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Page 2

by Lea Hart

  “Always.” He leaned forward and tapped the bar. “You have profitable ones, and I love nothing more.”

  “What if you offered lockers for your most valued members?”

  “Intriguing…go on.”

  Crossing her legs, she sat back. “You have space on both floors to build a row of lockers. What if you made those available to your top clients? They could be super glam, and a yearly membership fee of twenty-five thousand dollars would allow your VIP members to keep their things on site. We could also charge an additional fee for cleaning and perhaps another if they wanted to keep a supply of lube or condoms.”

  Letting out a full laugh, he covered her hand. “That’s brilliant.”

  “I thought of it yesterday when I was over at McCallan security and saw how much condoms cost at a hotel gift shop. Some of the guys added it to their expense report and, of course, it’s not deductible, but beyond that, it’s a crime how much they’re paying.”

  “So, you think that’s an area we can exploit?”

  “Absolutely. At premium prices, no less. If the damn Marriott can charge ten bucks for three condoms, then you can too. Not to mention some other key items.”

  Taking her hand, he lifted it and kissed it gently. “You make it very hard not to fall in love with you. You are not only beautiful and charming but fucking brilliant.”

  She gave him a sad smile and tipped her head. “If only our love story were possible. I don’t think I could manage the whole mafia wife thing and, in my mind, that’s the only thing standing in the way of our happiness.”

  Winking, he gave her hand one more kiss. “So true.”

  “I’m guessing the quantity of condoms you’d need between the two clubs would allow a significant discount from a supplier and the profit margin would give you a crazy ROI.”

  “You’re so sexy when you talk about return on investment.”

  “Wait until I start talking about deductions.” She finished her drink and laughed. “It might be enough to make you decide that a girl from the Midwest could work out after all.”

  “Don’t tempt me.” He stood and straightened his tie. “I like you too much to lead you into a life you might not survive.”

  “And I appreciate that,” Standing, she allowed Gio to lead her over to the table and waited while he pulled her chair out and then took his own.

  “What is Fabrizio going to feed us this evening?”

  “I have no idea, but it will be perfect.”

  “As always.” She watched a waiter approach and present a bottle of wine and waited while he went through the ritual of opening it. Once Gio was satisfied and she was poured a glass, she lifted it in a toast. “To the continued success of your ventures.”

  “Saluti, the Red Door Club thanks you for your brilliance.”

  The waiter approached and set down the antipasti, which was a stuffed artichoke served in the Roman style. “Rizio is trying to make me fall in love again, and this time it just may work.”

  “Don’t joke because, if he thinks he’s in the game, he’ll lose focus.”

  “I may not be joking because I could be very happy with a man who could make this for me every night.”

  “And what else does the man who captures your heart have to do?”

  “Be honorable and honest about what he wants.” She cut into the beautiful food and ate a bite. “Also, be interested in something more than a fling.”

  “Sin City may not be the best place to find what you’re looking for.”

  “I know; I’m just not quite ready to leave.”

  “Once this town gets ahold of you, it doesn’t like to let go.”

  “I agree, but all I’ve managed to do since I started my own business is work and occasionally spend the evening in your club. I hardly ever go to a show or dancing anymore, so maybe I’d be better off in Kansas City.”

  “What about all those men who flock around you when sit at my bar?” He ran his finger along her cheek. “Perhaps Prince Charming is about to arrive.”

  Taking his hand, she smiled. “I don’t need a prince, just someone who’d like to get to take me on and treat me with respect.”

  “I wish it could be me, but we both know it wouldn’t work.”

  “True.” She gave him a sad smile and then sipped her wine. “At some point, I’ll probably end up in Kansas City living a life very similar to my parents. But before that happens, I’m going to give this town one more year and see if I can find my happiness.”

  “I doubt those staid businessmen that love to buy you drinks are capable, so I suggest you widen your horizons.”

  “I agree, but that’s all I seem to attract.”

  “Or all that you notice.”

  Their plates were cleared, and they were each given a small Caesar salad. As she studied it, she considered Gio’s words and vowed to improve her observation skills. Maybe what she wanted most was hiding in plain sight.


  Cole walked into the Red Door with his brother Zach and waited for the concierge to check them in. Glancing around the lobby, he noted the security men were in place, and the cameras in the corners were active, which is what he liked to see. It had taken them close to six months to come up with the mix of technology and personnel that worked for the club, and he was proud of what they’d accomplished. No major incidents had occurred in the two years it had been open, and he wanted to keep it that way.

  The Red Door was a huge success, and he had to give it to his friend for what he’d put together. Not only did they serve some of the finest food in the city, but they also offered adults a place to indulge in whatever pleasure they were into. Add to that the high-stakes poker games that were run on the fourth floor, and this was Vegas at its best.

  Handing the concierge his black card, he looked over at Zach and grinned. The McCallan brothers sure had come a long way from the trailer they grew up in and a day didn’t pass that he didn’t appreciate it.

  The armed services had given them not only the opportunity get out of their hometown, but away from their abusive drunk father. And some days, he couldn’t believe they all owned homes on the same street, working together, grinding toward a damn good future.

