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Page 20

by Lea Hart

  Letting out a laugh, she shook her head. “I guess the one over your heart is good enough.”

  Raising an eyebrow, he waited. “So, is that a yes?”

  “I guess.”

  Leaning back, he grinned. “Say it again.”

  Closing her eyes, she nodded. “I may be the biggest idiot in the world, but yes, I forgive you.”

  “Thank God.” He pulled her into his arms and buried his face in her hair as tears began to stream down his face. Holding her tightly, he let himself cry for the first time in his life and felt the rock on his chest finally disappear.


  Hearing Cole cry allowed Kelly to let go of all the anger and sadness that had been her constant companion for the last month. She ran her cheek over the warm skin of his chest and inhaled his familiar scent and knew she’d made it back home.

  God willing, it wouldn’t destroy her.

  Cole lifted his head, and a smile slowly spread across his face. “I fucking love you more than anything in the world and can’t wait to get your ass in a church so we can make our union permanent.”

  “What the…”

  He cupped her cheek and let out a laugh. “Don’t worry; I know it’s not going to happen next week or anything.”

  Lifting her into his arms, he headed toward the bedroom. “You are crazier than I thought if you think we’re going to run off and get married anytime soon.”

  “Never underestimate crazy because a lot of shit has been accomplished because of it.” He dropped her on the bed and then collapsed next to her. “And I’m crazy for you.”

  Letting out a laugh, she ran her hands over his skin and then leaned forward, kissing his new tattoo. “What were you going to do if I didn’t agree to date again?”

  “I was never going to give up until you agreed, so I have no idea.”

  “Dear Lord, save me from your tenacity.”

  “Says the woman who’s gripped her mad for a month.”

  “Are you saying that’s an unreasonable amount of time?”

  Pulling her close, he moved his mouth over her neck. “No, I’m just saying were evenly matched in the stubborn department.”

  She leaned her head back and shivered as his kisses sent familiar desire racing over her body. “I missed you…”

  “I couldn’t breathe without you.” He gave her neck a little bite and then stood.

  “What are you doing?”

  “It’s time to consummate our union.”

  Watching him undress, she felt her body react immediately. “You’re so beautiful, Cole.”

  “No way, babe. You’re the beautiful one in this relationship.” He peeled off her tennis outfit and grinned. “Pink panties…my favorite.” Laying down, he pulled her close. “Home, I finally made it back.”

  She slid her lips over his and heard his growl escape. Deepening the kiss, she felt his hands slide down her stomach and rip her panties off. “Cole…”

  “The first time is going to be fast, but I promise to make it up to you on the second and third go-arounds.”

  Rocking her hips into his hand, she smiled. “Go ahead and remind me why I love you.”

  “Fuck, Kelly. You love me?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  She watched his eyes close and moved her mouth to his ear. “So very much.”

  “Now I have to claim you, so you understand your words are a solemn promise.”

  He grasped her hands, pulling them above her head and rocked his lower body against hers. The feel of his thick shaft rubbing against her clit sent tremors taking her higher.

  Moaning, she lifted her knees, allowing him closer contact. “More…” She wiggled her hands free and raked them over his chest.

  “Always. Lifting her leg into the crook of his arm, he grinned. “You ready to welcome me home?”

  “Yes.” Looking down, she watched him guide himself to her entrance and rub his cock over her juices.

  “Nothing I like better than seeing my cock coated in your cream.”

  “Then quit playing around.”

  “You asked for it.” He thrust his hips, filling her completely.

  Closing her eyes against the tidal wave of emotions, she let herself be carried off by the incredible pleasure he gave her as he drove himself into her.

  Thrusting deeply so he was buried deep inside, nothing separated them, and she blinked back tears. Before she could give into the emotion, his solid thrusts took her out of her head until she was only aware of Cole and the pounding of his body into hers. He took her into an explosive orgasm that consumed her body and soul. Joining her, he detonated and gave her everything he had as they went over the edge together.

  Holding him tightly, she felt her heart fit itself back together and prayed they could make all the promises they made to each other possible.


  Cole filled his mug with coffee in the breakroom and felt like he was on top of the world. He and Kelly had an amazing weekend and were as solid as they’d ever been. He was in love like every other love-sick idiot out there and couldn’t be happier.

  All he had to do was not screw it up.

  And considering he’d almost lost everything, he was well-aware of how easily it could be accomplished. But he didn’t plan on letting it ever happen again, so he had nothing to worry about.

  Hearing Zach’s voice, he turned and watched his brother amble in and fill his mug. “Hey.” Zach drank half his coffee and then grunted. “Why don’t you get a Keurig, so you don’t come in here growling like a bear?”

  Zach flipped him off and drained his cup. “Don’t be spreading your happy shit on me, now that you and Kelly are back together.”

  “Not going to happen, brother. My woman loves me and, as far as I can tell, I’m about to shit rainbows and fart unicorns.”

  “Not a visual I needed before my second cup.”

  “Don’t forget; we’ve got Gio coming in at ten for a meeting.”

  “What the hell about?”

