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A Turn In Time: Book 5 of The Thistle & Hive Series

Page 4

by Jennae Vale

  “Helene, are ye hurt?” The sound of Dougall’s voice let her know she was safe. The danger they’d been in suddenly hit her and tears began to fall. “All’s well. I’m here.” Dougall cradled her in his arms.

  “Where’s Brenna?” Helene’s voice trembled and she was shaking uncontrollably.

  “Logan has her,” Dougall reassured her.

  “Yer fine, lass. I’ve got ye,” Logan could be heard saying to Brenna. “I chased him down and got him. He’ll nae be bothering ye ever again.”

  Helene pulled away from Dougall, glancing around to see Ailen and his dirty friend dead on the ground. She gasped, covering her eyes. “Come, Helene. Dinnae give these two another thought.” He led her away and back to the horses. Logan and Brenna followed and for once, Helene noted she wasn’t trying to push him away.

  That night as they lay in each other’s arms, Dougall couldn’t believe how close he’d come to losing Helene and his sister. He’d given them both a good talking to once they’d calmed down and Brenna admitted it had been her idea to go as far as they had. He couldn’t be angry with them. It was a sad fact of life that there were people in this world who preyed upon those weaker than themselves.

  “Helene, ye gave me quite the fright today,” he said.

  “I’m so verra sorry, Dougall. I should never have let Brenna go as far as she did.”

  “’Twas nae yer fault, love. I’m just happy ye were able to cry out for help and that we heard ye.” He held her close and vowed to himself that he’d never let any harm come to her as long as he lived.

  Chapter 5

  Castle Treun was easily as large as Breaghacraig and its setting was equally as beautiful. It sat on an island connected to the mainland by a long stone bridge. When the tide was out, one could easily walk to the gates of the castle, but it would be through thick mud, with a climb up the stone embankment. As the bridge was the best way to enter, the castle was pretty well protected, with the exception of a water approach. Dougall explained that the castle lookouts always kept an eye out for approaching boats as well as anyone coming by way of land.

  The MacKenzies were the actual owners of the castle and it was merely being watched over by the MacRaes, who had lived here for quite some time. They had a close and mutually beneficial alliance with the MacKenzies and despite Paddraig MacRae’s irascible side, he was a very good ally to have.

  Dougall, not wanting Helene to be caught off guard, explained his father to her. “He’s not an easy man to get along with. He has a verra short temper and is easily put in a mood. Despite that, he has always been a fair man. At least with the other clan members.”

  “What about with you?” Helene asked.

  Dougall exchanged glances with Logan. “He’s me Da and he has always expected the verra best from me. I was never allowed to fall short.” He hoped that would put an end to those kinds of questions. “Now, shall we?”

  They’d stopped just shy of the bridge, allowing Brenna and his brothers to go on ahead. He wanted Helene to have a moment to take in the castle and its surroundings, before they began moving forward again. He had a huge knot in his belly. The thought of seeing his father again wasn’t sitting well with him. He hoped bringing Helene along with him wouldn’t prove to be a terrible mistake.

  The silence was broken by the clip clop of the horses’ hooves as they crossed the bridge. Once through the gate they found themselves in the midst of organized chaos inside the inner courtyard. Logan took the lead and Dougall followed along with Helene at his side.

  “Dougall MacRae! As I live and breathe, I never thought to see ye again.” A middle-aged woman with a soft, pretty face emerged from a doorway as they passed.

  “Aunt!” Dougall leaped from Broch’s back and was at the woman’s side in the blink of an eye. He took her in his arms and hugged her, not wishing to let her go. This was his mother’s twin sister, Saundra. They were identical and the sight of her brought tears to his eyes as fresh memories of his mother’s passing came back to hit him hard. He pulled away, taking her face in his hands. “’Tis so good to see ye.”

  “Why are ye back?” Saundra asked, a wary look in her eyes.

  “Father sent Logan fer me. He said I was to come immediately.”

  Saundra glanced up at Helene. “Damn that man. I told him to leave ye be.”

  “Do ye ken what he wants?”

  “I’m afraid I do, but ’tis nae me place to say anything without putting meself on his bad side.”

