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Sharon Karaa The Last Challenge (Northern Witches Series #1)

Page 12

by Unknown

  Of course she did.

  Once more, I picked myself up off the ground and ran.

  8 - Don’t forget the curse!

  I marched straight into the house and made a beeline for the living room. The chatter stopped the minute I wrenched open the door, scanning the room for the woman I wanted to rip limb from limb. My eyes found her and she stood stock still, staring at me in fear.

  “Now Lauren, stay calm!”

  I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her from the room. As soon as the door closed, the chatter started up again, but I was too furious to make sense of the words. Daniel came in behind me as I thrust Agnes into the chair I had vacated only an hour or so ago.

  “All right Mrs. Now, I want to know what you did to all of my dates to scare them away!”

  Daniel stopped in his tracks and looked at her in shock as I sat down in another chair and scraped it across the kitchen tile to face her.

  “I only did it for your own good!” Agnes wailed, pushing her spectacles up her nose. Daniel took a sharp intake of breath.

  “So it’s true? You did scare them away?”

  “Lauren, none of those men would have been good enough for you! The truth is that every generation gets challenged and our powers are growing steadily weaker with time. You need to mate with a witch, Lauren, so that your children will be strong enough to combat the challenge and stop those three bastards from ever getting free!”

  “Is that why you’ve been pushing me and Daniel together? To protect Matthew?” I demanded.

  “Don’t be silly, I did it to protect you and yours! Besides, you two were made for each other,” said Agnes, heatedly. “And don’t tell me you aren’t attracted to him! I’ve got eyes in my head.”

  I blushed pink then turned on her. “Agnes, do you realise how demoralising it is, never to be asked for a second date? Always wondering why? I thought I was a freak!” I cried, jumping up from my chair. “Well no more! You are absolutely forbidden to mess with my life, do you hear me?”

  Agnes looked at the floor just as Selina cracked open the kitchen door. “Is everything ok in here?” she asked tentatively.

  “Absolutely marvellous,” I retorted. “Now that Agnes has agreed to stop meddling in my life!”

  Selina looked at Agnes, confused, then look back at me. “Apparently, there’s some sort of ceremony the woman need you for. Are you coming?”

  “It’s a power transfer, Lauren.” said Daniel. “The women want to enhance your powers, that’s why they’re here.”

  Agnes, seeing a chance to escape, jumped up from her chair. “It must be almost midnight - we have to hurry!”

  I trailed after her as she ran from the room, keeping my eyes locked on the floor. I couldn’t bear to look at Daniel.

  I followed Agnes as she walked out of the living room and through the patio doors to the garden. The moonlight was surprisingly bright and the ladies were all waiting in a circle with a space left open for Agnes. Margaret came forward and took my arm.

  “You need to be in the centre,” she said, pushing me forward. I looked around, and despite the seriousness of the night’s events, I wanted to laugh out loud.

  I was standing in the middle of a circle of dead witches, preparing to receive their power.

  When had this become a normal day in my life?

  Jane took off her biker’s jacket, throwing it to the ground and flexing her fingers. “Are we ready ladies?” she asked as she raised both arms up to her sides. The others followed suit until they were all touching fingers with me at the centre of their circle. I felt the energy rising up from the soil through my feet and Agnes shouted at me to remove my shoes. I kicked them off, wiggling my toes in the long grass.

  Jane looked across at me. “Good luck Lauren. We’ll be rooting for you!”

  The women started to move counter-clockwise around me, not saying a word. Round and round they went, moving faster and faster, but strangely enough, I didn’t see their legs moving. It got to the point where I could no longer make out their features, their joint energy bleeding into a stream of white light, a constant droning, buzzing noise filling my head. Suddenly, an arc of energy jumped across the barrier and pinned itself to my chest. White, hot heat exploded inside me. I screamed into the night as the energy zinged around my body. As suddenly as it started, the light disappeared and I was standing alone in the garden, fighting to catch my breath.

