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Recovering Maggie

Page 11

by KT Morrison

  The hardness of her nipples pressed his palms and slowly his hands came up, gripping her shoulders and then he brought her to raise. Her hands grabbed at him, climbing his body, Cole helped her, getting closer to the bed, hooking a forearm around her stomach to support her. Now Max was face-to-face with her, though her eyes were hazy and distant, Cole still thrusting, wet sounds still smacking from between her legs. She tried to caress him but her hands were clumsy.

  He cupped her face, ran his thumbs over her beautiful cheeks. Her eyes fluttered, meeting his gaze, and she smiled. He struggled to speak, struggled to phrase what he wanted to say, wishing that he didn’t have to, but knowing that if everything was going to work, it was required. His mouth hung open and Maggie mistook his intent, clasping his cheeks now and kissing him ardently. He took her lips, and she guided his hand down below. With hers over top of his, he felt her stomach, underneath Cole’s forearm, feeling the bump-bump of that large knot as it thrust inside her. Then lowering, spreading his fingers into a V he felt her labia stretched.

  He said, “Maggie … There’s more …”

  “More what? …” she gasped, falling forward now, letting his hand go and hooking her arms around his neck.

  “In Chicago. I was drinking. I made out with someone.” He bit his lip and watched. She pushed away from him, back against Cole. Her eyes narrowed, caught between suffering and pleasure.

  He said, “I’m sorry. Nothing really happened …”

  “You kissed someone?” she whined.

  “I’m sorry,” he said again.

  “Who was she?” Maggie asked. Cole watched him though he didn’t slow his stroke at all.

  “Some girl. A friend of Connor’s girlfriend. I swear nothing happened.”

  “You just kissed her?”

  “I put my hand in her pants,” he said.

  She moaned and frowned and slapped his face very lightly and softly. He held her hand against his cheek. “Maggie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t even want to …”

  “You didn’t have sex with her?”

  “No. I did … I put a finger …”

  “No …” she said.

  “And she put her mouth … on me.”

  “Max,” she whined, her eyes opening now.

  “Maggie, I swear—I swear it was nothing. I wasn’t hard. I … I just cried and then I showed her pictures of you.”

  Cole chuckled enough to shake, and Max’s heart burst as he saw Maggie’s face bowed with sudden good humor.

  She cupped his cheeks again, said, “You showed her pictures of me?”

  Max said, “I think she must hate me. I couldn’t stop talking about how much I loved you. How amazing you were.”

  Cole laughed a little more, squeezed Maggie to him and Maggie groaned, “Oh Max, I love you, too.” She touched his cheek.

  “Is it okay?”

  “It’s okay. I slept with someone too while you were gone.”

  “What? … You did?”

  She nodded, her body being rocked by Cole’s thrusting.

  “Two guys,” she said with a smile, and now he knew she was joking.

  He asked, “Where did you meet them?”

  She said, “Mm, at the pool. Swimming team. They had beautiful, muscular bodies. Totally shaved. I watched them all afternoon …”

  “You did?” he said, on the verge of breaking out laughing.

  She nodded, said, “They both had huge bulges in their Speedos. They took me to their dorm …” and now she was giggling. Cole thrust deep, and she gasped out.

  Max asked, “They were shaved? Totally shaved?”

  She moaned, said, “Totally hairless. So hot. I helped shave them,” the last part breaking up as her back shook with laughter. Cole laughed too, looking to Max who shook his head. With an arm hooked around her now, Cole pulled her upright again, holding her against him like a hostage-taker.

  Maggie said, “Their dicks were so long—” and Cole clamped a hand over her mouth. Maggie laughed snorts of air around his grip. They stopped moving, trying not to laugh. She hooked both hands around Cole’s and pulled it away and she said, “Sorry, he doesn’t like me to talk about other men.”


