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Power Games

Page 35

by David Applegate

  “But I can override you?”

  “Please don’t try it. The AI and I have had a long relationship.”

  Kaede turned away and asked in a low tone, “Do you think I am a freak?”

  Toshiko took a step towards Kaede, “No. Please don’t listen to what your enemies think; they are jealous and say hateful things to undermine your confidence.”

  “Grandfather told me, all rights have responsibilities, and they applied to everyone, even him.”

  “Yes, that is correct. You should know the entire Charter of Rights and Responsibilities.”

  Kaede looked at Toshiko and asked, “Are you placing limits on what I can ask you to do?”

  Toshiko put her hands on her hips. “You know what I mean. There are limits on what you can officially order agencies to do.”

  Toshiko held her breath. Kaede pondered. He looked around and asked, “What will you let me get away with?”

  Toshiko relaxed and replied, “You can bend the rules if you can justify it to the Senate. Do you want to bend or break the law?”

  “I want to know, is Grandfather right about war? Izanami says it’s a ploy to drive up defence spending to justify cuts to education, roads, and to keep the people worried.”

  Toshiko said, “I believe him, and most do. Most of the Senate deny it is possible, but that is based on their belief that they can avoid a war with acts of strength.”

  “Do we have proof?”

  “I have seen the raw intelligence. Caesar Pilu himself has called for war against the Empire. The Goblins are enthusiastic, but not the Orcs.”

  “The Orcs have not been in the news lately.”

  “The war with the Dwarves crushed them. The conflict economically ruined both sides, and after thirty years neither side has recovered. The Orcs have lost their pride as a nation and the Dwarves are a vassal state dependent on the flow of money from us.”

  Kaede said, “We have virtually no information on the orc king.”

  “Ten years ago, Henrik killed his father and many on the Council of Chiefs. Since then he claimed the throne of all Orcs, but no nation has formally recognised him. But he has neither called for war nor revenge. He purged most of the war hawks from the command staff.”

  Kaede nodded and said, “Interesting.”

  “Is this why you need to bend the rules? You want to spy on the Orcs?”

  “First, I want to build a fleet in secret, and to keep a secret. You have to bend, and often break the rules, such as imprisonment without trial. Second, I want to hold secret talks with the Orcs without Argon finding out.”

  Toshiko frowned. “You are going to bend many and break some laws to do that. Also, any spies caught will need to be executed. But before we plan how you deal with the Senate when they find out, do you have a place we can hide a fleet?”

  Kaede nodded. “Yes, we can hide in the inner asteroid rings of Alcyone Prime. The field is massive and has all the resources we need. But we need to relocate and effectively imprison a large population for what could be a couple of decades.”

  Toshiko sucked in her bottom lip and said, “We need a way to pay for it. You will need huge projects to hide the expenditure, but most of it can be relocated resources from mining asteroids. As for security, you need to increase my budget, and I will expand the Shadow Knights. As for population, there are sixty closed communities attached to the clan, all you need to do is give the Witches enough funds and resources, and they will clone you a small army from the shipyards at Haven.”

  Kaede looked at the computer and pondered, Toshiko stood beside him and watched. He turned to her and said, “We could use the island expansion project.”

  “That might get you a couple of ships. How many ships do you think you need?”

  Kaede put his hand on the top of his desk, “Benzaiten, what is the estimated number of ships the Dökkálfar, Nāga, Ogres and pirates have?”

  The top of his desk faded from black to white, and a screen appeared. The screen was blank. An avatar appeared; it looked like a young Toshiko in a red kimono.

  The avatar replied, “3,500 ships,” it even sounded like Toshiko.

  Kaede turned to Toshiko and said, “We build a factory fleet, and use it to build shipyards in the vortex.”


  “Yes, we park five combat fleets, each with a thousand warships; ranging from escorts to battleships; each ship with five, armed support craft, in the vortex.”

  “Emperor. The people want planetary defences,” Toshiko said.

  Kaede nodded to her. “Yes, but we must be cautious. If we appear too weak, we invite an attack. But, if we attempt to build a strong defence grid, they might attack before we complete it.”

