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The Last Cowboy

Page 13

by Pat Dale

  “I have no idea, but it doesn’t matter. We’re together now, so what’s in the past is over and done.”

  She went on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. “Yes, it’s done and gone.”

  He turned his head to capture her lips. The kiss for a short eternity as his tongue danced and melded with hers in a oneness that would have been scary another time. Just when she had to draw back for breath, he bit down on the tip of her tongue. Not hard, but in an act of possessiveness that made the blood run even hotter in her veins.

  “God, how I want you, my goddess.”

  “And I, you, my darling.” She retreated a step and reached up to undo his tie, then the buttons of his shirt. “Let me undress you. I don’t want clothing to come between us right now. We’ve don’t want to waste any more time, do we?”

  “No, we don’t. I think, though, to make it fair, we should take turns undressing each other.”

  She giggled as that inner fictional memory jogged her into action. She’d got his shirt unbuttoned and off his shoulders, tugging at the shirt tail to free it from his trousers. Before she could loosen his belt, he’d pulled the little puff sleeves of her gown down over her lower arms, freeing her bosom to the cool air.

  “Ohh,” she exclaimed as her bare breasts reacted to the cool air. Her nipples, already swollen and puckered, ached for attention. The new sensation sent an unfamiliar ache through her belly and settled in her groin.

  He lowered his lips to caress and suckle one rosy peak and then the other. She nearly swooned when he sucked them into his mouth, swirling his tongue and nibbling gently on the hard nub.

  “Oh my god, that feels so good.”

  Looking up from her bosom, he grinned. “Just the first of lots of good things to come.” When he went back to suckling, his hands gently tugged the gown down over her hips, releasing it to fall to the floor around her feet. She welcomed the sensual slide of the material over her naked skin. She’d waited for this moment for a decade, more than a decade, and she intended to enjoy every thrilling sensation he evoked in her.

  Finally, he straightened as she released his belt, slipping the top button of his trousers and pulling the zipper down. All the way down, revealing his black briefs and the prominent bulge they sheltered. “Oh, yes. I see my horse awaits, milord.”

  “If you mean, your stallion, I agree, milady. And mount you, I shall. But first, we must ready ourselves to fully enjoy the moment. If you would be so kind as to step out of that strip of lace, I’ll do likewise.”

  They retreated and pulled the offending underwear off. Naked, they met at the edge of the bed. He tilted her onto her back and pivoted her body so she lay on the large bed. Then he worshipped her from head to toe and back with his lips and fingertips, stoking the furnace of her need until she found herself crying for release from the sexual torment that racked her body.

  “Take me, Sir Robert. Take me now.” she whimpered with need as he rose over her.

  “I’ve waited for this moment forever, Lady Eve. Now it’s finally here, I want it to last forever after. I pray thee, suffer my indulgence another minute.”

  Before she could reply, he’d dropped his head to her aching breasts and pulled the tips into his mouth, sucking and nipping in earnest. His hand swept to her centre and his fingers ignited her until she couldn’t stand another moment of torture. “Now, Troy! Now! Take me now!”

  Lowering his face to her nether lips, he kissed her briefly and then covered her body with his. Guiding himself into her, he pressed slowly until she was filled with him. Moving slowly and deliberately, he began to move back and forth, accelerating until his body was a fluid machine in motion, driving her into spasms of ecstasy. She gripped the sheets until the instant she exploded in a climax. She never imagined it would be so soul scorching and all encompassing. She screamed and cried in absolute erotic bliss.

  A moment of lucidity enveloped her when she felt his release deep inside her body. She remembered the woman whose wedding they’d prepared to celebrate on today. Did Rose experience the same ethereal bliss in JT’s bed that first night? Laughing crazily, she fought to return to her own reality. She and her lover might have just forged a new generation of Roberts-Turners.

  Troy looked at her, apparently aware she’d become distracted. “You okay, milady?”

  “Never better. Oh my God, that was amazing.”

