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Sharon Karaa The Last Challenge (Northern Witches Series #1)

Page 17

by Unknown

Daniel took the dagger in both hands and started chanting, walking in a circle around us, kicking the kitchen table out of the way without breaking rhythm. Natalia joined him chanting while she continued to push down on my hip, blood pouring between her fingers. Oh God Almighty, that can’t be good, I thought as I watched it pool.

  Daniel bent down, dropping the sword and adding his own hands to the wound as they both chanted, their voices getting louder and louder. The pain intensified and I gritted my teeth not to cry out. The room started to spin and I closed my eyes, praying the nausea would end. A high-pitched drone sounded in my ears, getting louder and louder and I wondered for a moment what it was. Then I realised it was me, screaming.

  White hot heat seared me from the inside out. It was as though my insides were melting. I felt my skin tear and I almost folded in on myself in agony, but Daniel and Natalia held me steady, Natalia pressing her upper body across my shoulders, her left hand still pressing firmly on the wound as Daniel did the same with my legs.

  Their chanting reached the point where they were screaming out the words. I looked down at my side, fully expecting to see my body had been torn in two, and saw white light seeping from beneath their fingers. Another streak of pain ripped through me and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. Mercifully, I felt nothing more as I slipped into unconsciousness.

  I woke up to see Natalia perched on the edge of my bed, holding my hand as she gazed into my face. “Damn, does this mean I don’t get to fuck your boyfriend?” she said, smiling softly as she pushed my hair out of my face.

  My throat burned and I struggled to get the words out.

  “I will fuck you up if you so much as touch him.” I rasped, grinning weakly. She laughed gently.

  “Where’s Daniel?” I croaked.

  “He’s gone to pick up Agnes and Selina. They might try to pick off your support to weaken you; we need to bring them here for safety,” she replied.

  My mind raced back as I struggled to put the pieces together. “What happened?”

  “You should try to rest. Don’t ask too many questions.”

  “I need to know,” I demanded.

  “It was Cuthbert Nicholson who attacked you. When he broke your skin, he infected your bloodstream with the soul of a demon. We had to get it out,” she answered. “It’s safe now; Daniel trapped it in the inner circle and we managed to get it into another vial.”

  “So how did you know?”

  “Your eyes were yellow. That’s the first sign of possession.”

  “No, I meant how did you know to follow me?”

  “I protect you from all threats Lauren, remember?” she answered cryptically. What was this? Lesson number one in being the best familiar?

  I drifted back off to sleep and when I woke the next time, Daniel had replaced Natalia.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he stroked my face with the back of his index finger. “How are you feeling?”

  “Let’s just say, if childbirth is anything like that, I’m grateful I’m not going to have kids.” I sighed. His eyes clouded and he kissed me on the forehead.

  “Sleep and heal, sweetheart,” he murmured.

  And surprisingly, I did.

  The third time I woke, I thought I was alone until I felt the weight of Daniel’s arm across my shoulders. I slipped quietly out from underneath him and padded to the bathroom, realising I was wearing one of his tshirts that didn’t quite cover everything I would have liked it to. I sat on the toilet, relieved to release my bladder, and then remembered the wound on my side. Once I’d finished, I stood in front of the mirror and lifted my shirt. Four angry wounds, now scabbed over, glared back at me and I sucked in my breath. Turning, a fifth was evident on my back. Jesus, that ugly bastard had big hands!

  I turned back to my front and gently probed the scabs, surprised to find the pain was already almost gone.

  I switched on the shower, peeling the t-shirt from my body. The hot water blasted down on my head and I rested my arms on either side of the tile, lowering my neck and letting the warmth soak into my skin. I don’t know how long I stayed there, images of the attack playing through my mind. After a while, I shook myself and then proceeded to wash away the memories with a gel, the scent of which reminded me of Daniel.

  Climbing out and wrapping myself in a large towel, I examined my face in the mirror. My eyes were puffy and my skin was pale, but apart from that, I didn’t look too bad. A ring of bruises half enclosed the right side of my throat and I wondered how I’d come to get them. I couldn’t remember being gripped by the neck.