  Agnes, Selina and Natalia were standing silently on the patio, and I looked up to see Daniel at one of the bedroom windows, watching me. As our eyes met, he backed away until he disappeared into the shadows.

  As he vanished from my sight, I collapsed onto my knees.

  Selina and Natalia ran forward, grabbing me by the arms and pulling me to my feet. They half carried me back to the living room and Selina thrust another glass of amber liquid toward me. I gulped it down and felt the burn all the way to my stomach. I handed back the empty glass and pointed at another which she obediently handed to me. After downing it, I flopped back onto the sofa, trying to catch my breath. My eyes were swimming either from the energy exchange or from the drink, I wasn’t sure which.

  Agnes closed the patio doors and came in to the living room.

  “So what did they do to me?” I asked her.

  “They gave you energy. You’ll be stronger now. We’ll test your powers tomorrow to see just how successful it’s been,” she replied.

  Daniel walked in to the room and looked at me. “I’ve made up beds for you all. You might as well stop here tonight and we can work on your training tomorrow.”

  Selina yawned and stretched. “Sounds good to me; I’m beat and I’ve had way too much alcohol to be driving tonight.”

  Daniel showed her to her room then returned to the living room to catch me downing yet another drink.

  “You should take it easy on that,” he advised. “It’s strong stuff.”

  I glared at him as I put the empty glass back on the table and rose to me feet. I didn’t want to be alone with him right now. Too much had happened and I still didn’t want to face the fact that he probably knew more about me than I did.

  “I think I’ll turn in now,” I said. “Can you show me which room I should use?”

  I followed him up the stairs to a room overlooking the back garden. This must have been the room I had seen him in earlier.

  “There’s a t-shirt you can use to sleep in,” he said, pointing at the article of clothing on the bed. I picked it up and he turned to leave the room before stopping at the door. “I didn’t know she was interfering in your love life, Lauren. But I can’t say I’m sorry that she did.”

  I didn’t look up until I heard the door close softly behind him.

  It wasn’t until I lay in bed that I realised that this must be his bedroom. The scent of him was everywhere and I couldn’t help but turn my head into the pillow and inhale. I really needed to get him out of my head, I was just torturing myself. Wasn’t I? He didn’t want me, did he? I wondered at his parting words. Was he glad that Agnes had kept me away from men because he wanted me? Or was it because he agreed with her logic that I should find myself a nice witch? He didn’t seem to be offering himself up for the position that was for sure.

  I thought about what had happened to my parents. I missed them so much right now and would have given anything for just one minute to tell them I loved them. This curse had robbed me of them and a surge of hatred bolted through me. I swallowed past the lump in my throat and refused to let the tears fall. I would make them pay.

  I huffed and turned onto my side. The t-shirt barely reached my hips and bunched up underneath me. I struggled to pull it straight. The drinks I had consumed were making my head spin, and within seconds, I was out for the count.

  Daniel pulled me into his arms, his left hand going to my waist as his other arm anchored beneath my head. My hands rested on his naked chest. I looked up into his sexy brown eyes as he smiled down at me. Then I saw something change in his expression, a raw
need mirrored by my own. His lips came down in slow motion towards me. After what felt like an eternity, he claimed my mouth and my eyes snapped closed. The soft pressure became more demanding, and then I felt his tongue slide across my top lip. My mouth opened to greet him, my hands going up around his neck and my fingers tangling themselves in his dark curls. His hand came up from my waist to cup my head as his need took over, his other hand pulling me into his body.

  I felt his desire pressing into my stomach and a surge of lust ran through me. I groaned into his mouth. He ripped the t-shirt from my body and I realised he was already naked.

  “I can’t wait anymore Lauren, I need you,” he said, coming down for another earth-shattering, toe-curling kiss. His hand cupped my breast then moved down my stomach to find the sweet spot between my legs. I arched my back as he inserted his fingers inside me, crying out in ecstasy. It wasn’t enough. I needed him to fill me and I reached down between us to grasp his manhood, marvelling at the thickness of it, solid in my hand. I pumped his shaft gently once, twice, three times before he pulled my hand away, pressing it back up into the pillow.

