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Deceived by the Shifter

Page 11

by Juniper Hart

  I doubt I’ll have the energy to deal with Amberlyn ever again. Or anyone else for that matter if I get out of this alive.

  “You’re breathing funny,” Jason said suddenly, stirring her overrun mind. “Are you having a panic attack?”

  Hollie realized he might be right, and she turned to stare at him with wide, haunted eyes.

  Concern had taken over his face, and he reached out to squeeze her hand reassuringly. “Nothing is going to happen to you,” he told her.

  Hollie believed him, but it didn’t stop her pulse from racing erratically. I can’t hide forever, and I certainly can’t hide with Jason forever. This is all going to come crashing down around us, and there will be a civil war among our kind.

  She willed herself to be calm.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, hoping the answer would take her mind in another direction. “Shouldn’t we stay out of view for a while?”

  “No,” Jason replied, sighing. “What we have to do is find your psychotic husband.”

  Hollie tensed at both the phrasing and the idea. “What? Where are you taking me? I don’t want to see him!” she protested.

  Jason merely stroked her sweating palm. “We’re not going to him. There’s someone else we need to speak with, someone who will know how to draw him out.”

  They drove into the heart of Hailey, and Hollie recognized the surroundings. They were headed to his law firm.

  How did I not piece it together before? Hollie questioned, shaking her head. I should have investigated Augustus’ situation more thoroughly.

  But Hollie knew there was a reason she had not delved into the arrival of the dying Lycan more carefully; she didn’t want to know the truth. And the truth is that the money order arrived from Hailey. She saw the date stamp from the post office, but chose to ignore it and figured it must be a mistake. She figured that Lycans would never abandon one of their own—especially to their enemies. She should have paid more attention. She was still trying to figure out Jason’s role.

  They pulled into the lot, and Hollie slowly got out of the car, suddenly feeling faint.

  “How will you find Aaron here?” she demanded. “Who knows…”

  She trailed off, realizing who would know: Lance O’Connor.

  Jerking her head up, she looked at Jason who had already strode toward the front entrance. It wasn’t Jason who abandoned Augustus; it was Lance. But why? His brother is pack leader. Jason would have taken care of his own, wouldn’t he?

  It seemed to Hollie that if Jason was willing to take such a risk saving her, he was hardly the type to cast aside his own ailing members. It didn’t make sense.

  “Are you coming?” Jason growled, and she rushed to join him.

  In minutes, they were sitting in Lance’s vacant office. Jason paced about the room so intently, Hollie was sure he was going to shift, but he did not.

  “He’s not here,” Hollie commented.

  Jason snorted. “I can see that,” he replied. “I had Liz call him. He’ll be here soon.”

  From the depth of her purse, she heard the phone chime, and she reached for it.

  Amberlyn again. What crisis is she having now? Another cheating boyfriend? Daddy cutting off her allowance?

  She sent her a response: I don’t have time for you right now.

  Hollie thought grimly, I hope that is abundantly clear. I have spent enough time taking care of her. And in a way, it’s her fault that I’m in this mess.

  Instantly, she felt foolish at the thought. She knew she had no one but herself to blame for the situation she was in.

  Hollie began to twirl a piece of chestnut hair, her eyes darting about the room with worry. Something big was about to happen—she could sense it with her primitive instincts—but she was not sure she wanted any part of it.

  I shouldn’t be here. This is between brothers, and there may even be legal ramifications. I should leave—

  “Hey! What’s going on?” Lance flew into his spacious office, dropping his attaché case on a chair, his blonde brow knit. “What is she doing here, Jay?” he gasped, seeing Hollie for the first time. “You haven’t sent her back to Ketchum yet?”

  Jason smirked lazily. “We got distracted,” he told the younger man, and Hollie felt a blush stain her cheeks.

  She knew he didn’t mean it in such a way, but she could not help but remember how he felt inside her such a short time ago. And if she were honest with herself, she couldn’t wait to feel him inside her again.

  “Well you shouldn’t keep her around here, bro, it’s dangerous.”

