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Zaxon B: The Final Struggle (Galaxies Collide Book 4)

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by Andrew McGregor

  Zaxon B: The Final Struggle

  By Andrew McGregor

  The Story So Far

  As basic activation codes were sent across the galaxies, Morgon grenadiers and shock troops emerged from years of hiding, plunging the population of earth into a vicious and genocidal war they were ill prepared for.

  Across the galaxies, the Trevakian Empire is crumbling on all sides from the onslaught of a merciless enemy, with ground forces fighting on many planets and an unrelenting air and space war that is evidently turning more readily in the enemy’s favour.

  With the untimely arrival of Morgon Decimator Warships above earth, the Trevakian ships that had initially proved so effective were simply blown from space, the surviving crew members escaping in pods to the planet’s surface.

  Fighting on the planet’s surface has erupted across the globe, the enemy reinforced with a seeming endless supply of space fighters to combat the meagre earth and Trevakian defenders. With virtually all the planet’s satellites now destroyed and a major disaster unfolding that was designed to demonstrate the sheer firepower and destruction of the enemy’s technology, the human race is left in no doubt of the grave future that beckons, just a matter of days after ‘first contact’.

  On Zaxon B, far across the galaxies, the last of earth’s offering of troops have arrived through the portal, the power now cut as the threat above the human home planet becomes greater. All the manpower available for defence will now be needed.

  With the bitter fighting on Zaxon B heading towards conclusion, a desperate and foolhardy attempt by a Trevakian military commander to break through and destroy Morgon landing areas has ended in complete failure, the surviving troops isolated and cut off as the fighting intensifies on their unsupported flanks. The ingenious Morgon trap proving very effective and in bonus, slaughtering one of the Trevakian Empire’s most powerful and formidable units, a devastating blow to morale.

  Heavy fighting continues to the north, east and west, with the southern mountainous and heavily frozen wastelands proving too inhospitable for both opposing forces.

  All remaining Trevakian units are stripped of reserves to strengthen the defences on the eastern approaches to the capital, placing extra, almost unbearable strains on garrisons and other areas of the crumbling front. Heavily outnumbered and with dwindling ammunition, the surrounded defenders to the east hold out, awaiting a grim uncertain future as the war continues around and behind them.

  With Morgon shock troops now fighting on the upper levels of the protecting Trevakian orbiting space station, the arrival of a few companies from earth may just stem the tide for the time being…

  However, the enemy is preparing a fresh and final onslaught, utilising the captured wounded from across the destroyed planets. A ‘Black Death’ battalion formed from the shattered bodies of the defeated…chemically and mechanically enhanced to fight for their new masters.

  The stage is set…the Final Struggle for Zaxon B is about to commence…

  Character Overview: Zaxon B

  Admiral Shadian

  Commander of the space station above Zaxon B, Alexion One, the admiral has served with his crew of approximately two thousand for over six years, covertly monitoring Morgon communications and movement as the vast ship was deployed in orbit above the barren planet below. With the unannounced arrival of two Morgon Decimator Warships at the far side of the planet, the situation rapidly deteriorated. Strangely, the vessels departed after time, but leaving an overwhelming fighter strength against limited Trevakian vessels, with Morgon units fighting in the upper levels of Alexion One.

  In his mid-forties, he is now struggling to engage several of the enemy at once including preserving his precious fighter strength against the Morgon pilots below.

  Major Hecklan

  Responsible for the doomed assault of the defensive forces, the Major had naively believed that one spirited push could break through and destroy the Morgon landing areas. Buoyed by the initial defeat on the Morgon forward units, he had not foreseen the enveloping trap that would befall the soldiers under his command, seeing one of the finest fighting units of the Trevakian Empire isolated and destroyed. The remaining Blue Leopards, Heathrow (Reserve) Battalion, Korean Marines and the American observers are now trapped in in the maelstrom of the eastern front line. Major Hecklan is now faced with shoring up a crumbling defensive front before the planet capital, Morasat.

  Western Front:

  To the west of the planet capital, Morasat, several mining villages and settlements sit amongst the jagged terrain. The fall of Contax Base to the Morgons, one of the most central of the mining communities, has severely undermined the Trevakian presence and although the timely arrival of a unit of Red Leopards halted the enemy advance, the situation is now nothing less that precarious.

  A number of smaller hamlets and military bases are now manned by scattered garrison units of Trevakian Marines and supply troops, with the forces being further weakened with a need to send every available soldier for the defence of the capital to the east.