  Fur Trader

  Saturday, November 4th

  It was so good to see him smile. So good to be naked with him, be seen by him, get bawdy with him. She missed him so much. That wonderful boy who she loved, her constant companion and best friend, and for a long time her confidant until the lies overtook them. But now it was all open, the book spread wide until its spine creased. They could read each other’s pages. It hurt to think of her Max with someone else. She pushed it away. He was truthful. It meant nothing. He drank too much, and he was hurting and vulnerable. She’d done that to him. He was good and faithful. And she could picture him, drunkenly flipping through his phone and showing some poor girl her pictures. While Cole fucked her, she fumbled with the buttons of Max’s shirt.

  That was another thing she missed, and now she was getting it good. Cole’s big perfect cock pushing out her insides, the hard shape of his glans stroking in and out of her—and bent like this on her knees, getting her in just the perfect places. If they could all keep their shit together, this could be a beautiful thing between them.

  She pushed pearly discs through sewn slits, working out one then dropping to the next. Getting his shirt undone and then grabbing fistfuls of cotton, yanking his button-down and his T-shirt up, Max helping, grabbing them and pulling them over his head. She kissed his bared chest. His warm loving chest, his beautiful heart beating beneath. She sucked his nipple, grunted as Cole got a little deep. Then sucking on the other nipple, her hand pulling out the end of his belt from the buckle. Max’s hands went over hers, taking over, undoing the button of his pants. She took the zipper and pulled it down, could feel his hardness underneath. He jumped back off the bed; she watched him take his pants down, him smiling at her the whole while.

  Cole gripped her again and pulled her upright, but she rolled away from him, collapsing and bouncing on the bed, bucking until her head reached the pillows. She looked from left to right, seeing her thoroughbred Cole with his muscle, his model’s face, and his big cock. And her Max, her sweet and best friend, the most open and understanding guy in the world. One who accepted her darkness, offered up his own. And together now they would celebrate what they had wrought.

  The two of them tumbled next to her, bouncing on the bed and shimmying until they joined her with their heads on the pillows. Her two best friends. They lay on either side of her, both smiling, and she held her hand up to cup each of their cheeks, running her nails over their handsome faces. Cole kissed her first, and she took it, Max’s hand running a circle on her bare tummy. She turned and kissed him now too, taking his plump rosy lips and putting her tongue in his mouth. Cole rubbed her now as well, gripping one breast then the other, and she writhed between them. They snuggled closer, their hard cocks pressing into the outside of her hips. She hooked a foot over each of their thighs, opening herself to them.

  Now she kissed Cole and both their hands worked lower, her two boys slipping fingers over her lusty sex. She moaned for them, let them know how much this meant to her. Max pushed his erection down, and she felt it pressing against her rump; she hooked her leg higher for him. She kissed him eagerly, wanted that connection to him when he entered her. He dipped his hips lower, his hand slipping over the cleft in her mound, his fingertips pointing his hardness where it needed to be. It slipped inside and she gasped into his mouth.

  They made out while he put it in and out of her. Cole fingered around their connection, his middle finger coming up to press against her hardened button. Max withdrew, looking to Cole, and she turned to face him as well. She gasped and bit her lip, feeling his large size now pushing up inside her. She kissed him, biting down on his lower lip and looking in his eyes. He thrust in and out, pulling it out then and slapping it against her wet folds. Max slipped inside, got her gasping again, and she wriggled aga
inst him.

  Right now it would be wonderful if there were cameras. She hoped there were cameras and Carol could get a good look at how well her daughter was loved. Hoped she appreciated the quality of her suitors. Hoped Carol saw every bit of this. What would she think then? She’d got them both. How was that for winning?

  Then Max withdrew and Cole was back inside her. The two of them working together to drive her crazy. Her heart drummed against her ribs, and their alternating intrusions came quicker and quicker.

  Her head moved from side to side, kissing one then kissing the other. Soon it was like she couldn’t catch her breath, no longer able to kiss, just trying to gulp air. Cole took it over again, putting his big thing inside her, going deep and holding. He took the backside of her knee, and brought her leg up higher, looking to Max who did the same, putting his warm hand behind her other knee and pulling it up to her shoulder.

