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Shifters Forever Worlds Mega Box- Volume 1

Page 20

by Elle Thorne

  Teague stepped backward.

  All he needed was for her to see him stroking his cock while she pleasured herself. What the hell was he thinking?

  He stepped back a few more paces, then turned and headed out the front door, closing it slowly as he exited.

  He ran for the cover of the woods, his erection creating a discomfort that was almost unbearable.

  Shifting as soon as he’d reached the trees, he began a run to exhaust the passion and lust he and his bear had for Kelsey.

  Chapter Twenty

  Kelsey stripped off her clothing. Her skirt was damp from her climax, and the smell of sex was strong in the air. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear she could smell Teague’s all-man scent.

  Yeah, crazy thought. Of course she couldn’t.

  Doing herself was nothing like being with Teague. Her memory wasn’t faulty at all. She remembered their sex in Technicolor. Damn.

  She jumped in the shower before she could become horny for him all over again. She wondered if it wouldn’t be better for her if he were gone.

  Nah. Not a chance.

  It was as if she’d forgotten how to live in the days since they’d split up. Now everything was so much more vivid and alive—including her.

  She scrubbed at her body, leaving her skin flushed and pink from the effort, then donned her bathrobe, towel-dried her curls, and headed to the kitchen. She hadn’t really had much to eat today, and her stomach’s growls had reminded her of that.

  She walked into the kitchen, squealed, and wrapped the bathrobe around her body a little tighter.

  Teague was sitting at the kitchen table, his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes taking their time to travel up her body, from toes to wet hair. His face turned darker, his dark eyes blacker, the way they always did when he was aroused.

  She felt heat rise to her cheeks, and not even the cool evening air coming from an open window could chill the flush away.

  Except for seeing him while he slept, his hardness very evident, Kelsey hadn’t seen Teague since that night of their shared kiss. She had no idea what was on his mind; all she knew was that he’d avoided her as if she was carrying something contagious.

  She tried to work up something to say, but she couldn’t. It didn’t help that she was embarrassed by what she’d done, masturbating to her memory of him—even if he didn’t know about it.

  He stood. “I didn’t mean to disrupt your evening.”

  Disrupt my evening? God, he’d disrupted her life, her heartbeat, her everything. And he was worried about her evening?

  “It’s fine.” She ran shaky fingers through her hair. “I was going to get a quick bite. It’s been a long week.”

  He licked his lower lip. He always did that when he was thinking of something that made him uncomfortable. She wondered if he remembered what that did to her. Probably not.

  Teague shoved his hands into his pockets. “I won’t get in the way. I guess Mae called you?”

  Kelsey nodded. “She wants to get together tomorrow to discuss the progress. She called you about that, too?”

  “Yeah. I’m almost done. I’ll be out of your hair soon.” He said it as if he believed that she didn’t want him around.

  Don’t I? It wasn’t like she’d done anything to show him any different. How can I? If I do, then I’ll be leading us back toward being together again. Not that she believed he’d want her back, not after what she’d done to him... and she couldn’t blame him for that.

  “Okay, then, see you tomorrow.” His long legs took him out of the room.

  She watched his ass with regret as it went down the hallway, his broad shoulders held straight. The front door opened, then closed behind him. The sound of his truck pulling out broke her dam.

  A flood of tears rushed to her eyes.


  She pushed the tears back, refusing to give in to them, and picked up her cell phone, appetite gone.

  “Astra? What are you doing tonight? Want some company?”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Teague pressed the gas pedal, took a turn way too dangerously.

  Slow your ass down.

  If he kept this speed up, Tanner would have to come up here for a different kind of cleanup. His brother’s corpse.

  Why was it he couldn’t do a damned thing right when it came to Kelsey? What he wanted to do was have her back.

  Claim her. Bond with her. Make her his.


  What was he doing instead? Fumbling like a prepubescent boy and leaving when things got too rough.

  What was he supposed to do, fight with her to get her to accept his love?

  Fuck this.

  He hadn’t paid attention to where he was going, but he pulled up in front of Grant’s house. Now, what the hell was he going to do here? He had no business bothering Grant with his woman problems.

  He made to turn around, except his way was blocked by another vehicle in Grant’s one-lane driveway.

  He recognized Mae’s car and realized he couldn’t really pull away and be rude, so he pulled the rest of the way down the lane, pulling up in front of Grant’s home, which was large enough to double as barracks for a squadron, but way too... What was the word for it? It wasn’t fancy or opulent, but there was no doubt the owner had plenty of money.

  He got out of the vehicle and opened Mae’s door for her.

  “I didn’t expect to see you tonight.” Mae nodded her thanks, the smile on her face genuine and happy.

  “I was just driving around. Ended up here.”

  The front door opened, and Chelsea came out. “Teague!” She rushed down the stairs toward them, her curvy body reminding him of the beautiful curves he’d left in the kitchen at the B & B not long ago. “I didn’t know you were coming. The more, the merrier.”

  Grant followed her, taking the steps two at a time, catching up to Chelsea in no time and putting an arm around his beautiful mate. “Hey, Teague. We were going to watch a movie. Interested?”