  “I dinnae wish ye to do that, Aunt.” Dougall took her hand and led her to Helene. “This is Helene. She’s to be me wife. Helene this is me Aunt Saundra”

  “I’m verra pleased to meet ye.” Helene smiled at his aunt, but his aunt seemed unable to return it in kind. Instead she silently nodded and looked back at Dougall with an unreadable expression on her pretty face.

  “Aunt, is all well?”

  “Ye’ll find out soon enough. Ye’d best go see yer Da before he finds out yer here and speaking with me first instead of him.”

  “We’ll see ye for the evening meal then?”

  “Aye. Ye will.” She smiled warmly at her nephew.

  Dougall helped Helene from her horse and handed the reins to Logan, who took the horses from him.

  “Good luck to ye.” Logan said as he walked away and left them.

  “What is this bad feeling I have? Yer aunt and Logan both seem to ken something about this meeting and it doesnae seem to be good.” It appeared nerves were getting the better of them both.

  “We’ll find out soon enough. Come. Let’s enter into the lion’s den, shall we?” He smiled at Helene, trying to make light of their situation, but she wasn’t smiling back.

  The people in the courtyard went on about their business, hardly aware that the laird’s son had just arrived. Dougall couldnae blame them. He hadn’t been here in years and therefore was of no importance to them. He placed a protective hand at the small of Helene’s back and led her to the doors. Was he imagining things, or was she dragging her feet, slowing their progress.

  “’Tis alright, Helene. I’m here with ye. Ye’ve nae a thing to fear.” He felt her shudder under his touch. Damn, how could he expect her not to be apprehensive when he himself had no idea what to expect.

  Entering the great hall, Dougall spied his father seated at the head of the room.

  “Dougall! Is it ye that I see?” Paddraig MacRae sprang to his feet, seeming to be exceedingly happy to see his son.

  “Aye, Da, ’tis.” He led Helene further into the room and felt the sensation of pushing her forward.

  “Who is this ye’ve brought with ye?” Paddraig asked, his voice becoming gruff with disapproval. “I told Logan to bring ye. I wasnae expecting anyone else.” Dougall was barely able to get his mouth open. “Well, I asked ye a question, lad. Who is she?”

  Helene was visibly shaking now and Dougall did his best to comfort her in the face of this verbal onslaught. He placed a reassuring arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. “Da, this is me betrothed, Helene.”

  “Betrothed!” His disgust was visible. “Ye cannae be serious. Who’s yer family lass?”

  “I’m an orphan sir. I’ve lived with the MacKenzies since I was a young child.” Helene’s voice quivered in obvious fear.

  “And who were your parents then?” Paddraig barked.

  Helene’s tremulous voice was barely audible. “Me parents were servants who worked for the MacKenzies.”

  “Dougall!” Paddraig roared. “How dare ye bring this… this… classless servant to me home and tell me she’s yer betrothed. I’ll nae have it.”

  “Da. Ye have nae say here. I intend to marry Helene with or without yer approval.” He spouted these words through gritted teeth as he fought to control his temper. The urge to put his father in his place was strong, but he didn’t wish to make the situation any worse than it had already become.

  “Ye dinnae have me approval, lad and ye never will. In fact, the reason I sent fer ye is
that I have agreed that ye shall marry the Matheson’s daughter, Greer. She is of the proper station in life to be yer wife. Ye were in love with her when ye were a young lad. Ye’ll be happy to ken she’s grown into quite the beauty.” He glanced Helene’s way and sneered.

  “Da. I’m marrying Helene.” Dougall’s anger was bubbling over, but it would do him no good to cause his father to go off on one of his crazed outbursts. Outbursts he’d seen plenty of as a young lad.

  “Ah, I see. Ye love this lass then?” Paddraig was using his normal speaking voice again, but Dougall knew nothing had changed.

  “Aye. I do.” He grasped Helene’s hand, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb in an attempt to soothe her and soothe himself.

  “Well, that changes nary a thing. Ye will do as I’ve told ye and ye’ll marry the Matheson lass. Ye can keep this one fer yer mistress if ye like, she looks to be better suited for that than to be yer wife.” Paddraig’s tone was dismissive as he ogled Helene from head to toe.