  “Lance, what do you know about Augustus Vernon?”

  Hollie studied the younger attorney’s face closely. His eye twitched, and Hollie knew he was going to lie before he opened his mouth.

  “Who?” he asked, but Jason clearly expected the same response.

  “The man who you set up at the Willowdale Hospice, a member of this pack who had apparently disappeared after making a stink looking for Valerie Vernon?”

  Lance’s face turned waxen. “I can explain,” he muttered, visibly swallowing in nervousness.

  “I think you damned well better,” Jason agreed, dropping his hands to the desk to peer at his brother furiously.

  “I found Augustus at Smiley Mountain the night of the full. He was almost dead, and I couldn’t go near him, Jay. He had been doused in molten silver, and it was oozing from his pores. I was weakened even being in the vicinity.”

  Lance took a deep breath. “I called Father Jasper and told him to take Augustus somewhere to die. I told him I would pay for it, but just to get him out of Ketchum.”

  “Father Jasper?” Hollie asked, forgetting herself.

  “He’s the outsider we use for situations we can’t touch. He’s a Catholic priest, and frankly, terrified of our pack,” Jason explained quickly. He turned his attention back to Lance, his mouth becoming a line of anger. “Why didn’t you call for me?” Jason asked, but something in his eyes told Hollie that he already knew the answer.

  “You can’t touch silver either, Jay, pack leader or not,” Lance reminded him, but he shifted his eyes away when he said it.

  “Why did you send him away, Lance?” Jason demanded from between clenched teeth. He was not going to let his brother off the hook.

  “Because…” Lance bit on his lower lip. “Because…”

  “Because Aaron was the one who attacked him. Augustus was getting too close to the truth about Valerie, wasn’t he?”

  Lance hung his head miserably. “He wanted to shoot him,” Lance confessed, shaking his head. “I convinced him that silver was more effective, knowing that I could save him if I found him in time.”

  “Why didn’t you stop him?” Jason yelled, his teeth gnashing in fury. “How could you enable him after all this time?”

  “He knows things about me,” Lance whispered. “Things that will get me banished from the pack.”

  “Only I can banish you from the pack,” Jason hissed. “And I am leaning that way right now. Where is that psychopath?”

  Lance shook his head in protest. “I don’t know!” he swore. “I have no idea where he went after he came here looking for Hollie, but I have never seen him look so angry, Jay. Even with the other ones who had left him…”

  He glanced at Hollie in embarrassment.

  “What does he have on you?” she demanded. “How bad could it be that you would help this guy literally get away with murder?”

  Jason stared expectantly at his brother, and for a moment, Hollie thought he would answer, but he did not.

  Instead, he turned his back, dismissing the couple as they waited for his next words.

  “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I can’t stop him.”

  She could hear sincere regret in his voice, but it didn’t stop her from growing furious.

  “You’re not worthy of being in a pack!” she howled, lunging toward him.

  Jason was much faster, intercepting her and holding her in an embrace as he nuzz
led his face into her hair. “My brother may not be able to stop him, but I can,” he told her, holding her tightly. “We’ll get him and eliminate the threat.”

  Hollie felt herself relaxing in his embrace. Being in his presence made her feel safer than she ever had, and she felt a hollowness in her chest knowing that their time together would be over soon.

  When Jason was sure she was calm, he released her. “Let’s go, Hollie.” He then turned to Lance. “If Gherring calls here, if he texts you, if you think you catch a glimpse of him out the window, you let me know, Lance. If I find out you warned him, I’m coming for you next.”

  Jason paused at the threshold. “And get on the divorce proceedings for Hollie and Gherring. Do it as fast and quietly as possible. Neither of our packs needs to know about this.”

  Lance whirled, his face excited.

  “There’s no need!” he said quickly.

  Jason scowled. “You will do it—”

  “No, I mean it. They can’t get divorced because they never got married.”


  Hollie’s heart stopped beating. “How do you know?”