  Another car pulled up and parked. Doc exited the vehicle, a bottle of wine in his hands.

  He looked from Mae to Teague, then his face became stoic.

  Chelsea pulled Teague toward the front door. Mae took Teague’s other arm. “You’re joining us,” Mae announced.

  “No. I can’t. I was just driving around. More or less traveling down memory lane.” This looked like a double date. If it was, he didn’t want to be a party to messing it up.

  Plus, he wasn’t good company. He pulled away from the two women. He really wanted some alone time.

  At the most, he’d been willing to share a thought or two with Grant, but he wasn’t up for a social scene. “I need to get to bed early. Can I pass?”

  Chelsea pouted.

  Grant wore a concerned look.

  Mae looked askance at him.

  The only one who didn’t seem unhappy at his leaving was Doc. It wasn’t so much that he seemed to be happy to see Teague leave; he just didn’t seem thrilled that Teague might stay.

  Teague opened the door of his truck. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Mae.” He saluted in a quick wave and got in.

  He would call Tanner, but he knew already what Tanner would say. Tanner was way more aggressive than Teague. He’d have said the hell with what Kelsey wanted, just drag her ass to a cave or something and claim her.

  Don’t tempt me.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Kelsey made good time getting to Northpoint. She was relieved to find a porch light on.

  Astra and Kane had power now. Electricity. She wondered if that made Kane happy, since he seemed to be the rugged, rustic type. She was pretty sure Astra was happy about it.

  Astra opened the door and greeted her with a hug, took one look at Kelsey’s face, then wrapped her in another hug, squeezing tightly, seizing Kelsey’s hand. “What’s wrong?”

  Kelsey braved a smile. “I didn’t say anything was wrong.”

  “You didn’t have to.” Astra pulled back from her h
ug, but kept holding on to Kelsey’s hand.

  Kane, dark and brooding, walked out from behind the wall that separated the kitchen from the bed. He smiled at Kelsey, his face lighting up and changing to a much less threatening countenance. If she hadn’t known Kane, Kelsey would have been scared of the large bear shifter.

  “How about I give you some girl time?” His voice was deep and kind. “I have a few things I can take care of outside.”

  As soon as he’d left and Astra had closed the door behind him, Kelsey whispered, “Is he going to go do that ‘roam the forest as a bear’ thing?”

  Astra shook her head, a mysterious smile on her face. “Not likely. Kane’s not like most shifters. Remember, I told you he and his bear clash—a lot. It’s like Kane doesn’t want to let the bear win by shifting. He’s not at peace much. I think it’s getting better, though. What about Teague? Is that what he does?”

  “It was when we were together. I don’t know what he does now.”

  “What’s he done the last few days while you two have been working on the B & B together?”

  Kelsey bit back a laugh at the irony of that question. “Avoiding me. That’s what he’s been doing the last few days.”

  Astra’s look was quizzical. “Maybe I’m confused...”

  “No, you’re not. He’s working there. I’m working there. He stays upstairs doing the renovating and I stay downstairs or in the city. I haven’t seen him all week.”

  Except for watching him sleep naked, her conscience reminded her. Yeah, not like she was going to share that with Astra.

  “When are you going to move to the land that Kane found?” Kelsey changed to a safer topic before she could break down into the tears she knew wanted to come flooding out.

  “We’re closing on the land next week. For now we’re here, until we can build the new place. At least we have electricity.” Her smile was whimsical. “Though those first few days without it were pretty interesting.” Astra frowned. “Now stop changing the subject. Teague?”

  “I’m torn up over him.” That came out unexpectedly.

  “What happened? Why did you two break up to begin with? It’s clear you both have feelings, still.”

  “I don’t want to say. It’s not fair to tell anyone else before I tell him. Teague should hear it first. He should be the first to know. I just can’t bring myself to tell him. Can I ask you a question?”

  Astra raised a brow and waved Kelsey on.

  “How did you know he was a shifter?”

  “I just did. I just do. I recognize shifters. It’s sort of a gift, I guess. Maybe a curse. It’s private. I don’t discuss it with... outsiders.”

  Kelsey hoped that meant Astra didn’t consider her to be an outsider.

  “You’re not an outsider.” Astra gave her a hug, then continued, “Whatever it is you’re keeping a secret, you should tell Teague. If you really left him without an explanation, and he did nothing wrong...” She shrugged. “If things were as great as you say when you were together, it seems like telling him is the right thing.”

  Kelsey glanced away. She didn’t want to tell Teague. The pain it would cause him would be too great.

  No one could possibly understand. How could she possibly tell him about the baby?

  “Dinner and dessert?” Astra offered.

  “Why not?” It wasn’t like Kelsey had anyone waiting for her at home.

  No one at all.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The next morning, Kelsey woke up early though she’d been at Astra’s late. Last night, when she’d arrived at the B & B, there were no other vehicles in sight.

  Teague had stayed gone.

  A pang struck at her, sadness tinged with a bit of envy and hope that no one else was with him.

  She’d set her alarm for early and had gotten dressed to be ready for Mae’s visit. There was still no sign of Teague’s vehicle when she looked out the window. Wherever he’d gone, he’d stayed the night.