  “He didn’t say and was very cryptic.”

  “Since when does he come here? We always see him at the club.”

  “He said it had nothing to do with the clubs.”

  “That’s great, considering I spent Friday and Saturday at the new one to make sure the guys were following protocol. The public spaces are twice as busy, and I worked with Sal on coming up with a way to make sure guests are secure without intruding on their activities.”

  “Bet you didn’t think all your experience in the Marines was going to be used at a sex club.”

  “Adult Entertainment venue,” Zach replied with a snort.

  “So, you spent your weekend watching people get their freak on in front of anyone willing to watch?”

  “Yeah, and it’s not as entertaining as you’d imagine.”

  “You’re going to have to give yourself a combat bonus because I know trying to assess risk while watching people indulge their fantasies wasn’t easy.”

  “After a while, it’s like anything else, and the writhing bodies don’t even register.”

  “Yeah, I get it because when we set up the protocol at the first club, it was the same thing.”

  “All that debauchery and you fell in love with an accountant from the Midwest.”

  “And I consider myself an extremely lucky man for managing it.”

  “You should because I really didn’t think you two would put your relationship back together.”

  “I was going to burn down the world before I’d ever give up, but, yeah…I had a couple of rough moments before we got our shit straightened out.”

  “I’m more than happy to have Kelly join the family because not only does she make you happier than you’ve ever been, but she’s a hell of a baker.”

  Patting his stomach, he grinned. “Yeah, her pie is something else.”

  Seth sauntered in and cringed. “Why the fuck are you talking like that before I’ve had my coffee?”

  “Kelly made a strawb
erry pie yesterday, so pull your mind out of the gutter,” Cole responded.

  “How come she didn’t bring me a piece then?”

  “Because I kept her busy. Come by after work, and you can take some home.”

  “I’m not going to make Gio’s meet up. The UFC needs one of us over there to go over the schedule for the upcoming fights. They have two events next month, and we need to coordinate.”

  “You take it,” Cole said as he refilled his mug. “Zach has been at the new club all weekend, so if it has anything to do with that, then we’re covered.”

  Seth drank his coffee and nodded. “The smile on your face tells me a trip to Kansas City is in my near future.”

  “Possible, but she may want to get married here.”

  “You going all in?” Zach asked.

  “Yeah, before too long I’m going to give her a ring and get her bound to me in every way possible.” Cole studied the two of the three most important people in his life and saw their approval and knew he was on the right track. “I ordered something for her this morning that’s going to prove to her that what I say is what I mean.”

  “Hope she’s ready for whatever you have in mind,” Zach commented as he refilled his mug.

  “She will be; no doubt about it.” Having a woman like Kelly in his life was going to make his life a thousand times better, and he was going to do whatever it took to get her on board with his plan.

  One way or another.


  Cole sat at his desk and went over the reports that Jared had prepared. Kelly had insisted on installing a program that analyzed the cost-effectiveness of the manpower they had to put against each client. She was convinced that some types of clients were not worth having and the three months of data he was looking at was meant to elucidate what they needed to focus on.

  Why he couldn’t just give it to her and have her do it was not immediately evident. There was a knock on his door, and he looked up as Zach and Gio entered. “Good morning, Gio.” He stood and walked around his desk and shook hands, wondering why his friend looked stressed. “Did Heidi offer you coffee?”

  “Of course, but I’ve had enough this morning.”

  “Come sit down and let us know what we can do.”

  Zach closed the door and took a seat across from Gio. “The new club was busy over the weekend, but we didn’t have any issues. I worked with Sal, and we put some new protocols in place that should eliminate any issues.”

  “Thank you, but I’m not here about the Red Door. I had a meeting with my father last night, and this is a personal matter.”

  Cole exchanged looks with Zach and then sat back. What in the world would the Zanetti Family need from McCallan Security? “What can we do for you?”

  “I’m here as the consigliere for my father.”

  “Okay,” Zach replied quietly.

  Gio looked between the two men and tipped his head. “This conversation will never leave this room.”

  “Absolutely,” Cole replied.

  Gio nodded and sat back. “My sister Alessi seems to have caught the attention of a certain man who is part of the Russian Bratva in New York.” Grimacing, he straightened out his pants. “Through no fault of her own, the boy fell for her and has made it clear to his father that he’d like to wed my baby sister.”

  “And Papa Zanetti does not agree?” Zach asked.

  “His words included; ‘over my cold, dead body,’ so yes, it would be safe to say he is opposed to the idea.”

  “Guessing that a simple no won’t work,” Cole added.

  “You would be correct. The Packham would like to see this marriage as a way to ally himself with our family. My father has absolutely no interest because he abhors the Bratva’s involvement in heroin and human trafficking.”

  “Every man has his code of honor,” Zach said quietly.

  Gio sat up and threw a hard gaze at Zach. “Yes, as a matter of fact, that’s true.”

  “No judgment,” Zach replied. “I spent too many years in combat not to believe that the world is full of gray, and absolute right and wrong does not exist.”

