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Shifters Forever Worlds Mega Box- Volume 1

Page 46

by Elle Thorne

  This was incredible. This majestic being was allowing her to touch him. Before she could allow fear to paralyze her, she brought her hand forward again, weaving in and out of the bars until she reached his head.

  Placing the backs of her fingertips against his cheek, she whispered, “Thank you,” and knelt down near the front of him, touching the broad chest beneath his strong jaws. She raised her hand, putting it under his muzzle. “I wonder if you’ll like this.” She scratched under his chin.

  A rumble came from deep within the tiger’s chest. The sound was deep yet muted.

  “I guess you do.” Leaning closer, she laid her other hand next to the first, almost cupping his jaw, scratching. “I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t here. I love Anna, but I can’t talk to her the way I talk to you. I wonder why?”

  She heard a click near the doors.

  “Oh boy. I guess that means they’ve opened the doors again. They’ll be locking up the place soon. I have to go.”

  The tiger placed his broad head against the bars.

  Callie leaned in and did something so impulsive, she even shocked herself.

  She kissed the tiger on his forehead. “I’ll be back tomorrow night. Please be here.”

  As if he could control where he was. She fought tears at the tiger’s lack of control over his own life. Damn. It reminded her of her life in foster homes.

  * * *

  Vax lay back down on the rock, enjoying the solitude, her scent still on his fur, still in his nostrils. He understood what she meant, but he wished she didn’t feel sadness on his account. Too bad she didn’t know who and what he was. Would her feelings toward him or his tiger change if she knew the truth? Would she shun him as a freak of nature?

  His tiger growled at the idea she wouldn’t want them. Easy. I just want us to be prepared… in case. You never know.

  The tiger growled back, completely dissatisfied with Vax.

  I agree. Just chill. Let me take care of it.

  Chapter Five

  The next night, Vax was rested, though his body was still recuperating from its internal injuries. He had a quick meeting with his sisters, this time without Natalya. Thank goodness she’d decided to be elsewhere and give Vax a break.

  It was his first day back on the job after the trip to Bear Canyon Valley. He’d checked the schedule. Callie was supposed to work again, and Vax was doing the team meeting.

  Mae had called him to thank him for helping out and to let him know Kane and Astra, the bear shifter and his mate that Vax had gone to Bear Canyon Valley to help, were going to be staying in the valley. She’d asked Vax to stop by and visit, maybe even during the wedding. “Don’t be surprised if Grant and Chelsea send you an invite.” Mae had laughed then hung up with a swift good-bye.

  Vax exhaled. It would be nice to have Callie as his plus one if he could go. His tiger practically purred in agreement, the sound vibrating deep in Vax’s mind and lungs.

  He made his way down to Sanctuary, weaving between the tigers who were visiting, some waiting until After Dark was open so they could shift in the front cave and then slip out into the viewing area that led to After Dark. The visiting tigers were clearly eager to spend a night partying and socializing, maybe even mixing with the humans.

  Tiero shifters were allowed to have sex and fun and mingle with humans, just not to take them as mates. Tieros used to take humans as mates long ago, but that had changed after a scandal a while back. After that incident, the Tiero Council had met and unanimously decided mating with humans offered too many complications. So it was put into code—no humans for mates. Vax had no clue what the incident had been. He’d asked once, when he was younger, and the elders had blown him off. At the time, he hadn’t pursued the matter. Now he wished he had.

  The code didn’t used to bother Vax. In fact, he hadn’t even given it a second thought, but now it didn’t sit well with him because he found himself attracted to a human and interested in much more than a casual affair with her.

  When he was almost at the front cave, Vax felt a presence. He looked to his left.

  Sophie. She must have left the boardroom after their meeting and come directly here. She’d shifted into her tiger form, a rich orange and ebony blending in the greenery.

  He synced his mind with hers so they could communicate in the silent way shifters did, when in their tigers. No other tiger in the area could join the conversation or overhear if those two didn’t let them. That’s how every shifter conversation was. Conversations stayed in their minds.