  He dropped his face to nuzzle her breasts, laving one nipple and then the other. “For me, too. My body still tingles.”

  He hadn’t disengaged, but lay atop her, supporting himself with his arms on either side. She felt his manhood slowly reawaken inside her. She hoped that meant she would soon enjoy a reprise of the original act. This time, she’d have a better idea of what was to come, and be able to participate fully rather than just lie there, letting him do all the work.

  It was better. Much better. They cycled in sync, speeding and slowing as need dictated. Finally, when neither could restrain themselves, they drove their bodies in at a wild gallop to the finish line that left them gasping for breath. And thrilled beyond words.

  As she recovered from the afterglow of lovemaking, Sam recalled Rose’s dilemma once again. Had she just become a mother? She’d never bothered with the pill, there’d never been a reason to before tonight. Besides, weren’t men supposed to have condoms handy if the occasion ever arose. At least they seemed to in all those romance novels she read.

  No matter. In one blinding instant of understanding, she realized what had happened to her friend when she found herself with child. She’d wanted a man of her own, and the act of bearing his children was so natural, it was merely an extension of living and loving.

  Troy had slipped to her side and gone to sleep. She lifted on her elbows and stared down at his peaceful countenance. How could he just go to sleep after the amazing act of love they’d just experienced? Surely, he’d want to assure her he loved her and would always be at her side.

  She smiled, remembering some of what she’d read regarding the sex act, and how men reacted in a totally different manner than women. Part of life, I suppose. Ah, well…

  * * *

  The sun had come up, and its rays reflected off the dresser mirror into Samantha’s eyes, awakening her. She had no idea when she’d fallen asleep, but felt refreshed and alive. So alive, it was almost scary. Looking across the bed, she realized she was alone. He wouldn’t have just left and gone somewhere would he?

  Just as Sam was untangling herself from the bedclothes, Troy came into the bedroom from the hallway, carrying a large tray, laden with steaming coffee and rolls with butter and jam. “I thought you might awake any time now, sweetness. Ready for a hot cup of coffee?”

  Forcing her insecure thoughts into the back of her mind, she smiled. “Am I ever? I didn’t mean to sleep the night away.”

  “I know. I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until about twenty minutes ago. Is it a problem?”

  “Not really. I’ll figure something to tell my folks.” Suddenly aware of the pressure on her finger, she looked down at the beautiful ring. Holding it up, she said, “Oh, yeah. I’ll have lots to tell them, won’t I?”

  His grin warmed her heart as he nodded. “Lots. Can I be there to share the good news with them?”

  “Why not? I think it won’t be much of a shock to either set of parents. I know Dad has expected me to give in to your overtures, and I suspect your dad feels the same way. How about Mary Jo?”

  “Mom loves you, Samantha. We all love you, and you’ll fit right into the family. You’ll see.”

  “Yes. I guess I will. Speaking of see, can we eat these wonderful smelling rolls and take a tour of the mansion. I want to see for myself what I’ve obligated myself to endure.”

  “Endure? Really, Samantha, are you serious?”

  “Not really enduring. Oh, Troy, this is like a dream come true. My own love. My own home. What more could a girl ask for?”

  “Your own family, too. Don’t forget that.”

thoughts turned pensive. “Speaking of which, what if I got pregnant last night? What will that do to us?”

  His grin turned naughty. “I suspect it will hasten the growth of our own family, sweetness.”

  “What if I’m not ready for kids of my own yet?”

  Troy’s smile faded. “I guess all the sage advice you’ve given Rose lately is available for you as well. What did you tell her?”

  She sighed. Touché. “Okay, I get the message.”

  “Exactly. If we’re to be parents immediately, so be it. I can only hope to be as good a father as my dad. We come from good folks and I don’t doubt we’ll be up to the task, my dear Lady Eve.”

  Suddenly, that name hit her. How does he know I’m Lady Eve? She’d never told anybody the names of the characters in her novels. Then she remembered he’d called her that in the throes of passion last night. And the archaic language he used came straight from the pages of her historical novel. “Uh, Troy, I have a question for you. A serious one.”