  Kelsey looked at her phone. A text from Mae. She was on her way over.

  Great. Just great. And Teague wasn’t here. What was she supposed to tell Mae?

  I rubbed one out while he was asleep in the other room?

  Or I haven’t talked to him much because I left him two years ago and he’s avoiding me now?

  She paced around the room. She didn’t want Mae to think negative things about her, or that she wasn’t capable of maintaining professional business relationships. She blew an exasperated breath out.

  The crunch of tires said it all. Time to face the music. She opened the door with what she hoped was her most welcoming smile.


  Looking like he’d spent the night in a bar, or... God! Who knew what.

  “What the hell, Teague. Mae’s on her way. What am I supposed to tell her?”

  He gave her a look like she’d gone crazy. “About what?”

  “You. Me. The way you look. The way we haven’t worked together. The fact that I don’t know anything about what’s going on upstairs. I don’t even have an update for her about a B & B I’m supposed to be running.” Kelsey bit back a curse word or two she wanted to throw his way.

  “Hold on. Back up. I’m doing my job. The renovations are coming along just fine. There’s nothing else to be said.”

  Kelsey grabbed the porch’s banister, squeezing it tightly, ignoring the corner that dug into her palms. “Never mind.”

  “Really.” Teague came closer, his body almost touching hers.

  He smelled like the outdoors, like... like... a man should, she had to admit to herself.

  “Look.” He put his hands over hers, uncurling her fingers, but not letting them go. “You’re way too upset about something there’s no reason to be upset about.”

  His breath was warm, stirring the tiny hairs at her temple, tickling her skin. She wanted to close her eyes and cherish the moment, but at the same time, another part of her wanted to scream out the frustration and nerves she had over being around Teague, over holding her secrets in.

  She turned away from him, but didn’t step away. She stared at the mountains, the majestic view that she’d see every day, even after he was long gone. She’d be left behind to remember that he’d been here. The beautiful view would become a cruel vista, a reminder that he’d been here once, with her. Kelsey tried not to envision herself as a lonely old woman, watching the mountains and thinking of the man and his bear she still loved.

  She sighed.

  It was as if she’d never be able to leave her memory of him behind, no matter where she was. Inside a part of her crumbled and died, as surely as her heart had two years ago, when she’d buried her secret deep inside.

  His arms encircled her, his hands resting on her abdomen. The irony of how close his hands were to the baby she’d once carried almost pushed her over the edge.

  She pulled forward to escape his hold, but was blocked by the banister. Backing up would send her further into his embrace, closer to his body.

  “I’m fine.” She steeled her voice. Then she uttered the words that cost her the most. “Please let me go.”

  He didn’t—not right away.

  Then he did suddenly.

  On the tail of that release, she heard Mae’s car approaching. Kelsey realized his bear must have heard it and that’s why he’d let her go.

  A momentary sadness coursed through her that Teague didn’t want Mae to see them so close. Then she chastised herself for wishing for something that she’d clearly pushed him away from.

  A second later Mae’s car rounded the bend and came into view. She glanced back at Teague. He was slipping in through the front door.

  Mae pulled up, got out, waved with one hand, and held up a beverage carrier containing three cups in the other. “Lattes. For all of us.”

  Kelsey met her on the driveway and took the carrier from her. “How are you?”

  “I’m great. More importantly, how are you and Teague?”

  Kelsey looked at her, wond
ering if she meant... No, surely she didn’t mean that. She had to mean how the B & B was coming.

  “Great.” What else could she say?

  She led the way to the kitchen, put the drinks on the table and took one out, offering it to Mae. “Thanks for this.” She raised the cup, as if she was making a toast.

  Mae took the cap off and blew on the foam. “Teague up yet?”

  Kelsey glanced at the door. “Yes.” Where the hell was he?

  A second later Teague walked in, looking fresh and chipper, hair wet as if he’d just washed up. “Just woke up,” he said.

  Mae gave Kelsey a look, like I thought he was up?

  Shit. Kelsey smiled. “I guess I was wrong. Maybe it wasn’t him I heard.” She shrugged.

  Thanks for making this look suspicious. She gave Teague a dirty look behind Mae’s back.

  Teague raised a brow, offered Kelsey a half-shrug.

  “Let’s see what’s going on upstairs,” Mae said, leading the way.

  Teague gestured for Kelsey to precede him.

  She agreed, pretending to be gracious, though she wanted to decline. She didn’t want him looking at her ass as she went up the stairs.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Teague couldn’t help himself. He checked out Kelsey’s ass and had the best thoughts ever. His cock strained, his bear rumbled, and Teague smiled inwardly.

  He didn’t know what the hell Kelsey’s dirty look had been about a few moments ago, but he was going to enjoy his last few days around her even if she wasn’t a willing participant.

  Mae led the way, oohing and aahing about the changes he’d put into place. She and Kelsey checked out every corner, every room, and every wall. Kelsey ran downstairs and returned with fabric samples, pictures of furniture, and all kinds of other shit that Teague wasn’t remotely interested in.

  He stood back and watched her face light up as she described the rooms and her plans for them.


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