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Deceived by the Shifter

Page 17

by Juniper Hart

  “You’re sleeping with a—”

  Letting out a growl, Nyle grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the door of his apartment and stepped outside with her. “I told you to get the hell out of my apartment,” he barked. “You don’t tell anyone what you saw here, understand?”

  “Or else what?” Mylora fired back, a menacing look in her eyes. “What are you going to do if I do tell? Refuse to marry me?” she laughed. “No, no, no. I’m not playing your games, Nyle. You were a dick to me.”

  “I’m sorry, all right? I’m sorry I was a dick, but did you really expect any different when I was literally forced into a date with you? Things are…are complicated. I need you to respect that. How much do you want to keep quiet about this?”

  She let out another cynical bout of laughter, shaking her head as she did. “I don’t want your money, Nyle. I want to be queen, and I can only do that if you marry me. Did you really expect me to go on a date with you if it weren’t such an advantageous proposition?” she retorted, using the exact same inflection he had used when he mentioned being forced into it.

  “I’m not going to marry you,” he said with stern eyes.

  “Then I’m not going to keep my mouth shut.” She turned on her heel and waltzed toward the elevator.

  “Mylora,” Nyle called after her as she pressed the button for the elevator. “This isn’t funny.”

  She turned to him. “Who’s laughing?” she questioned. Mylora sighed, “Don’t worry, Nyle. I won’t tell daddy dearest.”

  Nyle let out a sigh of relief, watching as she stepped onto the elevator.

  “However, I can’t keep this to myself. Who should I tell?” she questioned, tapping her chin with an index finger.

  Nyle snarled and charged toward the elevator, but she closed the door before he could get there. He pressed the button to open the door, but the elevator was gone.

  “Goddamn it!” Nyle hissed, banging his fists on the door of the elevator. Who in the hell was she going to tell if she wasn’t going to tell his parents? Gotta calm down. Gotta calm down.

  After taking a few deep breaths, he walked back to the apartment. Shutting the door behind him, he leaned against it. If she told anyone else, surely they would think it was just gossip, right? The crazy story of a jealous woman. He tried to tell himself not to worry about it, but he was going to crawl out of his skin. Not only was he in danger, but Daisy was, too, if Mylora told the wrong people. What have I done?

  He tried to pull himself together as best as he could before walking up the stairs. There was no point in holding off talking to Daisy, knowing that she was extremely confused by what she had seen. How much could he tell her? How much should he tell her?


  Daisy’s head was spinning, and not just from the previous night’s wine. Who was that woman and why was she there? Was it an ex of his or something? The other woman’s beauty was intimidating, and she looked like she could seduce any man with a single look. What had she meant by his parents asking her to help? She sat on Nyle’s bed with her legs crossed and her hand covering her mouth as she tried to think. What in the world had Daisy gotten herself into?

  The bedroom door opened, and her eyes lifted to see Nyle’s face heavy with emotion. Even with her conflicted feelings, she couldn’t help but admire how handsome he looked shirtless with those baggy joggers on. The swirls on his skin were more noticeable with the morning light hitting him from the open window.

  “Morning,” he said weakly with a forced smile as he closed the distance between them, sitting next to her on the bed.

  “Good morning,” she replied in a mumble, her eyes falling to the duvet.

  Daisy didn’t know how to feel or what to do. Things were so impossibly weird. They had just met, and she felt so attached, though she didn’t feel as though she should be.

  “I know that must have confused the hell out of you…” he sighed. “How much did you hear?” he asked with a frown.

  “From about ‘Nyle, please’, and on. I hadn’t been there but a moment… I didn’t mean to eavesdrop or anything. I heard a commotion and came to see what was going on.”

  Nyle picked up her chin and turned her face to look at him. “Don’t apologize, Daisy. I’m just sorry you had to hear all that nonsense. Please don’t think that woman has any place in my life. It’s complicated, but I assure you, you’re the only woman on my mind.” He tried to convince her as he reached for hand and grabbed it gently.

