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Rock Idol (Reality With a Twist Series)

Page 8

by Tower, Veronica

  Someone chose that moment to knock on the dressing room door. Given the way Ember’s luck had been going, it would be Rick with a cocky smile on his face and a huge bulge in his blue jeans.

  As if to prove the accuracy of Ember’s foresight, Rick opened the door without waiting for her to answer it and ducked inside. “Hey Ember, I thought I saw your light on under the door.” He pulled up short when he saw she had company. His gaze flashed warily back and forth between the two women before finally settling on Ember. “Is everything all right?”

  To Ember’s eye, Rick’s question might as well have been a confession of guilt—not that they had been doing what Fawn accused them of.

  Fawn obviously thought the same thing. She turned to look at her and smirk. “He’s gone!” she mouthed at Ember. “And then, so are you!” She got up and tucked her purse under her arm. “Everything’s just fine,” she told Rick. “Are you here for some private coaching?”

  Rick swallowed hard. “No, I just wanted to ask Ember a few questions, but really, it can wait. I don’t want to rush you out.”

  “No, that’s okay, Ember and I were finished.”

  She opened the door and stepped out into the hall. “Let me just leave you two alone.”

  The moment she closed the door, Rick turned to Ember. “What was that all about?”

  Ember assessed the situation as coldly as possible and decided that she had to accept the most pessimistic analysis, but she also didn’t want to make Rick too angry before the show. “Fawn’s gone crazy. She’s mad at me over a ridiculous misunderstanding and she’s decided to try and get me kicked off the show.”

  “No way! That is crazy!” He wasn’t disagreeing with her. He just obviously couldn’t wrap his mind around the vindictiveness of the woman known as Rock Idol’s sweet judge. “What did you do to her, anyway?”

  “Nothing!” Ember protested.

  Rick convincingly backpedaled away from the accusation. “I didn’t phrase that right. This just came out of leftfield and I’m talking too fast. What does she think you did to her?”

  “She thinks I ratted her out on a personal matter,” Ember said.

  Rick shook his head. “The damn drugs! Why do users always think it’s not obvious to everyone else?”

  Ember wasn’t sure why, but it surprised her that Rick knew about Fawn’s drug use. “I won’t confirm or deny the subject she’s upset about. I don’t rat out friends, even when they start acting like Fawn is.”

  Rick touched Ember’s chin so he could make certain she was looking right at him. It was a very tender gesture and it made her heart beat faster. “That’s one of the things I love about you. Somehow you made it to the top without compromising yourself. How many people in Hollywood wouldn’t sell out a friend if they thought it might help them get ahead?”

  Ember pulled his hand away from her face and somehow ended up holding it. “Is that what you think? My whole first career was about compromising who I am. How else do you think I got hooked on drugs—my Mama didn’t raise me to smoke crack or snort cocaine.”

  Her protestations appeared to have no impact on Rick’s opinion of her. He squeezed her hand a little tighter. “But you still won’t confirm something everyone knows is true because a woman who’s now trying to destroy you was your friend when you learned it.”

  He stepped closer to her and cupped her cheek with his free hand. “That’s what I mean about you still being you.”

  His face dropped to kiss her and Ember began to stretch up to meet him. Then she remembered that Fawn would be looking for evidence of her fictitious affair with Rick and Ember couldn’t afford to provide it for her. The dressing room door was unlocked and the damn woman knew Rick was in here with her. There was no way Ember could kiss Rick tonight.

  She pulled back. “We can’t do this. It’s not safe.”

  Rick closed his eyes a moment while his chest rose and fell, then he took a step backward and released Ember’s hand. “You’re right. I should have more self-control.”

  He didn’t look contrite to Ember. He looked angry at himself—as if he knew he’d almost let her down by giving into his desires.

  Ember stepped up beside him where she could place her hand lightly on the small of his back. “Thanks for understanding, Rick. It makes me think very highly of you.”

