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Recovering Maggie

Page 19

by KT Morrison

  “Second favorite?” he said.

  She winced, but said anyway: “You should have seen the dress I chose for our wedding.”

  He grunted, his stomach tightening suddenly, making a grimace.

  “Sorry,” she whispered, her expression showing warmth. Sadness too, Maggie not intending to hurt him with that.

  Now from the bedroom: high desperate gasps from Keely in syncopation with the quick slapping of flesh on flesh, making him think Cole had her on all fours.

  She whispered, “Max ...?”

  His hands kept running in circles over her perfect skin, not answering her, sensing what was to come.

  “I’m pregnant, Max.”

  Hands paused, one on each of her bare shoulders, he stopped and breathed. The room was ominously quiet, his mind blocking out the sounds of Keely and Cole and hearing now the very solitary sound of the whoosh-whoosh in his eardrums. Another piece of his hopes and dreams fell away. Monumental tons of ice cleaving from the whole, falling off the Arctic shelf, and soon there would be nothing but endless ocean.

  Bold now, his hands slipped down her body, around her waist, and came together over her belly, where the seed of another man grew. She leaned back, and he held her as her warm hands came to cover his. Her skin under his palms was warm and tight, her belly hard and muscled these days.

  She whispered, “I want to have fun this week, but I needed you to know first.”

  With his chin nestled in the space between her collar and her neck, he nodded, breathing her in. He kissed her shoulder where she was new, the growing pink skin hot on his lips, but so soft and pure.

  “Are you happy for me?” she asked.

  He said, “Is there any chance that it’s mine?”

  Her tummy bounced with laughter under his hands and she ran her thumbs over his knuckles. “When was the last time we had sex? I mean penis in vagina sex,” she whispered.

  “I don’t know,” he sighed. “Uh, we were in ... it was in Michigan.” God, the three of them consoled him; he cried and cried when his mother decided she wouldn’t fight anymore, and they stayed in the hotel bed all day and overnight with him.

  She said, “So, eight months ago. I’m not even four months along.”

  “Shoot,” he said, making her chuckle again.

  Now she turned but stayed in his arms, her hand coming up to cup his cheek as she looked in his eyes. “I wouldn’t be upset if it was yours.”

  “Me neither,” he said.

  She smiled till her eyes went to lines. “Cole might. But I was on the pill back then, we were careful.” Then smile fading to serious, she said, “I want Cole’s baby. This was planned.”

  “I can dream,” he said with comical wistfulness, putting his hand over his heart, turning his eyes to the stars.

  She laughed and kissed his chin. “You’re okay?”

  “Yes,” he lied. Maybe one day he would be. “That’s why you don’t start Google till the new year.”

  She nodded. In the bedroom, Keely’s sounds grew to loud squeals and then went muffled like Cole had put fabric in her mouth.

  With a deep but shaky breath, he said, “I’m really happy for you two. I am. You’re going to be a great mom.”

  She said, “I hope so,” running her hand over his. “It’s half Cole so I’m going to have to watch it like a hawk.”

  Now he hugged her a little tighter, and let one hand ease high, slipping under her untied dangling bra and cupping a breast. The pad of his thumb ran a circle around her soft puckering nipple. He kissed her neck, said, “Would you make love with me tonight?”

  Head tilting away, she softly sighed. “I’m a married woman now, Max.”

  “That’s okay,” he said, appreciating the circumstances.

  But her head fell back to rest against his shoulder and she looked at him sideways. “I’d like to give you a blowjob.”

  It got his fingertips tingling again. He said, “Can I go down on you?”

  She nodded, said, “Yeah,” and laughed. “Yeah, you can do that.”

  She stood and held a hand out to him, topless, smiling and fresh like she had been in college (it seemed so long ago), affable and sweet even though she was lean now, competitive too, and getting the reputation of not being fun to deal with if you didn’t know her. The teal light from the lamp-lit ocean below the villa shone up through the glass insert and lit her in eery wavering blue. Hand out, she took it and he rose. They passed over the glass floor and something dark and frightening flashed down there again, quickening his step, but soon they were crossing the threshold to the bedroom, holding hands, and there in the bed were his other two best friends. Keely lay on her back with a mouthful of bedsheets and her knees drawn up, Cole was between her legs, the muscles of his ass flexing as he pushed his big cock in and out of her. He kissed at her collar and held a breast, and she ran her nails over his back in excited circuits, crying into the cotton.