  What’s my baby sister doing here? Didn’t feel like staying in the boardroom with the others?

  After Vax’s mother died—she had also been a white tiger, like his father—Vax’s father had re-mated, this time with a stunning, reddish-orange tigress, who was Sophie, Lila, and Rafe’s mother. Rafael, called Rafe, his younger brother, another white tiger, was always in rivalry with Vax. Rafe lived in Europe and ran the family businesses there, thankfully staying out of Vax’s life. Of the tigresses currently at After Dark, Veila was only one who was Vax’s full sister. Vax and Veila had two more sisters who both lived in Europe, on occasion working and staying with Rafe.

  I was worried about you, Vax.

  Sophie the peacemaker. Sophie, the most tenderhearted one of all. The youngest of Vax’s father’s children.

  I didn’t mean to worry you, any of you, but I had business to take care of. A favor to repay, or pay, depending on your perspective.

  Vax let her come close, rubbing against him. Sophie set her tigress forehead against his shoulder and nudged him, looking for comfort. He let her put her head under his neck and held her there. Her purring told him she was becoming more comforted.

  Stop worrying so much, little sister.

  And you can’t say where you were? She scratched one claw over the concrete, honing her already razor-sharp arsenal.

  Vax smiled inside. He couldn’t see Sophie doing anything with those claws that would hurt anyone—ever. She was way too sweet.

  It’s not a state secret. I was in Bear Canyon Valley. But I’d appreciate it if it stays between us. Just us.

  Meaning, don’t tell Natalya?

  Exactly. He nudged her with his head, rubbing his cheek against hers.

  She’s here, Sophie told him, letting him know Callie was there.

  I know. As if he wouldn’t have known. It bothers you the least of all my sisters.

  That’s because I knew Callie before they met her. We took a class together. If I hadn’t liked her as much as I did, I wouldn’t have told Anna to tell her to apply here.

  He was glad she’d gotten Callie to apply. He tried to remember what life was like before Callie, but it seemed so pointless. Women. Excesses. It was like he’d been in a numbed, hazy state.

  We should go. He didn’t want to discuss Callie anymore.

  Okay. But there’s one thing—the reason I wanted to talk to you here. Privately. Synced up.

  He turned his brilliant Mediterranean blue eyes her way.

  Watch out for Natalya. I don’t think she’s above hurting Callie. Seriously hurting her.

  Noted. He growled, restraining his anger, and padded off silently.

  A few paces later, in the front cave, Vax shifted, stretched into his human form, cocked his neck in a circle to loosen it and become re-accustomed to his human skin and bones, then flipped a switch and was taken through a revolving door. He appeared suddenly in the corner of the viewing area, behind the vegetation.

  He stepped out, making for the stairs leading down to After Dark. He knew Callie was here. Her scent infiltrated his nostrils, making them flare, making his pulse rise briefly, just before he leveled it. Sexual energy entered his veins, coursing through his body, making fly-bys through his mind—visions of Callie in amazingly sexy ways. There were two things he couldn’t contain—in his pants, his cock strained, filling, pressing, growing, the need for Callie too great to ignore. The other thing he couldn’t contain was the smile that
came to his lips.

  “Do I even need to ask what that smile’s about?” Veila stepped out of the greenery to his left.

  What was this? Intercept Vax night? “Nice, sneaking up on me.” He should have been paying better attention. His senses seemed to get all jacked up when he was about to see Callie. What was it with his sisters waylaying his progress toward After Dark? First Sophie, now Veila.

  “Not going to answer?” She poked his arm.

  His oldest tribe sister was Veila, still younger than him, but older than the rest. They’d been born of the same mother and that made them very close, a bit closer than he was with Lila and Sophie, and far closer than he was with Rafe, whom he hadn’t seen since… Who knew how long. Years. Many of them.

  “No reason to answer.” He didn’t rise to her bait, even if she was teasing.

