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Shifters Forever Worlds Mega Box- Volume 1

Page 48

by Elle Thorne

  “You do not decide who or what belongs in Tiero territory. Pack your bags. You’re going home. Your stay at After Dark is over.”

  “You, you… y-you can’t do that. You can’t send me away. You need me. You need an alliance with my father. You need our tribe. It would make you the most power—”

  Vax held up his hand. “Stop. Just… go.”

  He looked at Rafe. They had an unresolved matter, but he didn’t have time to deal with that now. He needed to get to Callie, to check on her, but he couldn’t go out the door she had just used because she’d see him coming out of Sanctuary, and she’d wonder where he’d been and why she hadn’t seen him in the viewing area. No, he’d have to run through Sanctuary then up to his suite and take the elevator down. And he’d have to do it right away.

  Vax shifted into his tiger form and left Natalya open-mouthed in the entryway. Bounding through Sanctuary, he took the back way up to his offices then, using the stairs in lieu of the elevator, back down, hoping that would get him to the club and Callie more quickly.

  He strode into After Dark, but he found no sign of Callie near the entrance to Sanctuary. Covering the entire club yielded no Callie. What the hell. Only the cleaning crew.

  No Callie. Even Rafe and Natalya were not around.

  He needed to do something about Callie and his feelings for her. This holding pattern wasn’t serving him at all. His tiger roared in his head, and Vax covered his ears from the volume, even though none of it was outside of his mind.

  I feel the same way, he told his tiger. They usually were in harmony, but the tiger’s frustration with the progress Vax was making toward securing their mate had become a source of agitation, and now the tiger was showing it.

  It’s time to claim her. It’s time to put a stop to archaic, useless codes and traditions that make no sense.

  Chapter Ten

  Martin walked Callie to the elevator. “Want me to escort you downstairs? Maybe to your car?” His frown was one of concern.

  She tried to force a reassuring smile to her face, hoping it didn’t look like an ancient death mask. “No. I’m silly. I’m sure it was my imagination.” And now she was even beginning to wonder if that was the truth. She rubbed her eyes. No way a tiger would have been in the room with her then simply turn its back. She’d been seeing things—that’s it. She was simply tired or maybe overstressed. The research paper she’d wrapped up was a biggie and had taken a lot of work and time.

  She stifled a yawn. How could she be yawning when her heart was still racing? Her adrenaline was in overdrive. There was no way she was tired. Maybe stress made people oxygen deprived?

  “Callie.” Martin stopped her with a raised hand. “Before you go…” He shook his head, regret crossing his features. “I am sorry, but I will have to tell Vittorio about you being in Sanctuary. You know I can’t keep this from him. The rules…” He let his voice trail off, as if he didn’t know what else to say.

  Callie nodded, though she wanted to beg him not to say anything. God, the penalty for that was losing her job. Vittorio had already told the staff about breaking that rule.

  She had to try to dissuade Martin. Had to. “But, Martin…” Anything she said would throw Antonio under the bus. She couldn’t do that.

  “Yes?” He prompted her.

  “Never mind. Sorry. I understand.”

  “I know Antonio opened the door for you. He has a crush on you.” Martin shrugged. “I will have to tell that, too. You have left me no alternative.” He sighed, and his shoulders sagged as though the burden was great. “He’s my sister’s son. He’s here to study. To get his university degree.” Martin shook his head. “He needs the money. He will have to go back to Argentina.”

  Aww, man. Callie had felt bad already. Now she felt responsible. “Hey, look, Martin. I’m sorry. Let’s leave Antonio out of this, okay?” God, she’d made a mess for them. “Please.”

  Martin shook his head again.

  “I’ll tell them I stole the keys. Don’t do that to Antonio. It isn’t right.” She was grasping at straws, but what else could she do?

  The elevator dinged. Martin nodded toward the open doors. “Go, please. And be careful.”

  * * *

  Callie opened the door to the apartment she shared with Anna. Silence greeted her, which wasn’t surprising. She looked at the time on her phone and knew exactly where her roommate was, and why she wasn’t home. Anna and many of the employees at After Dark often went out for breakfast or to after-hours clubs. One or the other, that’s where Anna was.

