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All Tied Up: Damien's Dungeon Series - Part 1

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by K. J. Ward

  All Tied Up

  “Are you certain this is what you want, Mary?” Damien asked her as they stood outside the door to his basement, his body covered with a plain black shirt and pants and her body completely naked. Mary had been his sub for a few months. They’d not completely dived into being slave and master yet, but it seemed to be heading in that direction and that suited Mary just fine. At just shy of thirty years old, with more than enough ex-boyfriends and bad relationships, she knew that what really turned her on in a relationship was being dominated. Being a slave was the ultimate form of being dominated in that way, but she didn’t know all that went along with it. She’d already learned so much from Damien being her Dom, and not just how to please him. She discovered that pleasing him, being submissive to him, was what was most pleasing to her, and was what really turned her on. Sure, kissing and romance had their moments where they could send sparks flying within her, but the flames of her passion were only stoked by her own submission. Damien took things slow for her, easing her into the lifestyle up to that point; that morning, however, he’d asked her if she was ready to take the next step and see his dungeon. Mary had answered yes immediately, but upon leading her to the door to his basement, he’d stopped and asked her again if she was sure about this. Before she could answer, he continued, “In some ways, there’s no going back after this. After this you can choose to continue in the lifestyle with me, or you will need to move on.”

  “I’m certain. This is what I desire,” Mary replied, knowing he would ask that question. He’d warned her numerous times that submission was what he wanted in their relationship, so of course she knew from the start if she was not submissive it would not work. That had been no problem for her, since it was what she wanted in a relationship. He’d also been very clear that what went on in the dungeon required an extreme amount of trust and was certain to change their relationship for the better – either that or it would likely end it. Naturally he’d described to her some of what was in the dungeon, some of what he liked to do, but in the end one could only know what it was truly like by experiencing it. None of his warnings had deterred her – in fact, he’d only mentioned his dungeon in passing to her. She was the one who repeatedly asked questions about it and brought it up as their relationship progressed and she became more and more submissive to him. She had been eager to go down to check it out, but he’d told her that he would bring her down in due time. Finally, it was time, and in spite of his warnings, or perhaps in part because of them, Mary was eager to take their relationship to the next level.

  After Mary spoke, Damien took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the basement door. Tempted though she may have been to peek, he made sure that had not been possible. As he opened the door, she got her first glimpse into the basement when he flipped the light switch, which looked to be unfinished but well-lit. He stood aside and gave her a slight nod and a wry smile, “After you.”

  “Yes sir,” Mary replied as she bowed her head and made her way down the wooden stairs. Though they were unpainted and unfinished, the wood was in good condition which she was thankful for considering she was barefoot. Once she stepped off the stairs onto the cold stone floor, she looked around, audibly gasping at what she saw. The basement was fairly large, and housed what looked like a medieval torture rack and a Saint Andrew’s cross, both made of wood, and a couple different wooden tables, one of which had chains hanging down from the ceiling over it. There were shelves against most of the walls, and on them were an impressive collection of whips, paddles, chains, ropes, clamps, and on one set of shelves was an impressive collection of sex toys, including butt plugs, vibrators, and dildos. She looked back up the stairs where Damien still stood with the door open, his arms crossed as he looked down at her.

  “Now you’ve seen it – I’m giving you one more chance to come back up these stairs and leave if you wish to do so. I want to make it clear to you that it is your choice to stay in the dungeon, and to experience what I have planned for you,” Damien said to her firmly, keeping the door open and taking a small step back, giving her room to make her escape if she chose to. But she had no plans of doing that.

  “I am not backing out of this, sir. This is what I want; I will not leave,” Mary said, staying where she was. As soon as she spoke, Damien smiled broadly, taking a couple steps down the stairs and closing the door behind him.

  “You remember the safe word I gave you when you first became my sub, correct?” Damien asked her as he descended the stairs.