  “Ask away, dear heart.”

  “Last night, and again just now, you called me Lady Eve. Where did you get that name?”

  His face flamed, his eyes avoiding hers as his gazed dropped to the carpet. “I, uh—well, your mom let me see some of your writing with me. When you called me Sir Robert last night, I remembered the name you’d used for yourself was Lady Eve. Why?”

  “For myself?” Mom told him that? Anger and betrayal surged through her. “That was a name I used for one of my characters.”

  “Yeah, but Sally seemed to think your writing was all about you and me. I assumed—”

  “You assumed wrong, Troy Roberts! You had no right to read that, much less repeat any of it to me. Assuming that I’ve been writing down my fantasies over you? For God’s sake, will you ever get over yourself? Why didn’t you tell me what Mom did? How could you keep something like that a secret. What is wrong with you?” She was on her feet and trembling with no memory of how she came to be in the middle of the room. Anger and betrayal warred with confusion.

  “I warned your mother that she should tell you what she’d done. Your dad said so too.”

  “Dad knows too?” Disbelief thinned her voice. “You’ve all betrayed on the most intimate level. How could you?”

  Troy tried to defend himself, desperation and anger colouring his voice. “Hold on there, Sam. You mom had your best interests at heart. She sent your work to a publisher and they’ve offered you a contract for the first book with an option on the other three. You should be proud of yourself.”


  “Your mom sent one of your books off to a publisher and they just heard back that the man wants to publish your novel. I thought Sally would tell you. But obviously, she didn’t.”

  “No! I didn’t give her permission to even read the damn book, much less send it off without my knowledge.” The sudden revelation of what had happened left her reeling. Dizzy with the conflicting emotions of the moment, she swayed back and forth, trying desperately to maintain her footing.

  “Samantha, are you okay? You look like you’re about to faint.”

  She snapped back at him. “I wouldn’t give you the pleasure. I just want to go back to bed and wake to find this has all been just one giant nightmare.”

  “What has been a nightmare?”

  She waved her hand, indicating the room. “This room. This house.” Pausing for emphasis, she added, “You.” Holding her hand up so the diamonds caught the morning light, she whispered, “What have I got myself into, this time?”

  “A future we’ve both dreamed about for ages, I hope. Samantha, I love you, and you love me. This is just the beginning of a whole new day.”

  “I don’t think so. This is a nightmare. How could you all betray me like this? Don’t any of you respect my privacy and my right to make my own decisions?”


  She yanked the ring off her finger and flung it at him. “Here! Take your damned ring and go to hell. I wouldn’t marry you if you really were the last cowboy in Texas!”

  * * *

  Troy made a grab for the ring and missed. He bent to retrieve it from the carpet. Sam took the opportunity to storm past him into the bathroom. He tried the door but it was locked.

  “Come on, Samantha. I’m sorry. I knew you’d be upset, but Sally talked me into keeping quiet. Open the door and let me explain.”

  Her voice came faintly through the door. “There’s nothing to talk out, Troy. We had our moment of fun. Maybe that’s all it ever was with you. I just don’t know what to believe anymore. I’m going to shower, and I hope you’ll have the decency to be gone when I come out. Now, leave me the hell alone!”

  He stared at the locked door for long moments. When she said nothing else, and he heard the water running in the shower, he turned back to the tray sitting precariously on the bed. Taking the cup of lukewarm coffee, he drained it. He’d taken one bite of the roll when it hit him that he’d somehow messed up royally. Again. His dream just morphed into a whopper of a nightmare. Especially if he’d just gotten her pregnant. Holy-moly!

  He sat in the high-back chair, waiting for her to emerge from the bathroom. Eventually, she appeared wrapped in one of his plush oversize towels. Without a word she glared at him and marched across the room. He watched with detached concern while she dressed.

  Nose in the air, Sam returned to the bathroom, working her hair into its customary severe bun. When she looked sufficiently businesslike, she emerged and scowled at him.