  Daniel came up behind me and wrapped me in his arms, resting his chin on my head. He was wearing a white t-shirt and striped pyjama bottoms that hung low on his hips. He was sinfully delicious and I so wanted to rip those trousers down and finish what we’d started earlier.

  “You’re safe baby, this house has protection wards all over it. You’re all safe here.”

  “So you brought the girls?” I asked, my throat still painful, as I met his gaze in the mirror. I turned in his arms to look at him and felt his muscular chest beneath my palms. Keeping my hands off him was almost impossible.

  “Yes, they’re all safe,” he kissed me gently on the nose, his hands coming round me to capture me in a light hug. “Come on back to bed now.”

  He scooped me up into his arms and carried me back to the bedroom, laying me down gently on the bed. Turning, he pulled a fresh t-shirt from his drawers and then sat down beside me, freeing me from the damp towel. There was a sharp intake of breath as he looked at me, naked for the first time. I revelled in the feel of his eyes. But then they landed on my scars and he frowned.

  His jaw set in a firm line as he snapped out of his trance and pulled the t-shirt over my head, helping me to get my arms in the sleeves. Disappointed, I tried to pull him back to me and he chuckled.

  “There’ll be plenty of time for that when you’re healed,” he said, kissing my neck and pulling back to look at me.

  “I feel fine,” I lied, marvelling at the golden flecks in his eyes and touching his cheek.

  He rested his forehead on mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I could feel his body quivering beneath my fingers.

  “Lauren, I want you more than you know, but we have a house full of guests and I really don’t think I will be able to do this quietly.”

  I loved the ‘we’ and relented, allowing him to climb in beside me and pull the covers over us.

  Within seconds, nestled safely in his arms, I was asleep.

  The next morning I woke alone, a crushed pillow the only evidence that Daniel had slept with me. I pulled the covers back and padded over to his wardrobe, finding a pair of jogging pants and pulling them on. They were way too big so I got the belt from his dressing and tied it around me to hold them up, tugging the t-shirt down over the top of them. I wasn’t going to win any fashion contests but at least I wouldn’t be flashing my arse to all and sundry. Satisfied, I made my way down stairs to find the others.

  I drifted towards the voices in the kitchen, when I heard my name and stopped in my tracks.

  “She won’t have children, Agnes. She said so last night,” I heard Daniel say, morosely.

  Shit. I hadn’t considered the impact those words would have on him. My brow furrowed in worry. Would he not want me now?

  “Who can blame her?” Selina exploded. “That bastard almost tore her in two! She won’t want any child of hers going through that!”

  I heard a chair scrape backwards and I moved closer to the kitchen door, lifting my arm to hold onto the door frame and steady myself.

  “There has to be a way to end this curse once and for all,” said Natalia, angrily.

  “If you think that in four hundred years there is anything I haven’t tried, then knock yourself out!” Agnes responded.

  I was about to walk inside when Selina’s next words stilled me.

  “Does it make a difference to how you feel?”

  I held my breath as Daniel took a moment
to respond.

  “It makes absolutely no difference to me if she wants none or twenty. I love her, Selina. It’s that simple. That’s not the problem. If we manage to capture them all and she doesn’t have children, the line ends and the curse ends with it. They will be free and Matthew’s soul will be forever condemned.”

  I pushed the door open and four faces looked up at me.

  “Isn’t he condemned now?” I asked, surprised.

  Agnes looked to be suffering a hangover and Selina was still wearing the clothes she’d had on the night before.

  “No, sweet cheeks, purgatory is a temporary state where his soul is kept in torment. If the curse ends, he’ll have to take responsibility for his actions and will be judged…” she seemed to have trouble saying the next words. “… and he will be sent to Hell.”

  My heart skipped a beat as the words echoed back to me. “Isn’t there a chance he could go the other way?”

  Daniel answered for her. “It’s very unlikely that he would be found worthy, my love. He used the black arts to curse not one, but three souls to the Devil. That’s a decision no man should take upon himself.”