  Dougall quickly glanced at Helene who was now in tears. He had to get her out of here. He resisted the urge to lunge at his father and make him pay for hurting her. How dare he treat her with such contempt. Dougall vowed he would deal with him later – alone, but for now his main goal was to get Helene safely away from Paddraig. “Da, I’d like to show Helene to her chamber and I’ll speak with ye later about this marriage agreement.”

  “Fine. Ye can bring her to yer old chamber. Tup her if ye like, but be back here to speak with me forthwith.”

  Dougall’s blood was boiling, but he knew better than to engage his father. There was no winning where he was concerned. He’d just as soon see Dougall, and possibly Helene, thrown in the dungeon. No. He wanted to get Helene safely away and then he’d deal with this ogre who claimed to be his father. He wished more than anything that it wasn’t so. He’d leave Castle Treun now, but Helene was exhausted from their journey and from yesterday’s attack. She needed to rest and then they would be on their way back home. Taking Helene by the elbow, he guided her out of the great hall and towards the winding stairs that led above.

  He softly whispered so only she could hear. “Dinnae cry, Helene. He’ll nae tell me who to marry. Believe me. I’ll leave here and never return if he doesnae agree.”

  Helene was sobbing now. He hurried her up the winding stairs, down the passageway and into his old room, which he was relieved to see had been readied for his arrival. His heart was breaking for Helene. He could deal with Paddraig’s insults, but she had never been exposed to such venom.

  “Dougall,” Helene squeaked and then taking a deep breath continued in a much stronger voice. “I’ll nae be yer mistress. I cannae.”

  “Helene, ye’ll be me wife. I promise ye.” He softly kissed her cheek and then caressed it with his hand. Her skin was so soft and her face so sweet. He hated that this was hurting her. He shouldn’t have brought her, but how could he have known that this would be the outcome.

  “Are ye going to speak with yer Da?” she asked.

  “He can wait. If I went back to him now, I’m afraid of what I might do. I need time to calm meself. Tomorrow morning will be soon enough.” At least he hoped it would be. At this moment he wanted to hurt his father the way Helene had been hurt, but not with words. A fist to the face would be too good for him. For his part, Dougall was ashamed to have put Helene in this situation. He should have realized there was something more to his father’s need to see him. Worse still, he had been betrayed by everyone. They all knew. Every last one of them – Logan, his brothers, his sister and his aunt. He had no allies in this castle. No one he could trust.

  “Won’t he be angry with ye?” Helene appeared worried for him, making him feel like a worse failure than he already was. How could he have walked right into this without knowing that Paddraig MacRae would never send for him without a self-serving purpose in mind?

  “The day he’s nae angry with me will be a day unlike any other.”

  Helene woke with a start. The room was in total darkness and for a moment she forgot where she. Was she really at Castle Treun? Was this all a bad dream? Then she felt the very real man next to her in bed. Dougall, her love, the man she wished to spend the rest of her life with, slept peacefully at her side.

  Thoughts of their first night on the road wove through her brain and Helene felt a wanting for him as she’d had every night since. She snuggled a little closer. Should she wake him? No. He needed his sleep. She rested her head on his chest and his arm closed around her. She tried unsuccessfully to fall back asleep. She kept replaying their lovemaking over and over in her head. Her senses were heightened and an aching between her thighs was becoming more and more insistent with each passing moment. What should she do? Her hand rubbed his broad chest and then skirted down to his belly, which rose and fell steadily as he slept. She was having wicked thoughts, but could she act on them? She inched her hand further down his belly and through a field of curls until she finally arrived at her destination. She kissed his chest and as she did so, wrapped her fingers around his flaccid penis. The rapid rate at which it grew startled and delighted her. She’d done that. Dougall groaned in his sleep, putting a seductive smile on Helene’s lips. She continued working on Dougall’s now solid staff and his eyes opened, gazed at her and then closed again in apparent ecstasy as he threw his head back on the pillow.

