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Dark Enemy_Taken

Page 13

by I. T. Lucas

  Bring it on, buddy… let's see what you're made of… just make it quick… Every minute that passed was another minute of Amanda enduring hell. Kian's hands hovered over his weapons, ready to disarm fast… Because if he accidentally killed the human…

  Calm the fuck up… he is Syssi's brother… he is Syssi's brother… a good guy…

  Kian took a deep breath and moved his hands behind his back, holding on tight.

  "What the hell are you trying to prove, Kian? That you're faster? Stronger?" Andrew got in his face. "Well, fucking great for you."

  Almost touching chests, Kian stared Andrew down from his superior height. "You'd better adjust your attitude, buddy."

  Andrew didn't back down. "You are sabotaging the mission, dumbass!"

  No one talked to Kian like that.

  "Only Syssi's concern for you stays my fist from rearranging your face," he hissed through lengthening fangs as he took a step into Andrew.

  "Holy fuck…" Andrew took a step back. "You are one scary motherfucker, aren't you?" Lifting his hand, he got closer again and reached a finger to touch one of Kian's fangs. "You're not fucking with my head this time, are you? Those things are like what? Two-inch long? And your eyes… holy shit… they are glowing like a pair of fucking flashlights…"

  Kian shook his head. Evidently, his future brother-in-law was insane. Anyone with any sense of self-preservation would have been at least cautious if not terrified by that display.

  But not Andrew, there was no fear in the guy's scent. Not a trace.

  "And you must be one of those psychos who get a hard-on from an adrenaline rush."

  "Hold your horses." Anandur butted his head in between them, his crinkly beard scratching Kian's forehead. "Until you ladies are done complimenting each other, Brundar and I are going to take a piss, and we are taking Rodney and the other one with us. Do us all a favor, and either kiss and make up or beat the crap out of each other, but get over yourselves." He flicked them both on the top of their heads before turning around and gesturing for the rest of the men to follow. "Five minutes," he threw over his shoulder as the bunch walked away.

  Kian groaned. Anandur's intervention had been like a needle prick to the over-inflated balloon of his aggression. For the big oaf to step in as the voice of reason, Kian must've been doing a really piss-poor job of handling things.

  Yeah, he sighed, feeling his fangs retract.

  The storm in his head, the rage, the worry, the deep-seated hatred, guilt… had clouded his head, allowing the mindless beast inside him to surface.

  "You are right." Kian ran a hand through his hair, suddenly feeling a desperate need to light up. "You mind if I smoke?" He pulled the pack out of his shirt pocket.

  "Not at all, but if you don't mind, I'm going to sit down." Andrew lowered himself to the ground.

  After a moment, Kian followed him down. "Can I offer you one?"

  "Thanks, but no. I live dangerously enough as it is." Andrew waved him off.

  "That I believe." Kian chuckled as he lit up.

  "I never take unnecessary risks. I don't know what gave you that impression."

  "Could've fooled me." Kian exhaled a ring of smoke. "The way you got in my face, in the state I was in, wasn't smart. You saw me; I'm more beast than man when I get like that."

  "Nah, I knew you wouldn't do anything to me."

  "What if I was too far gone? You know next to nothing about me and my kind and what to expect from us."

  "That's where you are wrong. I might not know exactly what you are, but I do know who you are. And anyway, I knew I could count on that redheaded Goliath to jump in if needed."

  "Goliath… ha? I like it. Usually, I just call him a big oaf."

  "Is he?"

  "Nah, but he likes to pretend he is." In the silence that followed, Kian concentrated on the rings of smoke he was making. It was a little like meditating, relaxing.

  "We agreed that it would be best for me to lead the mission. You need to slow the fuck down and let me set the pace. Got it?"


  "Wow, miracles do happen. I expected you to give me more crap over this."

  "No, I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong." Kian pushed up to his feet and offered a hand-up to Andrew. "Though don't expect an apology…"

  "Wouldn't dream of it." The man took what he offered and pulled himself up, slapping Kian's shoulder before he let go.