  When they entered the room together, Keely seemed seized by orgasm. Maggie knew the face, that expression she took, almost sorrowful, saw that she had clamped between her teeth a huge bundle of crisp white cotton bedsheet. Her brows turned up as if in mourning, head thrust back into the mattress, the muscles of her neck flexing. Her chest was cast in rosy blotches and she writhed while Maggie’s husband pumped his hips between her legs. She knew too, from the way Cole pushed himself in and held, withdrew and did it over again, the whole time his eyes gauging his lover’s response.

  While Keely enjoyed it, Cole laughing softly and quietly winking at Maggie and kissing one of Keely’s big breasts, she let Max’s hand go and pushed her skirt down, taking her panties along with it. Then up on the bed on her knees, Cole heaving over, his cock pulling out of Keely with a slick mucous sound and slapping wetly onto his belly as he sprawled out, also breathing heavy.

  Maggie walked on her knees as Max came around the other side of the bed watching Keely with a smile on his face. He went to Cole, leaned close while squatting down and slapping his shoulder and whispering in his ear. Cole beamed and covered Max’s hand.

  Maggie took Keely’s ankle and lifted her leg up, her knee coming to her chest, walking herself in between so their legs would interlock. She squatted down, letting her pussy slip along Keely’s. Found her very hot and slick opening, got their petals to touch, winding her hips in circles as Keely’s eyes fluttered open. When she saw Maggie, she said, “Oh, I think I’m in trouble now.”

  Maggie laughed and pressed her pubic bone into Keely then leaned forward and kissed her lips. Keely began to respond, holding the back of her neck, taking Maggie’s tongue, her own hips beginning to swivel and work her soft membranes against Maggie’s. Max was close to them now, still kneeling down, looking to her and saying, “Can I tell her?”

  Maggie bit her lip, anticipating this, and she nodded for him. He took Keely’s hand, and she turned her head, looking at him upside down. Max said to her, “Maggie’s pregnant.”

  The reaction was instantaneous: she gasped, shocked, with open-mouth her head whipped around and the joy was unmistakable. It looked like she would burst into tears. She shimmied backward, sat up and thrust her arms around Maggie and clung herself, saying, “Oh my God, oh my God, I can’t believe it!”

  Maggie fell on her back, let herself be hugged. Keely went on exuberantly, nonsensically, “I knew it, I knew it. Oh my God, I’m so happy!” She writhed down the mattress and kissed Maggie over her navel, suckling on it, looking at her belly as if she could see what was in there. Now she whined, “I want to be pregnant,” and looked to Max.

  Cole laughed at that, turned to Max and reached a hand out to punch him on the shoulder. Max groaned. “We have to get married first,” he said.

  Cole rolled his eyes and said, “Do you?” They’d had to make changes in order for her to accept the job she wanted.

  Keely turned to Cole now, said, “I’m so happy for you,” and she smoothed a hand on his chest and pet him lightly. They pecked lips.

nks,” Cole said. “I’m so excited.”

  Looking up to Max now, Keely said in a soft voice, “Isn’t that amazing? Isn’t it?”

  He nodded, and though Maggie could see that he was still hurting, she saw that he was happy. Keely reached to him and touched his face, and he held her hand. Keely rolled over, bringing a knee up and exposing her round creamy bottom and Maggie smacked it. Keely made an appreciative sound, a long low moan, turning over on her belly and looking over her shoulder at her while Max still held her hand.

  Maggie lowered her lips, kissed her soft cheeks, Keely flexing from side to side, making her ass sway. Max disrobed at the foot of the bed while he watched her. Maggie liked it when he watched, liked when Cole watched too. When she kissed Keely, she controlled them completely. Keely was receptive, loved it, but what was more exciting was the absolute and powerful silence—Cole and Max mesmerized, locked on what she did.

  She parted Keely’s legs, walking her knees up between Keely’s knees, Keely kicking her legs wider and Maggie running her hand up the inside of her thigh until she found where Cole had left her loose. Her lips damp and pulled and stretched, Maggie ran her knuckle up and down until she found the seam and slipped two of her thin fingers inside her. Keely kicked her legs and giggled. The giggle became a long lustful moan.