  He stood and wrapped me in his arms. I revelled in the feel of him, burying my face in his chest as I considered what he was telling me. We’d come so far already. This simply couldn’t end with the love of Agnes’ life spending an eternity in Hell.

  “Has anyone ever gone from purgatory to heaven?” I asked as I took a seat.

  “It has been known, but very rarely and never for what Matthew’s done,” Agnes replied, sadly.

  Natalia jumped up from her chair. “No disrespect, old woman, but I am not sitting here with my head up my arse doing nothing. I’m going for help.” She looked across at Daniel and he nodded. With that, she promptly disappeared.

  Agnes snorted. “The optimism of youth! Daft cow!” She stood up and walked over to the bench, her head bowed and her hand protecting her eyes from the light. “Anyone for coffee?”

  We took our drinks out on to the patio, wanting to enjoy the morning sunshine. Agnes still looked sad and my heart broke for her. I felt guilty, basking in the glow of my love for Daniel, when she’d spent four hundred years mourning the loss of hers. Daniel spread a blanket and we all sat, Agnes flashing her knickers again as she plonked herself down, almost rolling backwards then righting herself. Thankfully, she wasn’t wearing cheese wires today.

  Selina laid herself out flat on the blanket, her face up to the sun, and Daniel and I took a seat on the edge, still holding on to each other. I don’t think I’d ever want to not be touching him. It was sickening. He pulled his legs open and made a seat for me, one arm wrapped around my waist and the other supporting us.

  “Are we quite safe in the garden?” I asked him, looking up at a beautiful, clear blue sky.

  “Very safe, baby. Don’t worry about a thing,” he replied, kissing the top of my head.

  “What happens when we have to go back to work?” Selina asked without opening her eyes.

  I watched a large, hairy spider crawl slowly towards the blanket and gave a slight shudder.

  “We’ll use protection spells and either Agnes or Natalia will go with you to keep you safe,” Daniel answered. “I will be busy escorting this delectable creature.” He kissed the top of my head again.

  “Make sure you take food for Natalia if it’s her. She gets in to trouble if she’s not fed.” I grimaced.

  And that reminded me. “Oh, Christ!” I cursed. “I didn’t leave extra food out for Cat!”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Daniel stroked my head and smiled. “He can fend for himself.”

  The spider disappeared around the back of Agnes, who was sitting with her elbows on her knees, holding her head in her hands.

  “Agnes, if you have a hangover, why don’t you take your miracle cure?” I asked.

  “What? Drink that muck? You have got to be kidding me,” she said, groaning. She snatched up her coffee and took a big, long drink.

  “You gave it to us,” exclaimed Selina, sitting up and regarding her indignantly.

  I couldn’t see the spider anymore, and didn’t know whether to be relieved or worried. I put it out of my mind, picking up my own drink and taking a swallow. Daniel took it out of my hand and helped himself, sniggering.

  “What is it with you and my coffee?” I asked, laughing.

  “Alright, Agnes!” Selina pulled herself to her feet. “Come teach me how to make protection potions, I think we’re going to need them!”

  She offered her hand to Agnes who took it and allowed Selina to pull her, unceremoniously, to her feet, grumbling all the while.

  I turned in Daniel’s arms, smiling at him as they made their way back inside. “Do you think we grossed them out?” I queried, tracing his top lip with my fingers. He leaned to the left and flopped down on his side, taking me with him, until we were both full stretch on the blanket.

  “I don’t care. I love you and I don’t care who knows it,” he said, gazing deeply into my eyes. I felt a familiar stirring in the pit of my stomach and his mouth came down to claim mine.

  “Now, now! We have guests, remember?” I laughed as he came up for air.

  He moaned and flopped back down on the blanket. I pulled out of his arms and suddenly groaned, bending double. His hand flashed out to my shoulder.

  “Lauren, are you ok? Are you in pain?” he asked, looking down at me in concern.

  “It’s my side,” I said, groaning.

  Daniel lifted the t-shirt and pulled off the chord from his dressing gown, releasing the jogging pants to reveal the scars. He placed his hand over the top of them and a sudden surge of heat warmed my skin. I grinned up at him.