  Emotion still boiled beneath Rick’s skin. “It’s just that, whew! I have thought of nothing but kissing you all week now. I know it shouldn’t have happened last week and I know I can’t have any more. But Ember, I used to think I came to life when I’m singing. Now I know I only start living when I’m with you.”

  When did the room become so hot? Ember wondered as she looked up into Rick’s baby blue eyes. And when did Rick become a poet? He should be writing music and lyrics—not just singing them.

  Rick bent down to kiss her again, but caught himself before his lips touched hers. More frustrated than ever, he strode across the small dressing room to put as much space as possible between them.

  “Whew!” Rick breathed letting the sigh stretch out as only a singer could. “When you’re next to me, my brain stops controlling what my body wants to do.”

  “Mine too,” Ember confessed.

  She retreated to the stylist chair and sat facing Rick, careful to keep her legs crossed so she wouldn’t unintentionally encourage him.

  “Maybe I should go,” Rick suggested without actually moving.

  That would be a good idea, Ember knew. What she actually said was, “I wish you wouldn’t.”

  He smiled. It was obvious he couldn’t help himself. She made him feel that good. “Okay, I’ll stay a while. But let’s find something safe to talk about while we wait for the air conditioning to cool down this room.”

  That was a sentiment Ember had no trouble agreeing with. She couldn’t really believe how turned on she was. Admittedly, she’d spent a lot of time in the past week thinking about Rick and his wonderful kisses, but she was a seasoned professional and she hadn’t expected him to affect her so powerfully in person. Now, looking at him leaning against the wall in his tight blue jeans and tighter shirt, she found it hard to think of anything but what it would feel like for him to walk back over here and take her into his arms. “What do you have in mind?”

  “Well, we know why Fawn is mad at you,” Rick said. “But why is she out to get me?”

  Rick’s question startled Ember. She hadn’t intended for him to learn about that. She didn’t want to worry him before his performance. “Why do you think she’s out to get you?”

  “Ember, I’m the first contestant in the history of Rock Idol that Fawn’s made a negative comment about. Everyone wants to know why she’s out to get me.”

  When he said it like that, it was obvious, so Ember decided to tell Rick the truth even though it might make him mad and turn him against her. “Fawn says she has to send you home because it makes me happy to have you around.”

  Contrary to her fears, Rick’s face lit up with joy as he listened to her explanation. “Really? She said that?”

  “Yes,” Ember confirmed.

  Rick was no longer leaning against the wall but was unconsciously closing the distance to her. “And is it true? Do you get happy just because I’m in the room?”

  That seemed to be an unfair question to Ember, but she told him what he wanted to hear anyway. After all, it was the simple truth. “Yes.”

  Rick pulled her up out of the chair and into his arms. “Oh Lord, Ember, I thought your kisses made me happy but they’ve got nothing on what you just said.”

  She hesitated a moment before hugging him back. It was so risky. The door wasn’t even locked. But if they did lock it, wouldn’t that look suspicious too?

  She could feel the heat of his body radiating through her silk blouse. Her breasts pressed flat against his chest. His cheek rested against the top of her head. It just felt so damn nice to have him holding her. “Are we crazy?” she whispered. “It only takes one person walking through that d
oor. How would we explain what we’re doing?”

  Rick kissed the top of her head. “We tell them the truth. You’re upset because Fawn is harassing you and trying to push you off the show and I’m comforting you.”

  Ember shook her head and pushed away from Rick. “That line of argument would probably result in Fox letting all of us go.”

  She sat down in her chair again feeling miserable. “I’m sorry, Rick. I really like you, but I’ve got to think about my job. I can’t afford to…” she let the thought die away without completing it. Rick would understand. She couldn’t let herself become a laughing stock again. Fox linking her to Mitch was bad enough, but if Fawn convinced Fox to fire her over Rick she couldn’t bear it. She’d survived it once, but life doesn’t give third chances.