  “Yes, that makes sense.”

  “Benzaiten, can you design ships?”

  “I can assist in the design of ships, what type of ship do you wish to design?” the avatar replied.

  Toshiko leant over and said, “Benzaiten, we shall talk later, but file this as a secret project. We shall call it Shadow Song.” She turned to Kaede and said, “You are going to need help, allow me to enlist the help of the other Senators. We can bend the rules, but not cheat.”

  Kaede smiled and nodded. “Yes, I have no intention of giving anyone the means to unseat me.”

  “Dain is often boisterous, but do not underestimate him. He can shift public opinion.”

  “I want Dain to give himself enough rope to hang himself, but when the time comes, we shall not remove Dain, just humiliate him,” Kaede said.

  Confused, Toshiko asked, “Why?”

  “Dain is a patriot and is the voice of the people. We must respect him and listen quietly to him. Patya is the problem. I must break him.”

  Still confused, Toshiko asked, “Why?”

  “Patya will use anything and anyone. He was too eager to remove Takahiro. He could do the same against me.”

  “Not before you are eighteen,” Toshiko warned.

  “We need to increase security and move more research from New Shanghai to my space station over Alcyone One.”

  “Yes, Emperor.”

  “We need to build inside the vortex as soon as possible.”

  “The first construction fleet is three months from completion.”

  “Good,” Kaede said. “I think we should make the social score system public.”

  Shocked, Toshiko asked, “Why?”

  “It is a good system. With it, the police can operate at minimum force and manage crime, but I think that by making it public, as part of a popularity rating system, we can identify Lords we can pressure with the least amount of financial inducements.”

  Toshiko raised her eyebrows and nodded. “I will speak to Patya. But I will tell him it is about having the public focus on watching those with low ratings.”


  “Time for you to rest. You are going to be busy.”

  “I should make you Empress,” Kaede said, as he stood.

  “I want you to marry Sora. She connects you to the people. Have many púca with her, but be seen with Izanami, as she is more popular,” Toshiko said. Kaede winked at her. She smiled, touched his nose and said, “I told you, no more talk about us.”

  “Yes, Toshiko,” Kaede said as he headed to the door.

  “Are you serious about making Takahiro the CEO?”

  Kaede turned to her. “I can forgive him, but we need to remove some of his closest supporters.”

  “Yes, Emperor,” Toshiko said, “But now is not the time to face them. Once you’re an adult, you must be prepared to kill or be killed. If you are weak, I cannot protect you.”

  “When the time comes, I will come to New Osaka and prove myself to the Yakuza.”

  “Some Yakuza clans will openly support you, but only if you provide them with stealth ships.”

  “A few class zero stealth ships.”

  “Leave the details to me.”

  “I have an idea. I want you to investigate the Yakuza pirates
who are loyal to me. Offer the best of them and their soldiers to become officers and crew in my personal fleet.”

  “Good idea.”

  “I am worried the Yakuza will help Takahiro push me out.”

  “Don’t worry about that, as most only want to be sure you will not remove them.”

  “But a few might make a move to kill me.”

  “Yes, I will keep you safe and train you to use a variety of weapons.”

  “But soon, I will have to face a real challenge from a master sword fighter.”

  “I promise you it will be a fair fight.”

  Kaede frowned. “We cannot trust the Yakuza. They fight amongst themselves often.”

  “Rarely do they fight to the death. If they did, we would run out of them quickly.”

  “Who is the biggest threat?”

  “Lord Miyake. As the oyabun of the Dragon Ninkyō Dantai, he keeps the other Yakuza clans in line. He controls opium, corporate security, and labour disputes within the Hashimoto Corporation. He can do the most damage, and he is Takahiro’s most trusted Lord. He controls New Tokyo. His wife is the head of the New Tokyo Police.”

  “We must keep him close when the time comes, I must face him in combat.”

  “If you insist on facing an oyuban; first you need to rise through the sword combat arena ranks, then face many fights to the death. He has over a hundred years of experience and can send many highly skilled challengers your way,” Toshiko said.

