof stands right in front of you,” Spencer said softly. “Can't you feel it?”

  “I felt you,” Ariel said, quickly. “That's it.”

  “Well, from what I understand, it's been a while since you honed your skills,” he answered. “You were radiant on the stage, just as we remember.”

  “You remember,” she said, looking back to Katianna, “Just one of you remembers.”

  “I remember you,” Katianna replied. She had dark skin this time around, and she was taller and curvier than last time. But something about a firm lilt in her voice sent shivers down Ariel's spine. “I used to watch videos of you last time. And this time.”

  “No.” Ariel closed her eyes. “No. We went over the possibilities. We investigated–”

  “And what did you find?” Spencer asked. “Anything conclusive?”

  “No,” she admitted. “But–”

  “Ariel, would you do us the honor of having a drink with us tonight?” Spencer asked. “We're across the street, at the Marriott.”

  “Why?” Ariel asked. “We weren't close. Why did you seek me out?”

  “There's something I need to tell you,” Spencer replied. “For old time's sake, then. For Alexander.”

  He used the magic word – the word that he knew she couldn't deny. She nodded silently, agreeing to meet them at their room.

  What in the world did he want to talk to her about? What did it matter? What he have to say, she thought?

  Still, she couldn't stay away. She rushed through the interview and barely changed before she headed across the street. Her heart was hammering as she got into the elevator, taking it to the top floor.

  She knocked on the door to the penthouse with sweaty palms, brushing her hair back from her eyes. The doors were mirrored, and she stared at her reflection for a few moments. She was still gorgeous, her red hair and still a solid color. Her face was more defined, as often happened with age. Her small body was a little wider, her legs a little thicker.

  She had a briefly thought of Alexander, seeing the fact that stared back at her. If he was still around, would he still think she was beautiful? Would he still love her? Or would their marriage have given up the ghost a long time ago?

  Spencer pulled open the door with a smile.

  “Ariel, thank you for coming.”

  “Please make it fast,” she said as she stepped into the room. “I don't have long, and I'm tired.”

  “Of course,” he said. “You were working. Katianna, Ariel is here.”

  She came out of the bedroom, starling Ariel all over again with her face. Ariel looked her up and down hesitantly.

  “I heard your death was painful,” Ariel said at last, the only thing she could think of saying. Katianna smiled.

  “That part, I don't remember. I only remember good memories of last time. You and I in the palace, staring each other down like this. We were almost friends by the end, I think.”

  “Anyone could know that,” Ariel said, clutching her purse with shaking hands. “Anything that you claim to know, anyone could guess, or Spencer could feed to you.”

  Katianna glanced to Spencer, who seemed relaxed.

  “Yes,” Spencer admitted. “You are right. Everything that she knows, everything that happened with her graves, it could just be logically explained away. But the feelings you know in your heart, Ariel, the feeling you have when you see the person you are supposed to spend the rest of your life with, those don't have an explanation. You just look at someone, and you know, even if they are in a different body.”

  “Why I am here?” she asked, at last. “Did you bring me here to throw my sad love life in his face?”

  “No,” Spencer said. “I'm sorry. We should have made it clear. Come this way.”

  “Why?” she half whined, her shoulders sinking as she followed him to the second part of their suite. Spencer pushed open the door to the bedroom, and Ariel suddenly froze.

  It felt like when she saw the wolves in the throne room. Something felt familiar, and yet different. Something was compelling, buried underneath a different coat.

  Inside the bedroom was a young man. He had golden hair, falling into his eyes, and he was wearing a suit, well cut to his lanky frame. His cheek bones were high, his jaw was strong, and he was a few inches taller than her.

  He met her eyes, and she felt like her chest seized up. She knew this feeling, this magical strain, but she couldn't bring herself to say it.

  “Hello,” the young man said, staring at her. “I think we know each other.”

  “Alexander?” her voice finally cracked. He took a step forward, and she took in a huge breath, feeling the magic.

  “You were my wife, weren't you?” he said, softly. “You were my love.”

  “Yes,” tears slipped down her face. “But it's been twenty years.”