  “Yes sir… It is lemonade,” Mary answered him immediately as he stepped onto the floor beside her. Damien nodded and took her hand, leading her to the center of the room, so she was standing beneath a number of hooks which hung down from beams in the ceiling. He kissed her forehead and instructed her to stay put. She did so as he stepped away from her over to one of the shelves with chains and ropes on it, but she wondered why he had her standing in the center of the room when he could have put her on the rack, the Saint Andrew’s cross, or bent her over either of the tables in the room.

  Seeming to read her mind, Damien spoke as he took quite a few pieces of rope of varying lengths from the shelf, placing them on the table closest to her as he said, “I have these tables, the cross, and the rack which I could use… But I’d prefer to put you on them when you’ve had a bit more experience down here. And besides that, one of my favorite things to do down here is one of the simplest, most elegant forms of bondage – simple rope bondage. You may be picturing me using all sorts of whips and paddles on you today, but I won’t be using anything like that – perhaps a toy or two, but nothing more.”

  “Yes sir,” Mary answered, a bit perplexed. She understood that sometimes simplicity was best, but she pictured being paddled or whipped her first time in the dungeon, not just tied up. Still, it was Damien’s choice what to do to her since she was his sub, and she certainly wasn’t going to complain and earn herself any kind of punishment. Her big brown eyes watched him as he walked over to her with two short lengths of rope in his hands and had her extend her arms. He expertly tied each rope around her wrists, and then tied the ropes each to a hook above her, pulling and tying them in such a way that she was forced onto the tips of her toes. Mary was shocked at how much the ropes cut into her skin – he hadn’t tied them too tightly, but they still were not at all comfortable. She wasn’t surprised with the ease with which he tied her and pulled her up, however – she was thin and fairly short. At nearly thirty years old, her body was not athletic but she didn’t have an ounce of fat on her save for her breasts, which were a reasonably firm C cup – and now her entire body was stretched out and vulnerable to whatever he chose to do to it.

  Damien turned away from her for a moment, and for just a second as he walked back toward the wall Mary worried that he might leave her suspended like that – but then he came back with more rope, this a longer strand, somewhat thinner than the rope that he'd used to bind her wrists to the hooks in the ceiling. He didn't say a word, he simply grabbed one of her breasts in one hand and started to wind the rope around it slightly. Mary let out a gasp at the feel of the coarse rope against her sensitive breast, and then groaned a bit as he pulled the rope between her breasts and then around the other breast, in a sort of figure eight. He repeated the process twice so both of Mary's tits were pulled away from her body slightly, wrapped firmly in the roughness of the rope. He worked on the knot between her breasts and ended up with one end of the rope still in his hands, leading to the knot between her breasts. She wasn't sure why he would have left one end of the rope longer, though with a flick of his wrist the answer quickly became obvious.

  As he tugged slightl
y on the rope, she felt the knot between her breasts pulling slightly tighter, and as it did so the loops rope around each of her breasts tightened, the coarse material digging into sensitive skin as it did so. She let out a soft cry and squirmed in her bonds slightly, although that only made her predicament worse as it put pressure on her shoulders and arms, and because of the way she moved she ended up pulling the ropes tighter around her breasts. She let out another cry, this one louder as the ropes started to cut off circulation to her breasts, “Ow, sir, please... It's hurting my breasts.”

  “That is kind of the point, my sub,” Damien answered and gave another tug on the rope, this one much more firm. Mary let out a scream this time as the tug pulled her off balance and she found her shoulders bearing her weight until she was able to get her footing again. Her wrists felt like they were burning as the rope rubbed into them painfully and her breasts began to ache due to the tightness of the ropes around them, even as her skin beneath the rough ropes continued to be irritated. Damien gave the rope a couple more tugs like that before letting go of the rope, letting it hang down over her navel. Unfortunately for Mary, the fact that he had let go didn't loosen the loops around her breasts, which were throbbing fiercely. As Damien turned to the shelf to get more rope, Mary considered using the safe word that he'd given her, but she realized that as disconcerting as the pain was, being bound like this was turning her on. Her pussy was quite wet with her arousal, and so, even though part of her screamed within to use the safe word, she allowed her lustful side to take over so that her Dom could continue.