  “I looked into it after Aaron left today, knowing that I would need to follow up on this anyway. Turns out, you can’t just walk into a wedding chapel in Vegas and have a legalized marriage. You need to go to the city clerk and get a license first, and there was no way that the clerk’s office was open at three o’clock in the morning, weekend or weeknight.”

  “But I had a card from a chapel…” Hollie insisted. “We went to one for sure.”

  Lance shrugged. “You may have even had a ceremony, but you aren’t legally married, Hollie.”

  A swoosh of relief flooded Hollie, and she felt her legs give out. Again, Jason caught her.

  As she looked at him, a beam lit up her beautiful face. “I’m not married!” she screamed happily. “I didn’t wed that insane Lycan!”

  Jason tried to return her smile, but it did not meet his eyes. “That’s great,” he replied. “But it won’t make a bit of difference to Aaron.”

  She realized he was right.

  “Come on,” Jason said, grabbing her by the hand. “We have to find him.”

  She followed him, her heart slightly lighter than it had been, but still weighed down at the prospect of Aaron Gherring trolling the streets looking for her.

  Her phone began to ring as they climbed into the car, and Hollie noted with extreme annoyance that it was Amberlyn again.

  Since when does she call me? She really is having a crisis.

  She put the phone on vibrate and turned to Jason. “What will you do with him when you find him?” she asked.

  Jason was silent for a long moment. “I have been asking myself the same question,” he replied. “But I don’t really have an answer. He’s too unstable to ensure he’ll remain in exile, but what other choice do I have?”

  Hollie had no answer for him. She knew that killing one another was strictly against their code, but the code did not foresee a renegade, a mad wolf without reasoning power.

  If he was to be left roaming free, no one will be safe. He must be stopped.

  They drove quietly for a long while, Hollie studying Jason’s face. He has risked a lot for me. I should tell him to send me home now. He had no reason to protect me. I am his rival.

  But as she watched the fine lines of his face twitch as he pondered their dilemma, she knew that she didn’t want to leave his side. She felt protected by him, despite their beginning.

  And he’s lost his chance to have peace with my father and our pack, she realized, a knot growing in her stomach. That’s why he was disappointed when Lance announced Aaron and I weren’t married.

  The phone rang again, and Hollie grunted.

  “I am about to throw this damned phone out the window,” she snarled. “What the hell is wrong with this girl?”

  Jason glanced at her. “Who is it?” he asked.

  “The girl I went to Vegas with. She’s been calling me off the hook all afternoon.”

  A myriad of emotions passed over Jason’s face. “Answer it!” he urged. “Answer it now!”

  Surprised by his tone, she opened her mouth to argue, but he grabbed the phone from her hand as it stopped ringing.

  The Jeep screeched as Jason pulled a U-turn and headed north.

  “What is it?” Hollie demanded.

  “Call her back right now.”

  With trembling fingers, she called and Amberlyn answered on the first ring.

  “Where have you been?” the blonde breathed into the phone. “I need to see you.”

  Goosebumps prickled Hollie’s arms. “Okay,” she replied slowly. “Are you at home?”

  “Yes. Come over. But come alone.”

  “All right, Amberlyn, I’ll be right there,” she assured her friend.

  The phone went dead in her ear, and Hollie stared at Jason, her lower lip quivering. She didn’t need to say anything. He pressed the gas, the vehicle lurching forward.

  It was obvious that Aaron had Amberlyn.

  Chapter Thirteen

  He was encircled, the pack preparing to pounce on him, but Jason stood his ground, determined not to leave until he had what he’d come for.

  “You are either very brave or very stupid,” Lucas spat, and his companions growled in agreement, closing in on the invader with malice.

  “I’m desperate,” Jason replied evenly. “Or else I wouldn’t be here.”

  “I can smell the desperation on you,” one of the others called gleefully.

  “What are you doing here, O’Connor?” Lucas snarled. “And give me one good reason we shouldn’t tear you limb from limb?”

  “Your daughter is in trouble,” he told the Ketchum pack leader.