  “Do it to me, Daniel!” I said throatily.

  “You minx!” he laughed with relief and pushed my arm up over my head, rolling over almost on top of me.

  “I want to feel what I felt the last time you healed me,” I whispered back at him as his lips came down to mine. He placed his hand on my solar plexus and a gentle heat radiated through me as his mouth continued to explore mine. I felt his excitement pressing against my stomach and groaned, pushing myself into him.

  Then he abruptly stopped and pulled me up, taking my hand and practically dragging me back into the house, through the dining room and up the stairs into the bedroom. Once inside, he picked me up, kicking the door shut with a loud bang.

  “I can’t wait anymore, I have to have you now,” he said, as he placed me gently on the bed and bent to capture my lips.

  In one fluid motion, he had pulled the jogging pants down and off my legs and I sat up on my elbows to struggle out of the t-shirt. He feverishly pulled off his own clothes and my breath caught in my throat at the sight of him, naked, before me. He was a God and I wanted to memorise every inch of him. His shoulders broad and muscled, his naked chest speckled with hair. He had a six pack for Christ’s sake. I looked lower to see his manhood standing to attention between his solid thighs and I shuddered in anticipation.

  He positioned himself between my legs and I realised that whilst my eyes had been feasting on him, his had been enjoying me. His hand came to my breast and his mouth lowered down to capture my erect nipple lightly between his teeth. His tongue darted out and licked the hardened tip, and then he sucked it gently into his mouth as a wave of pleasure washed over me. At the same time, his fingers found my slick opening and slid gently inside, pressing upwards and hitting my sweet spot as his thumb laved my throbbing bud. I felt the pleasure building inside me and I groaned out loud, pressing my head into the pillow and thrusting my hips up to give him the room he needed.

  My hands went to his head and my fingers buried inside his deliciously curly hair as his thumb continued to rub back and forth, his fingers dipping in and out and sending me in to a frenzy. I whimpered as the desire built inside me, gyrating my hips and grinding myself harder onto him. He didn’t stop and he didn’t slow down, keeping the same pace as he suckled my breast and his fingers w
orked their magic. He thrust into me until I came apart on his hands, crying out as my climax rocked my body, my muscles clenching and releasing around his fingers as my dew drenched his hand. He continued pushing into me, gently slowing until the last contraction was spent.

  I pushed him onto the bed, looking down at him. His pupils dilated and his face flushed as I grinned wickedly and lowered myself down, capturing his engorged penis in my hand without breaking eye contact. I lowered myself further and took the swollen head into my mouth and sucked once, wrapping my fingers around his girth and pumping his shaft gently, watching in glee as his head fell back and a growl of pleasure escaped his lips. With my other hand, I reached down and captured his balls, swollen and full, squeezing gently as I continued to guide him in and out of mouth, hand fisting and squeezing his delicious length. He twitched in my mouth and then he bolted upright, spinning me backwards.

  “I want to come inside you, baby,” he said, as his lips claimed mine.

  He pushed my thighs apart with his leg, positioning himself over me. The head of his cock pulsed against my opening and he gently pushed himself inside me. I felt a blinding pain and cried out. He stopped moving immediately, looking at me confused. I held still and a moment later the pain passed.

  “It’s my first time,” I whispered in embarrassment, and his eyes flared as he pulled me tightly into his chest and held me. After a moment, he sat up and looked down into my eyes.

  “I love you, baby,” he said as he captured my mouth with his once more.

  His cock twitched inside me and he gently started to rock his hips, sliding solidly in and out. I felt my eyes tear up with the pure, sweet pleasure of it, and I rubbed my cheek against the hand still holding my head. He turned my head and sucked gently on my neck as he continued to pump slowly into me, his hand going to my breast and his fingers tweaking my nipple. I felt the pleasure swelling inside me again and I thrust my hips to meet his. My legs went up around his waist and I bucked into him, demanding now, pulling him deeper inside me. He picked up the pace and thrust harder, over and over again, slamming into me and taking me higher and higher until my world exploded in a kaleidoscope of colour.


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