  Kaede grinned and said, “Then I am going to need more training inside pockets of time, and during my time off, we spend time in the vortex.”

  Toshiko tapped his nose and said, “Don’t push too hard. Kenshin Miyake will not want to fight you immediately. He will want you able to stand up to him so none can stand in for you. He will make sure many come against you, and you cannot use magic. It must be a clean sword fight.”

  Kaede rolled his eyes and said, “Yes, Toshiko.”

  Toshiko put her hand on Kaede’s shoulder. “Trust me. Promise me that you will not harm Takahiro, and I will make sure he does not harm you.”

  Kaede smiled, and his ears fluttered. He said, “I will not harm Takahiro, but he must swear loyalty to me and accept that I am in charge. If not, he goes to live on Merope.”

  “Prove yourself a worthy leader, and most of the clan will support you.”

  “We cannot wait until I am older to undermine Caesar Pilu. I want you to leak some intel to the Orcs, anything to make the Orcs doubt the Ogres, even if it is Pilu insulting them.”

  “We can go so far as getting a few Goblins to create a push for the Goblins to conquer the Orcs, with the Ogre’s backing. Goblins are easier to manipulate, and they have a chip on their shoulder. The Orcs will believe it, whereas the Ogres doubt everything,” Toshiko said.

  Kaede nodded. “We have resources the Orcs need, and when the time comes, I will ask the Orcs to walk away from their alliance with the Ogres and side with us.”

  Toshiko gasped. “Is he insane?” she wondered. “It is brilliant but insane. But how to get the public to accept an alliance with the Orcs?”

  Kaede bowed to Toshiko and left.

  Chapter 39

  December 20, 11,574. Imperial Palace.

  Freya and Masako had helped Kaede hang holly on doors and decorate a pine tree with candy and tinsel in his room. Sora and Akiko came in with a trolley of drinks, Izanami came in with a large fruit cake, Mako and Miko came in with a cart loaded with sweets.

  At midnight, Kaede raised a cup and said, “Today is the first day of Yule, for the next twelve days we celebrate winter, renewal, and life.”

  “Cheers,” Toshiko, Hitomi, Freya, Masako, Sora, Akiko, Izanami, Mako, and Miko said.

  “Happy Yule,” Kaede said as he kissed Masako on the cheek.

  Masako smiled. Kaede took a gift box from the table by the door and handed it to her. Masako opened it, and she squealed with delight. She removed and held up the pink tote bag with a gold chain.

  “Thank you, Emperor,” Masako said.

  Kaede took a gift box and handed it to Freya. She opened it, inside was a black leather backpack.

  “Happy Yule,” Freya said, handing Kaede a present from the table. She kissed him on the cheek.

  Kaede unwrapped his gift, inside was a large thick book, titled The Mechanics of liquid-fuelled Engines.

  “Thanks,” Kaede said in a high-pitched voice, his ears wiggled.

  “Here,” Masako said, handing him a wrapped box. Kaede opened it and saw a moulded gear shift knob keyring. “It is a gear shift knob from a Hartman Model 101 Sportscar.”

  Kaede held it up and said, “Thanks.”

  Freya looked at the door and asked, “We have something we need to discuss,” she looked at Masako.

  Kaede put his hand on Masako’s shoulder. She looked up at him. She reminded herself he was not yet an adult behind a nervous smile.

  Kaede said, “I know, I have made arrangements, and everything will be taken care of, so you can enjoy your time at the university.”

  “University?” Freya asked.

  “Yes, you need to undergo training,” Kaede said.

  “What if we fail?” Masako asked.

  “Don’t worry about that,” Kaede said.

  “But-” Freya started.

  “Lady Freya, you have nothing to fear. It is corporation training, there is no pass or fail, only attendance,” Kaede replied.

  “Oh,” Freya said.

  “I will have a car to take you to the airport. My jet will fly you both to New Singapore, where my shuttle will take you to my ship.”

  Masako gulped. “Ship?”