  Soon Damien had another relatively long piece of rope in his hands and this time moved behind her with it. She whimpered a bit and managed to speak between heavy breaths, “W-what are you doing?”

  Damien couldn't tell if the heavy breathing and the slight stammering of her voice was due to the pain caused by the ropes around her breasts, or if it was due to the fact that her pussy was practically dripping wet. He didn't have to touch her to know – he could see it glistening in the bright lights of the basement. He was silent for a moment as he ran his hands through her silky, smooth dark brown hair and then finally answered, “Not much... I'm just braiding your hair.”

  That caught Mary by surprise. He was doing what to her hair? Why would he have wanted to braid it – and why wouldn't he have ordered her to do that before tying her up? She felt him playing with her hair and braiding it, but it felt different than a typical braid. Then, she felt a rope rub up against her back, and she realized that he was braiding a length of rope into her hair. She didn't struggle or squirm, considering there wasn't much she could do about it anyway. Suddenly felt her head pulled back by the rope which had been braided in. She tried to move her head forward again but she found that the rope held her head in place. It didn't hurt so much if she kept her head back so that she was looking straight up, but when she moved her head forward at all she found that the rope pulled painfully on the braid and she realized that her hair, like her wrists, had been tied to one of the hooks in the ceiling.

  Now that she could only look up at the ceiling she could not see what Damien was doing. That scared her a bit. She squirmed uncomfortably and considered the position she was in – her wrists being rubbed raw by the coarse rope, her breasts throbbing and, she imagined, a darker shade than the rest of her body with the blood flow hindered by the ropes squeezing them, and now her head pulled back by her hair and starting to ache. And yet, her pussy was as wet as it had ever been, and desire burned in her core. She wondered what else he was going to do to her. She knew there were more hooks in the ceiling but she couldn't imagine how else he could tie her.

  After a few minutes, without so much as a word from Damien, she felt rope being tied around her left leg below the knee, all the way down to her ankle. Mary didn't question what he was doing, but she wondered if she was going to be forced to balance on one foot. But he didn't pull up her leg like she expected him to. Instead she felt another length of rope being wrapped around her other leg, from below her knee to her ankle. What was he doing? Then suddenly he pulled her left leg out from under her, pulling it up and to the side in front of her. She let out a cry, more of surprise than of pain though she felt the pressure on her shoulders, the ropes rub painfully against her already sore wrists, and because she'd moved her head the rope braided in her hair pulling painfully against her. She could just see him out of the corner of her eye tying her leg to one of the hooks in the ceiling. Her other foot was still on the ground, but she knew it wouldn't be for long.

  Damien immediately took her other leg and pulled it up by the rope, and to the side, tying the rope to the hook. In that position, her pussy was completely exposed to whatever he wanted to do, her legs being completely spread. She was suspended from the hooks in the ceiling and could not move at all, and though she was somewhat surprised that the hooks held her weight she supposed that he would have built the dungeon with that purpose in mind. It seemed that he was not done as he stepped away from her again, but she had no idea what else he could possibly be planning on doing to her. She had nothing she could do, as she couldn't even see what he was doing. Even though she was in pain being tied so restrictively, her pussy was dripping wet with her desire. She couldn't believe she was enjoying this, but on a sexual level not only was it turning her on, but as a sub she found it was enjoyable as well because she knew Damien enjoyed it.

  It was some time before she felt anything else, as though Damien simply enjoyed watching her suspended from the ceiling that way. She didn't say anything, as she was his sub – if he wanted her to speak, he would speak first to her. Eventually, Mary felt him tying a long length of rope around her waist, not overly tight but tightly enough so that it would not move. Then he finally spoke, “You're handling your first time in the dungeon very well, my sub.”

  “T-Thank you, sir,” Mary managed to speak out, tears in her eyes from various aches from being tied and suspended.