  "Oh, how touching… you girls made-up… I have tears in my eyes." Anandur sniffled, placing a hand over his heart and batting his eyelashes.

  Two hands flicked his head at the same time as Kian and Andrew got him between them.

  Patting his messed-up curls, Anandur groaned, "I feel the love."


  As the island's transport reached flight altitude, Sharim pulled out the stack of fake passports he and his two companions would be using on their way to Los Angeles.

  Going over the different names he'd chosen for himself, he devised a little trick to remember who he was supposed to be on each leg of the trip. After all, it would look pretty suspicious for him to respond with a ha? Or a what? Or not at all, when addressed as Mr. So-and-so.

  The trick was quite simple; he created a little backstory for each name and a character to go with it. Modeling the four made-up versions of himself either on men he knew or characters in films, he made a movie in his head. Each had not only a unique posture, his own hand gestures, and individual syntax and inflection, but also a completely disparate personality.

  He chose the version he liked best to go with the name he decided to use throughout the remainder of this mission.

  Sharim would become Sebastian Shar—a wealthy businessman looking to invest in movies, radio stations, and newspapers. A charming, easygoing Australian everyone liked. Especially the ladies…

  Until they discovered his true nature, that is. Sharim chuckled.

  Not that he planned on seducing any of his future female business associates. He’d flirt, of course, but only because it would help his interests. Many of the media industry executives were female, and his charm was an asset he planned on utilizing to its fullest.

  In order to protect the image of his manufactured persona, though, his twisted preferences would have to be kept not only private but secret. If word got out regarding his sexual activities, it would have disastrous consequences on his business dealings. Until he got his hands on at least one piece of young flesh and had her imprisoned in the dungeon he was planning to build for just this purpose, he'd have to limit himself to escort services that specialized in his kind of kink. But the best solution was to renew his membership to that fancy BDSM club downtown. Tormenting willing partners was not as fun, but in the meantime, it would have to do.

  "Here." He handed the men their passports. "Memorize the names and choose the one you like best for last. From the moment we embark on the final leg of the trip to Los Angeles, our old names will be left behind. We’ll be reborn with these new ones, using them exclusively even among ourselves. You'd be smart to start practicing."

  The best way to create a false identity was not to act like that person but become him. He would think as Sebastian Shar, talk as Sebastian Shar, and eventually dream as Sebastian Shar.

  Waiting impatiently for the men to choose theirs, he was eager to begin the game. But the guys were just simple soldiers, and although the two were fairly intelligent and capable, they had none of his special skills. Not to mention that he had a millennium of practice to perfect them that the much younger immortals hadn't.

  Still, waiting patiently for others to catch up wasn't a skill he had full mastery of, yet.

  The guys kept flipping between the dark booklets. Judging by their frowns and head-shaking, it appeared to be a tough choice to make.

  His second was the first to be done. After tucking one of the passports in his shoulder bag, he inserted the others inside a special compartment in his suitcase.

  "Robert Dowson." He offered h
is hand to Sharim.

  "Sebastian Shar, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Robert."

  "The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Shar."

  "Please, call me Sebastian."

  "Yes, sir."

  "You have to lose the Yes sir, Robert. And that rigid spine has to go as well. From now on you're not a soldier, but a corporate executive. Act like one."

  "Yes, sir."

  Sebastian rolled his eyes. "You want to try that again?"

  "No problem."

  "That's better." He wondered how long it would take until Robert would walk the walk and talk the talk…

  The good news was that he expected the other guy to do better. His assistant was young, sharp, and liked watching a lot of American movies and goofing around.

  The boy didn't disappoint.

  "Damn, Sebastian. I wanted to be Robert. I asked you to put me down as Robert Downey Jr., but instead, you gave it to a guy that has no idea who the hell it is."

  "It's bad enough that you look like that actor's doppelgänger, using a similar name would've made you a caricature, not a real person. You feel me?"

