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Louisiana Sky (Love in Belle Pont #2)

Page 4

by Zavarelli, Ashleigh

  He stared up at me with glassy eyes, like he didn’t know what to say to that. But he didn’t need to say anything really, because we both knew it was true.

  “It’s why I started drinkin’,” he said. “The older I got, the more I thought about it. The more I saw his face like that in my dreams every night, reminding me what a piece of shit I was. And that first time I ever felt the sweet numbness of oblivion, it was the best feelin’ I’d ever had, Rox.”

  “How old were you?” I asked him gently.

  “Nineteen,” he said. “In case you didn’t notice, I wasn’t a real social butterfly in high school. I pretty much kept to myself after that. But after I graduated Basic, we went out and got drunk. And I liked it a lot. Too much, I guess. I kept it hidden for a long time. But then things just started spinnin’ out of control, and I didn’t know how to handle any of it. Seeing you, filled with so much light and beauty, I was afraid I was gonna’ pull you down with me.”

  I chuckled and leaned back, shaking my head. “And all the while, I was tryin’ to pull you up.”

  “I know you were,” he said softly. “But I’m a changed man now Roxy, and I just want you to give me the chance to show you that.”

  I stared at him for a long moment, not exactly knowin’ what to say. The truth was, Bentley had just laid himself bare to me. And though I still didn’t know what the hell was going to happen with us, I did know that I wanted him to be a part of my life. I wanted him to be able to tell me these things when he had no one else to turn to. And maybe, if I was bein’ honest, I wanted more too.

  But all of that would have to wait.

  Chapter Nine


  Sheriff Beaudry came by Bits N’ Bobs the next day to tell me that Corey had been bailed out while he waited for sentencing on his charges. He said that they’d found some kind of pill cocktail on him, which was just crazy. But apparently he’d gotten hooked up with a bad crowd down in Lafayette while he was gone.

  He just told me to watch out for myself and be careful, and told me I could get a restraining order if I needed to.

  I thanked him but didn’t feel like that was necessary. I doubted I’d be seein’ Corey again, and that was how I preferred it.

  I was stocking some lotions on the bottom shelf when the bell above the door dinged and gave me a fright. Ever since that night, that stupid bell had been settin’ me off every time I heard it, and I knew I was gonna’ have to replace it, which I wasn’t real happy about.

  “Hey,” Bentley greeted me with a concerned expression on his face. “Are you okay?”

  “Yea, sorry.” I let out a nervous laugh. “Just a little jumpy I guess.”

  “I heard about Corey.” He shook his head. “I just wanted you to know Rox, I’m always here if you need me. And well, actually that’s kind of the reason I’m here.”

  He looked nervous all the sudden, and I smiled as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

  “What is it Bentley?” I asked.

  “Well I just don’t know how to say this without sounding like a controlling prick. But I have every intention on comin’ to pick you up from the store at night and take you on home until all of this is over.”

  I opened my mouth to protest when he held up his hand and continued.

  “And I swear I ain’t using this as an opportunity to try to weasel my way back in with you. Although, I can’t say I’m gonna’ hate seein’ you every day.”

  He was smiling, but I could tell he was still nervous. He thought I was gonna’ say no, and he was using humor to mask his feelings, just like he always did.

  “Do you really think that’s necessary, Bentley?” I asked softly. “I mean, Corey ain’t ever done anything like that before. I truly think it was just a one-time thing. He was high as a kite, apparently.”

  “Well from what Tino says, he’s been real tore up over losin’ you, Rox. Can’t say as I blame the dickhead for that, because you and I both know you were the best thing he’d ever had. But I sure as hell ain’t takin’ any chances, and if anything ever happened to you…”

  He trailed off, his gaze drifting off into the distance, and suddenly I realized what this was about. Why Bentley Daniels was always trying to save the day. To make up for the one person he hadn’t been able to save.

  “Okay Bentley,” I agreed. “If you want to do that, it’s real kind of you to offer. But no funny business.” I waggled my finger and he grinned, putting three fingers in the air.

