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The Last Cowboy

Page 5

by Pat Dale

  She squeezed his hand and sighed, tilting her head to one side so the red-gold hair spilled across her cheek. “You’re probably right, Troy. When are you going to bury the hatchet with Sam, by the way. It’s clear you’re still carrying a torch for her, and if you ask me she’s still very interested in you.”

  “I don’t know about that, Rose. The only thing Sam wants to do these days is argue with me.”

  “But you’re still hung up on her, aren’t you?” she prodded, a sad expression lighting her eyes.

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “To me it is. I’d try and explain what happened that night with Ricky, but I don’t think she’d listen to me.”

  “Well then, there’s your answer. Come on, Rose.” He tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow. “Let’s get you back to your motel.”

  * * *

  Sam paused to chew on the end of her pen and gaze into the middle distance with unseeing eyes. Dammit! Why couldn’t she get the image of Troy and Rose enjoying an intimate evening at the Inn out of her mind. She was so over that jerk. But, still…Shaking her head, she picked up the story line and began to write.

  Lady Eve gazed into his eyes, the exact deep sea blue of the open ocean. Everything she ever dreamed of danced across her inner eye. Her breath caught in her throat when his fiery lips descended upon hers claiming them for his own, she thought she would...

  Samantha dropped her pen, startled by the ringing phone. She glanced at the caller ID and grimaced. “Hello, Troy. It’s a bit late for conversation isn’t it?”

  “We need to talk.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I just wanted to thank you for not making a scene tonight at the Inn. Rose and I were just discussing the development, nothing more.”

  She laughed. “Why should I care what you do or who you do it with? Rose wasn’t swept away by your masculine charms? No make-out session to relive your glory days as Home Coming King and star quarter back showing the poor fat girl a good time?” She hated the waspish words as soon as they passed her lips, but pride wouldn’t let her take them back.

  “Not even close, and that’s a pretty shitty thing to say about Rose. I’m not about to take advantage of her. She’s a very nice person, which is more than I can say about you right now. I have to admit when you came by the table, I’d just about forgotten she’s my sworn enemy as far as the new development goes.”

  “Well, well. This must be a first for you. I’ve never known Troy Roberts to turn down a chance to score.”

  “Can we try to be civil and act like adults here?”

  “Look, troy, I’m in the middle of something. What did you call me for?”

  “There’s something we need to talk about.”

  “What could we possible have to talk about? C’mon Troy, you’re wasting my time.”

  “Rose thought you might have been upset that she was having dinner with me. I just wanted to explain—”

  “You’ve got to be kidding. Me? Jealous of that woman having dinner with you? What a joke” She snorted through her nose and ignored the sting of tears gathering behind her eyes. Stupid man, trust him to find her weak spot and poke at it.

  “Are you sure, Samantha? I think maybe she was right.”

  “That proves you live in la-la land. You’re not even on my list of desirable men.”

  He chuckled. “It’s refreshing to know you have such a list, but I admit I’m disappointed. I’d always hoped you and I could get together again.”

  “Get together? As in between the sheets? No way.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” He chuckled. “But now that I think about it, it is a very pleasant image to consider.”

  “You insufferable jerk. Get that thought out of your head. I wouldn’t sleep with you if you were the last man on earth.”

  “Now, Samantha, I have only the best of intentions where you’re concerned.”

  “Hah! I doubt that!” She ended the call and threw the cell on the bed. When she turned back to her manuscript she found it impossible to pick up the thread of the story.

  The story had come to the point where her heroine was ready to surrender herself to the hero, Sir Robert, Earl of Troy. She skimmed over the description of the lady who waited eagerly for consummation. Willowy and feminine, with moderately short black hair radically cut in a short bob, olive skin, and almond eyes. Sam sucked in a breath and chewed her bottom lip. The Anglo Hispanic Lady Eve of Turin was the mirror image of her creator.

  * * *

  Troy followed his usual Sunday routine of attending church with his parents and having dinner with them.

  “What do you say, Troy, how about going along with Ozzie and me today?” Edward Roberts invited his son.

  “I don’t know, Dad. I’m not in much of a mood for fishing.”

  “Do you good, boy. Get out there on the lake and the world will seem a better place. This land deal seems to have you in a bit of a twist. You need to relax.”

  He considered his father’s words. Perhaps he was right. “Okay, I’ll go. Just to maneuver the boat. I’ll let you pros do the hard stuff.”

  “That’s my boy.”

  After changing clothes, they set out to pick up Osmond Turner. Samantha was sitting on the porch when Edgar pulled into the drive. Her face twisted into a scowl as she spied Troy in the passenger seat.

  “Samantha looks upset, maybe her and Ozzie have been at it hammer and tongs again,” Edgar said. “She’s certainly a lot prettier when she smiles.”

  “Maybe I can cheer her up.”

  Troy got out and headed for the house. He’d gone only a few steps when Samantha leaped to her feet and dashed inside. He came back to the van. “Maybe not.”

  Osmond appeared, carrying his gear. “Sorry to keep you fellows waiting.”

  “No problem, Ozzie. Is Samantha sick or something?”