  "Yeah, I get it. But why did you have to give it to him?" He pointed at the tall soldier who looked nothing like the actor.

  "So you'd be sure to remember it."

  "Oh, hell, Tom Carson it is, then."

  "Nice to meet you, Tom."

  "Yeah, same here, but I still don't know who that Tom is supposed to be. Any suggestions?"

  "You're fine as you are. You're an assistant to a successful businessman, and your flippant attitude is tolerated because you're so incredibly good at what you do."

  The guy smiled, showing a lot of white teeth, and dipped his head in an impression of a bow. "Thank you, I appreciate the compliment, Sebastian."

  "It's all settled then. Let’s go over the travel plan one more time before we land."

  The airports he'd chosen for the layovers were big and located in countries that had no reason to invest in face recognition technology.

  Just in case.

  Hopping from one airport to another and then taking a bus or train ride through Europe, they would each take different routes until they met again in Munich. They would travel the last leg of the trip on the same plane, but they wouldn't be sitting together.

  Sebastian's route would take him from Kuala Lumpur to Sydney, then from Sydney to Istanbul. Flying first class, he would spend some of the twenty plus hours of that flight sleeping, so he would be fresh and ready to have some good time in Prague, which was his next destination. From there, it would be a bus to Munich, and then a direct flight to Los Angeles.


  Dalhu wrapped the sleeves of his dress shirt around Amanda's wrists and tied the ends in a loose bow.

  "Make it tighter," Amanda commanded.

  He did it again, a little snugger this time. "I think this is good enough. Any tighter and it will constrict your circulation."

  The irony of Amanda still calling the shots, even in how she wanted to be restrained, wasn't lost on him. He didn't mind, though.

  Their first time was going to be all about her.

  He was going to pleasure her like she'd never been pleasured before, have her climb higher than she ever had, and erase the memory of all those mortals she'd bedded before him.

  "You think?” Amanda gave a tug and the whole thing fell apart.

  "I have an idea. How about I tie it around your mouth instead of your hands? It will be more conducive to what you have in mind."

  He was only half joking.

  "Yeah, you might have a point. I'm being too bossy. Do it."

  Now, that was hilarious… especially since she wasn't trying to be funny…

  With the shirt wadded in his hand, he stretched on top of her, pinning her down with his weight. For a moment, he just gazed at her stunning face. Then he kissed her, licking at the seam between her lips, penetrating her mouth, tasting, taking…

  Groaning, she gave as good as she got, her nails digging into his neck to hold him to her, her legs parting to welcome him in between them.

  Was he the luckiest male on the planet? Or what?

  And then she started to grind against him.

  Oh, hell, he wasn't going to last like that.

  With an effort, he released her mouth, taking a moment to collect himself before lifting his head to look into Amanda's glowing blue eyes.

  So feral—so clearly not human.

  Hers were the eyes of a hungry predator—a tigress, a cougar—challenging her male to prove himself worthy…

  "I'm not going to cover these lush lips of yours. I have plans for them." He smiled down at her. "Give me your hands."

  Pushing back, he braced on his knees and straddled her narrow waist. Holding her wrists with one hand, he wrapped the shirtsleeves around them—this time utilizing a serious knot—the kind he would have used on a prisoner…

  Well, almost. There was a big difference between the luxurious fabric of his expensive dress shirt and a coarse rope…

  "Try it now, princess." He smirked as she gave it a tug, then another one, stronger this time, and still the knot held. "You think you can get out of that?" he taunted.

  "I bet I could if I needed to. But it's good." She sighed, stretching her arms over her head, her whole body loosening in surrender.

  It finally dawned on him then.

  Up until that moment, he'd assumed she was playing a game, amusing herself with something she hadn't experienced before.

  But that wasn't what this was about.

  Not at all.

  This was about Amanda giving herself permission to let go. And she couldn't do so until it was out of her hands… literally.

