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Jane Eyre Austen

Page 11

by Doyle MacBrayne

  Patrick leaned over, nudging her, “Should I be jealous of the attentions Mr. Poole is showing my Jane?”

  Jane blinked, grinned and whispered, “I believe his attentions are most honorable.”

  Patrick looked at Gray, “What are your intentions Mr. Poole?”

  Gray grinned, “Just that, my intentions.”

  Patrick looked at Jane, “I do not believe Mr. Poole is worthy of you Jane.” He looked at Gray, leveling him with a glare, “I do not wish for my Jane to be a pawn in your game, sir.”

  Gray sat back, eyes wide and said in a deadly tone, “I understand you completely.”

  Jane whispered, “Enough, the two of you.” She looked at Patrick and then flicked her eyes towards Gray, “Enough, please.”

  Patrick took her hand and kissed her knuckles, “Of course.”

  Gray said nothing; he slid his eyes toward Patrick, aware of the jealousy and hate brewing in his gut.


  Monday morning seemed to drag by and Jane was surprised when Ben came in and dropped a bag on her desk.

  “Hello beautiful.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “We’ll have a picnic in a little bit, ok?”

  “Sure.” Jane looked at her watch, it was 11:45. She wondered how long his meeting would be.

  Twenty five minutes later Ben reappeared, picked up the bag and nodded, “Can you go now?”

  “I need to be back in thirty minutes, ok?”

  “Yeah, sure.” He took the bag and her hand, pulling her up. He put his arm around her waist and guided her to the elevator. Once they were settled in her car he spoke again.

  “Poole’s going to screw with Richard’s land deal.”

  She nodded, “Do I want to know how?”

  Ben grinned, “It’s pretty clever.” He looked at her, “He’s going to lose a lot of money up front, intentionally. Made up some excuse about a tax write off.”

  She paled, “How much money? God, I don’t want to owe him.”

  Ben grunted, “I know, but he’s already done it. I don’t think he’s expecting payback Janie. You were probably right about the chivalry thing.” He scratched his head, “I’d like to hate the guy, but I don’t know; he’s making it difficult.”

  He slid his eyes over to her, she looked anxious, he patted her shoulder, “Relax Janie, he’s bought the property across the street, an old hotel. He’s having it renovated into a halfway house for drug addicts.”

  Jane’s eyes widened, “Oh my God! Richard’s property will be useless.”

  “Yeah, no one is going to put an upscale business next to a halfway house.”

  Jane whispered, “But what about zoning?”

  “The hotel already is zoned for temporary occupancy, it’s not like the city can argue.” Ben grunted, “And in a few years, he could purchase Richard’s lot for pennies on the dollar, close down the half-way house, and do whatever he wants with the land.” He slid his eyes over to her, “It’s genius really. It just requires patience.”

  “Are you sleeping with him?” Ben asked quietly.

  She rolled her eyes, “No.” She looked at him, “Why did he do it?”

  “He saw Richard attack you at the symphony. That’s why he bid for you, he knew something wasn’t right.”

  He opened the bag and pulled out a sandwich, handing it to her. “I’m worried about you Janie, Richard will be pissed when he figures this out. Just be careful, ok? I don’t want you jogging alone; I don’t want you going anywhere alone.”

  She took the sandwich, “I’ll be careful but you’re being ridiculous.”

  “I’m not. The man has already attacked you in public; he’s not going to stop. Especially now. I wish Poole had talked to me first before he did this, but now it won’t take anytime at all for Richard to figure out that Poole’s involved.” He grunted, “Janie, I’m going to ask you something that’s going to piss you off, but I need to know for your sake. How many guys have you slept with?”

  She studied her sandwich, “Three.”

  “Ok.” He wore a mischievous grin.

  She looked over at him rolled her eyes, wanting to smack the self-satisfied grin off his face, “Oh shut up!”

  “I didn’t say anything. It’s just good to know that Richard will have difficulty finding reputable people.”

