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Sharon Karaa The Last Challenge (Northern Witches Series #1)

Page 27

by Unknown

  A thought suddenly occurred to me.

  “How did you end up so small?” I asked Geordie, pondering.

  “Well, let’s just say me and me last witch didn’t see eye te eye” said Geordie, blushing purple and squirming in his little chair. I sensed a story.

  “Well I don’t imagine you could see eye to eye with anything bigger than a kitten, now.” Daniel laughed and dropped into a seat, taking the beer that Lauren held out to him and pulling her onto his lap. Ye Go…Devils. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other for five minutes.

  “You tried to cop a feel, didn’t you?” I snorted. “You picked on the wrong witch and she let you have it!”

  Geordie glared at me.

  Before I could press him for details, Beth, Daniel’s mother, and his three sisters materialised and another round of hugs and kisses ensued.

  Why don’t we all go in to the garden?” asked Lauren, conscious of the size of the kitchen that was quickly filing up. Daniel was determined to have a barbeque and had set everything up ready to start cooking.

  It was warm outside and still light; it wouldn’t get dark for a few more hours. Lauren switched on Daniel’s iPod and sat it in its bay. Gentle music filled the air. I took a seat on the grass, crossing my legs and taking a gulp of the brandy I’d brought with me, watching Selina setting Geordie’s furniture out on the table and popping him down. Lauren brought him a shot glass of beer and a straw. They made such a fuss of the little twerp, it was sickening.

  Daniel lit the barbeque as the girls chattered amongst themselves.

  “Well isn’t this nice?” said Agnes from the patio doors, coming forward and dragging a much younger man out by the hand. Immediately, everyone jumped up to welcome her and I sighed, bored, as we went through the same rigmarole until everyone finally got the message that she no longer had a solid form.

  It was amazing to see how loved Agnes was by these people whose lives she only been in for such a short length of time and I felt a strange sadness settle over me. I quickly shook it off.

  Agnes pulled Matthew forward by the hand. “Everyone, this is Matthew!”

  Matthew blushed and smiled then his eyes caught Lauren’s and he stepped towards her.

  “Lauren, I have so much to apologise for, I don’t know where to start,” he looked sadly into her eyes.

  “You don’t owe me any apology, Matthew, you did what you thought was right at the time and it all turned out well in the end.” Lauren smiled and Daniel stepped forward and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  Matthew turned to speak to everyone. “I’m grateful to you all for what you’ve done to help me. I owe you my soul.”

  “You owe us nothing, Matthew. We’re just glad everything turned out so well in the end,” said Beth, smiling benevolently.

  I turned and noticed the shadow of a man standing in the doorway and as he walked forward, the breath caught in my throat. He was hot! Blonde with the bluest eyes I’d ever seen and a physique to die for; broad shoulders, slim hips, muscular arms; he was gorgeous. I felt myself salivate and wiped my mouth.

  “For the love of Go..whoever you hold holy, can we stop all this mushy shite and get to the beer?” said Geordie, breaking the ice.

  “Who is your friend?” Imogen asked, indicating towards Mr. Blonde and Beautiful, her eyes sparkling with interest. She obviously had good taste.

  “Bloody hell, where are my manners!” Agnes rushed back and pulled handsome blonde guy forward. “Everyone, this is Zerachiel. He’s an angel but don’t hold that against him!”

  As everyone welcomed the newcomer, I stood transfixed and a little shocked. Damn, the only male to get my juices flowing in three centuries and he was off limits. Demons and Angels don’t mix. Not that we couldn’t, mind you, we just generally didn’t find each other attractive in that way. Think of…say….Oprah Winfrey wanting to get it on with Jerry Springer. One of them wouldn’t be walking away from that relationship, let me tell you. My money would be on Oprah, by the way, but let’s not get side tracked. So how come I was attracted to this filthy specimen? It didn’t make a blind bit of difference; I wouldn’t sully my body by having sex with an angel. I squashed down the tingling sensations in my nether regions.

  I swallowed my disappointment and watched as Felicity and Imogen fought for his attention. He was laughing at something Imogen had said, his eyes lighting up in amusement and a stab of jealousy shot through me. Ignoring it, I walked over to the table and poured myself a very large brandy as Selina rushed out to get more glasses for the guests.