  Leaning back on his haunches, Dalhu gazed at all that magnificent beauty sprawled before him like an offering and felt unbelievably lucky.


  The whole thing seemed unreal.

  "You're so beautiful," he murmured, though what he really meant to say was thank you. And not only to Amanda, but to the fates, or the universe, or whatever higher power that had granted such a gift to someone as undeserving as him.

  Hooded with passion, her eyes lingered on his face for a brief moment before going on a slow and deliberate tour of every muscle in his body. "You're not so bad yourself," she said.

  Kind of made a guy feel eight feet tall. Not that his height wasn't impressive to begin with, but yeah…

  In a sinuous wave, he lowered himself on top of her, and bracing his elbows by her sides, cupped her face in his palms.

  She parted her lips, inviting him to take her mouth again.

  He kissed her slow and deep. Moving one palm to encircle her throat, he kissed and nipped his way down her jawline to the spot on her neck where her pulse was beating fast between his splayed fingers.

  Pulling in a ragged breath through her teeth, Amanda let loose a small whimper and turned her head in his gentle hold, providing him with more expanse of soft skin to kiss and nip at.

  As he ran his lips down and up the column of her neck, his fangs scraping lightly against her skin, she shivered, though not because she was afraid. She trusted him… and he realized that by closing his hand over her throat he'd been testing her.

  And what a heady feeling that was. Her trust was something he hadn't dared hope for, despite being compelled to seek it.

  Sliding down, he released Amanda's throat, his palm drifting to her breast. He had neglected these beauties, letting them get chilled in the cold cabin, and it was about time he remedied this situation. Cupping his hand over one, he dipped his head and used his mouth to warm the other.

  Amanda moaned, bucking up into him, and that was even before he began doing anything interesting. Which was about to change as soon as he deemed her perky breasts sufficiently warmed, starting with the one already in his mouth. Putting his tongue to work, he swirled it around the tight little nub, flicking and licking at it before giving it a hard pull as he hollowed his che
eks and sucked it in.

  Then he did it again on her other side while his fingers paid attention to the one he'd just released. At first, he only circled his thumb round and round the wet, turgid pick. But then, as he got serious about the sucking and the nipping on the other side, he caught her sensitive flesh between his thumb and finger. Pinching and tweaking, he increased the pressure he applied, gauging Amanda's response by her moans and the increased tempo of her gyrations.

  The wild cat was loving it, and he would've lingered feasting on her breasts if he weren't so eager to get his mouth on another part of her anatomy.

  Like right now…

  Sliding even further down her body, he kissed her bellybutton, then swirled the tip of his tongue inside it while his hands got busy with the button of her jeans. The zipper was next, and as he pulled it down a little bit at a time, he licked a trail down to the line of her pink cotton panties.

  Surprisingly, it was one of the simple ones he'd stolen for her from the general store, and not a fancy new one from the selection he'd bought for her at that lingerie store, or rather Plain Jane had. But he knew there was an even better surprise waiting for him under that cotton. Amanda was completely bare—he'd glimpsed it when he'd seen her in all her naked glory in that bathtub upstairs. Dalhu wondered if this was natural for a female of his kind or had she had it removed. In either case, he found it hot as hell. Imagining how soft and smooth that most intimate female flesh would feel under his lips and his tongue, he was impatient to get to it.

  It was good then that her jeans were the kind that stretched; otherwise he would have torn them at the seams in his mad rush to yank them off Amanda's slender legs. The pink panties joined the ride and got tossed to the floor together with what had covered them. A split second later, he had his palm over what was his gateway to heaven.

  Oh, man, the heat…

  And she was so wet… drenched…

  His mouth watered as he dipped his head to take his first taste.

  As his long and dexterous tongue licked a path from the fountain of all that heavenly nectar up to the top of her wet folds—to the place where the key to her treasure was hidden—Amanda growled. The sound more like that of a feral cat than a woman's—the kind that would've scared a lesser man—a mortal.


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