  Helene wasn’t expecting what happened next as Dougall turned the tables on her, exploring her soft, womanly folds with skilled fingers. She cried out and he covered her lips with his mouth, licking them with his tongue and sliding it between. He stroked her body from her breasts to her hips. His mouth left hers and followed the same trail, but slowly inch by inch, blazing a hot wet trail wherever he touched her. Helene wasn’t sure where he was going, but when he got there the pleasure he gave her was unlike anything she’d ever felt before. His tongue was working feverishly and she felt a rising sensation that grew and grew until she didn’t think she could take anymore. She grasped his head in her hands, pulling his hair and writhing beneath him as she reached an explosive crescendo and Dougall smiled triumphantly up at her.

  “Me turn,” he growled. His tongue traced a path up her body and between her breasts. He rose up, placing his hands on her hips and seating himself between her thighs. His eyes never left hers as he plunged inside of her pulsing core. Waves of pleasure pulsed through Helene with the same intensity as before. She held tight to Dougall and joined him in a rhythmic dance that now pushed him over the edge to join her as he spilled his seed with a roar and then collapsed atop her.

  A satisfied smile lit Helene’s face. “I hope ye didnae mind me waking ye.”

  “Ye may wake me any time Helene, especially if this is what ye want.” Dougall chuckled softly, kissing her forehead before closing his eyes and returning to sleep.

  Chapter 6

  Waking with Helene in his arms, Dougall contemplated his meeting with his father. If he refused to marry Greer, his father wouldnae allow him to become laird when the time came. Yet, that was just what he proposed to do. Life without Helene was no life at all. He would fight to keep her, especially after these last few nights. She’d been so trusting of him, there was no way he would ever betray her.

  She stirred in his arms and her eyelids fluttered open. Gazing into her eyes was as if seeing a cloudless sky for the very first time. Her lips curved upwards in a shy smile followed by her arms wrapping around his neck. Dougall’s hardened manhood sprang to attention, but there were things he needed to see to this morning. He’d enjoy more time with Helene after his meeting with Paddraig.

  “I must go, love.” Dougall kissed the tip of her nose.

  “Dinnae leave me, Dougall,” her voice sounded almost frantic.

  “I’ll return as quickly as I can and we’ll be on our way back to Breaghacraig,” he reassured her.

  “Dougall, I’m afraid. What if ye dinnae come back?” The note of panic in her voice was still present.

  “Helene, ye mus
t trust me. I’ll be back in short order and we’ll be on our way. I promise.” He held her gaze with his, pouring out his love, his regret and his guilt all with one look.

  “But yer Da wishes ye to marry another. He’ll nae be likely to allow ye to leave.” She sat up, clutching the sheets to her breasts, looking for all the world as if she would run at any moment.

  “He cannae force me to stay. We’ll marry at Breaghacraig with our friends. ’Tis where you and I belong.” What more could he say or do to reassure her? He knew his heart and he also knew that he had betrayed her trust by bringing her here.

  Worry etched her brow as he extricated his hands from her tight grip. Dougall knew that no matter what he said, she wouldn’t feel safe until they were on their horses and far away from Castle Treun.

  These last nights since leaving Breaghacraig had been the most wonderful nights Helene had ever had in her life. Dougall had shown her in many ways how much she was cherished by him, but in the cold morning light, the reality of her situation came back in all its ugliness. Dougall had no sooner kissed her goodbye and closed the door behind him, than Helene flung herself onto the bed and cried. She had to get a grip on herself. The thought of Dougall marrying another was tearing her apart. If his father willed it so, then what could he do? He’d be forced to do as he was told. The nervous excitement and happiness she felt on their journey had turned to unbearable anxiety at the thought of losing Dougall. She forced herself up and out of bed to get dressed. If she were to be leaving soon, she should be ready.

  There was a knock on the door. Helene stopped crying and remained silent. Who could it be? Dougall was downstairs and Helene didnae wish to have anyone see her this way. She slowly opened the door, afraid to see who might be on the other side.

  “Helene, ’tis only I. Aunt Saundra. I’ve brought Brenna with me. I hope ye dinnae mind the company.” They entered the room, softly closing the door behind them. “I’m so sorry,” Saundra said. “Paddraig isnae known fer his gentle ways. He hurt ye, I can see it in yer eyes.” She awkwardly took Helene in her arms, hugging her in what Helene imagined was an attempt to comfort her, while Brenna stood by watching and shaking her head.


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