  I turned to see Agnes looking at me curiously. I waved my glass at her in question and she shrugged.

  “I can’t seem to eat or drink any more, no point,” she said, looking sad.

  I turned and took my seat as the smells of meat cooking started to waft across the garden. I looked back to see Daniel wearing Agnes’ nude male apron and grinned. It suited him.

  Someone changed the music on the iPod and Pharrell Williams’ ‘Happy’ blared out from the speakers. Content, I sat there and watched everyone chatting while Imogen and Felicity decided to drag Selina up for a dance on the lawn.

  Zerachiel walked over and took a seat on the grass beside me. He was wearing jeans and a collarless shirt, open at the neck, and the sight of his skin was doing strange things to my imagination.

  “You must be Natalia. Agnes has told me a lot about you, she obviously cares about you deeply,” he smiled. I snorted.

  “Has she told you I’m a demon?” I asked, raising my eyebrow and forcing my eyes away from his neck only for them to crash land on his eyes. Wow.

  “She didn’t need to, I can see for myself,” his eyes twinkled as he spoke. “You certainly look like you could be a handful.”

  Was he ogling my chest? I glared at him. “Isn’t there some sort of rule about Angels consorting with demons?” I turned away from him to watch the girls. Selina’s version of dancing looked like she was having a fit.

  “Is that what we’re doing?” He edged closer, his arm now touching mine. Holy Hell, was he flirting with me?

  Selina came across and plonked herself down to my left.

  “I can’t keep up with those two, I must be getting old,” she laughed as she spoke.

  Zerachiel smiled at her. “You don’t look old to me,” he said, smiling again.

  Ah now I’ve got it. He’s one of those; a flirt. I snorted in disgust, so much for being an angel. I stood to go fill my glass again. It seemed I had a high tolerance to alcohol and if I wanted to get drunk I had better get cracking.

  I topped up my brandy then walked over to Daniel who was busy burning the chicken. He looked hot, standing over the steaming food with his tongs in hand, and I handed him my glass. He smiled appreciatively and took a good swallow.

  “Any chance you can fetch me a beer?” he grimaced as he handed back the brandy. I turned to the table and levitated a bottle towards him, popping the top mid-flight.

  “Show off,” he said, smiling.

  I looked over to where Selina and Zerachiel were now talking. Selina was laughing at something Zerachiel had said, her face flushed. She obviously liked him as well and I felt another uncomfortable stab in my stomach. This angel was one popular dude that was for sure.

  “What do you think of our angelic visitor?” I asked Daniel.

  He turned and looked across. “He’s an angel, how bad can he be?” he laughed. I grunted and walked away.

  Agnes was now dancing with Matthew as Imogen and Megan twirled around beside them and Beth and Lauren were deep in conversation. I felt a little like an outsider. Geordie and I were the only ones not really related in one form or another. I looked down to Geordie’s seat to gauge his reaction. He wasn’t there.

  What was the little fucker up to now?

  I walked into the house, making my way to the kitchen. Sure enough, he had climbed up on to the bench and was working his way through the cheeses and bread rolls we had prepared for the barbeque.
r />   “Aren’t you meant to be on a diet?” I snapped at him as he looked up guiltily, his cheeks bulging and sauce dripping down the front of his shirt.

  “Keep ya voice doon, she’ll hear ye,” he stuttered in panic, spitting bits of cheese all over the place. I stepped forward and made a grab for him but he dodged away and vaulted off the bench. He sailed through the air and landed on the table, skittering across the surface and sliding closer and closer to the edge. I thought he would go straight over the side but he managed to hang on by the skin of his fingertips. I advanced on him as he dangled, trying to hook his leg up and save himself from falling.

  “You stupid little twerp, you’re going to do yourself an injury!” I folded my arms and glared at him.

  “Well giz a hand, man!” One arm fell away and he swung violently. He threw his arm back up and managed to secure his grip.

  “Why should I?” I glared at him.