  “Not too fast, baby. You’ll make me come and I want to be inside you for that.”

  He positioned himself over me until I felt the head of his shaft pushing at my hot, wet entrance. He gently slid his engorged thickness up and down, touching my swollen bud and sending delicious waves of pleasure over my body. His mouth came down to my breast and he licked around my nipple before taking the peak into his mouth and sucking gently.

  “Oh God, Daniel, please, I can’t wait any longer!” I begged, groaning in need.

  He slid back up my body, positioning himself and poising for entry. “I’ve wanted to do this forever.”

  I woke with a start.

  My eyes darted frantically around the room, my body throbbing with desire, before the penny dropped and I remembered where I was. Frustrated beyond words, I slammed back the covers and climbed out of bed.

  It was light outside so I pulled on my clothes and made my way to the bathroom. I was in desperate need of a cold shower.

  Five minutes later, I emerged, shivering, but no less frustrated. Who ever said that worked? Dressing quickly, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and proceeded to fish about in the cupboards, looking for coffee and cups.

  By the time the kettle had boiled, Selina walked in, fully dressed and looking rather happy with herself. “Good morning, sunshine, did you sleep ok?”

  She took a seat and I handed her a coffee before going back to make another for myself. “No, actually, I didn’t, but you obviously did.”

  “Is something wrong?” she asked, lifting the cup to her lips as she looked at me, curiously.

  I slammed into a chair and huffed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take it out on you. I’m just having a hard time coping with everything.”

  I recounted the events from the previous evening that she hadn’t been there to witness, and she sat in silence, listening attentively. I told her everything; about my parents, about Agnes and her plotting but I still didn’t admit to my feelings for Daniel, and I wasn’t sure I was ready to share them just yet. I was still mortified at the thought that he already knew so many of my secrets and yet I knew nothing about him.

  “I can’t believe Agnes kept this from you for so long,” Selina finally said, shocked. “Your poor parents. Are you ok?”

  I placed my cup back on the table, slowly. “Yes. Yes, I’m fine. It doesn’t change anything, really, does it? They’re still gone. But I want to make them pay. Before, I was a little scared, you know? Now? Well, now, I’m just mad. Now I want to see them get what’s coming to them.”

  Selina grabbed my hand in hers. “It’s only natural to feel that way, Lauren. They took something from you. But don’t let hate eat you up. Don’t let it destroy who you are.”

  I smiled sadly at her concerned expression. “Don’t worry. I won’t.”

  Just at that moment, Daniel came into the room, still wearing the clothes he’d had on the day before and looking decidedly unrested. I looked up and met his gaze.

  “Morning Daniel,” said Selina, as he stretched and made his way over to the kettle. “Did you sleep ok?” she asked.

  “Not really, I took the couch and I forgot how lumpy that thing is,” he said, stirring his coffee then turning to join us at the table. Despite everything that had happened, despite my sadness over my parents and my self-loathing at what I thought Daniel might have learned about me, I couldn’t help but feel a thrill as his leg touched him. I pulled it away.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked me.

  I stood up and took my cup to the sink. “I’m fine, thank you.” I rinsed the cup then turned and dried my hands, taking my time so that I didn’t have to look at him. Eventually, I couldn’t delay any longer and I turned and leaned against the bench.

  “I’m going to have a quick shower, then we’re all going outside to practice energy control,” he said, looking at me.

  “We’ll be ready” I responded then looked away.

  He frowned then took his coffee and left the room just as Natalia poured herself through the door. She looked like a super model in her black leather pants and a white gypsy shirt tied at the waist. God, I really hated that woman!

  Fifteen minutes later, Daniel returned to the kitchen and we all went out to the garden. In the morning light, I noticed for the first time how truly beautiful it was. Rose creepers covered the six foot fence and a large oak tree stood proudly in the top-right corner. A slight chill hung in the air, and I shivered. Natalia propped herself up against the patio doors, arms folded and ready to take in the show.