  She shrugged, “It won’t stop people from wondering.” She looked down at her watch, “Thanks for lunch.” She leaned across and kissed his cheek.

  “Be careful Janie.” He warned.

  At five o’clock, Gray came out of his office and nodded to her. “Good evening Ms. Eyre. I would like to escort you to your car.” His voice wasn’t cold, but it definitely wasn’t warm.

  “Good evening Mr. Poole.” She finished shutting down her computer. “I appreciate that, but you don’t have to, sir.”

  He looked at her sharply, “I insist Ms. Eyre.”

  Chastised, she answered politely, “Thank you.”

  Inside the elevator he swiped a card and the elevator conveniently went directly to the parking lot. She smirked, “It is good to be king.”

  “Yes Ms. Eyre, it is.” His brow puckered, “I’d prefer to be omnipotent.”

  She drew in a breath, “Be careful what you wish for.”

  He looked at her confused, “You wouldn’t find omnipotence a gift?”

  She grinned, “No, not even omniscience. There’s too much responsibility. What if you just thought of something and then it happened?”

  He placed his hand in the small of her back and led her toward her car. “That doesn’t sound too bad.”

  She grunted, “You forget sir, I do have malice in my heart.”

  He stood by her car, when she unlocked the door he held it open, “I disagree Ms. Eyre, you have proven that you are first and foremost loyal to your family and your friends.”

  He sighed, reached for her chin and tilted her lips towards his. He kissed her gently on her lips, the tip of her nose and her forehead. “One day I fully intend on taking you on an actual date, Ms. Eyre. Are you going straight home?”

  “Yes Gray. I won’t leave until tomorrow at 7:30.” She leaned her head in towards him, aware that they were very much exposed to other curious employees.

  “James and Susannah should spend the night.” He said quietly.

  She looked up, “I’ll be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He kissed her forehead one more time, “I’m following you home.”

  “Then you should stay for dinner.” She looked up shyly through her lashes.

  “I can’t tonight Jane, I have to work.” He kissed her forehead again. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He closed the door and went to his car.

  She watched him, started her car and pulled out, allowing him to follow her home. It was stupid, it was sweet, it was also controlling, domineering. She sighed, she really did attract crazy.


  The following morning she made it into work and had sat down for all of five seconds before being texted by Ben a second time, making sure she arrived ok. Mrs. Fairfax stopped by her desk on her way in, gave her a project and politely let her know that Mr. Poole was expected in before lunch, but that he requested she remained in the building today.

  Jane rolled her eyes, “that’s going to get old quickly.” She looked at Mrs. Fairfax, “why didn’t he tell me himself.”

  “I don’t believe he has your cell phone number dear, and I wouldn’t give it to him.”

  Jane laughed, “That probably upset him.”

  “No dear, he’s always appreciated my discretion.”

  “You can share my number with him Mrs. Fairfax.”

  “Thank you dear, and will you please stay in the building today?”

  “Of course.” she answered, turned to her computer and started work. Fifteen minutes later her phone buzzed.

  Ms. Eyre, I am glad you are well. My business keeps me away from the office, but I intend to be there within two hours. Please do not leave the
building without an escort.


  She texted back, it took three edits before she was able to say what she should instead of what she wanted. The first version had regrettable words like stalker, control freak. The second version took out epithets, but still had phrases about suffocating and patronizing. She took her time to try and see it from his point of view, the man had talked to Ben, and he was purchasing a hotel just to screw Richard. She relaxed and finally wrote the third version.

  Mr. Poole, I shall remain in the office today, be assured. It is the least I can do, thank you for your concern.


  There was no response, but Jane mused he must be in a meeting and didn’t want to bother him further.

  An hour and a half later she received the text,

  How do you feel about Thai food?

  She replied, in what manner? I detest it between my toes; however, Pan Eng on my tongue is delicious. I have brought my lunch today, sir.

  Her phone buzzed immediately, Ms. Eyre, is it wise to bring up your tongue?”