  “Scout’s honor, Miss Hart.”



  I’d been picking up Roxy every day for a week now, helping her lock up Bits N Bobs and then taking her home. I fixed all the doors on her house with an extra lock, and the windows too.

  She just laughed and shook her head, but it made me feel a little better. Truthfully, I’d been goin’ a little crazy over the whole situation. Couldn’t believe the so called Justice system lettin’ a would be rapist out on bail.

  I’d woken up more than a few times during the night, my chest tight and full of panic. I drove straight over to Roxy’s to check out her place. It was always dark and quiet, which gave me some relief, but I just wished I could stay with her and take care of her. The way I should have been all along.

  Tonight though, when I drove up, there was a light on in her bedroom window, and my chest tightened even more, thinkin’ the worst. It was three am, and Roxy should have been asleep.

  I jumped out of the cab and raced up the steps, only to be greeted by Roxy as she swung the front door open and rolled her eyes.

  “I was expecting you,” she said, gesturing me inside.

  I gave her a confused look as I sat down on the couch and she went into the kitchen and started makin’ some tea.

  “Jesus Bentley, you got me so damn jumpy now thinkin’ Corey’s gonna be comin’ over here with all of your safety precautions, I haven’t been able to sleep every time I think about it. And then you think you’re bein’ quiet rolling up here in that damn truck, waking me up every night.”

  “I’m sorry, Rox.” I scrubbed my hands over my face. “This is just drivin’ me nuts. I don’t trust that son of a bitch and I’m worried about you.”

  She came and sat down beside me, offering me a cup of tea. I shook my head, and laid back against the sofa.

  “I know you’re worried about me Bentley, and it’s real nice of you. But I can’t live my life in fear until somethin’ happens with this case.”

  “Then come stay with me,” I begged. “Please. I have a spare room. Or I can stay here. I’ll sleep on the sofa, I don’t even need a blanket.”

  She stared at me and smiled.

  “Tell you what, Bentley. You can sleep here on the sofa tonight. And we’ll figure out the rest in the morning, okay?”

  “Thank you, Roxy.” I pulled her in for a hug, and she only resisted a little before wrapping her arms around me and sighing.

  “Truth be told, it does make me feel a little better, just knowin’ you’re here. But don’t let that go to your head, Bentley.”

  I chuckled and squeezed her tighter. “Never, sweetheart.”


  The next evening, I showed up at Bits N Bobs with Roxy’s bags in the cab of my truck. She’d relented on staying with me until we figured out what was gonna’ happen with the whole court case, though she still deemed it totally unnecessary.

  I didn’t care though, and I’d been walking on air all day knowing I was finally gonna’ get a good night’s sleep now that she’d be safe.

  But when I went to open the door to the shop it was locked, and everything was dark inside. Panic seized me right away as I started jiggling the handle and banging on the glass callin’ out for Roxy.

  There wasn’t any answer from inside, and I sure as hell wasn’t gonna’ wait for the damn sheriff. I used my body to slam through the door, sending glass shattering everywhere.

  I stomped around the shop in full attack mode, ready to kill that son of a bitch. But
when I didn’t see Roxy or Corey, the panic only worsened.

  I punched in her cell and started calling her over and over. It was going straight to voicemail. I ran back out to my truck and jumped in the cab, calling Sheriff Beaudry as I headed out to Corey’s parent’s house. I couldn’t think of any other place he’d have taken her.

  But when Sheriff Beaudry picked up and I started giving him frantic instructions, he cut me off.

  “Bentley, calm down,” his voice yelled through the phone. “She’s out at her mamas. We all are. There was an incident, you might wanna’ get on out here to see Rox.”

  I drove like a mad man all the way out to Sharon Hart’s house, thinkin’ the worst. Even though Sheriff Beaudry had told me on the phone that Roxy was okay, I was sure he was wrong somehow.

  When I pulled up in the drive and saw her standing there with tear stained cheeks, I started thankin’ every God there was.