  “Don’t know. She hasn’t said ten words all day.”

  * * *

  By mid-afternoon, the three of them were well out on Table Rock Lake. Troy operated the small trolling motor as they worked one site and then another in search of the big ones. There was already big enough catch to supply both families with a meal of fresh bass and trout. Responsible sportsmen they only kept the larger fish and release any that were small or over the limit.

  Edgar put down his rod and pulled a beer from the cooler. “Sure you don’t want to try your luck, Troy?”

  “Nope. I’m just enjoying watching you two reel them in.”

  “How’s the real estate business going?” Ozzie inquired.

  “Pretty good. I’ve got some excellent prospects right now. If I’m successful, we’ll soon have a number of country stars living near Reeds Spring.”


  “Yep. I just purchased a big parcel over there. I’ve got plans for an exclusive development of luxury homes.”

  Ozzie’s eyes gleamed. “Tell me something. Does this deal involve a potential problem with a certain environmentalist?”

  “How did you know about that?”

  “Samantha said something but she wouldn’t give me any details. She didn’t say you were involved. Is there a chance environmentalists can block your plans for development?”

  “A small one. I don’t think they’ll be successful. I’ve taken those concerns into consideration in my development plans. They still think the development will have a negative impact on the Drury-Mincy area.”

  Edgar harrumphed. “That’s crazy.”

  “I know that, Dad. But Rose Ingersoll won’t listen to reason right now.”

  Ozzie smiled. “So that’s why she’s being so secretive.”

  Troy furrowed his brow in puzzlement. “Rose?”

  “No, Samantha. She said she had something that might develop into a real story but won’t share anything with me.”

  Troy scowled at Ozzie. “I didn’t think she’d side with Rose, given the history between them.”

  “She hasn’t, as far as I know. Ther
e’s something stewing in there somewhere, though. Samantha only gets like this when she’s deep into a story. Or working on an intrigue of some kind.”

  “I’m planning on a big spread of advertising in the paper.”

  “We’d welcome that.”

  “I hope so. After talking to Samantha last night, I’m not so sure she’ll welcome anything I come up with.”

  Ozzie looked Troy in the eye. “Did you say something to upset her?”

  “I don’t think so. I hope not.”

  “Me, too. Samantha needs is a good man who can keep her out of trouble. When are you two gonna get over this silly feud or whatever it is you have going?” He glared at Troy.

  Edgar smiled. “Well, how are chances of your filling that bill, son? I know you’re sweet on her.”

  “Me sweet on Samantha? Where’d you come up with that?”

  “You trying to tell us you don’t like my daughter?” Ozzie leaned forward.

  Troy held his temper in check. Ozzie Turner was infamous for his quick temper and sharp tongue. “Sure, I like her. I like her a lot, for all the good it does. She doesn’t like me,” he said, keeping his tone even with an effort.

  “I’m not so sure about that.”

  “Does ever mention me in anything other than a derogatory way?”

  “No. Not so much talk. But with Samantha, you have to watch her actions. What she does is more telling than what she says. Actions speak louder than words, my boy.”

  “I’ll remember that, sir.”

  Edgar shook his head. “You could do worse in picking a mate, son. A whole lot worse. That is, if you’re ever going to settle down.”

  He turned to Ozzie. “Mary Jo and I have just about given up hoping for grandkids.”

  Troy glowered as he replied, “I want a family, Dad. I’m just not ready yet.”

  Ozzie laughed. “That’s what we all think until the time comes. Then we can’t wait to wear the ball and chain. For what it’s worth, I’d be pleased to have you for a son-in-law if it comes to that.”

  “And I’d love to call Samantha my daughter-in-law,” Edgar added. “Not that we’re trying to put the noose around your neck, my boy.” He laughed and slapped his son on the back.

  “Yeah, right. If you’d asked me in high school I would have said Sam and I would be together forever, but I don’t think it’ll ever work out. Samantha doesn’t trust me. Hell, I’m not even sure she likes me anymore”

  “Trust is something you’ve got to earn-” Ozzie’s line pulled taut as the rod bent almost double. “Oh-oh! I’ve got a big one on the line.”

  * * *

  A deep rumbling voice in the outer office disrupted Troy’s concentration. He glanced at his watch. There weren’t any appointments book. Hell, it was only nine o’clock on a Monday morning.

  “Where is he? I demand to see this Mister Troy Roberts of yours. That is, if he’s not afraid to see me.”

  “I’ll let him know you’re here and see if he has time to see you, Professor.” Julie’s voice had an edge of steel in it.

  “Doctor, young lady. I am Doctor Steven Carlson.”

  “Doctor, then.” She muttered something under her breath as she came down the hall, but it was too low for Troy to catch.

  Troy opened the door and waved Julie off. “I’m Troy Roberts, Doctor Carlson. I’ve been expecting you, just not quite this early.”

  “Yes well, um, your secretary didn’t seem to think so.”

  “That’s because I expected you would call and make an appointment.” Troy gave him his best fake smile. “But let’s not quibble over inconsequential matters. Please come in.”

  Troy waited until Carlson had gone into his office to wink at Julie with lifted eyebrows.

