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The Bridesmaid Earns Her Wings: Moonchuckle Bay Romantic Comedy #2

Page 4

by Heather Horrocks

  “It needs more water. I’ll make sure I perk it up, too.” She motioned around the room. “I love this office. Is this desk made out of oak?”

  “Magicwood, actually.”

  “I’ve never heard of it.”

  “It’s closely related to mojowood.”

  “Are you teasing me?” she asked, narrowing her eyes.

  “No. I’m serious. They’re local trees.”

  She shrugged. “I’m getting distracted from your questions. You wanted to know my weaknesses.”

  Amused, he quirked a smile. “Please do share.”

  She leaned forward. “My grandmother tells me I have a stubborn streak, and my mother says I’m too impulsive.”

  Her mother had run away when the princess was born, and hadn’t been seen again. Dixie was apparently giving in to some wishful thinking. “Are they right about you?”

  “Oh, absolutely. Though my real weakness, in a job like this, would have to be my typing skills. I have to admit that they’re practically nonexistent.”

  “Well, that’s all right. We have two other secretaries who can type. We can just make sure you have other duties, and lighten your typing load.”

  “That is so nice of you. Thank you.”

  She looked like a pixie. On the two previous occasions he’d met the princess, she’d been cool as ice, regal as befitted a princess, and carefully guarded. This free version of the princess was nothing like that. She was warm and adorable.

  The buzzing increased until he wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and hold her tight.

  He wouldn’t do that, because he didn’t want to frighten her away — or touch a princess without permission. But he would keep her around and make sure she was safe until her father showed up.

  And then he might just ask that old fae king for his daughter’s hand in marriage.

  “Is there a restaurant or café you would recommend for dinner for me and my friend?”

  “Friend?” he asked, too quickly.

  She smiled again. “My friend Stacy and I are roommates.”

  “Oh, your friend Stacy. A girl.” Such intense relief filled him that he thought he might not want to stand for a moment. “Count Baklava’s is good, and A Bite to Eat Café has great food.”

  “We went to A Bite to Eat for lunch. Maybe we’ll try Count Baklava’s tonight. But every place in town has been so nice. I’m loving it.” She leaned forward and her eyes widened. “People are giving me free things left and right. I think this is the friendliest town in the country.”

  He laughed at her expression. The pampered princess was getting the royal treatment, and she didn’t seem to expect it. That surprised — and amused — him. “It’s because they want to please you, I’m sure.”

  “And that’s what makes them so terribly nice.” She paused and tipped her head. “So, when do I find out if I’m hired?”

  “Right now.” He smiled at her. “You start tomorrow.”

  Her smile and a surge of lifemate buzz nearly blew him off the seat.

  After recommending a couple of restaurants to the princess and escorting her to the main doors, Michael relaxed in his chair, savoring the feelings still swirling through him — what he would swear were lifemate feelings — until his brothers invaded.

  “Peggy said the princess was in here and that you laughed,” Isaac said accusingly.

  Michael just raised a brow at them, neither confirming nor denying.

  Isaac turned to Ben, “Can you believe he laughed while the princess was here?”

  Ben shrugged.

  Isaac said, “Seriously, I’ve never heard him make that noise before; I wish I had been here.”

  Ben said, “So what happened? You had your voice disruptor turned on so we couldn’t overhear.”

  “That was probably intentional,” Michael said.

  “So, tell us everything.” The two dropped into the chairs and leaned forward, their elbows on their knees.

  Michael tried to act nonchalant, shuffling a few papers into a file. “I hired that new secretary we were looking for.”

  “Oh, man.” Isaac shook his head. “And what, exactly, were you thinking just before you said ‘you’re hired’? Today I’d like to ruin my life?”

  “You’re blowing it all out of proportion.”

  Ben shook his head. “Dad’s not going to like it.”

  Isaac added, “Her dad’s not going to like it, either.”

  “Good.” Michael smiled like the cat that ate the cream. “I just got two dads with one stone.”