  “Good to know.” Daisy smiled weakly as her eyes lifted from the blankets. “What did she mean by your parents asking her to help? Help what?”

  He froze up for a moment and looked away with a sigh. “My family is extremely convoluted… And there are certain aspects of our family dynamic that I can’t really put into words right now.”

  “Could you try?” Daisy frowned.

  She didn’t like feeling that he was hiding something important from her. They had talked for so long the night before, and their conversations had been deep and personal. While she knew it wasn’t possible to get to know someone in a single night, whatever he was hiding felt like it should have come up.

  “Daisy…” Nyle sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “All right… Just… Just know that my family isn’t normal. We’re intertwined with traditions and laws that other people aren’t.”

  He watched her give a nod of understanding before he tried to start again.

  “My father... He’s been ill for a while now, and he’s been able to hide it, but now he’s growing sicker and weaker. Before it becomes too apparent and our enemies discover he’s ill, he wants me to get married and become the new head of the family in order to keep up appearances. It’s important that our family unit is strong and relevant.”

  A million thoughts ran through her mind, unsure of what to say to his explanation. Well, there was one thing she knew for sure to say.

  “I’m sorry about your father, Nyle,” she said to him, giving his hand a squeeze.

  All he did was shrug and look away from her, though his hand remained holding hers.

  “What do you mean enemies?” she asked.

  Another heavy sigh escaped him. “That’s the complicated part. Well, the whole thing is complicated, but… I…” Nyle was at a loss for words, sucking in a big breath as he searched for what to say.

  Even though she was dying of curiosity, she didn’t want to force him to talk about something that made him uncomfortable—especially since it pertained to his family.

  “It’s fine. You don’t have to explain it to me, but can you tell me what all that has to do with that woman?”

  “It’s a woman my parents are trying to arrange for me to marry,” he said bluntly, knowing there wasn’t exactly a delicate way to phrase it. Saying ‘my parents want me to marry her’ would be selling the intent short. They didn’t care in the least if Nyle cared for the woman; they didn’t even care much about the woman at all—they just needed him betrothed to another Royal Dragon.

  Her jaw dropped. “They are trying to force you into an arranged marriage?”

  Nyle nodded. “Yes, but like I said, my family isn’t normal. It isn’t exactly normal for us either, but they feel as though the difficulties we are going through call for it.”

  “I see,” she mumbled, though she didn’t understand at all.

  His father was dying so that meant he had to get married? That didn’t make sense. Was it because they were worried about the fate of the La Flamme Corporation?

  “Where does that leave us, then?” she asked.

  “I don’t know,” he admitted, his expression growing long as he studied their hands. “But I promise you, I’m going to figure it out. All I ask of you is to not give up on me or the connection we have. Things may get insane for a while, but it will all be worth it to spend my days getting to know you.”

  Daisy lips pulled into a smile. “You’re such a smooth talker.”

  Nyle glanced over to her with a smirk on his lips. “I
have to have some sort of talent, don’t I?”

  “I suppose,” she teased, leaning in and giving him a soft kiss on the lips, feeling the same static sensation she had every time they kissed.

  Nyle’s thumb grazed against the skin of her cheek. He was always so gentle and attentive, pulling her deeper and deeper into the emotions he had stirred up in her.

  He finally peeled back from the softness of her lips, though he kept his mouth hovering above hers.

  “You’re so understanding and patient… You amaze me,” he said as he gazed into her eyes.

  “You’re just trying to make me blush,” she giggled as her cheeks turned scarlet.

  Nyle was grinning ear-to-ear. “Perhaps.”

  “Well, I guess it was a good thing, in retrospect, that she came over. At least we’re awake now. I’m already late for work, and I’m never late,” she sighed, standing from the bed.

  A musical, hearty laugh sounded from Nyle. He stood as well, wrapping his arms around her, “Oh, Daisy. You don’t have to go to work. Let’s spend the day together.”