  Too bad, because Callie really wanted to talk. She needed to talk. She tried to watch TV. She tried to read a book. She tried to get the restlessness and the nervousness about the evening’s events out of her mind, but she couldn’t. She needed to talk… or something. She needed a distraction.

  She picked up her phone and texted Anna to find out where she was.

  Anna’s return text confirmed she was at an after-hours club in the industrial district. Then there was another text from Anna asking Callie to come out.

  Callie didn’t need to be asked twice. In no time, she’d slipped on some jeans, released her hair from its ponytail, and fluffed it by flinging her head upside down. Not bothering with touching up her makeup, she grabbed her keys.

  Who cared what she looked like, anyway? The only guy she liked wouldn’t be there. And almost everyone there would be wasted and wearing beer goggles.

  Twenty minutes later, Callie pulled in and parked her car in a front of a warehouse in a questionable part of town. Locking the car with a jab at her remote key fob, she stopped before rounding the corner so she could take a moment to breathe deeply and compose herself. She didn’t want to go in blurting to Anna about tigers.

  The beat coming from the warehouse filled the air outside, and the sound of laughter and loud voices carried across the parking lot. Taking quick strides toward the door, she recognized the bouncer.

  “Hi, Roman.”

  Roman lifted his chin, acknowledging his name being called, then looked for the source. When he saw Callie, a smile filled his face, white teeth shining in the dim lighting. “Callie. Long time. Where’ve you been?”

  “Just school. Work. You know how it goes.”

  He nodded. “You still at After Dark? We’re hiring, you know? Always hiring.” He showed her in, waiving her cover charge money away.

  “I’m good at After Dark.” But was she? She probably would be unemployed after Martin talked to Vittorio. “You’ll be the first to know if I’m job hunting.” She smiled a thank you and stepped inside.

  The warehouse was dark, haze-filled from machines. She tried to breathe, but damn, that stuff was heavy on her lungs. The place was hopping. She could feel the bass in her bones, making her body throb. It was almost sexual, the way the music infiltrated her body, making it pulse with its rhythm. It would have been contagious, putting her in the mood to dance if she hadn’t had so much on her mind.

  She let her eyes adjust to the lighting and haze then began a hunt for her roommate.

  There she was. At a table.

  With Sophie and Lila.

  Callie saw them before they noticed her. She paused and chewed on her lip. After tonight’s events, knowing she’d probably get fired, did she really want to visit with Vittorio’s sisters? She’d taken a college course with Sophie, but they never hung out together, and Callie didn’t really know Lila.

  Just then, as if she knew Callie was thinking of her, Sophie looked up. Her eyes pierced through Callie, and it struck her how much Sophie reminded her of a younger, gentler, feminine version of Vittorio. Anna had told her Sophie was Vittorio’s half-sister, that they shared a father. Callie was inclined to believe they both must have taken after their dad.

  A slow but genuine smile crossed Sophie’s face then she raised her hand, waving Callie over. She nudged Anna and pointed at Callie.

  Callie smiled back, a bit off-guard because she’d be such a hypocrite if she joined them a
nd partied with them when she was sure their brother was going to fire her the next day for breaking the rules. With a heavy heart, she took a step toward their table. Lila waved at Callie then waved the waitress over and took shots off her tray. She held one up to Callie just as she arrived at the table.

  Anna wrapped her arms around Callie then pulled back, a suspicious look on her face. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She shook her head.

  “Bullshit. Something’s off.”

  Quick. Think. Quick. “There were some guys outside who made me nervous.”

  Anna gave her the eye but let it slide.

  Callie reached for the shot. Whatever the hell it was, she was going to need a lot more than this one to give her the fortitude to be with these girls tonight. She downed it, gasped, and coughed. “Damn.” She croaked the word out.

  Lila shoved another one in front of her. “Drink up. You’re behind us.”

  Callie had never been sure Lila really liked her, and now she was buying her shots? What was going on here? First the tiger business, now this. Another shot sounded good. She gulped it then did the same with another.