  Jane’s stomach flipped, she could feel her cheeks warming and all coherent thought left her brain. It took her a good five minutes to come up with a half decent reply.

  My tongue, I believe sir, is still under your control. Please don’t drive and text.

  She grinned, she could be protective too.

  Your concern is gratifying. I have hired a driver today. I shall see you and your tongue shortly.

  She texted, I await breathless and speechless.

  She swallowed amazed that she just wrote that. She beat her head against her desk wishing she hadn’t. Fumbled through her purse for gum, chewed rapidly and threw it away hiding the evidence. His words had a way of making her melt. Making her brain turn off. Making her heart beat faster. Making her yearn.

  The elevator pinged and her eyes found him striding toward her desk. An aromatic paper bag in his hand. He was wearing a black pinstripe suit with a crisp white shirt and bright blue tie. His hair was in need of a haircut, and it made him look younger, even playful. He wore a lopsided grin that tugged at her heart.

  “Good day, Mr. Poole,” her voice was shaky.

  He chuckled, “Nervous Ms. Eyre?”

  She cocked a brow trying to regain her composure, “Should I be, Mr. Poole?”

  His grin widened, “Perhaps.”

  “You look wolfish, wearing that grin sir.”

  He stopped in front of her inches away and whispered, “And you look delicious.”

  Mrs. Fairfax called out from her office, “If you’re quite done out there, Cooper’s on line three.”

  He rolled his eyes, and growled, “We shall resume anon, Ms. Eyre.”

  “Yes sir,” she said weakly.

  “Breathe Jane.” He said gently, kissed her forehead and walked through the door. She chided herself, how could that man unsettle her being so easily, and remain so unaffected.

  Mrs. Fairfax came out presently and handed Jane a project that needed 25 copies, collated and in color. She gave Jane the copier code for the copier two floors down and sent her on her way.

  Feeling extraordinarily lucky that the machine was not in use, had enough staples, paper, toner, and did not jam, Jane rejoiced when the job was finished. She was contemplating whether Mr. Poole was omnipotent and controlling the copier from his desk. She slowly walked up the stairs when she heard steps behind her. Turning around she saw Richard stalking up the stairs, he was furious.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” She asked loudly. She turned forward and tried running up the steps. On the landing he lunged forward grabbing her legs and causing her to fall forward. Rolling over, she threw the copies in his face and kicked furiously, trying desperately to get away. She managed to connect her foot with his forehead, right herself and start up the last flight of stairs. Stopping on the flight of stairs, she turned and faced him, her taekwondo training kicking in.

  “Richard, what the hell?” She screamed this time, hoping someone would hear her. He stood up, facing her, grinning menacingly.

  “Do you have any idea what your boss did for you, bitch?”

  “No Richard, why don’t we go ask him?” She answered evenly. She counted the steps in front of her, and figured she had ten more steps above her. She slowly moved up a step.

  “No, you stop right there.” Richard pulled a knife from his pocket. “I just don’t understand how you manipulate so many men. You are such a bitch.” He lunged forward with the knife. Jane grabbed his wrist, wresting the knife from his grasp. He pushed her backward, smacking her head against the step. He landed on top of her, pinning her legs against the stairs. With her free hand she slammed the knife into his back and then pushed him off her watching him fall backward down the steps. She fumbled in her pocket for her phone faintly aware that Richard was stumbling down the stairs.

  She texted Ben, “in the stairwell with prick” having no idea what would happen next. She heard her heart beating in her ears, and was aware how clammy her skin had become. Within moments she heard the door open above her head, cool air wafting down.

  Gray stood looking over her head, “Jesus Jane, don’t move.”

  “I’m ok.” She held her hand up, “Help me up.”

  “Jane, you’re in shock. Don’t move.” He was insistent.

  Jane looked down; her hand was covered with blood. “Not my blood,” she managed to whisper before shifting her weight forward to sit.

  Gray bent down to help her up, “Whose blood is it?”

  “Richard.” Jane stood up slowly and looked down the stairwell. “Is he down there?”