  Dixie didn’t stop smiling all the way back to the hotel. It was like she was floating on air, or on the wings that she’d seen in the mirror.

  This day had been magical.

  Inside the hotel, everyone was bowing and polite again.

  She loved this friendly town!

  When she reached their suite, she found Stacy sitting on the couch checking her phone. When she caught sight of Dixie, she set it down. “Wow. You look happy. What happened?”

  “You won’t believe it. I got hired.”

  Stacy’s eyes widened in disbelief. “By the attorney? You’re kidding.”

  “No. And, oh my gosh, Stacy, my new boss is so good-looking. And nice. But then he lives in this town, so why wouldn’t he be nice?”

  “How old is he?”

  “In his thirties, I’d guess. There was this incredible bad boy vibe filling out that tailored suit he wore. It was awesome.”

  “Do you think he’s the lifemate the psychic was talking about?”

  “If we’re going to assume there can be instant soulmates or lifemates or whatever, then I’d say he definitely could be mine. Wow.” Dixie bounced onto the chair beside her friend. “And they have the coolest special effects mirror. I’d love to show it to you, but I don’t want to jinx the job. Before we leave town though, for sure.”

  “So you’re going to work at the law firm temporarily?”

  “Maybe.” Dixie bounced again. “So tell me about you. Did you look for a job?”

  Stacy shook her head. “I did some research on the café and I may apply in a day or two. But I just want to unwind for a couple of days.”

  Dixie exchanged grins with her friend. “So we have a place to stay. We have jobs. And people give us free room and board in this town. Hey, let’s go eat at Count Baklava’s. Michael recommended it.”

  Stacy shot her a questioning look.

  Dixie shrugged. “It’s a bakery that serves Greek food and desserts.”

  “Not that. Who’s Michael?”

  “Oh.” Dixie sighed. “He’s my dreamy new boss. Michael Murphy McDreamy.”

  “If I get hired at the café, my boss will be named Ilene Goodall. She’s forty and definitely not my lifemate.”

  They laughed.

  Dixie said, “Let’s make a bet on who can find her lifemate the fastest.”

  Stacy scoffed. “I’d be a fool to bet against Lady Luck, herself. Besides, you sound like you may have already found yours.”

  They Can’t All Be Mormons

  DIXIE AND STACY ENTERED COUNT BAKLAVA’S a little earlier than they’d planned for dinner.

  At the counter, a young woman came forward and bowed slightly. “Welcome. I’ll take you to our best table, Princess.”

  “You can call me Dixie,” she said.

  The woman’s eyes widened in surprise. “Yes, Lady Dixie.”

  Now that was a little weird. “And my friend is Stacy.”

  Gini turned to Stacy with a smile. “Lady Stacy. And I am Gini. I will attend to all your needs today.”

  She led them to a corner booth that offered a little more privacy.

  They worked their way in and Gini said, “I recommend the special today. We call it the Minotaur Meal, and it’s basically our grilled lemon chicken and rice. It’s very popular and I usually sell out.”

  “That sounds great,” Dixie said, handing her menu to Ilene. “I’ll take one of those, and maybe a salad.” />
  Ilene nodded. “It comes with salad and breadsticks.”

  “I’ll have the same,” Stacy said, closing her menu and handing it over.

  “I’ll get you some water. Would you like any other drinks?”

  “Dr. Pepper...?” Stacy asked.

  “All right.” Ilene looked at Dixie. “Princess?”

  “The same. Thanks.”

  As Ilene walked away, Stacy said, “This is kind of weird.”

  “I know, but it’s kind of fun, too.” Dixie sighed. “Maybe it’s just a strange Utah custom. Or maybe all of these really nice people are Mormons. That might explain it.”

  “They can’t all be Mormons.”

  Dixie laughed. “Probably not. Plus we haven’t seen any guys with multiple wives or anything strange like that.”

  “But then who’d notice anything strange in this funky town?”

  Stacy shrugged. “True enough.”