  I jumped out and pulled her straight into my arms, holding her tight as I rocked her against me.

  “What happened, Rox?” I croaked out.

  “That piece of shit Robert done up my mama real good,” she sobbed. “They had to take her down to Lafayette to get her checked out, but I had to stay behind until Reagan got here.”

  I glanced across the yard and saw Reagan cryin’ too as she talked to one of the police.

  “Well she’s here now, Rox,” I told her. “C’mon I’ll take you both to go see your mama.”

  Chapter Ten


  I scrubbed my face in exhaustion while Bentley continued to rub my back in soothing circles with his palm.

  He hadn’t left my side as I sat at my mama’s hospital bed all night, waiting for the pain killers to wear off. I was grateful he was there to keep my head level, because I was real close to losin’ it altogether.

  Mama was awake now though, although she looked a little worse for wear. She had a couple of broken ribs and a real bruised up face, but the doctors said she was gonna’ be just fine. Robert had been arrested and charged, and now it was just another wait and see game like with Corey’s case.

  I could just imagine what the folks in town would be sayin’ about all this. First me, and then my mama. There’d be all kinds of speculation goin’ on I imagined, and I wasn’t real eager to get back to Bits N’ Bobs.

  “Darlin’ you should get on home,” Mama said in a raspy voice. “I’m gonna’ be just fine, and I know you’ve got a shop to run.”

  I frowned and shook my head, though I knew she was right. Bits N’ Bobs was only a small shop that carried an assortment of organic body products that I’d created myself. I did well enough to survive in Belle Pont, but not much else. And what little I did have in my savings, I didn’t like to touch, just in case.

  “We can come back this afternoon, Rox,” Bentley volunteered. “I’ll bring you back after you’ve gotten some sleep.”

  I glanced back at mama who was looking between me and Bentley with knowing eyes.

  “Go on.” She shooed me away with her hands. “I’m just gonna’ be sleepin’ anyway until these drugs wear off. I’m higher than a damn kite right now darlin’, and not much for conversation.”

  I patted her hand and leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek, smoothing her hair back.

  “Okay mama, if you need anything, just let me know. I’ll bring some of your stuff by later, okay?”

  She nodded and closed her eyes, looking like she was about to drift off to sleep again before she opened them again.

  “Bentley?” she rasped.

  “Yes?” he squeezed my hand in his.

  “Take care of my little girl okay? You don’t let that son of a bitch near her again.”

  Bentley smiled and I shook my head in embarrassment.

  “You have my word Miss Hart, he ain’t ever gonna’ touch Roxy again.”

  Mama nodded her head in satisfaction and drifted back to sleep.


  The ride out to Bentley’s house was quiet, but he kept holding my hand as we drove to let me know he was still there. It was a real sweet gesture, and admittedly I was too damn tired to fight my fears at that moment.

  I was used to being strong by now and dealin’ with things on my own, but it felt nice for a change that I didn’t have to. His strength and support was a breath of fresh air to me at a time when I needed it the most.

  I was dog tired when we walked inside his house, but he insisted I eat somethin’ and made me a bowl of soup. I managed to get some of it down before I started drifting off like a zombie.

  “I’ll show you to your room,” Bentley said as he put the dishes in the sink. “C’mon sweetheart, you need some sleep.”

  I nodded and he led me down the hallway to a room that was close to his. When he opened it, I was surprised to find it was decorated in soft feminine colors with new bedding and curtains.

  “I had my mama fix it up for you.” He shrugged. “I ain’t real good at pickin’ out chick stuff.”

  I chuckled and wrapped my arms around myself as tears sprang to my eyes. I didn’t know why, but I was just an emotional basket case and his kind gesture had tipped me over the edge.

  Without an ounce of shame I unbuttoned my jeans and shrugged them off while he was still standing there and climbed into the plush bedding.

  Bentley walked over and tucked me in like a child, smoothing my hair back and kissing me on the forehead. And then he made it as far as the doorway before I called him back.