  “Are you crazy? There’s an entire gala to plan, and it’s only a month away. Which, by the way, is an insane deadline.”

  He shrugged. “I didn’t make that decision. And they don’t need you, your coworkers can hire a whole team of temps. I want you with me. You can be my personal assistant for the day.” He grinned with a wink, meaning it was just an excuse for her to be with him.

  While Daisy felt bad about abandoning Wren and Trey to deal with the details, she couldn’t pass up an offer like that up.

  “I suppose I need to do whatever it takes to make the client happy,” she teased, a smile on her lips.

  With a wicked look in his eye, he began to pull her backward toward the bed with him. “I believe that’s sir to you,” Nyle challenged.

  “I thought it was Nyle?” Daisy rebutted, mentioning when they first formally met.

  He fell back onto the bed, pulling her with him, making her laugh joyously. “I’ve decided sir is allowed,” he grinned.

  She dramatically rolled her eyes. “Yes, sir.”

  “I’m just going to text my team and let them know that I’m spending the day with you, and they can move forward with the details.”

  And just like that, Mylora and his family problems didn’t exist. He was utterly charmed by Daisy. He pulled her down against him, holding her to his chest as he captured her lips in an affectionate kiss. And Daisy’s concerns melted away as well as the tender skin of his lips brushed lovingly against hers, leaving her reeling and wanting more.


  After spending the remainder of the morning in bed, they finally left his apartment and to get a bite to eat. At lunch, Nyle discovered she was a vegetarian, which he wasn’t sure would play out with his family either. Dragons tended to be more carnivorous than even omnivorous. Her reasoning was that if she didn’t have the heart to kill an animal, then she didn’t have the heart to eat them either. He couldn’t relate to that notion, but he found the sentiment beguiling.

  They spent the afternoon walking around the city with his arm around her waist, deep in conversation. Nyle couldn’t keep his hands off her, feeling possessive and protective of the beautiful woman. He worried about how he would feel when they would have to part ways again, knowing the entire time he would be thinking about her and worrying over her well-being. But as much as his mind liked to wander to the ‘what-ifs’, Nyle wanted to live in the moment and enjoy her company. She had such a bubbly, but calm personality. She radiated happiness and purity, making his soul feel cleansed just by being in her presence. And of course, as they walked around the shops, he couldn’t help but buy her the things that caught her eye.

  Every time her face lit up, his credit card was out. Daisy tried to urge him not to buy anything for her, but it was a pointless fight. Money wasn’t an issue for Nyle, so seeing her happy over something as simple as him buying her some trinkets, clothes, and books she liked, was worth more than the money spent on the items.

  She was wearing the same outfit from the night before, so he bought her a few new outfits. She changed into a light blue sundress and tan gladiator sandals that complimented her skin tone. He asked the store to have the remaining clothes he purchased for her to be delivered to his penthouse. He hoped that she would keep the outfits at his house, since he figured she’d be staying with him regularly.

  Nyle brought her to a quaint bookstore, which he knew would excite Daisy. He watched with glittering eyes as she enthusiastically explained her excitement over each book she had read and wanted to read. Before they left the store, he had purchased enough books to keep her occupied for days.

  Nyle cherished each tight hug and passionate kiss she gave him as gratitude for each gift. Daisy was just the woman for him. All Royal Dragons were rich, and it was an important part of their culture. The entire clan was jaded by money, even himself. It was refreshing and humbling to be in the company of someone so grateful for every single dollar spent.

  Nyle teased Daisy that the books would have to remain at his apartment so that she had to be with him to read them. Walking over to his Range Rover, he loaded the bag into the back of his SUV before turning to her.

  Daisy wrapped her arms around his neck. “Are you tired of hearing me say thank you?” she asked.

  Nyle couldn’t help but grin as his hands trailed down her back. “Not in the slightest.”

  “Well, thank you for all the books… and the clothes.”