  “Let’s dance.” Anna grabbed her arm.

  Sophie led the way, Lila took up the rear, and the four of them ended up on the dance floor. Within a few minutes—or so it seemed—Callie was comfortably numb. She was so numb and into dancing that when a man stopped in front of her, wide-chested and broad-shouldered, she froze and looked up slowly. The tequila was messing with her, confusing her. Suddenly, she was nervous. Would Vittorio be here? She hadn’t figured him for the type who would go out like this. He was so intense, so driven and goal-oriented. She pulled back, looking up at a pair of dark-blue eyes and a jaw line that was way too similar to Vittorio’s.

  “H-h-” Her tongue froze. Her mouth filled with something that felt like sawdust.

  “Hi.” He put his hands on her arms and held on tightly.

  She looked at him with a question in her eyes. He continued to hold on to her—that was when she realized she was weaving.

  “Remember me? Rafe? Their brother.” He waved toward Sophie and Lila. “Oh, I never introduced myself. Sorry.”

  His resemblance to Vittorio was way too close for comfort. Vittorio, who seemed to like her, had never made any definite indications or moves in that direction until tonight. One kiss, that was it. Then he never came back, never stopped in to say hi, or sorry, or anything.

  Vittorio, whom she couldn’t stop thinking of. “I remember you.” Her head was spinning. She’d have to stop drinking. Immediately. “I used to work for your—” She bit down on her lip. Shit, what the hell was she going to say? “I think I need to sit.” She wobbled her way toward their table, Rafe’s hand on her elbow, the other hand on the small of her back. She could feel the heat of his hand through the thin fabric of her top. At the table, she situated herself on a stool. Feeling the intensity of Rafe’s scrutiny, she avoided his gaze.

  He leaned close. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  Anna approached. “Are you okay?” she asked Callie.

  “I’ll be right back. I’ll bring a round for everyone.” Rafe turned and, with long strides, wound his way through the crowd toward the bar.

  After he left them, Callie turned to Anna and whispered, “I never expected him to be here.”

  “Why not? He’s their brother.”

  Callie shrugged. She just hadn’t counted on it. And, until just a few moments ago, he had been a random stranger she’d bumped into at After Dark. “He’s so different from Va—Vittorio.” She was beginning to think of him as Vax. She wanted to chastise herself for doing that. She should stop thinking of Vittorio. He wasn’t interested in her. At all.

  She sighed.

  “He’s beautiful, isn’t he?” Anna nudged her, clearly mistaking Callie’s sigh.

  “Are you interested in him?” Callie was confused. Anna had a boyfriend. He was a jerk, in Callie’s opinion, but if Anna was happy… But Anna wasn’t one to stray. Had something happened?

  “No, silly.” Anna raised her drink, sucking on the straw. “I have Tim. Why would I be interested in someone else? I’m just sayin’…”

  So Anna was steering her toward Rafe. Anna, who had told Callie she could tell Vittorio was interested in her. Maybe Anna knew something Callie didn’t. Maybe she was trying to give Callie a heads-up to move on.

  Callie turned to watch Rafe. He was gorgeous. As sexy and handsome as Vittorio in every way. Picking between the two of them on looks alone would be difficult. There was something about Vittorio, though… But if he didn’t want her, what was the point?

  Rafe looked up from talking to the bartender, his eyes locking with hers. He resembled a hunter in search of his prey. Was she his prey?

  Chapter Eleven

  Vax returned to his apartment. He paced, giving his tiger control, making tight circles in his spacious living room. He glanced out the window but couldn’t be bothered to appreciate the view. No Callie, no resolution, nothing. He was frustrated and pissed.

  His tiger was even more pissed and frustrated, growls filling Vax’s head until he was ready to have it out with the tiger. This was so unlike them. They were usually in lockstep.

  He could go to the rooftop, burn some energy, maybe a swim or lifting some weights. Then he would take to the streets and watch Callie’s place. He was certain she wasn’t home. He’d followed her many nights after she left from her nightly visits with “her tiger” at Sanctuary. She and Anna usually went to breakfast or dancing at an after-hours club after their shifts. He could wait outside, maybe talk to her, maybe… Who knew?