  The bell over the door jingled, and in walked two men in Moonchuckle Bay Sheriff Department uniforms. They nodded at Gini and grabbed a table toward the front. They glanced back a time or two at Dixie and Stacy and even smiled at them.

  Dixie nudged Stacy. “Those guys are cute.”

  “Believe me, I noticed. Definitely.” Stacy sighed. “This town has some seriously good-looking guys. And any one of them could be my lifemate.”

  They laughed, and Dixie said, “According to the psychic, at least.”

  The bell rang out again. When Dixie saw Michael and another man walk in, her heart actually fluttered. Her grandmother would have said she was twitterpated — and she was. As Stacy’d said: Definitely.

  His eyes found hers and he smiled, pushing the other man toward them. “Hello, ladies. What a pleasant surprise running into you here.”

  “I’m certainly surprised,” Dixie said.

  “Pleasantly, I hope,” Michael said, raising an eyebrow in question.

  “Yes,” she admitted with a smile, her pulse racing. Turning to Stacy, she said, “Stacy, this is my new boss, Michael Murphy. Michael, this is my friend, Stacy Thompson. And your friend is...?”

  “He’s no friend, he’s my brother. Ben Murphy, also known as Meathead.” His tone was affectionate and teasing.

  His brother put up a hand in greeting. When Michael poked him, Ben said, “I’m pleased to meet you both.”

  “Would you like to join us?” Dixie motioned to the empty seats.

  “We thought you’d never ask.” Michael sat down next to Dixie, and motioned for Ben to take the seat next to Stacy.

  When Gini returned, the men also ordered Minotaur Meals.

  Stacy laughed. “Lady Luck.”

  As they ate, Dixie was incredibly aware of Michael at her side. The warmth of him, the clean scent of him, his breath on her cheek when he leaned over to say something. Wow. She was smitten.

  “Where are you staying while you’re in town?” Michael asked.

  “The Wildwood Hotel.”

  He nodded. “That’s the best place to be for folks like us.”

  “Folks like us?” Dixie asked, not sure what he meant.

  “People who enjoy luxury, of course.”

  “Oh, that. Yes. And they’re letting us use the suite. For free.”

  He shrugged. “I’m not surprised. Goodwill, and all that.”

  “There’s lots of goodwill in this town.”

  As they finished their meal, Gini approached the table with a tray of twelve fluffy, delicious-smelling desserts and set it down.

  “Our house dessert, baklava. On the house.”

  “Thank you,” Dixie said. Wow. She was almost starting to feel guilty about receiving all of this stuff for free.

  Dixie reached out and popped one in her mouth. “Mmmm.”

  They were all silent as they devoured three each of the delectable edibles.

  Stacy sighed. “I have officially had the best dessert ever. I will tell my children about that dessert.”

  “Me, too,” Dixie said.

  At the counter, Gini smiled.

  Michael slid out of the booth, “Will you let us escort you back to the hotel?”

  Dixie smiled up at him. “I’d love that.”

  He held out a hand to her, and she took it as she stood. The contact sent shivers through her, deep inside. He held her hand until he seemed to come to his senses and released it.

  She was really sorry he had.

  Ben stood. “Well, I need to get back home.”

  Michael elbowed his brother. “You’re such a kidder. Actually, Ben is going to walk with us. He’s very charming. Aren’t you, Ben?”

  “Oh, yes. That’s me. Charming.”

  “Prince Charming,” teased Dixie.

  Ben rolled his eyes and Stacy laughed.

  Outside, Michael maneuvered things so he and Dixie fell behind the other two.

  She was pretty sure he’d done that deliberately, and she was glad.

  He pointed out the unique stores as they passed. “The Black Lagoon Saloon is a good place for a meal and a drink. Beans & Boos serves scary coffee.”

  “Of course they do.”

  He chuckled.

  On the next block, he said, “The Woo-Woo Revue plays classic monster movies.”

  “Of course they do,” she repeated with a laugh.

  He shrugged. “It is the town’s theme, after all.”

  “I know. And I love it. Really I do. All the special effects. Like your mirror. That is so awesome.”