  With Cole still inside her, she felt Max probing, his narrow tip slipping along her crease, seeking her anus. She gripped her own knees now, wrapping her hands around them and craning her neck to watch between her legs … Looking down then and seeing Cole wrap his masculine hand around Max’s erection, Max looking to Cole. He brought the point of Max’s hardness up, Maggie watched it press into Cole’s scrotum, Max pushing his hips forward, his expression puzzled but following Cole’s lead. The tip of Max’s cock pressed the same opening where Cole parted her.

  She gasped, flicked to face Cole. He smiled. She bit her lip, looking at him, neither of them saying anything. She nodded, returned to watch.

  Max had it now, holding the end of his cock, his glans’ pointed shape running along the ridges of Cole’s much thicker shaft, finding a gully there and slipping along it, parting her, squeezing inside her tight space.

  She had them both inside, Cole fully, and just the head of Max’s cock. She let her knees go, curled her hands up to grip their necks, twisted so they could both get close enough to penetrate her. Max pressed further, Cole withdrawing a little, their two cocks rubbing belly to belly, making a wet sound as they forced her apart.

  “Yes,” she gasped, and nodded again. It hurt, it hurt terribly, but she wanted it so bad. Wanted to feel her two men inside her at the same time. Completely preposterous but she ached for it.

  She grunted and complained, gasped in pain and dug her nails into their necks—but she nodded. Together they inched in deeper.

  Max pressed, Cole withdrawing further, and now they were both inside her. Her two cocks slipping their undersides together, fitting like puzzle pieces, finding themselves squashed together by her tightness. She cried out brightly; pain and joy.

  And now the pleasure came, the high sharp tearing feeling that she swore would damage her lifting away, dissipating into thin air; lust and unabashed baseness taking hold, twisting at her heart, twisting her insides.

  “S-stay there,” she stuttered, “stay, s-stay …” She scratched at their necks, wriggled her hips against them, feeling stretched wider than was possible but loving it completely.

  She looked from face-to-face; for sweet Max with pointed concern, his eyes darting over hers, measuring her pain, measuring her pleasure, always so thoughtful … then to Cole her hungry and capable lover, his narrowed gaze piercing through her, knowing she liked it, knowing she’d asked for this. He was her knowing lover; Max encouraged her badness and Cole fed it. Her heart pounded, she thrust her head back into the pillows, grinding against them, running her hips in circles, anything but tilting forward where she would be hurt again. She thought of them all together, thought of them as one …

  The sight of his Maggie having an orgasm on two cocks was too much. She squealed, and she cried, writhing and gyrating between them, both of them hard as they could be and almost fully inside her. Her head thrashed in the pillow and he watched a tear slip from under the spidery line of one narrowed eye and run into the pillows. She gasped and sucked for air now. His neck ached from the gouging of her nails and he could see bright red lines on Cole.

  The feel of his best friend’s cock pressed up against him, his beloved Maggie wrapped tight around both of them, was too much. The slightest slipperiest push against his cock as Maggie tilted her pelvis forward—sinking him a fraction deeper, Max’s glans crushed against Cole’s cock—set him off. His stomach bounced with terrible excitement. He sucked in his stomach, and his face formed a shocking drawn look—he inhaled deeply, seeking control of his body. It was too late; it was coming.

  He ejaculated, sending swishing ropes up inside her and all over Cole’s manhood. Maggie, still in the throes of her own ecstasy felt it, cried out with happiness. She made one of them come, and she always like to do that. Her nails scratched his neck but not Cole’s.

  She whined with happiness, “You came, you came, Max …”

  He bucked, the slightest movement short-circuiting his nervous system and sending his body into spasms. He grunted, “How do you … ah …” then getting his air, saying, “How’d you know it was me?”

  Cole chuckled lightly, Maggie looked at him sweetly. “Of course it was you,” she said, running her nails in circular stripes over his neck.

  He kissed her shoulder. “It was me,” he admitted, laughing and blowing a raspberry against her hot bosom. Now they all laughed, Maggie slapping at his cheek. He told them: “I’m still hard. Don’t worry about me.”