  Max was frozen, standing there naked now with his erection throbbing, watching what her hand did to his fiancée. Cole lay to the side, propped up on one elbow, his eyes lost and glossy like a magician had hypnotized him. A vague smirk skewed his lips. But instead of doing what they wanted, she like to keep them frustrated. At least Max. She crawled up Keely’s back and lay flat on her, running her hands up and down her arms and shoulders. She whispered in her ear loud enough for them to hear, “I think you’ve had your turn.”

  Keely sighed, resigned, “Yeah. I did at that.”

  Maggie lifted herself off Keely’s back now and began kissing her husband’s stomach. He lay back, compliant, like a dog wanting its belly scratched, and Keely came to join her, both of them making soft kisses around his hard stomach, his throbbing cock between their cheeks. She looked at him and said, “Somebody’s close, aren’t they?”

  Cole laughed and let his head fall back in the sheets. She gripped his cock and lowered her mouth to suck one of his balls, running her tongue around its shape, feeling Keely’s hand go over hers, Keely getting close to her until their shoulders touched. Maggie took his other ball now, letting the other one sag, the sound of Keely’s lips smacking as she put Cole back in her mouth.

  Cole groaned and ran his hands over both of their heads while they pleasured him. Keely offered Cole to her now, letting her lips pop off her husband’s swollen glans and aiming the cock towards her mouth. Maggie smiled, and while Keely held it, ran her tongue up and down, her eyes on Cole and what this pleasure did for him. He looked like he was ready to explode, his face twisted almost as if in pain.

  Keely stroked a little more, took her turn, ran her tongue up one side, Maggie joining in and letting her tongue work the other. Keely’s fingertips pulled his foreskin down, his glans bared, the slit seeping a continuous stream of pre-come. Keely took it, darting quickly as if to steal it from Maggie, giggling a little in her throat as she bobbed on the end of Cole’s cock and drinking what he produced. But then she was off it, smiling and aiming it toward her.

  Now Cole was too close. She climbed his body instead, straddled his hips, Keely moving aside, Max climbing behind her and putting an arm around her.

  Cole put a hand down to aim his shaft upright. He was achingly hard, and she was wet, her petals looking to be unfurled. His cock slipped inside her without too much protest. They’d abstained for three months but had been fucking more than five times a day since they got to Tahiti. She took him easily, settling all the way down until she felt his tightened scrotum touch the seam of her ass. It didn’t take much—fucking Keely twice, doing it while the three of them watched (which he loved), making Keely come, and then two girls sucking his cock at the same time brought her husband to the point of no return.

  She sensed it, felt the tremor, felt the flexing of his cock as she bounced quickly, tightened her stomach muscles hard as she could, gripped him, felt his glans swell even harder, his foreskin peeled down, his coronal rim like a hard rubber line inside her membranes … and then he was coming, grunting and grabbing fistfuls of sheets, bucking her and lifting her right off the bed, shooting his hot nectar so deep inside her, splashing her cervix.

  He roared and grunted, rising and falling while she rode him. She stayed like that watching him breathe, watching him gasp with his muscular forearm draped over his eyes. Max and Keely’s faces were drawn, hollow but excited, mouths agape, eyes wide and tense. She lifted herself from her husband, ran a hand between her legs to hold what he put inside her and she fell back on the bed with her knees up, waiting.

  The villa’s bed was a low king-size without a footboard, and Maggie lay now with her head in the pillows below the jute headboard, her legs drawn up in invitation. Cole lay next to him, on the other side of Keely, his feet toward the pillows, deflating cock hanging down onto the bedding, elbow planted in the mattress, head resting in a palm while he watched her too. Beyond him, the sky had gone a deep indigo, a faint tracing line of orange on the horizon. The black floating shapes of nearby villas standing out of the lagoon on their concrete legs looked like UFOs with their floodlights shining down on the water below.