  “Shall I call the sheriff?” she whispered.

  He grinned and shook his head before following the doctor into the office and closing the door. “Please take a seat.” He waved at the chair in front of his desk and took his customary place behind the desk.

  “Rosemary tells me you’re head of the environmental foundation her late husband founded, Dr. Carlson. She’s quite an amazing woman.”

  “Oh? Well yes, Rose certainly is. And now I understand she’s found endangered flora and fauna on the property you want to destroy by developing it, not to mention interfering with the conservation area adjacent to it.” The man frowned and steepled his fingers.

  “So she says. But I’d quarrel over the notion I’m planning to destroy the habitat. I’m sure if you’d just go over the plans with me you’d see I’ve made provisions to protect the flora and fauna.”

  “There’s no need for sarcasm. I know how you developers operate. Anything that gets in the way of the almighty dollar gets crushed underfoot.”

  “Hold on, Doctor Carlson. You have absolutely no idea of my values or my plans for the two thousand acres.”

  “I have all I need to evaluate your objectivity, Roberts. Are you saying you’d be willing to give up your lucrative plans to protect the habitat?”

  “Not on your life. If they truly had no other habitat I might do just that. But the conservation area is almost six thousand acres, and I assure you there are no plans to interfere with the streams and waterways. My blueprints call for minimal impact on the woodlands and water table.”

  “We’ll see about that. You developers seem to have no idea how important it is for the eco-system to protect every species that exists as well as their habitat.”

  “Oh? Well, we developers do know what it means to have our livelihoods threatened by unbridled intellectual chicanery. If there truly is a threat to habitat or specific species that depends solely on a certain part of my acreage, I am open to discussion. If you’re not interested we can fight about it. But it’ll be a fair fight, fought in the courts of the land, not something you ram down my throat with threats.”

  “Is that so? Well, we’ll just see about that.”

  “Yes, we certainly will. Have you talked to Rose yet?”

  “No. She said she was staying in Reeds Spring.”

  “That’s right.” Troy beamed. “Quiet Springs Motel. I left her in Unit Eleven after our dinner date last evening.”

  “Really, why would Rose want to have dinner with you?” Carlson’s lip curled in derision.

  “Rosemary and I are old friends. Went to school together, you know.” Troy knew he sounded smug.

  “You sound as though you’ve been right at home with her there, Mr. Roberts.”

  “That’s right. I have.” He allowed a naughty smile.

  Carlson’s face clouded. “We’ll be in touch.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He followed Carlson out, winking at Julie again.

  * * *

  Samantha looked out the Herald window, across the street a man emerged from Happy Estates with a dark scowl on his face. Doctor Carlson, I presume.

  Steve Carlson was tall and thin, with sandy red hair, dressed like he’d just starred in Out Of Africa.. Definitely a Robert Redford look-alike. She was about to head for the door to overtake him when he turned abruptly and marched solemnly toward the Herald. She left her desk and met him at the bottom of the steps.

  “Good morning. You must be Dr. Carlson.”

  The man smiled grimly. “I am indeed. And you are?”

  “Samantha Turner, associate editor of the Flanders Herald. I’ve talked to Rose about your environmental concerns. I’ve been anticipating your arrival, Doctor.”

  “Well, young lady, I’m here. To quite a reception if Troy Robert’s attitude is any indication.”

  “You mustn’t take Troy too seriously.”


  “Let me guess. He stonewalled you from the get-go.”

  “That’s one way of putting it. I’d hoped we could find a mutual agreement of some sort. That doesn’t seem possible at this point.”

  “Have you met with Rose yet?”

  “No, I went directly to Robert’s office when I got into town. I take it
you spoken with her already?”

  “Yes. That’s how I knew when you were arriving, and of course Rose and I went to school together. She contacted us to generate some interest in your concerns and get some publicity.”

  “Excellent. Good move on her part. Were you impressed with what she had to say?”

  “Very much so. I never realized so many species were endangered in this area.”

  “You’d be surprised, Miss Turner. It is Miss, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. My father is editor and owner of the paper.”

  Carlson turned on the charm. “Well let me tell you, Miss Turner, we’ve found unusual species in most unexpected places. I’d love to share some of my experiences with you, if you have the time.”

  Sam narrowed her eyes. Is this ego-maniac hitting on me? “That would be interesting, but I’d like to know your assessment of what Rose has been telling me about the environmental concerns.”

  “Well, of course I’ve been involved in the process, but I haven’t toured the site yet so I’ll need to speak with Rose and check out the situation for myself before I can issue an official statement. I trust her judgment implicitly. I have the utmost respect for Rose.”

  “I gathered that from what she said.”

  “Just what did she say?” One golden eyebrow lifted in inquiry.

  “Only that the two of you work very closely together.”

  “That’s right.”

  “If you’d like, you can ride along with me out to Reed Springs. I’m ready to compile notes for the first instalment of the story that’s going to press this weekend.”

  “That would be nice, if you don’t mind. The winding roads down here confuse the daylights out of me. I just spent two hours trying to get here from Branson. The road signs were no help at all.”


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