  “Yes, The Lilith Foundation and The Lilith University has relocated to my space station in Alcyone Prime,” Kaede replied.

  Kaede grabbed his tablet out of his bag, tapped the screen and showed them a large cylinder, and said, “Kaede One is in Alcyone Prime. It is the largest space station to date. It is a massive city in space. The first of its kind. You will live in luxury, be given an education in business, law, and part of your free medical care includes a life extension and full youth package.”

  “Free?” Masako asked.

  “Yes,” Kaede replied.

  “When do we leave?” Freya asked.

  “No hurry, you can stay for dinner and dessert, the girls are in the kitchen preparing a surprise,” Kaede replied, “But tonight we dine in the Imperial Dining hall, clothing has been selected and awaits you in your room. No need to pack, you will need housekeeping to come to pack your things as you only have 40 kg each for clothing, not counting your spacesuit, the rest will be stored until your return to new rooms in the Imperial Residence.”

  Freya and Masako smiled.


  For most, the last twelve days of the year was time off work. Construction sites, malls, and most factories closed. At the Hartman Estate, Dain, Abelle, and Abelard sang, drank wine, had a spit roast and at midnight, along with other Field Elves, they danced around a bonfire wearing only long white tunics.

  In the woodlands, many Forest Elves danced around bonfires and drank. Yaotl stood naked before the fire and stared into it.

  Some had to work. In a fire station, a group of Mountain Elves stood around a table, drank non-alcoholic apple cider and ate some candy. While in the Imperial Command Centre, many watched screens.

  Aboard the Night Queen Bethany sat in her room watching Dain.

  In a medical centre, Emi lay on a medical bed while Hitomi drew blood, in the bed beside her Nori lay back.


  While cleaning Kaede’s room, Izanami came to Kaede and said, “Finally heard from my source.”

  “What did your dark web friend tell you?”

  “She told me she is under suspicion and told me the parcel is still sitting in a cargo lot in Freeport.”

  “Did you tell the Spider Queen?”

  “Of course,” Izanami said as she waved her finger at him.

  “Offer your frie
nd a secure drop-box, and a bounty of two million on spells. But as for items, our engineers will price them, and payments will be held in escrow with the Bertrand Private bank.”

  “What about the payment for the drive?”

  “Well, since it is sitting in Freeport, we might as well give it to her, but only if the drive is what she claims.”

  “Hey, she has never given me false information.”

  “Yes, but other Dökkálfar have. She could be the first reliable informant inside the Dökkálfar.”


  In the middle of the New-Chihuahuan desert, Alard, in a white suit, stepped out of an SUV with a couple of Mountain Elves. The bodyguards wore suits over a thin combat vest, with a Viper-1 Mini under the jacket. They all looked out-of-place outside a cantina in the middle of a small town.

  The group headed inside. A couple of Forest Elves sat at the bar drinking from small shot glasses. The bartender said nothing as Alard, and his bodyguards walked past and entered the back room.

  Galen sat in the middle of a room; He wore blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and crocodile skin boots. He poured oily alcohol with a green tinge from an unmarked bottle into a shot glass, then drank it in one gulp.

  As Alard approached, Galen put a 13mm revolver on the table, spun it, and said, “Leave the gorillas at the door.”

  The massive bodyguard stood between Alard and Galen while the other stood at the door and watched the crowd.

  “Alard, I came to do business,” Galen reiterated, he whistled loudly. The three Forest Elves got up and left with the bartender.

  The guard closest to Alard glared at Galen and said, “Boss, I don’t like this.”

  Alard said, “Galen, you and your friends are bad for business.”

  Galen stood and poked Alard’s chest. “War is always good for your business. I am sure you sell arms to both the Ogres and the Dökkálfar.”

  “Guys, wait outside,” Alard said.

  “Boss,” the bodyguard said, “I advise you to reconsider.”

  “At the first sign of trouble, I will teleport away, and you’re free to kill your way back to town,” Alard said as he walked over to Galen. He sniffed the bottle and said, “Genuine Chihuahuan Mezcal.”


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