  “You know that some aren’t happy—”

  “By others, you mean Natalya.” He knew where this was going. He’d heard it before. It seemed to be the theme of the day. Maybe leaving the women alone for a few days had given Natalya a chance to build some support or sympathy. Or maybe she’d just stirred up some fear… or some shit.

  * * *

  “Yes, and she can rouse unrest. We are not to seek humans as mates. That’s not the way of our tribe.”

  “I never said I was looking for a human to be my mate. But for the record, having a little fun with humans isn’t against any of our codes.” Even though the last thing he wanted from Callie or with Callie was a casual dalliance. If he had something with her, he wanted it all.

  “Natalya’s making noise. Saying you won’t be her mate. Saying it’s your feelings about a human that stand in the way.”

  “And you? What do you say?” He trained his gaze on her, scrutinizing her. She had circles under her eyes, and her blonde hair wasn’t carrying its usual sheen. What was eating at her?

  “It doesn’t matter what I say. It almost doesn’t matter what you say. We’re only one branch of the Tiero. There are others. This sort of thing should be decided by consensus.”

  Anger flared in Vax’s gut, seizing his intestines in a vise grip. “Consensus, my ass.” Other shifters had human mates, and it was no issue. He was not going to have his emotions dictated by some archaic customs. “I’m alpha here. If I decide to do something, as long as it doesn’t harm the tribe, I’m going to do it. If there’s a problem, then I’ll…” What was he going to say? I’ll leave? He couldn’t leave his way of life. He’d have to fight for what he wanted.

  “It’s a moot point, unless you have mate designs for the human.” She closed her eyes slightly, giving him a hard look. “Right?”

  Vax shook his head. He wasn’t going to be drawn into this. He knew Veila was on his side, no matter what he chose. She was just trying to make him aware.

  “We’re late for the meeting.” He held his hand out for her to precede him down the stairs.

  She gave him the look, the kind of look only a sister could, and turned. Her heels tapped down the steps.

  Chapter Six

  “Vax is supposed to be back in time for opening. He’s probably doing the team meeting.” Anna said.

  Every night before opening, Vittorio Tiero did a team meeting. Callie enjoyed his team building and charisma. She wasn’t the only one. After Dark employees were loyal to him.

  “Let’s go find out.” Anna opened the door, holding it for Callie. “It’s meeting time.” She winked.

  Callie held her emotions in check, not reacting to Anna’s teasing. She really preferred to keep her feelings to herself. She didn’t want Vittorio to know. She didn’t want anyone to know. This job was perfect for her schedule and school.

  Callie felt Vittorio’s presence before she saw him. It was weird that way. She was by no means a psychic, but it never failed. She always sensed when Vittorio was nearby. She kept her gaze pinned to the staircase, and, sure enough, first a pair of red heels clicked down, followed by shapely, curvy legs, and a short evening dress that was molded on a voluptuous hourglass figure.

  Veila. Vittorio’s sister. Hot on her heels was a pair of men’s shoes. Callie knew those shoes. Vittorio’s. Her pulse quickened. She kept her face stoic. Then she felt eyes on her. Looking around, trying to be casual, she found the source. From across the room, Natalya glared at Callie.

  What the hell have I done to her? Callie was becoming irate with the blonde.

  Veila started the meeting, and all the hostesses and bartenders and waitstaff were quiet while she spoke. The cage dancers and trapeze performers stood near the stage, ready to get into position.

  Callie wished she could say she heard anything Veila said, but she didn’t. Not even Natalya’s glare mattered once Vittorio stepped into view.

  A sharp inhale of her breath punctuated the impact of seeing him again. He’d only been gone a few days. Six days, to be exact, but who was counting? She wasn’t going to admit to it.

  No one had said where he’d gone, just that Vittorio was out of town and Veila would be running things. Veila was a great operator, a good manager, but to Callie, no one could take Vittorio’s place. Veila stepped back, and Vittorio stepped out of the shadows.

  At least six-two, with shoulders wider than many professional athletes’, a crisp shirt covering a broad chest, nicely framed by an expensive, tailored suit. She’d have drooled if she’d been alone.