  He watched as Lucas’ face turned from worry to fury in seconds. “What did you do to her?” he hissed, advancing like lightning on his rival, but Jason was too fast, sidestepping him.

  “I didn’t do anything to her,” he answered calmly. “But she and her friend are at the mercy of a mad wolf.”

  “What friend?”

  Another Lycan jumped forward, his blue eyes flashing. “Amberlyn?”

  An excited murmuring coursed through the group.

  “Where are they?” Lucas demanded.

  “They are at Amberlyn’s, but we need an outsider. Do you have a trustee?”

  Lucas’ face seemed to register understanding.

  “He needs to be subdued by silver,” Jason continued. “We need an outsider.”

  “Matt, go get Charleston,” Lucas ordered, flying toward the door.

  “No!” Matt yelled. “My daughter is with them. This is Hollie’s doing! Her recklessness has endangered my Amberlyn.”

  Lucas scowled, but he did not turn. “Blaine then. Get Charleston and have him bring a silver crucifix to Amberlyn’s.”

  Lucas was gone, and Jason tried to follow, but his route was blocked.

  “Where are you going?” someone leered. “You have brought discord into our pack.”

  “Get out of my way,” Jason barked. “If I hadn’t come, you wouldn’t have ever known.”

  “Let him pass,” Lucas yelled back. “We will deal with him later.”

  Jason felt his fangs retract, realizing that he would not have to take on the most powerful members of the Ketchum in that moment. Gratefully, he flew from the pack leader’s house, hot on Lucas Oliver’s trail.

  The afternoon sun had fully succumbed to night, and in the cloak of darkness, they transitioned, running freely toward Amberlyn Seer’s apartment.

  If anything happens to my daughter, I will see you buried alive, Lucas told him silently, but Jason did not respond.

  He wondered if he had made a mistake sending Hollie inside the apartment to deal with the unbalanced Lycan.

  “Go to my father,” she had urged. “Tell him what has happened. Our pack can overtake him.”

  “I will go back for my pack,” Jason argued, but she shook her head.

/>   “There’s no time. I have to get in there before he hurts Amberlyn. Anyway, your tribe will not follow you back here. Go to my father.”

  She scrawled an address down and leapt from the Jeep, glancing nervously at the building. They had parked in a spot where Amberlyn’s apartment did not overlook, but Jason could see the hesitation in her face.

  “You don’t have to go in there alone,” he told her before she closed the door. “We’ll go to your father together.”

  “No. Amberlyn has already been in there too long with him. I don’t even know if she’s been hurt. She didn’t sound good, Jay.”

  Without giving him a chance to respond, she slammed the door and rushed toward the back entrance of the building.

  He knew he had no time to waste.

  She can keep him calm long enough to avoid injury, he told himself, but he could not push the image of what Aaron had almost done to her out of his mind.

  The pack was at the building, racing up the stairs in a stealthy silence. Without wasting any time, Lucas kicked in the door of Amberlyn’s apartment, howling furiously, saliva pooling at his jowls.

  Jason joined his side, but froze. The unit was completely dark, and not a sound could be heard except the labored breathing of the pack leaders in the doorway.

  Is this a trick? Lucas messaged silently, turning to stare at him with eyes darker than an abyss. Jason shook his head, a sick feeling in his stomach.

  The apartment was empty. The girls were gone. They were too late.


  In the basement, Amberlyn lay in a bloodied, unconscious pile a few feet from Hollie’s white, livid form.

  “Calm down, baby,” Aaron cooed. “I just want to work everything out between us.”

  Hollie could read the expression of worry in his eyes as he tried to back away from her, but she pounced on him, baring her teeth as she jabbed for his jugular.

  Code or not, she wanted him dead.

  When she entered Amberlyn’s apartment, her plan had been to placate the insane monster who was terrorizing her, but her scheme was done before she even started. She was knocked unconscious the second she entered the suite. When she came to, dizzy and incoherent, she saw Aaron through blurry eyes, standing before a loud machine.


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