  Rick managed to look disappointed without appearing hurt. “You don’t have to apologize. I’m the one who keeps pushing against the rules. It’s just…Ember, I feel like we almost have something very precious and beautiful here, and I’m so afraid of letting it slip through our fingers. So please, promise me, the night after the season is done, let me take you out somewhere. Give us the chance to see if we’re as right for each other as we think we are right now.”

  Ember didn’t answer him directly. “If you win this contest, you’re not going to have any free nights for a long time to come.”

  Rick shook his head. “I’m not going to win Rock Idol. I’ve already come further than anyone ever thought I could. Top seven! Who would have believed it? No, Hillary Tempest or Kim Ryan’s going to win—”

  Ember was on her feet and poking her finger into Rick’s chest before he could finish talking. “Don’t you ever say that! You can win this contest! You’re the complete package, Rick! Yes, Hillary’s voice is stronger and Kim’s got a sweeter tone. But this is rock music! And you are the complete package!”

  Rick seemed taken aback by the vehemence of her tone. “I didn’t—”

  “You promise me!” Ember snapped at him. “You don’t make any excuses! You don’t compromise! You sure as hell don’t give up! You go out there and sing for me and show Mitch and Fawn and all of America just what it takes to be a rock star!”


  Rick really didn’t believe her, Ember realized. How could she have failed to see it? All of these weeks he’d been working so hard to survive, but he’d never really seen himself in the winner’s circle. She needed to do something to show him he was wrong! She needed to support him the way he kept supporting her through her troubles with Fawn.

  She grabbed him by both ears and pulled her face down close to hers. “If that doesn’t make any sense to you, then you listen to this! I want you, Rick Rogers! You’re a talented, sexy, incredible man! And one thing I’ve learned over the years is not to waste my time on losers. You understand what I’m telling you? If I didn’t think you could win this I wouldn’t waste my time with you!”


  She kissed him hard. It actually took a moment before Rick kissed her back, but when he did it was with force, passion and rapidly growing confidence. His hand found her breast and squeezed it deliciously for the very first time, fondling the soft globe through her dress and bra before tracing the contours of her hard nipple with the ball of his thumb.

  She wasn’t quite certain when she lost control. She hadn’t intended to kiss Rick again, much less run her hand across his chest and feel the muscles beneath his t-shirt. His lips remained locked on hers but his hands were roaming just as hers were. They touched her breasts, her sides, her rear end and pulled at her skirt. Just as she kept touching his chest, his hips, his tight exciting ass.

  She fell back into her chair and Rick followed her, still standing, still kissing, one hand on her cheek while the other resumed exploring her breast.

  She got her fingers under his t-shirt, feeling muscles that were even better than she’d expected, encouraging her to discover more. His lips finally broke free of hers but only so he could kiss his way south, nibbling wetly at her throat while his hands began to fiddle with the buttons of her blouse. A small sane part of her mind knew that she should stop him, but then her blouse was suddenly open and Rick buried his face in her cleavage while his hands cupped her breasts together.

  He was using both thumbs now and her nipples strained back against the pressure. His tongue explored the delicate line formed by the edge of her lacey bra, patiently tickling her when she wanted him sucking hard on her pebbled tit.

  To encourage him, she reached up behind herself and unfastened the bra strap. Rick pulled it off in one eager motion and his lips and tongue finally discovered her thick nipple and pulled it into his mouth.

  Ember wrapped her arms around his head, holding him tight while his lips sent shocks of pleasure jolting through her breast. His hands began to roam again, abandoning her breasts to caress her tight stomach, searching the waist of her skirt for the zipper.

  She pulled at his t-shirt, ripping it up and off and tossing it across the room. She tried to push him back so she could admire his chest but Rick was far too involved in his love affair with her nipples to permit anything to come between them just now.

  He found the zipper behind her and inexpertly began to worry at the little hidden hooks which held the top fast. When he failed to quickly slip it free, he finally abandoned her glistening breast and worked his lips and tongue down her stomach as he continued to fumble with her clothing.

  Ember kept her fingers in his hair, half guiding him, half preparing to end this bout of insanity.