  The rooftop wasn’t vacant. He felt a heartbeat, one he knew well. Then he affirmed the owner of the heartbeat from her scent.


  A smile crept over his face at his sister’s presence. She was more than a sister; she was a best friend. He followed his tiger’s senses and found her. She was sitting in the hot tub in her bathing suit, a file perched on a shelf in front of her. Always working. He shook his head at her. That was Veila. As the alpha female, the sister of an unmated alpha male, and the oldest daughter of an alpha male, she held a position of authority. And she wore the role of alpha very well, Vax had to admit. She was extremely conscientious. She should have her own territory soon enough. She’d do a great job.


  She looked at him, up and down, noting his shorts. “Thought you’d be chilling in Sanctuary.”

  He gave a self-deprecating laugh. “You’d think.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” She pulled herself up, sitting on the step, cupping her face with her hands, elbows on her knees.

  He briefed her on what had happened. On Natalya’s antics, on Cassie’s actions.

  Then he remembered. Shit, how could he have forgotten? “Did you know Rafe is in town?”

  “I found out tonight.”

  That didn’t answer his question. At all. “Why is he here? He should be in Europe looking after Tiero business.”

  “He’s Rafe. Who knows why he does what he does?” She shrugged. “This thing you two have between you, the contention, it can’t last forever. It’s not good for the family.”

  Vax bit back his temper. He was private; she had no idea about everything that had happened with him and Rafe. She probably assumed everything centered on the way their father treated him. Vax didn’t tell her it wasn’t simply a thing. Rafe had slept with his girlfriend. That was not a small thing. It might have been years ago, but still, a man did not sleep with his brother’s woman. How should he answer her? Maybe—

  His phone rang.

  He picked it up, looked at the screen, and almost threw the damned thing into the bubbling water.


  He didn’t want to talk to her. Hell, no. But he did have a few choice words for her bratty ass, so he answered.

  On the other end of the line, a male voice, gravely and distinct, said, “If you want the cute little white ti
gress, get three million dollars together and wait for my call.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Callie had a fierce buzz going on. The tequila was definitely doing its job, and Rafe was flirty, dangerous, and very attentive. And she was more than a little pissed off she’d gone her whole shift without the slightest visit from Vittorio. Not even a quick hello. Maybe Anna had been mistaken when she said Vittorio was interested in her. Maybe now Anna realized it, and that was why she was trying to guide Callie toward Rafe.

  Rafe’s dark-blue eyes had a red-hot heat behind them. They promised a lot of intensity when—

  No, no, she wouldn’t think that way. She couldn’t. She shook her head to clear it.

  Stupid idea. Shaking her head had made her dizzy. She reached out to steady herself, grabbing the tall bar table. The stupid thing tottered, and both she and it were going to fall.

  Rafe put an arm around her waist. “Easy, there.” His voice was low and seductive in her ear.

  If it wasn’t for Vittorio… But for some reason, she couldn’t get Vittorio’s Mediterranean Sea blue eyes out of her mind.

  “I’m good,” she assured Rafe, and tried to steady herself.

  “I bet.” He leaned in, close to her ear, his breath teasing the fine hairs near her temple. “Are you available, or has someone already claimed a beauty like you?”

  A warm heat flowed to her cheeks. Vittorio’s image came to her mind. His lips, light-blue eyes, tan skin, and broad shoulders filled her mind and affected her body, even though she knew he’d gone with Natalya. She sighed. I wish. “No. No claims. Not really.”

  She’d hoped their one kiss had meant something, but maybe it was Vittorio’s way of testing to see if there was chemistry. Maybe he hadn’t felt any and had let it go at that. Sadness washed over her. As intensely as she’d felt their kiss, she couldn’t believe he’d felt nothing.

  Anna elbowed her, giving her a dirty look. Callie elbowed Anna back. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t like Vittorio was really interested in her. It was probably all in Anna’s mind.


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