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Page 14

by Lea Hart

  Turning, she gave Cole a wink as he took her hand. “If you want me to take home one of my plaid skirts so we can role play, just let me know.”

  Leaning back, he gave her a slow once-over. “Every time I think I have you figured out, you throw me a curve ball.”

  “Get used to it because I plan on doing it for a long time to come.”

  “We’ve been together almost three months and not a day goes by that you don’t shock the shit out of me in one way or another.”

  “I haven’t done anything yet today, so let’s go find a place to fool around.” Tugging him, she walked toward the campus that gave her four amazing years.

  As they entered the quad, Kelly thought of all the fun she’d had with her friends and the incredible foundation she’d built for college.

  Attending an all-girls school wasn’t for everyone, but it had been the perfect place for her. By the time she graduated, she not only was more than ready for college but also had a strong sense of self. Speaking her mind and defending her opinions was second nature, so when she arrived at ASU and sat in class with a boy, she wasn’t worried if he approved or not.

  “This place looks like a mini-college campus and couldn’t be more different from the high school I went to.”

  “Other than the all-girl thing, what’s the biggest difference?”

  “Do you know anything about Bakersfield, California?”

  “Not really.”

  “It’s in the middle of the state and isn’t much to look at since it sits in a valley surrounded by scrubby landscape and oil drills.”

  “When was the last time you were back?”

  “Probably fifteen years ago.”

  “Do you have any family still living there?”

  “My dad, along with his brother and his family.”

  “What about your mom?”

  “She took off when I was ten, and we never heard from her again.”

  “I’m sorry, Cole. That had to be awful.”

  “It sure wasn’t a lot of fun. Dad fell apart after mom took off and became a functioning alcoholic.” He stopped walking and brought their hands to his chest. “It was a shit childhood, and my brothers and I were lucky we got out. The Marines gave us all a chance to change the trajectory of our lives, and we wouldn’t have the company if it wasn’t for what we learned during our time in the corps.”

  “Considering the amount of combat you three saw, it’s a miracle you all came home in one piece.”

  “No doubt about it. Between the three of us, we have over a dozen deployments, with most of them in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

  Looking around the leafy campus, she was struck once again how different their paths had been. “You have so much to be proud of; I hope you take a moment every now and again and remember that.”

  “Not really my style, babe.”

  “Then I guess it will be my job to remind you.” She kissed him quickly and then started walking. “This is a full circle moment for me since I’m holding hands with a hot guy who never would’ve looked my way when I was a student.”

  “Back at you because a sexy little thing like you never would’ve given my hoodlum ass a second look.”

  “Oh, that is such a lie. You probably had swagga at twelve.”

  “Are you saying that because I’ve got muscles and tats?”

  “No!” She unlinked their hands and slowly walked around him, letting out a whistle when she looked at his firm butt. “It’s the way you walk and hold yourself. It’s all loose and cool, like you don’t give a shit what anyone thinks. Add to that your light blue eyes and smile that promises all kinds of dirty things, and you have swagga to spare.”

  He pulled her against his chest and ran his nose along her cheek. “Ain’t nothing compared to you, princess.” Sliding his hand down her fitted summer dress, he grinned. “You look like a good girl with your perfect clothes and hair, but I know you’ve got a ton of moves that make you my perfect dirty girl.”

  “That’s only with you.”

  “Which is how it will stay because no other man is ever going to taste your delicious mouth or touch your soft skin as long as I’m alive.” Running his mouth along her neck, he left a trail of kisses. “Now that I’ve got you, I’m not letting go.”

  “Back at you, Cole.” She pushed her hand under his tank top and felt his muscles move along his back as she raked her nails over his warm skin. “Give me a kiss, and then we can walk over to the field and find a place to make out.”

  “You gonna let me get to second base?”

  “Maybe…” before she could say more he slammed his mouth against hers and left no doubt he could get to any base he wanted with little effort.


  Cole laid on Kelly’s bed in her childhood bedroom and looked at the yearbook from her senior year. Not only had she been on the cross-country team, but also had participated in student government and a ton of clubs. Pictures of her and her friends littered the pages, and he thought her blue and red plaid skirt was sexy as hell. Add to that her carefree smile, and he was glad they hadn’t met until he had a chance.

  The door to the bathroom opened and his body reacted immediately as she walked out in a cotton robe. Every curve she had was revealed through the thin material, and he wondered if they had enough time to fool around before they had to be downstairs. He opened his arms and saw her shake her head as she walked over to her closet. “Are you denying me?”

  “No, I’m just delaying you.” She pulled a pair of lilac panties out of a drawer and slipped them on under her robe. “My folks are expecting us downstairs for cocktails in fifteen minutes, and that’s not enough time.”

  He sat up and ran his hand through his hair. “And what exactly do you have in mind?”

  “I want to have high-school sex and fool around.”

  He let out a laugh and watched her cover her gorgeous rack with a matching lilac bra. “What is high-school sex?”

  “Not sure, but I expect you to show me. I didn’t have a date until I was twenty, so I’m relying on your vast experience to make my fantasy come true.”