  “Can I count on you for a ride to my car? Or would it be better if I call for someone to come get me?”

  “I’ll give you a lift. Then we can go to your place and you can tell your folks about our good news. I don’t see that a simple argument is all it takes to spoil our plans, Samantha.” He hoped she’d agree with him, it was worth a try, although he figured his chances were slim to none.

  “You don’t see lots of things, Troy. The engagement is off. If you’ve lost the ring, too bad. I don’t really care.”

  “I didn’t.” Reaching into his pocket, he produced the ring. “Here it is. If you’ll promise to keep it on your finger, I’ll give it back to you.”

  “You don’t say? The only promise I’ll make is that I never want to see you again after today. And that’s one I’ll be sure to keep.”

  “Samantha? We have to get ready for Rose and JT’s wedding. Can’t we put this discussion off until after their big day?”

  She paused half way down the stairs. What she wanted right at this moment was to find a hole, fall into it, and pull the hole in after her. How could she stand in public, arm in arm with this baboon, pretending she was the happiest girl in the room. Uh, the second happiest.

  An image of Rose’s expectant face crossed her mind. Expectant? Oh God, I have to do it. No matter how much I hate Troy and my parents, I can’t let Rose down. “Okay. I’ll do this for Rose and JT. Just don’t expect me to be all nicey-nicey.”

  He nodded. “I won’t expect anything except for you to be civil in front of others. And try to be happy for the sake of the wedding couple, okay?”

  “I can do that. Now, will you please take me to my car so I can get home and dressed in time for the wedding? I don’t want to be late.”

  The ride into Branson was quiet and blessedly short. Troy set a new speed record getting her downtown to where her car was parked. Her mind was a blur of emotions as she slid into it and started for home. What would she do when she saw her mother? She had to keep her cool or today would become a disaster. Well, hell. It was already a disaster.

  Chapter Twelve

  Samantha pulled into the drive, not surprised to see both her parents on the front porch. She parked and mounted the steps to join them. Her attempted big smile fell short. “Morning, Dad.”

  “Morning, hell! We’ve been worried sick about you. You didn’t even have the decency to call.”

  “Dad, I’m a thirty years old. I really don’t have any obligatio
n to report in to you or Mom. I spent the night at Troy’s, if you must know.”

  “Humph.” Her blatant pronouncement set him on his heels. “And what is that supposed to mean?”

  Unable to resist a tart reply, she found herself getting a perverse kick out of this ugly scene. “It means whatever the hell I want it to mean.”

  “Samantha! There’s no need to be rude. Keep your voice down, the neighbours will hear you.”

  “Oh, God forbid the neighbours should hear! Like they don’t spend half their lives gossiping about what goes on in Flanders. Maybe they’d like to hear about what liars you both are!”

  Sally put a hand on her arm and cautioned her husband to be quiet with a look. “Honey, we know you’re an adult. We were just worried that something awful had happened to you. Why didn’t you call?”

  Samantha snorted. “Well, something did happen. First, I agreed to marry Troy and then that betraying bastard tells me you and Dad stole my novels and sent them to a publisher. And you let Troy read them. How could you betray your own daughter like that?”

  Sally’s face paled. “He told you? That boy promised to keep it to himself until we’d had a chance to tell you the good news. I wanted to wait until after Rose’s wedding.”

  “Well, wasn’t that sweet of you? You thought that what I don’t know won’t hurt me? Damn it, Mom, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Last night, Troy asked me to marry him. Did you catch that? I said yes.”

  Before she could reveal the rest of her story, Ozzie clapped his hands. “Glory hallelujah! Girl, that’s great. We’d begun to won—”

  “Great? You think this kind of betrayal by my parents and the man I thought I loved is okay?”

  “Samantha! Stop this right now. Nobody betrayed you in anything. I recognized the genius in your writing. I also knew you wouldn’t take the necessary steps to get it published until it was perfect by your standards.


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