  Cole said, “No one’s worried about you.”

  Maggie agreed, “We’ve got all weekend.”

  He withdrew himself from her and she sighed, tilted her chin to the ceiling and winced.

  He said to her, “You took two cocks at the same time.”

  She nodded with her eyes closed. “I know. How bad am I?”

  Cole said, “You’re the worst,” and he took her chin, tilting her face toward him and kissing her lips.

  Max lifted her shoulder and rotated her to face Cole, whose cock was still inside her, Maggie on her side now. He looked down at her perfect round bottom, smoothed his hands up and down, lifted her cheeks and parted them, inching down, pointing himself in her crease, intent to show her just how hard he still was.

  Cole held her steady, still kissing her, and Max pushed himself up inside her anus. He didn’t thrust, held himself in place, let Maggie take control and pull what pleasure she needed from him. Cole thrusted mildly, doing the same, letting Maggie reap what she wanted. Wet gushing sounds came from her sex, Maggie’s thrusting against Cole squirting out what he’d put up inside her. He could feel it against his own thighs.

  It wasn’t long until they had her gasping again, running her nails and leaving red lines on the muscles of Cole’s arm. She came again, his time holding her breath, her face in a twisted snarl while a long draggy croak emanated from her neck. Soon she was gasping, looking for breath, laughing and wiping at her face. She laughed softly, smoothing her hands in circles over Cole’s shoulders, hiking a leg up his hip, his cock popping free from her with a slick wet sound.

  She said to him, “I want you to come. It’s your turn. Come for me …”

  She reached behind her, pushing on Max with her elbow to give her some room, her eyes connected to Cole’s as she rolled to her back and he got between her legs, one hand on her hip, both her arms wrapped around his neck. Max watched Cole’s bare ass flex as he got the end of his cock in place, then Maggie made a joyous exhale as Cole entered her again. She hiked her knees up past his waist, locked her feet around the small of his back—and Cole began driving, looking to come. Looking to come inside her.

  Max watched, and though Maggie had pushed him away, he felt no disquiet. Felt only happiness. He was in it. In it with them.

  They made love eye-to-eye, working with each other, nodding and gasping, caressing each other’s faces and stroking nails through their hair. They writhed on the sheets, the force of their fucking shaking the bed underneath him. Cole’s breaths came quicker, and that had Maggie nodding in rapid affirmation. She said, “Yes, ah, mm, yes, come for me … okay?—come i
nside me, I want to feel you come inside me.”

  Cole nodded too, his face and chest blazing in hot-blooded red now, the veins and cords in his arms and neck standing out, a sweaty shine on both of them. Maggie’s arches flexed, her toes curled, she whined and frowned, so eager to feel him shoot his semen into her belly that the delay—the long buildup—was frustrating her.

  Then Cole was roaring and stabbing; holding himself deep in her, bucking and withdrawing, thrusting deep again. Maggie exclaimed joyously, a hissing Yes, a moan, a cry, locking her ankles over his rump and digging her heels in, wanting to feel her lover as deep as he could get, wanting to feel his hot splashes up against her womb. Head writhing in sheets, she hummed with satisfaction now.

  Cole stayed over top of her for a long moment, his back lurching with heavy breath. After a while, Maggie’s nails traced over the back of his neck and over his shoulders, bringing her stud back to life. Cole stirred and took a deep moaning satisfied breath.

  “I needed that so bad,” she whispered to him.

  “Fuck, so did I,” he whispered, lifting off her, his long tangled blonde hair hanging over his shoulders. Maggie released her heel-hold, lifting and opening her legs, and Max watched to see their biological union revealed. Cole’s thick cock slipped out of her, Maggie making a grunt as the glans pulled free, leaving a long shining strand between them. Her sex glistened with their mutual excitement, Max’s too, her labia puffed and stretched, reddened from their vigorous action. A white pearl swelled in her wet nest and slowly seeped from her.


  It was Maggie’s whisper, breaking his reverie, drawing his gaze from between her legs and up to her eyes. She said, “Come here.”


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