  She spotted the next business. “Are you kidding me? Dorian Gray Photography?”

  “Yes. It’s run by Marigold Connolly and they have all sorts of sets and props. It’s like those old west photography places.”

  “Only spookier,” she said.

  “Yes. You can dress up as Frankenstein’s monster or a vampire.” He smiled. “Or a pixie. Or should I say a butterfly?”

  “I want to take a pixie picture.”

  “Right now?”

  “No, but maybe next week.” Before she had to return to Kansas or truly upset her mother.

  “I’d be glad to bring you back when you do. I’ll introduce you to Marigold when I do.”

  “Marigold’s a pretty plant name.”

  “Her daughter’s is even better — Chicory.”

  “Wow. I love that.”

  They stopped in front of the shop, looking in at some of the sets and prop. When she turned away, Michael’s chest was mere inches away.

  She looked up into his eyes. He leaned down, and she went up on her toes. She wasn’t going to turn down a kiss from Michael!

  When his lips were almost touching hers, he stopped. She couldn’t reach any higher without jumping and that would have ruined the mood.

  He blinked and pulled back.

  Her gaze tangled with his. Her mouth hung partially open, her breath catching. His eyes darkened and she could see the effort he expended to pull away from her.

  Wow. He’d almost kissed her. In public. Just wow.

  She’d bet he was a fantastic kisser, and she definitely wanted to find out.

  She smiled. “What is the office policy on dating?”

  She was totally teasing. She didn’t care what the policy was. She was definitely going to get a kiss from this man!

  “Whatever it is, I’ll rewrite it before you come in to work tomorrow so there’s not a conflict.”

  “That’s a fabulous idea.”

  His lips quirked in a smile, and his eyes sparkled. When he smiled, tiny crinkles formed around his eyes.

  He leaned closer to her and said, quietly, “See you tomorrow morning, little butterfly.”

  “Little? Hey, I’m five-six. Give me some respect.”

  He looked at her, and then down at her three-inch heels. Chuckling, he said, “So, big butterfly...?”

  “No, wait, that’s even worse.” She laughed. “Let’s start over.”

  “How about beautiful butterfly? Is that one okay?”

  “It’s better than prince

  “How about BB for short?”

  She laughed. “Short? You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”

  “I totally did not. But I’m going to get you to the hotel quickly and leave now before I say anything else unintentional about height-challenged people.”

  She touched his shoulder — and a zing shot through her.


  Michael watched his beautiful pixie princess walk up the stairs and into the Wildwood Hotel. At the door, she turned back and waved.

  He still felt the buzz. It wasn’t as strong as he’d thought it would be, but he couldn’t tell for sure. From what others had told him, there was no mistaking it when it happened. So he didn’t really know any more now than before — other than he really liked her, and he wanted to kiss her.

  But he’d see her tomorrow and maybe get more of a confirmation then.

  Ben shoulder-bumped him. “Don’t make me ever go through that again. You owe me.”

  “Stacy’s pretty. What’s your complaint?”

  “There are just no vibes there.”

  “Well, there are definitely vibes for me.”

  His brother turned to look at him. Crossed his arms. “Don’t tell me you’re feeling all buzzy.”

  “You make me sound like a bumblebee.”

  “No denial here.” Ben rolled his eyes again, then studied his brother. His eyes widened. “Fangs alive — you think the princess is your lifemate, don’t you?”

  He shrugged, confused. “I’m not sure.”

  “Oh. Then she’s not.”

  “But it feels like she is.”

  “But you didn’t feel it before when you met her last year.”

  “No. Not before today.”

  “This is going to be fun to watch.” Ben laughed. “Disastrous, but fun.”

  “You still owe me, so even with this, I need you to entertain Stacy again.”

  “Have Isaac take a turn.”

  “I will.”

  Michael was going to spend every available moment with Dixie, and learn whether or not she was his lifemate.

  Slightly dazed, he realized that, even if she wasn’t, he’d be willing to have a relationship with her.

  That proved just how much she’d captivated him.


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