  “Howay man Nat, a cannit hauld on much longa!” He tried hooking his leg over the edge again but his portly little stomach kept getting in the way. Just as I reached across to rescue him, something clicked and the secret drawer popped open, pulling Geordie’s fingers away from the surface and he slid backwards, freefalling with a look of panic on his face.

  I caught him mid-flight and his little finger nails dug into the top of my index finger, piercing the skin, as he clung to me in panic. A trickle of blood made its way to the surface as I dropped him none too gently back on to the table.

  I shook my hand to get rid of the sting and looked down at the contents of the drawer. This was where we’d hidden the vials containing the spirits of the witch finders and I looked in, surprised to see one vial still in there. I’d forgotten all about it. It was the demon that had taken possession of Lauren and we’d trapped him, thinking we could trade for Matthew’s soul.

  Catching his breath and clutching his chest, Geordie’s eyes followed mine to the drawer. His eyes lit up and he put his hands on his lips, staring at the vial with a huge smile on his face.

  “You’ve been holding out on me, Nat! You’ve got a secret stash!”

  I knew instinctively he thought this was alcohol. As he jumped into the drawer and reached for the vial I snatched it up. All we needed was this little idiot freeing the demon then the party would really kick off!

  “Don’t ever touch this, it’s not alcohol,” I snapped at him as the blood from my finger stained the cork.

  “What’s going on in here?” Selina stood at the door, hands on hips and glaring at us both. She looked at the vial in my hand and her face went white.

  “We still have that?” she asked.

  I looked at her in amazement. “What were we going to do with it? Throw it in the rubbish?”

  “Don’t’ be a smart arse, it doesn’t suit you,” Selina scowled at me.

  I looked down at the vial in my hand. “I’m going to find somewhere safe to store this in case wee man here decides he wants to find out for real it’s not brandy!”

  I transported and materialised in my room at Lauren’s house to hide the vial. I looked around and wondered where would be the best place to put it, deciding to shove it in the bedside table drawer until I could get Daniel to deal with it more appropriately. I yanked the drawer open and placed the vial carefully on top of a pile of papers, closing the drawer as if it contained nitro-glycerine and would explode at the drop of a hat. I looked at the closed drawer and wondered at the wisdom of leaving it unlocked. I’d just have to keep my eyes on Geordie until we had it dealt with.

  When I transported back, Selina was giving Geordie hell in the kitchen for breaking his diet so I left her to it and walked back outside to join the others.

  I took a seat on the grass, crossing my legs and sucking my finger to stop the blood flow. It healed instantly and I smiled in satisfaction just as Zerachiel pushed a glass towards my face.

  I snatched it out of his hand, ungratefully and glared at him. Unconcerned, he smiled and dropped down beside me, clutching his own drink.

  “So if you’re an angel, how come you don’t have wings?” I asked at last, looking over at Imogen as she did cartwheels across the garden. I felt him smile.

  “If you’re a demon, how come you don’t?” he asked. Touché. Daft question, really. I wasn’t giving him an inch though.

  “I was banished, what’s your excuse?” I looked at him.

  Big mistake.

  His eyes were twinkling at me and they sucked me in until all I could see was his face. I inhaled sharply and then felt my cheeks turn pink. What the fuck? I was embarrassed? That never happened.

  “My wings are there, but I choose when to make them visible. I won’t need them at a party, will I Natalia?”

  I wondered if he was asking if I planned to cause any trouble then I wondered what he would do if I did. My nether regions tingled painfully. I didn’t reply but looked back at Lauren who was now three sheets to the wind and laughing loudly at something Beth had said. I looked sideways at Zerachiel who was still looking at me, a grin on his face and his blue eyes twinkling with mischief. I broke eye contact immediately and looked across at the others.

  “So why were you banished? Trying to overthrow the Devil were we?” He smiled and his eyes twinkled again. I wanted to smash his handsome face in.

  “Listen Saccharine, I’m really not interested in striking up a friendship with an angel, so why don’t you pick on someone your own size?”

  “It’s Zerachiel, and no one’s ever complained about my size before.” He grinned and wiggled his eyebrow at me. I almost swallowed my tonsils. This guy was an angel? I was seriously confused; he would have made a great demon.

  “Oh? I think Saccharine suits you better, it means fake sweetness.” I turned away, watching the others.