  “You are beautiful,” he said, and she fell into his arms. “Still.”

  “Oh, my God,” she whispered, laying her head on his chest. “Oh, my God, is this real?”

  “What do you think?” he asked.

  “I want it to be real,” she sobbed, her walls coming down.

  “Then it is real,” he replied, and she said no more, remembering their wedding vows.

  “Till death do us part,” they had said.

  And beyond.

  ***THE END***

  Aris Preview

  Stratham Dragons Book 1

  Sarah J. Stone

  Chapter 1

  Aris fell to the hard floor, and his body convulsed rapidly. Each joint fought for control – contorting and changing – but his dragon didn’t even stand a chance. His jaw locked, keeping him from screaming out his agony. Sweat coated his skin in a thin layer, and he slid on the hardwood floor, bruising his body. He had no idea what was going on, but whatever it was, it needed to stop.

  The scent of his fear was syrupy and sweet. It made him prey, and he had no way of stopping it. Weakness was not acceptable to his kind. He learned early on that it was kill or be killed. In his world, there was no room for the weak. He strived to change that with those he loved. The five of them had built a family, but he knew their instincts could take over at any time.

  From a distance, he could hear his brothers’ calls. They were frantic, but he could do nothing to ease their minds. No, someone else had to lead, if only for a little while. Muscles he didn’t even know existed spasmed in a way he’d never thought possible, sending shots of liquid fire through his entire being. Every inch of his body froze, locking in place, and he was unable to move. The tremors stopped, yet bursts of pain soared through his veins. His eyes were forced closed, but he saw something.

  Two hand-carved thrones sat on the dais surrounded by men dressed in sheer festive fabrics. It was a celebration of some sort – no, it wasn’t a good day, never again would the sun rise in her eyes. She looked down, and his honey colored eyes stared back at her – strange. Aris knew this body he possessed wasn’t his own, but when he tried to pull himself out, he found he couldn’t. He was forced to see what was to come. She floated in front of the two who sat upon the thrones. They were her leaders, and it was up to them to decide, though she knew the fate of the child in her arms. She bowed before her king, holding the infant tight. She had no hope they hadn’t figured out she had lain with another.

  “You have broken our most sacred law,” the king bellowed. He stood in all his glory and looked down upon her. She didn’t dare tell the truth. No one would
believe her anyway. She would suffer her sins in silence. Because no matter what, in the end, it had been her fault. She had flirted with danger, and now she had to pay.

  “Yes, my king. I do apologize, it was a mistake,” she replied. She hoped that admission and saying what he wanted would save her son.

  He chuckled and gripped her jaw, forcing her eyes to meet his. The crowd gasped. No one was allowed to meet his eyes, especially not someone on trial. “You have lain with a black dragon. We are the golden ones; we are GODS. They are nothing, and you created…” His voice was thick with emotion, and spit from his lips sprayed over her face. She didn’t dare move.

  “This is an abomination, and he must be destroyed!”

  He pointed to the silent baby in her arms. This baby would be killed, right here and now, unless her plan worked.

  “No!” She held tight to her son. She closed her eyes and silently recited the spell she had memorized. Aris, the name she had given him after her father disappeared, and she prayed he went to the one who would save him…

  Aris screamed and shot up from the floor. He blinked and saw four sets of eyes staring at him as the pain receded from his body, but not from his heart. What the hell was he seeing? He knew what he saw, it was him as a baby and his birth mother. He knew it. And his mother was a golden dragon. He’d heard of them through the years. They were royalty. But apparently as a Halfling he was different.

  His heart raced, and his breath came out in pants. The feeling of someone’s hand on his shoulder calmed him. He knew without looking who it was. Blane was the most nurturing. A ‘mother hen,’ they called him.

  “What happened?” he asked. His voice was low and comforting. Blane never raised his voice. When he spoke, everyone listened.

  “I’m not sure. It’s been happening lately.” He ran a shaky hand through his flattened mohawk. “But less painfully. More like dreams, but this…this was different.” After what just happened, he was beginning to understand. Could he just now be coming into all his powers? What did that mean for the others? Did they each have another side of themselves they didn’t know about?


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