  “Yea?” he turned around, his eyes searching mine.

  “Will you just stay and… hold me?”

  It felt pathetic to ask such a thing, but I needed it right then.

  “Of course, sweetheart,” he answered softly. “Nothing would make me happier.”

  I nestled back into the covers and watched him shrug off his shoes and then move to the button of his jeans before he thought better of it. But I wanted him to be comfortable too, so I told him to go ahead. I knew he had briefs on under there, and it wasn’t nothin’ I hadn’t seen before. Both of us were too damn tired for anything like that anyway.

  Bentley gave me a soft look as he pulled off his jeans and climbed in beside me, pulling me against his chest. He smelled so damn good I just burrowed myself right in there, sniffing him without any shame as I soaked up his warmth.

  His arms wrapped around my waist and he began stroking my back again in that way of his that was bound to put me to sleep in a hot minute.

  But just as I was about there, I heard his voice.



  “I know it’s probably not the right timing, and I never said it before. I don’t want you to freak out on me, but I just want you to know…”

  “Just say it, Bentley,” I encouraged.

  “I love you,” he whispered, squeezing me tighter. “I love you so damn much.”

  That was it. I wasn’t just on the edge anymore, I had gone over. I clung to him like he was my lifeline as the tears started falling, and he just held me tight and continued to comfort me.

  “I know you do Bentley,” I croaked. “I know.”

  Chapter Eleven


  I had Bentley drop me off at the hospital the next day so I could spend some time alone with Mama. He promised to come back and pick me up when I was ready, and I knew he would.

  My emotions were all over the place as far as Bentley was concerned. It was becoming real easy to fall back into old patterns with him. To laugh and smile when he said somethin’ funny but didn’t even realize it. Or just to watch him when he didn’t know I was looking, my heart swelling with a lot of confusing feelings.

  Things were different between us this time, I knew that. Bentley really had given up drinking, and I believed him when he said it was for good. The moments we spent together were lighter than I remembered, easier. But that passion was still there too. It hadn’t gone away in time, and I didn’t think it ever would.

bsp; But along with all of those feelings was my instinct to protect myself. Bentley had hurt me real bad, and we still hadn’t talked about it. It was a conversation I wasn’t real eager to have either.

  I knew Bentley and I weren’t exclusive when I caught him with Bethany Francis. But with him knowin’ my past, I just kind of assumed that he’d never hurt me that way. It turned out to be another stupid assumption on my part.

  After being with Corey and his cheating ways, it was a situation I never wanted to put myself into again. The simple fact was, I couldn’t trust Bentley not to hurt me again. And I really didn’t know if I’d ever be able to.

  As I made my way down the hall, I heard Sheriff Beaudry’s voice coming from Mama’s room. When I walked inside they were deep in the middle of what looked like a serious conversation.

  “Oh good baby, you’re here,” Mama said with a relieved expression. “The judge denied bail for Robert at this time due to his past offenses.”

  I frowned, never knowing Robert had any past offenses. Of course she wouldn’t have told me that beforehand.

  “That is good news mama.” I mustered up a smile.

  I sat down in the chair beside her hospital bed and waited for the Sheriff and her to finish their conversation. But the minute he left, I could see she was back to her happy, bubbly self as if nothin’ had even happened.

  “I cannot wait to get out of here,” she said, patting her hair as though she cared what it looked like right then.

  “Why is that mama?”

  “You know I hate hospitals,” she grumbled. “They are just so damn depressing. And I need to hit the town I think. Maybe stay in Lafayette for a couple of days just to get my mind off things.”

  I sat back in my chair and groaned, rubbing my temples in exhaustion.

  “Why do you do it mama?”

  “Do what?” she snapped.

  “Why do you always gotta’ be with some guy? I know what you’re thinkin’, you’ll just go out and get yourself a new man, and everything will be just fine. But it ain’t fine mama. I’m sick of dealin’ with this shit, can’t you see that? Reagan too. How do you think she feels, seein’ you come home with a different man all the damn time.”


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