  Zerachiel chuckled. “So I take it you think I’m both sweet and fake? Trust me, Natalia, there’s nothing fake about me, so how about you just call me sugar?” He hid his smile in his glass as he took another drink. I was tempted to tip it over his head but Agnes was watching me like a hawk to make sure I behaved and I didn’t want to disappoint her.

  “So why are you here?” I asked him finally, ignoring his comment and looking at him again. The eyes were still there. Holy fuck.

  “I thought it might be fun, consorting with the enemy for a change.” He smiled and reached across, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, his fingers lightly touching my skin and burning a trail across my cheek. The demon in me roared and I reined her in, wiping away the feel of his touch with my fingers.

  “Keep your hands to yourself, Saccharine…” I snapped, “…or you might find yourself short of a finger or two!”

  “Food’s served!” Daniel banged a metal tray of chicken down on to the glass table top and a mad scramble ensued. I jumped up, grateful for the interruption, and walked away from him towards the others. I was so not getting involved with an angel.

  By the end of the night, Geordie was snoring in his armchair, his trousers unbuttoned to accommodate his bulging stomach. He’d eaten his own body weight in chicken and made himself sick, much to Selina’s annoyance.

  The party was still in full swing with the girls a little drunk and still dancing on the lawn. They’d roped in Zerachiel and for an angel, he had some filthy moves. Try as I might to ignore him, my eyes kept searching him out.

  Zerachiel hadn’t approached me again all evening and I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or not. I’d felt him staring at me several times and I’d willed myself not to catch his eye. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.

  I looked across at Daniel and Lauren, who were talking with Matthew. Beth and Agnes were sitting in a cluster to their left, arguing over potions and Selina was listening avidly, trying to pick up some tips. One look at Selina and I knew she was drunk. Lucky bitch. At least she didn’t have far to fall in to bed as she was stopping the night with Lauren and Daniel.

  I walked across to join them just as Selina turned on Agnes. “So come on, Agnes,
tell us, how did you and Matthew meet?” Matthew grinned over the tops of their heads and came and sat down to join in the conversation.

  “You going to tell them, Agnes, or shall I?” he asked, his eyes gleaming. Agnes blushed and I almost swallowed my tonsils. I’d never seen her embarrassed before.

  “It was all perfectly innocent!” she exclaimed, glaring at Matthew who burst out laughing, his entire body shaking with mirth.

  “The first time I saw Agnes, she was naked as a jaybird,” he started and Agnes wacked him in the arm.

  “I was getting washed in the stream and you were spying on me, you mean. Pervert!”

  “Yes, and me a married man,” he laughed. “Mind you…” he turned to Lauren and winked, ” wife didn’t understand me!” Lauren flushed red and laughed. “She told you I said that? Agnes, that’s awful!” Agnes flipped her finger and stuck out her tongue. Matthew just laughed.

  “Yes,” he continued, “…it was a beautiful summer’s day and I thought to myself, why not do a spot of fishing? I caught more than I bargained for, that day, let me tell you. One look at that luscious arse and I was the fish, caught hook line and sinker!” He grabbed Agnes by the backside and she squealed with delight.

  “So how did you end up getting together?” Selina pushed.

  “He joined my coven,” Agnes said. “After weeks of skirting around each other he decided to try and push things along with a love potion. Pity for him the drinks got mixed up and ninety five year old Beattie drank the lot. It took us weeks before we finally realised why she’d suddenly taken to wearing bustier tops and following him about town.”

  Daniel chuckled at the tale, rubbing his fingers through Lauren’s hair. “So you’ve always had a thing for the older woman, then Matthew?” he asked, laughing at the look of shock on Agnes’ face.

  “Actually, I don’t see what you see, son, I see the nubile young sex goddess I left behind 400 years ago,” he leaned over the kissed Agnes soundly on the lips to a round of ahhs from the growing crowd.

  I felt a strange sadness settle over me as I watched them. So this was love? I looked up and caught Zerachiel looking at me with a strange expression on his face. I turned away and drained my glass, walking across to the table to put it down with the growing pile of plates containing half eaten food and empty beer cans.


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