  “Enjoy your evening,” the woman said as she released the lock on the door that separated the lobby from the club.

  “Thanks,” Zach replied as he walked ahead of Cole.

  “You want to grab a drink in the bar before we eat, or are you about to chew your arm off?”

  “Nah, I’m good. Had a late lunch at the UFC campus after the meeting.”

  They strolled into the bar and Cole noticed the place was nearly filled to capacity. He grabbed a table and, as he and his brother slid into seats, he almost immediately fell right off.

  Why in the hell was his accountant sitting at the bar? “What the fuck?” he ground out.

  Zach quartered the room. “What and where?”

  “Kelly Morris is sitting at the bar chatting up some douche in a custom suit.”

  Zach turned his huge body slowly and let out a chuckle. “Good for her.”

  “No, not fucking good for her.” Before he could say more, the waitress approached, and they both ordered drinks. The moment she left, he felt his brother’s hard gaze. “This isn’t a place she should be hanging out.”

  “Says who? She’s a grown woman and can do whatever the hell she wants.” He sat back and stroked his chin. “You know, I’m starting to see the bickering in a whole new light. I thought you two went at each other because you were being a hard-ass, but now I see you have the hots for her.”

  “What are you, twelve? I’m a thirty-five-year-old man and don’t get the hots for women.”

  “No, you usually just have a two-week fuck fest and then never see them again. Maybe you’re bent out of shape because someone has finally come along that makes that shit seem old.”

  “And when did you become a philosopher?”

  “I’m the middle brother; it’s my role alo
ng with peacemaker.”

  Flipping Zach off, he then accepted his drink from the waitress and took a long slug. The Four Roses single barrel whiskey slid down his throat, and he found it did a nice job of soothing his irritation. His brother’s words held more than a hint of truth, and it wasn’t anything he wanted to spend the evening thinking about. Or, let his brother chew on. The man never let anything go, and the last thing he needed was him on his ass.

  He could barely admit to himself that his fantasies of Kelly had moved beyond the usual scorching naked ones and now unbelievably included spending time together and talking. So, he sure as shit wasn’t going to tell anyone else, and that included his nosy brother.

  Unfortunately, the chances of anything happening between him and Kelly were minuscule at best. Considering he wasn’t a relationship guy and doubted his very uptight accountant was interested in a fling, he didn’t see how they’d come up with something they’d both want.

  So why couldn’t he let the fantasy go?

  Studying her as she flirted her ass off made his gut clench, and he wondered if maybe he should just do something about it.

  Once and for all.

  In a sea of women who were dressed in things that left little to the imagination, she stood out in a dress that only hinted at her luscious curves. She was the exception in the room and damn if the simple wrap design wasn’t hot as fuck on her curvy body.

  In a world where everything was available, it was enticing to know there was still a woman out there that would take more than a bit of work to enjoy.

  And that right there was his fantasy.

  Somewhere deep in his gut, he wanted to earn the privilege of having Kelly beneath him, begging him to do things to her that only he could.

  “One of us needs to go over there and say hi since it would be rude to ignore her,” Zach said as he lifted his chin in greeting to a man approaching the table. “And since you’re the one with a hard-on, it should be you.”

  Their friend Xavier ambled up, and Cole stood. “Hey, man, take my seat. I’ve got someone to talk to.”

  “When you’re done, come back so we can catch up.”

  “Will do.” Giving his brother a nod, he turned and stalked toward the bar. “Just going to say hi,” he mumbled as he headed in Kelly’s direction. “And fuck up the guy flirting with her hopes and dreams.” The slick son of a bitch was leaning forward, and he guessed a hand was going to be on Kelly’s leg before too long, and that shit didn’t need to happen.

  No matter what her opinion was on the matter.

  If she needed some man’s hand, then it damn well could be his. Even though it was against his rules and would probably end in disaster.

  Sliding his hand on the back of Kelly’s chair, he waited for the windbag to wind down his tale of glory. Which really just sounded like a lot of bullshit, but who was he to judge another man’s game? The guy finally managed to share the last detail of his alleged victory and Cole leaned in. “Hi, babe.”

  Kelly’s head whipped around, and it put their mouths within kissing distance. A minor shift of his weight would make it possible, but the way hers was twisted suggested he better not.

  “Cole, what in the world?”

  He tipped his head in his brother’s direction and grinned. “Zach and I came by to grab some dinner.”

  Hearing the guy clear his throat, he glanced over and lifted an eyebrow. If he had something to say, he better damn well spit it out. Feeling Kelly’s shoulders stiffen against his arm, he braced himself. He didn’t know if she was going to blast him or keep things civilized, and he couldn’t wait to see what her move was going to be.

  “Allen, this is Cole and we…”

  “Are together,” he finished for her.

  Lifting his drink, Allen drained it and then got up. “Kelly, you’re a beautiful woman, but I don’t do threesomes with a dude.” He held up his hands and smiled. “No judgment, just not my thing.”