  Daniel marched to the back of the garden, setting out a series of targets three feet apart. I watched as he bent to open the legs on the stands, quickly turning away when I noticed his muscular thighs and sexy arse. I was so not going there again.

  Selina shot me a questioning glance, but I ignored her and tried to focus on the task at hand.

  Daniel talked us through gathering energy from the air and the earth using pretty much the same technique we used for grounding, only this time we were to hold the energy in our core and then expel it through the palms of our hands. Taking up the now familiar stance of feet apart and arms pointing forward, Daniel demonstrated and a beautiful arc of blue light flashed from his hands, striking the target dead centre. Show off.

  “Impressive!” Selina applauded. Daniel motioned me forward and had me take up position.

  I gathered every ounce of energy I could, feeding it my anger and frustration, and then pointed my hands towards the target. Much to my amazement, a stream of white light emerged as thick as my fist and felled the target in two. I stood open-mouthed and stared in shock before turning to look at Daniel. He was still gaping at the target, his mouth hanging open, before he turned to look at me.

  “That was incredible!” he said.

  “My turn!” shouted Selina, as she took up position.

  I saw the concentration in her face as she tried to pull in the energy, but only a hiss of steam escaped from her fingers and she frowned in consternation.

  “How come I never get it right?” she whined. Daniel walked over to her and demonstrated with his hands where she should house the energy before releasing. She tried again and this time, a tiny arc of energy fell three feet from the target and fizzled out.

  With instructions to keep practicing, Daniel walked back over to Natalia to have a whispered conversation. Natalia disappeared inside the house and Daniel returned to the garden.

  We practiced arcing energy for another hour or so until Selina was actually hitting the target. By this time, my target had almost disintegrated and we decided to call it a day, switching to practice cloaking.

  Again, I managed to crack it first time and I watched amazed as my body disappeared into thin air. The experience was both exhilarating and startling. I could no longer see myself, however I could see everything else around me. I found I could move fast
er in this state, and had fun re-appearing directly behind Selina, startling her. Selina didn’t manage to crack cloaking, however, and was miffed by the end of our session. Tired, she decided to go in and rustle up some lunch while Daniel stayed to teach me transportation.

  “Transportation is the method of shifting your energy from one place to another. This is how we got you home when you were attacked,” Daniel explained.

  “Doesn’t it make you sick though?”

  “Only if you’re travelling big distances, and only until you get used to it,” he smiled.

  The goal was to transport from one end of the garden to another. I didn’t quite make it all the way across, but I did get half way. I kept trying but each time I ended up back in the centre. I was exhausted but I wanted to crack it.

  Daniel turned to me and smiled. “I think we should stop now and let you get some rest.”

  “No, it’s ok, I want to keep going.”

  “Lauren, you’ve done well today. Usually, a new witch would tackle only one of those skills at a time, and most never master them. I’ve never seen anyone able to control energy so well first time round. You really are coming in to your power now,” he said, smiling at me. Despite the fact that I still hated him, I found myself grinning back as we made our way back in to the house.

  Lunch was a non-event with Daniel playing the gracious host and Agnes still sulking from her well-deserved tongue-lashing. Afterwards, we helped wash up then made our way back home. I was worried about Cat and desperate for a little me time.

  Selina dropped Agnes, Natalia and me off, giving us all hugs, before driving away. I couldn’t help laughing when three more cats and one dog gave chase after the car. We really had to sort out that familiar spell. I looked over at Agnes, to find she was smiling also. The thaw had begun!

  Natalia rushed into the house and immediately switched on the TV, as I made my way into the kitchen and opened a tin of tuna for Cat. He busied himself by wrapping around my legs, having obviously missed me. I emptied the tin into a clean bowl and plopped it down on the floor beside him, rubbing the fur on his neck as he dove into his food.


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