  Maggie smiled at him from between her thighs, waiting, offering to him her cream pie, a thing she had grown very much to enjoy, and he made his way between her legs, pausing to kiss the sole of her foot while Keely caught up with him. Together, he and the woman he would marry kissed down the smooth insides of his ex-fiancée’s thighs, dragging it out because they both loved to make her tremble. Max arrived first because he just missed her so much; this was a fun sexy game for Keely but it was far more profound for him. Cole’s semen seeped from her slit. The petals of her slippery flower were furled and shining, and now her fingers slipped down to part them, spread them, Maggie peering down her own body, loving what she saw.

  When his mouth went over her sopping sex she hissed, murmured, “Oh God, mm, Oh my God,” and she let her head sink back into the pillows as the first waves of dirty pleasure washed over her. Keely’s cheek pressed his own and he let her have room, running his tongue to the side as she suckled Maggie’s labia, taking them into her mouth and pulling gently, then running her tongue from bottom to top as another pearly surge cascaded from her opening. Keely sucked it in her mouth. When she turned to Max, she kissed him, put her tongue in his mouth as Maggie almost cried from ecstasy, watching them and running a finger over her clit. Max pushed back what Keely had put in his mouth and she took it, swallowed, kissed his chin, returned to Maggie and stroked her with her tongue again, pulling Cole’s semen from inside her with gentle sweet suction and swallowing it.

  Now Maggie had clutched a handful of her own hair, making Max smile. He watched her as her feet shook, her mouth peeled back to reveal her clenched teeth, her lips wriggling like she was struck with grief instead of lust. Her skin shone wet and rosy, and now Cole had come around to put his head at the pillows, watching her. Maggie turned to face him, and they closed their eyes and took one another’s open mouth in a passionate kiss. One hand clutched her own breast, Max’s engagement ring on a chain settled on her sternum, Cole’s wedding band reflecting at him brightly. Her other hand clutched Cole’s half-hard member and tugged at it.

  Now he rejoined his Keely, pushing his face next to hers, both their tongues licking, both their mouths taking turns at suckling on Maggie’s hot flesh. Max probed her deep while Keely kissed and bit Maggie’s thighs and it happened for her. She cried out into Cole’s kiss and bucked her hips into Max’s mouth, Keely laughing next to him, happy knowing she’d orgasmed, and biting down to playfully clench a mouthful of Maggie’s sensitive inner thigh.

  “Ah, mm, oh, I’m coming, I’m coming,” Ma
ggie chanted above him, breathing heavy, Cole chuckling. Her nails raked through Max’s hair, letting him know he was good for her.

  Max stayed where he was, suckling and holding her pussy in his mouth until she’d stopped writhing. He rose then, happy and loving, watching her lay with her husband, kissing again.

  While she covered her face in her hands, her eyes on either side of her fingers watching them, regaining life, she laughed. Through her cupped hands she said, “That’s so dirty but I just love it.”

  On his knees side-by-side with Keely, she turned her attention to him, her hands rotating his shoulders so he faced her, kissing him again, putting her mouth over his, the taste and smell of Cole’s semen on her lips. When her hand finally found his cock it short-circuited him and he fell against her, gasped in her mouth. She giggled. It was Maggie’s hand, her on her knees and joining them, taking Keely’s kiss away while she ran her hand up and down his aching erection.

  He kissed Keely’s neck, then they were on him, kissing his chest, making his breaths come huge and hard as they worked their mouths lower.

  It hit him so hard. He felt so loved and happy but hurting all the same—it was nothing new, that was how Maggie made him feel for a long time; sometimes when she would text him and he would see her name on his screen, his stomach would seize with a dread even though she only sent him good messages. She was permanently connected in his mind to sexual suffering; his greatest loss that he never really truly lost. He had her fully at one time though, of that he was sure. Her kisses on his chest came with a breaking of his heart even now, but he longed for it, loved it, desired it.

  He arched his back, leaned away so he could watch, pressed out his own cock as far as it would go for them, give them everything he had. He’d watched them both suck Cole, saw their hands on him for a sense of scale, saw how he was smaller. It was more difficult for them to suck it at the same time, their faces pressed cheek to cheek, but they had fun. Maggie pointing it to Keely, Keely taking him all the way then letting Maggie try. When they both looked up at him, running the points of their glistening pink tongues all over his cock head, trying not to laugh seeing the effect they had on him he almost lost it all over their faces. But Maggie liked to prolong these things, and now she was whispering in Keely’s ear, tucking her sweet face under her long ginger mane.


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