  “And for the hundredth time today, you’re welcome,” Nyle replied before giving her a gentle kiss on the lips.

  He leaned her against the SUV, kissing her intensely before pulling back.

  “What would you like to do now? Continue shopping, or maybe go for a long drive? Catch a movie?”

  “I don’t know… I’m your assistant for the day, aren’t I? So, doesn’t that make you the boss?”

  Nyle ate up her playful banter, loving how carefree he could be in her presence. He didn’t feel the stress to be the strong, unwavering prince of the Royals, but rather just a man getting to know a gorgeous woman.

  He looked up and down the street as he held her, trying to decide if there was anywhere else nearby they should check out. He didn’t want the day to end. As he read the store signs, his eyes were drawn to a still figure on the sidewalk. A man with long raven hair and silver eyes was staring right at them. Nyle’s eyes went wild, his arms tightening around Daisy. An Elemental Dragon, enemy to the Royals.

  The two clans used to be one and the same, but when the now-Royals decided to merge with the humans and climb social and economic ladders to control them, the now-Elementals wanted to reject the humans to protect the land from the vile beasts. They split into two clans over this disagreement. The Elemental Dragon had seen Nyle kiss a human, and Nyle was nervous about the consequences of his actions.

  What is he doing here? Nyle thought.

  Elementals weren’t supposed to be in Royal territory, which ran along the east coast from Pennsylvania to northern Canada. Fifty years ago, Pennsylvania had been Elemental land, but Thalydias had conquered the state, and it became Royal territory. The Elementals were supposed to stay in their territory from Ohio, down to West Virginia, and over into Indiana. Nyle knew the Elemental dragon was there for a reason. He was after him.

  “We have to go,” Nyle said, opening the passenger door and ushering Daisy into his SUV.

  “Are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost.” Daisy said, looking confused.

  Nyle shut the door and hurried to the driver side before answering her.

  “I don’t want you to panic, but there is someone following us,” he responded, throwing the car into drive and speeding down the road.

  “Following us?” she gasped, her head snapping to look out the window, as if she could spot who it was. “Why would someone be following us?”

  “Well, perhaps not exactly ‘us’, but at the very least me. And I have no idea,”
Nyle explained as honestly as he could.

  “Do you know who it was?”


  “Then how do you know we’re being followed?” she quizzed, clearly trying to make sense of the situation.

  Nyle was slow to respond, having to think of an explanation that didn’t involve the word ‘dragon’.

  “I don’t know him personally, but he looks like he’s kin to the enemies of my family. And the safest thing for us to do is to get as much distance as we can between us and him.”

  He then stomped on the gas, gunning through a red light before turning down the next street, weaving in and out of traffic as fast as he could. Every time he glanced in the rearview mirror, Nyle saw the same black car in the distance. They were definitely being followed.

  “Are they going to hurt us?” Daisy asked, the worry and fear in her voice clutching his heart.

  All he wanted to do was assure her that everything was going to be okay, but he couldn’t lie to her, not when she was in danger.

  “I honestly don’t know,” Nyle confessed. “But I swear, I’m going to keep you safe no matter what.”

  He glanced over to see her trying to hide a scared expression, killing him inside. Nyle was an idiot for letting his heart take over his common sense. He had just spent an entire afternoon walking around with her in public. What had he been thinking? How was he going to shake this guy? If he were alone, he would have headed to his parents’ place since there was no way the Elemental would go so close to the heart of the Royal Dragon Kingdom. It shocked him that an Elemental was in the city. However, he couldn’t risk bringing Daisy to his parents’ home.

  Right at the apex of his anxiety, his cell phone vibrated in his pocket. Hoping that on the off chance it was one of the guards he could trust, he dug into his pocket to retrieve his phone. His looked inquisitively at the number on the caller ID; it wasn’t one that was saved in his phone. He thought perhaps it was the dragon following him. There was only one way to find out. Picking it up, he put the phone to his ear but didn’t say a word.


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