  “Does high-school sex include intercourse?”

  “I hope so because if you were my boyfriend back then, I certainly would’ve wanted to go all the way.”

  He stood and adjusted himself. “Let’s not talk about it anymore because I do not need to be sporting a chub when I walk downstairs.” He pulled a shirt out of his suitcase and was about to put it on when Kelly stopped him. “What?”

  “We’re having drinks in the backyard. You’ll be too hot if you wear something over your tank.”

  “Babe, are you sure?”

  “My parents don’t care and, even if they did, you have to show them who you are. I think your ink is sexy, so don’t cover it up.”

  “Okay, but if we get blowback, it’s on you.”

  “As long as you talk to my dad about baseball and listen to my mom’s long stories, there is no way they won’t love you as much as I do.” She slipped a T-shirt on and smiled. “I just need five more minutes, and then I’ll be ready.”

  Kissing her head, he nodded and watched her walk back into the bathroom. Was it possible she loved him? Or had her statement been more a figure of speech? He looked out the window and studied the summer storm that was headed their way.

  Did he love her?


  Was he ready to say it?


  The time they’d spent together had shown him a happiness he didn’t know existed, and if he could hold on to it, then he figured he might end up with a hell of a life. Their days were easy, and conflicts had been minimal. With the exception of the big blow-out fight they’d had over the trip, their bickering had all but disappeared.

  And he knew that was because the arguments they’d had during their working relationship had been nothing more than unrequited lust looking for a way to work itself out.

  And boy had they worked it out.

  At home, at
work, and even in his truck a time or two.

  His appetite matched hers perfectly, and he’d be lying if he didn’t admit he’d found it a little surprising. He never would’ve guessed when they started dating she’d be as interested in sex as he was, and the fact that it was only getting hotter was nothing short of a miracle.

  Having never spent more than a couple of weeks with the same partner, he didn’t know what to expect when they hit the three-month mark. And now that they were just beyond it, he was damn happy to discover he wanted her more with each passing day.

  Hearing Kelly’s feet against the hardwood, he turned and felt his heart trip out of rhythm. The girl fucking owned him and why he tried to pretend otherwise was pretty damn funny. “Ready to go downstairs?”

  “Yes, I’m dying to meet my sister’s man and see his face.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I’ve seen his dick a bunch of times when I’ve Facetimed with Anne, and I’m looking forward to seeing what his face looks like.”

  Letting out a bark of laughter, he pulled her in for a hug. “Does he know you’ve seen his junk?”

  “Probably.” She gave him a smile and shrugged. “At least I know why my sister is always in a good mood.”


  She patted his chest and then stepped back. “But I’m in a far better mood, that’s for darn sure.”

  She smoothed out her shorts and stepped toward the door. “Ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be.” He followed her out and prayed the evening went well. Mr. and Mrs. Morris had been very friendly and welcoming when they’d arrived, and he was looking forward to getting to know the people who raised his incredible girl.

  Hell had broken loose at the table, and Cole didn’t know what was going to happen next. Caroline and Ron Morris looked at their daughters snorting water out of their noses as they laughed hysterically and couldn’t tell if they were pissed or not.

  He looked at Anne’s boyfriend, Kevin, for a clue and noticed he was undisturbed. Which could mean he was brain dead or he was used to seeing his girl lose it at the table.

  Caroline threw her napkin at Kelly and Ron threw his at Anne, and they exchanged affectionate glances. Not what he expected as they sat in the dining room enjoying a meal that Caroline had clearly put a lot of effort into.

  They were dining on the “good china” as Kelly called it, and he wondered if this was a regular thing. Didn’t seem so since no one had gotten dressed up, and they were eating barbeque ribs and all the fixings. Kelly’s mom had told him she wanted him to see that Kansas City really had the best barbeque and he decided she was absolutely correct.

  He loved the spice and heat and decided it was a lot like the woman sitting next to him who was mopping her face with a napkin.

  The sisters had egged each other on during most of the meal, trying to top each other with embarrassing stories, and it was Anne who could easily be declared the victor. Her tale featured a dance that involved a borrowed dress, a boy with wandering hands, and the local police, and Kelly couldn’t top it.

  Sitting back, he looked around the table and thought this was exactly the family he’d like to have someday. Everyone was relaxed and, even with all the teasing that had gone on, no one took a shot or crossed a line.

  He’d never experienced anything close and only suspected it existed.

  Now that he’d seen it, he wanted it.

  With Kelly.

  And if that thought didn’t scare the shit out of him, he didn’t know what would.

  Petrified and hopeful.

  Two opposing feelings warred in his chest, and he couldn’t tell which one was going to be the victor.

  “Dessert!” Caroline announced as she got up. “You boys do the dishes, and then we’ll have the peach cobbler I made.” She picked up her glass and the bottle of the wine on the table and headed out to the patio.

  Kelly bent down and kissed his cheek and winked. “Have fun.”

  He watched her walk out with Anne, arm in arm, their wine glasses swinging in their hands and grinned. “Never saw a smarter group of women.”