  Cole tried to keep a straight face as Allen walked away and he heard Kelly sputter. Taking the abandoned seat, he signaled to the bartender for another round. “So, that was fun, had no idea my accountant was into the ménage scene.”

  “I’m having a hard time keeping my temper and that’s never a good thing in a professional relationship. But considering you just butted your nose into my personal life, I’m thinking it might be okay.”

  “I was helping out.” Her eyes slid sideways, and he felt the fury of her gaze. It didn’t take a genius to figure out she didn’t appreciate his cockblocking. Their drinks were delivered, and he lifted his glass in her direction. “I just saved you a ton of grief because a man named Allen that wears a two-thousand-dollar suit is never going to give you what you need.”

  Snorting, she lifted her drink and sipped carefully. “And what is it that I need, oh great one?”

  “A real man who believes a woman’s needs come before his own and is willing to use his mouth and cock to make sure that happens. No props, no games, no hitting and shit. Just two people allowing themselves to become servants to lust and desire.”

  Not a word of response.

  He’d finally managed to make her speechless.

  He lifted his glass, drank his bourbon, and grinned, realizing it was a lot more satisfying than he could’ve imagined.

  “So, you’re saying hypothetically that if you and I ever lost our minds and decided to spend some time together, then I’d have to leave my merry widow and whip at home?”


  The blood in his brain disappeared instantly as a picture of Kelly standing over him kitted up and cracking a whip filled every corner of his mind.

  It sure as shit wasn’t his thing, but if she asked real nice, he’d certainly consider it. “I’m open-minded so I’d say just about anything is on the table.” He leaned forward so he could see the gold flecks in her emerald eyes. “But my preference is straight up fucking. Sweat soaked, skin sliding together as a man gives his woman pleasures she never imagined.” Her cheeks bloomed pink, and he winked as he sat back. “But, you want to add something else, I’ll consider it. Hypothetically.”

  Swiveling around so she was facing the bar, she shrugged carelessly. “Of course.”

  “But neither of us is interested, so it’s just two people throwing around crazy theories on a Friday night.”

  “Exactly. We both know sleeping with someone at work doesn’t end well and considering how important I am to your business, crossing that line would be disastrous.”

  And that was the harsh dose of reality he needed. She was his freaking accountant, and he never mixed business with pleasure.

  Lifting his bourbon, he drank half of it down and wondered why this was the woman who could make him let go of his hard-won discipline. He didn’t do stupid shit anymore, and following a whim wasn’t something he’d done in more than fifteen years.

  The last ten minutes being the exception.

  “Yeah, the two of us tangling it up would never work.”

  “You couldn’t handle me, so I’d have to agree.”

  Thunking down his glass, he barked out a laugh. “Yeah, we both know it would be the other way around.” Her mouth lifted, and he prayed it wasn’t going to be one of her polite bullshit smiles. When it lit up her face and mischief danced in her eyes, he felt happiness explode in his chest.

  “Guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.” She looked at him over the rim of her glass and then took a sip. “I’m guessing you’re a hell of a lover, but I doubt you have enough staying power for more than one night.”

  Turning slowly, he quelled the anger rising in his chest. “Are you suggesting that I don’t have what it takes to light your world on fire and give you a night you’d never forget?”

  “One night absolutely, but beyond that…no way.”

  His head was going to explode, and the last thing he wanted was for her to figure out that she got to him. Taking a small sip of his drink, he plastered a smile on his face. “So, what are
you really doing here at the Red Door?”

  “Enjoying my Friday night, just like everyone else.”

  “Is this your scene or are just hanging out after you finished working with Gio?”

  “I’d ask you the same thing.” She looked over her shoulder and waved at Zach. “Despite your earlier speech of not being into props and role-playing, I’m guessing you’re here for more than the delicious Osso Bucco.”

  “I actually come for the scampi monastero santa chiara.”

  “I’ve only had the shrimp once, but it was amazing.”

  “You a regular here?”

  “Gio and I have dinner together at least once a week, so perhaps I am.”

  The affection in her voice when she said his friend’s name bothered him, so he decided to ignore it. “You and Gio have a thing going?”

  She patted his hand and then laughed. “None of your business.”

  Speaking of the damn devil, Gio Zanetti fucking GQ mobster ambled up and kissed Kelly on the cheek. The man was too good looking for his own good and somehow managed to look like a prince, despite the fact that he was as dirty as they came.

  No one came out of the Zanetti Crime family clean. No matter what they said.

  “Cara, do you need anything?”

  He watched her eyes warm as she touched Gio’s hand. “No, mi amore. In fact, I’m going to call it an evening. Can you have Sal walk me out to my car?”


  “Grazi, ho n domani presto.”

  “I’ll walk her out,” Cole said as Gio lifted his hand and snapped his fingers.

  Gio slapped him on the shoulder and grinned. “Not necessary. She has to get her things from the office, and she parked in the back, so it’s better if Sal escorts her.” He stepped back and held out his hand and Kelly took it, standing. “Till next week.”

  “Thank you, Gio.” She took Sal’s outstretched hand and then looked over her shoulder. “Have a good evening, Cole.”


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