  “Of course, I have bigger plans for you than simply making you hang around all day,” Damien said casually. As he did so, he pulled a rope up between her legs from behind which she could only assume was tied to the rope he'd put around her waist. It was in the crack of her ass and pressed up against her asshole, then it roughly rubbed against her pussy. Mary let out a gasp before he spread her lips slightly and pulled firmly on the rope, the rope scraping against her delicate inner folds.

  Mary's piercing scream filled Damien's entire basement dungeon, but he did not stop – it was not her safe word, merely a scream of pain. Mary struggled and squirmed but the ropes held her in place, suspended on the hooks. Despite the pain that she felt and how loudly she screamed, something about it was incredibly freeing. It wasn't that she wanted him to hurt her; rather, she knew he enjoyed it so she too enjoyed it. Beyond that, for some inexplicable reason, this pain turned her on. It was exquisite, the way it built up heat within her body, and the electric shocks of pain mirrored the shock waves that surged through her core so well. Mary gasped for breath between her cries as Damien pulled the rope up to the front of the rope tied around her waist, and he tied it to that rope. It was almost like a thong now, made of rope, and it was the worst case of cameltoe she'd ever had. Eventually her cries died down as the pain within her folds dulled to a throbbing ache.

  “See, you took that much better than I thought you would too,” Damien said with a smirk, “And you didn't use your safe word, like I half expected you to.”

  “No sir, of course not... I want more,” Mary gasped out, braving the pain in order to move her head forward and look down. Her eyes met his for just a moment before she could take the pulling on her hair no more and let her head fall back again to look up. She saw the desire in his eyes, the way he was enjoying seeing her suspended, admiring his handiwork. Naturally, he saw the pain and pleasure he was causing her, and that she did indeed want more.

  “Good, because I plan on giving it to you. Quite a bit more. Though, I don't think there's anything more I can do wit
h ropes for the moment,” Damien said with a smile. She could hear footsteps as he walked away, and then more footsteps half a minute later as he walked back toward her. She felt him playing with the rope between her legs, pulling on it a bit. Mary groaned in pain as she felt the rope moving between her lips, which already felt raw from when the rope had been pulled through them initially. She couldn't tell what he was doing at first – perhaps tormenting her, she thought. But then it stopped and she felt something new between her lips, something attached to the rope. She couldn't tell what it was at first, but then it started to vibrate.

  Mary wasn't sure if it was dildo, a bullet, or some other type of vibrator but she didn't care. She arched her back and squirmed, moving her head, arms and legs as the ropes held her suspended. Pain and pleasure melded within her mind as she felt both – the tantalizing vibrations between her lips against the pearl of her pleasure within her folds, the ache within her breasts as they were still tied off by the ropes, the tugging on her braided hair each time she moved her head, and the strain on her legs and arms and shoulders from being suspended by the ropes, particularly when she moved. She opened her mouth and cried out, tears in her eyes as she moaned. She was vaguely aware of Damien giving her orders: to stay suspended and not to cum. The first was easy to follow, as she couldn't move anyway; the second was agonizing.

  It was impossible for Mary to tell how much time passed while she was suspended like that. It could have been minutes, it could have been hours... But it felt like days. Her juices flowed freely, saturating the rope between her wide spread legs, dripping down to the floor of the dungeon below. Even so, she did not allow the waves to overtake her – her Dom had ordered her not to orgasm, after all. Her moans and cries, both of pleasure and pain, filled the dungeon. Somewhere along the way, it simply became pleasure to her. Her throbbing breasts only filled her core with greater desire and heat, while the pain in her arms and legs and head only fueled the slight bucking of her hips as the vibrator continued to hum against her pussy. She might have lost consciousness, or perhaps the uninterrupted and unfulfilled pleasure only robbed her of awareness. Either way, all she knew was that every sensation seemed to be filtered through her core, so everything she felt simply felt like pleasure. Finally, like a crack of thunder in the midst of a storm Damien's voice called her name, “Mary, I hope you can hear me. You still don't have permission to cum... Yet.”


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