  Rick suddenly remembered that skirts are open at one end. He pushed the tight fabric up around her waist, uncovering her black silk panties. He knelt before her, pulling the crotch to the side as he opened her dark lips for the very first time.

  She felt moist and creamy and the touch of the cool air caressing her made her shiver. Then Rick was opening her up and breathing lightly into her depths. Her lungs froze with the rest of her body—paralyzed as she waited to feel what he would do next.

  His head bobbed lower and the tip of his tongue touched her wetness.

  Air exploded back into Ember’s body as she bent nearly double, instinctively pulling Rick’s face harder against her pussy.

  It was all the encouragement he needed. His lips latched on to her lower ones and his tongue thrust deep inside her and Ember clamped her mouth tight to dampen the scream bursting forth with her orgasm.

  She moved from bent double to back arching outward in half a second flat. Her groin thrust out into Rick’s face. Her fist leapt to her mouth, filling it with her knuckles to help her choke back the noise.

  Apparently unaware of the danger, Rick kept sucking, twisting his mouth on her labia while he thrust deep inside her with his tongue. His fingers dug into her ass, steering her bucking hips so that her pussy stayed tight against him.

  Her free hand found his head again, but whether she was trying to push him away or pull him in even tighter, she couldn’t tell for sure. Her fingers clenched tight in his sexy blonde hair, riding his head as he rode her gyrating pussy up and down.

  His mouth slid upward, pushing her silk panties out of the way so that his lips could find her swollen little clitoris and get Ember’s body really revving.

  While Ember tried to catch her breath again, Rick opened up his tight jeans and pulled out his cock. He was bigger than she’d expected and very, very hard. He guided the bulbous head of his thick erection to the wet folds of her labia and rubbed himself up and down the length of her lips. Above her, Rick’s excited face glistened with those same juices.

  Still leaning back on the chair with her hips perched precariously on the edge of the seat, Ember spread her legs a little wider for Rick, wondering what it would feel like to have a truly large cock inside her again. Ned had been big like this, and once she’d gotten past the initial stretching, she’d loved the tight friction of flesh on flesh. It wasn’t quite as nice with the condom, but—the condom! They couldn’t have sex without a condo

  She got her hand down between his cock and her pussy. “Rick, sweetie, we need a condom.”

  Rick took a step back looking confused and disoriented. “What?”

  “A condom, sweetie,” Ember repeated. “You need to wear a condom.” Ember had the bad habit of forgetting to take her pill a couple of times a month and that just wasn’t something you could fool around with when you were having sex with someone.

  Rick took another step back. “Damn! I never expected us to do this. I don’t have one. Aren’t you on the-”

  Ember simply shook her head rather than admit that she didn’t always remember to take it regularly. She wasn’t the only woman who had memory problems where the pill was concerned but she didn’t want to explain that to Rick. Besides, it wouldn’t be a problem if he’d thought to bring a condom.

  He took another step back. “Damn! I, um, damn! I’m really sorry, Ember. I…don’t suppose you have one in your purse?”

  She laughed. “Those days are long gone. Sorry!”

  Feeling suddenly uncomfortable with her nakedness, she pulled herself upright in the seat, draped her blouse more modestly over her breasts and straightened out her skirt over her thighs.

  Rick shook his head, a rueful half-grin on his face. “Damn! I’m an idiot, aren’t I?”

  “Well, we really didn’t expect this to happen,” Ember reminded him.

  “I, um, damn! I guess we should get dressed again,” Rick said. His dick was still hard in front of him as he reached down and pulled up his jeans.

  Ember got out of her chair and crouched down to pick her panties up from the floor. The whole situation had turned awkward and uncomfortable. “Yes, I think we should. We really shouldn’t have done this anyway. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  Rick immediately stepped close to her and pulled her back up into his arms. “Don’t say that, Ember! Please, don’t ever say that. What we just did was beautiful and exciting and if I wasn’t such a totally unprepared idiot, we’d still be loving each other right now.”


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