  “My wife figured out the key to successful entertaining, and it involves me doing the dishes. Considering what an amazing cook she is, it’s well worth it,” Mr. Morris said as he leaned his hands on the table.

  Kevin snorted and picked up the glasses. “Anne hasn’t done a dish since we’ve gotten together.”

  “And how do you feel about that, son?”

  Kevin’s face broke into an idiotic grin. “Like I’m the luckiest guy in town.”

  “Good answer,” Mr. Morris replied. “And you, Cole, how do you fare on dish duty?”

  “We usually do it together since we both cook. It’s a team effort from beginning to end.” He watched the man’s approving smile and didn’t realize how good it was going to feel.

  “You may be the smartest one. I’m a disaster in the kitchen, so my wife wisely kicked me out long ago.” He picked up two serving dishes and headed into the kitchen. “Let’s make quick work of this, so we can get out there before they get too sauced.”

  Cole picked up several dishes, followed the men into the kitchen, and couldn’t remember ever being so optimistic. He had a chance at a hell of a future, and all he had to do was walk toward it and not screw it up.

  Couldn’t be harder than combat…could it?


  Kelly flipped on the fan in her room and collapsed on the bed. “I forgot what humidity feels like.”

  Cole stripped off his clothes and laid down. “I don’t mind it.”

  Rolling on her side so they were face-to-face, she ran her fingers over his warm skin. “I need another shower.”

  “I’m about to get you all sweaty and sticky, so don’t bother.”

  “Are you going to do unspeakable things to me in my childhood room?”

  “Babe, none of them are going to be unspeakable, considering how much my dirty mouth turns you on.”

  “Just say them real quietly since my parents are right down the hall.”

  “You’re the screamer, so keep that in mind when I’ve got my tongue buried in your pussy, licking up all your sweet honey.”

  His words had an immediate effect, and she rubbed her legs together. “Maybe I’ll take you into my mouth first, and then we’ll see who makes the most noise.”

  He gave her a careless shrug and moved his hand across her stomach. “Guess we will.”

  The rough pads of his fingertips sailing across her skin left a trail of goosebumps as they held one another’s gaze. “Thank you for coming, Cole.”

  “Damn glad I did, not only because a king never leaves his queen unprotected, but because I’ve enjoyed the hell out of meeting your family.”

  “Thanks for saying that.”

  “I mean it. This is a first for me, and I’m surprised as shit how easy it’s been. Your folks are great and have made me feel very welcome.”

  “Considering your very fine tush is parked in my bedroom, I’d say they like you a lot.” A smile crossed his lips and seeing his happiness sent a warm unfamiliar feeling zinging in her stomach. Running her finger over the tattoo on his neck, she leaned closer. “You never told me the significance of this skull with the crazy eyes.”

  “I got it when I left the Marines. I cheated death a hundred times over the ten years I spent with the corps and wanted to commemorate the achievement.”

  “You’ve never talked much about it, how come?”

  “Babe, none of the stories are pretty. I went in as a grunt and was cannon fodder for the first couple of years. I went off to boot camp on June 11 of 2001, and the towers got hit three months later. There was never a question of whether I was going to see combat, only if I was going to come back in one piece.”

  “Holy smokes, I never put the dates together. You were just a kid; how in the hell did you handle it?”

  “I had no choice, so I decided if that’s the way I was going to go, then at least
it was honorable. I had no direction, no discipline, and no role models on how to become a man until I went in, so as scary as the idea of combat was, it was also fucking exciting. For the first time in my life, I had a bigger purpose and a way to prove myself.”

  “I can’t imagine being able to handle anything close to that when I was eighteen. I thought going to a big college as opposed to a small one was a big deal. How ridiculous.”

  “Seeing the world you grew up in, going away to a large school was a big deal. You can’t compare our life circumstances and I know we each ended up right where we were supposed to.”

  “I guess.” She traced a scar below his ribcage and then the one on his hip. “Glad you came back.”

  “Me too.” He tangled their legs together. “My first taste of combat had me thinking it wasn’t going to happen. I was part of Task Force Tarawa that went into Nasiriyah. The U.S. and coalition forces needed to go through the area to make it to Baghdad, and it was our job to secure it. It was only supposed to take a couple of hours with minimal engagement. But it was a nasty fight, and we took fire the moment we arrived. Twenty-nine soldiers were killed before the city was secured.”

  “What was the day like?”

  “That’s not an easy answer, and there’s not a lot I remember. All I recall is the sound of choppers overhead unloading on the enemy and the smell of the sewage. What has stuck with me, though, is seeing acts of courage that I never thought were possible. I turned twenty during that battle, and it changed me forever.”

  Studying his face, she saw no lingering shadows and wondered how long it had taken him to work through all that he had seen. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Putting your life on the line to protect this country’s interests.”

  “I didn’t have a choice; I went in as a punk who was looking at jail time. But, thankfully, got a chance to turn my life around and do something worthwhile.”

  “Doesn’t matter how you got there; all that counts is what you did with the experience.”

  “I like the way you see me, Kelly.”

  “Back at you, my king.”


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