  “Of course.” Gio let out a breath. “This situation is very upsetting because it involves my baby sister. She is a sweet angel, and the idea of her being a pawn in some sick Russian’s game is more than I can deal with.”

  “So, how can we help?” Cole asked.

  “My father would like either Zach or Seth to act as my sister’s intended. The Bratva understands honor, and if she is engaged to another man, then they will have to drop the matter.”

  “Why not get someone from your organization?” Zach asked.

  “He doesn’t want anyone to get the idea that my sister is up for grabs. He’s done everything he can to keep her as far away from the family business as he can, and if one of his men thinks they have a chance with the princess of the family, they might take advantage of an opportunity.”

  “Why wouldn’t Seth or Zach?” Cole asked.

  “Because none of you have any interest in joining the family business. Also, it would be easier to sell the idea that my sister was involved with a man outside the organization without my father knowing about it. He’s been less than forthcoming about my sister’s situation and selling the idea that she fell in love with a man outside her circle would be understandable.”

  “Your father wants to have one of us act as her boyfriend until the Russian boy loses interest?” Zach asked.

  “No, he wants one of you to act as a fiancée and protect her in the event the Russian boy decides to come a-calling.”

  “I’ll do it,” Zach said succinctly.

  “You will?” Cole asked as he tried to keep the surprise out of his voice.

  “Yeah, Seth has a girl he’s interested in, and if he has a fiancée, that’s going to make it a little difficult.”

  Gio leaned forward and shook his hand. “Thank you. I know this is a crazy ask, but my father and I thought it would be the best way to handle it.”

  Zach ran his hand over his face and nodded. “Hope this shit doesn’t bite me in the ass.”

  “My sister is lovely and is an amazing chef. In fact, she’s working in the kitchen with Fabrizio and is impressing the hell out of everyone.”

  “Is that what she wants to do?”

  “Yes, her dream is to have a small place someday that’s all her own. She’s not a typical mafia princess and wants a life outside the family.”

  “Just like her big brother,” Cole commented.

  “Yes, which is why I have to make sure she doesn’t get dragged into something.”

  “What’s the start date on the assignment?”

  “As soon as possible. Come by the club this afternoon, and you two can meet.”

  “I can make it after three,” Zach replied.

  “Perfect, I have to leave around five, so that will give me time to introduce you two.”

  Zach stood and put out his hand, shaking Gio’s. “Okay, brother, hope this goes off without a hitch.”

  “It will; my father is counting on it.” Gio stood and shook Cole’s hand. “Thank you, and I’ll see you both later.”

  Cole watched Gio walk out of his office and then studied his brother. “Bet you didn’t wake up thinking: ‘today’s the day I get to marry into the mafia.’”

  Zach flipped him off and stomped out of the room. “Please, don’t let this be a goat fuck,” Cole said quietly. This assignment could go wrong in a million different ways, and Mario, head of the Zanetti crime family getting pissed topped the list.

  What a way to start the week. Cole took his seat and hoped his brother knew what he was getting into.


  Kelly’s phone rang, and the sound of Cardi B filled her car. Her sister was into the young singer and had insisted it be her signature ringtone. “Anne, how are you?”

  “Excellent, I filled young minds with knowledge, kept Ella from confessing her love to little Fabian, and made sure that all the games
on the playground were inclusive. So, all in all, a very successful second week in the first grade.”

  “You are my hero,” Kelly responded.

  “As I should be.”

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yes, I’m calling to get the download on your weekend. I’m assuming since I didn’t hear from you that peace has been declared and you and Cole spent the weekend in bed reaffirming your lust for one another.”

  “We actually used the love word.”

  “Maybe we have a bad connection…did you say the l-word?”

  “I did.”

  “So, I take it lessons have been learned, and you two are ready to make a real commitment to each other?”

  “That would be correct.” She let out a sigh and turned up the air conditioning. “By the way, my idea was great in theory, but absolute crap in reality. Poor Lawrence got caught in the middle of the mess when I held his hand for a few minutes after our tennis game.”

  “So, I take it Cole saw it, lost his mind, and acted like the Neanderthal that we know and love.”

  “In a nutshell…yes.”

  “So, what have we learned from this particular shit show?”

  “I think Cole isn’t a cheater by nature. He doesn’t follow all the rules, but he has a moral compass that’s pretty damn strong. The week with his father was tough, and it brought up a lot of things he probably never dealt with, and he didn’t handle it well. Not that many people would.”

  “What’s going to make him deal with stress differently the next time something comes up?”

  “We talked a lot about that this weekend, and he’s committed to going through couples counseling. We need some tools, so we fight fair and learn to resolve conflict without irreparable damage. We are combustible together and, while the fire is amazing for some parts of our life, it’s not going to serve us when we have to work things out.”

  “That’s very healthy, and I think most couples could benefit from it. We go to school for just about everything; why aren’t human relationships and solving conflicts part of the curriculum?”

  “I agree. It’s all trial and error, and most people stumble along until they come up with something that works or walk away when they can’t.” Kelly turned into the parking lot of the Red Door and then parked. “I love you, sister.”


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