  Gray put his hands on her shoulders, “For God’s sake, stay put, please. I’ll be right back.”

  Jane leaned against the wall while she listened to Gray run up the steps. He returned a few minutes later with her purse and talking on his phone.

  “She’s ok, there’s a lot of blood. Yeah, we’ve got video. Ok.” Gray looked at her carefully, “Can you walk?”

  The adrenaline that had been coursing through her body suddenly crashed. “I think so.” She let her breath out slowly, trying to contain the melt down.

  Gray held her by the elbow, “Come on, I’m taking you home.” They walked down one flight of stairs and he stood by the landing door, opening it. “We’ll take the elevator.” He gently placed her purse over her shoulder.

  Jane looked down at herself, “I, uh, I’m not presentable…”

  He rolled his eyes, “Jane, please don’t argue.” He guided her toward the elevator; she wiped the blood from her hand on her skirt and then fished through her purse for her car keys. She held them out and he took them, watching her carefully.

  “What happened?” he asked quietly.

  “He was in the stairwell.” She looked up, “Oh, the copies…” for a moment she considered going back to collect them.

  He raised an eyebrow, “You are in shock. Just relax, you don’t have to talk.”

  He pulled out his phone, “Have Wilcox meet me at home. Have Cooper make copies of the video, give the original to the police, email me one, and send one to Ben… In shock, but ok.”

  “Video?” Jane asked at the doors opened and he escorted her to the car.

  “Security cameras in the stairwells.” He unlocked the car, and then buckled her in. He settled in to the driver’s side, pushing the seat back several inches and readjusting the mirrors. He looked over to her, “You’re very pale.”

  She nodded, “Adrenaline crash.”

  She winced as he jerked the car forward, and then he looked over, “Sorry.”

  Something tickled at her brain, and she tried to wrestle with it until finally she realized, “But you took me to the stairwell to talk.”

  He glanced over, “Yes. My office doesn’t have surveillance.” She remained puzzled, and he looked at her carefully, her face was pale, but no bruises. She was remained rigid in the seat, but that could be due to his driving rather than bruises. Other than the blood o
n her hand and sleeve and her disheveled appearance, she did seem ok.

  She was watching the road, “Where are we going?”

  “Home, my home.”

  She looked at her watch, “But my mother, I need to be home by five.” He slid his eyes toward her, she was not ok. She sat up, “Oh my God, Richard, did they find Richard?”

  “Relax, please. Ben and Cooper are taking care of it.” He rested his hand on her thigh, “Jane, is Richard hurt?”

  “Yes. I think I must have stabbed him. It was so fast.”

  His tone was deadly, “He had a knife.”


  He pulled out his phone and dialed, “Ben, Richard brought a knife, she stabbed him… I don’t know.” He looked over, “Do you want to talk to Ben?”

  She reached for the phone, wincing at the sight of blood on her hand. “Hey, thanks for sending help.”

  “Janie, he’s not in the stairwell. Stay with Gray, Patrick is with your mom; he’ll pack a bag and I’ll bring it over later. Don’t worry about her either, Patrick is arranging her care. I’d rather you not go home tonight, just in case. How badly was he hurt, I mean is he going to have to go to the hospital?”

  “I don’t know. I slammed the knife in as hard as I could, but I don’t even know where I hit him, probably his side or back.”

  “You left the knife in?”


  “What did Richard say exactly?” Ben’s voice was so cold it scared her.

  “I don’t remember, Ben. Something about me being a manipulative bitch.” She looked over at Gray, “But he knew that Gray bought the hotel.”

  “Don’t leave Gray. Do you understand me Janie? Do not at any time be alone.” His voice was emphatic.

  “I understand.” Before she could say good bye Ben had already hung up. She put the phone down and flicked her eyes over to Gray, “He doesn’t want me to be alone. I think he’s going to kill Richard.”

  Gray nodded, “Don’t worry about Ben. He can take care of himself.” He grunted, “You are not manipulative.”

  She looked over at him sadly, “Not intentionally…”


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