  Anna elbowed her, and Callie kind of regretted sharing her crush with her, for all the teasing she garnered on occasion. Oh, who was she kidding, she couldn’t have hidden her crush on Vittorio if she’d wanted to—not from Anna. They’d known each other since they’d been in a foster home together the summer before they’d started middle school.

  Callie bit back a gasp. Immediately, she could tell something was different about Vittorio. Not a good kind of different, either. He held himself stiffly, like he was sore or wounded. He had dark circles under his eyes, and he seemed to have lost weight. Where had he gone? Why did he seem so stressed?

  She couldn’t discuss it with him. He was her boss, and she was just another hostess there to assure the patrons were happy. It wasn’t like she and Vittorio were friends or anything, even though she felt so much more than friendly toward him.

  She studied his dark good looks, his sculpted cheekbones, strong jaw line, and wide shoulders. He was sleek, built like an athlete or a predator. His bright-blue eyes were always on alert, his body ready to spring into action. And, though he seemed tired, it didn’t diminish his sexy demeanor.

  She sighed, happy he was back.

  Everyone clapped. Shit. She’d missed the meeting. She’d been daydreaming about Vittorio and thinking about the tiger and hadn’t heard a word he’d said. She turned to Anna. “What’d I miss? I spaced out.” She grimaced and smiled wryly. “Sorry.”

  “Nothing.” Anna shook her head. “Where’d you go in your daydreams?”

  Callie just shook her head and headed toward her station. Each hostess had a station, and they were fully responsible for everything that happened in there as if it were their own place—their own business. They had discretion to comp, kick out, and pretty much do anything they wished in the name of customer service and satisfaction.

  “Callie.” It was Vittorio.

  There were butterflies in her stomach, except they weren’t butterflies. They were torpedoes. And they ricocheted all through her insides. She turned. He was right behind her.

  “Yes, M—” She’d almost said Mister Tiero. “Vittorio.”

  He frowned, and she wondered if it was because she’d used his first name.

  “I find myself in a very… original situation. Never been in a situation like this.” He leaned closer, his eyes light-blue chips of happiness and sexiness. He smelled so… like a man.

  And so… Shit, she couldn’t think. “You find yourself…?” Ohmigod. She was repeating him as if she were a trained parrot. She shut up.

  What the hell was he going to say? It wouldn’t matter what he said; she could
only concentrate on those lips, his head lowering, his breath warm and sensual, and the way his nostrils flared as if he were turned on.

  A heat flushed over her body. Her face was burning. Her hands were sweaty. She tried to run them over the fabric of her dress without drawing attention to herself.

  His lips brushed across hers. His tongue caressed her bottom lip, coaxing its way into her mouth.


  Someone calling his name penetrated the fog his kiss created.


  Callie jumped, startled.

  Natalya approached them.

  Turning, she ran toward her station, confused, embarrassed, and, most of all, in a state of arousal. Her panties were soaked. Her nipples pushed against the dress’s fabric so hard it was painful. Or maybe they were in pain because they needed to be touched by him. Fiercely needed his touch.

  With one last glance toward the main club, catching Vittorio’s eye, she blushed and hastened around the corner.

  “Oomph.” She crashed into a broad chest, an equally wide set of shoulders, dark hair, eyes that were darker than Vittorio’s. A killer smile that framed a set of perfect lips. Too perfect. And too similar to the ones that had just kissed hers.

  “Whoa,” the walking, talking sexy obstacle said, grabbing her by the elbows, securing her from a tumble to the floor. “Are you alright?”

  She gulped a swallow of chalkiness down. This man was as sexy as Vittorio, and as dangerous, it seemed.

  “I’m sorry, sir. The club’s not open yet. I wasn’t expecting anyone to be in here.” She glanced at her wrist, checking the time. Indeed, it wasn’t time to be open yet. How had this man—this man who seemed to resemble Vittorio—gotten in?

  “That’s okay. I’m not actually… Well…” The smile again. Damn that smile. And why did he remind her so much of Vittorio? Except his eyes were such a darker blue.


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