  The furthest, most western point before the jagged mountains extend across the planet houses one of the first bases on the planet, Rangara Outpost. Now weakly manned, this military installation conceals a path into the inhospitable mountains, the summit of which is believed to be home to a classified Trevakian scientific or military research base.

  With the most recent patrol from the outpost attacked and chased by Silakian soldiers, twelve reservists have temporarily arrived to reinforce the slim garrison numbers, an assault to crush the insurgency to potentially commence at first light.

  Rumour and folklore mentions an explorer whom disappeared into the mountains at some point in the past, perhaps keen to discover rich minerals or even a passable route through the treacherous terrain that would allow passage around the planet. It is widely believed that this foolhardy adventurer will have fallen victim to one of the many snow tigers or carnivorous beasts that reside in the mountain ranges.


  An asian security officer at Heathrow, by chance, Riaz was one of the first staff members aboard the alien craft. Being initially chosen to model the Trevakian marine uniform to demonstrate to the new allies, he was involved in assisting the first wounded through the transporter portal, becoming stranded on the space station above Zaxon B. Mistakenly seen as a front line soldier because of his uniform, he was ordered by military command onto one of the transports to the planet’s surface, the craft chased by Morgon fighters to a remote outpost, Contax Base. Adapting to the surroundings, Riaz now has considerable experience with the Trevakian assault rifle issued to him.

  Now isolated in Zangara Outpost, with Morgon troops to the north east and sporadic fighting with Silakians nearby, the future is beginning to look grim…


  Philippine by birth, Shino also shares the same fate as Riaz, having ended a frantic first space flight to Contax Base. Speaking some Russian and a keen computer games player with the nickname Pheonix, Shino has learnt early that the enemy is both ruthless and terrifying. Short in stature, but tall by nature, she is a determined and self-motivated individual, so named fondly by her father after his obsession with Japanese anime comics before her birth.

  Also isolated in Rangara Outpost, Shino has befriended two of the local residents and is equipped with a new prototype assault machine gun.

  Debra Hardie

  An operational supervisor at the airport, Debra had accompanied Riaz, Shino and Sam onto the Trevakian vessel after it landed. Being chosen like the others to model the off-world armour and combat uniforms, she was also mistaken as a f
ront line soldier and sent to the planet’s surface. With a natural mothering influence and feeling responsible for the three security officers in her charge, Debra is keen to protect them and reach safety.

  In Rangara Outpost with now two Heathrow subordinates, Debra now realises that due to the shortage of personnel, they are now front line troops.


  A private in the second Trevakian Marine Brigade, Tregan and his close colleague and friend, Mrin, were initially assigned to protect the four human earth civilians from Heathrow until their consistent stories of innocent and incorrect selection could be established. His countryman brutally slaughtered in action whilst protecting them, Tregan now holds the safety of the humans as a high priority, feeling he owes this to his now deceased best friend.

  Now second in command at Rangara Outpost due to the shortage in personnel, Tregan has become rather fond of the Heathrow volunteers and is keen to protect them.

  Captain Dugachard

  The Trevakian commander on the drop ship, Captain Dugachard was stranded with the humans, rapidly realising she was the senior commander at a disorganised outpost of Trevakian and allied volunteers in Contax Base. Coordinating the retrieval of personnel, she became disillusioned with the casualties and deteriorating military situation, eventually complicit in ordering a full retreat when the realisation that the defenders would be overwhelmed and slaughtered became apparent.

  Now overall commander at Rangara Outpost, the efficient and determined officer is wary of the extreme shortage of soldiers, attempting to bluff the local Silakian bandits with ploys to bolster the appearance of their numbers.

  Eastern Front:

  To the east of Morasat, the flat brush land is more hospitable, allowing for more numerous settlements and the survival of some isolated tribes and colonists. The open terrain unfortunately permits the bitterest of weather to sweep across the mostly infertile plains, forcing most inhabitants to remain close to their dwelling and settlements during weather and fierce electrical storms. Furthermore, the savage wildlife that lives in the many caves and burrows would take bravery verging on suicide to prompt a lone trip during the hours of darkness.

  With the Morgons landing in force to the far east, defensive lines were prepared and manned across the plains, the enemy launching a large offensive that broke through these defences. Now cut off, several of the hamlets and settlements have formed ‘hedgehog’ style positions for survival, surrounded by vast numbers of Morgon and Silakian troops hell-bent on their destruction.

  The last defensive line before the capital is therefore strategically imperative for the survival of the planet, all available and reserve soldiers being moved into the positions on high buffs overlooking the plains, the enemy watching intently…and hungrily…from below.

  Jozefina Kapralova

  An operational manager at Heathrow, Josefina had realised at an early stage of the air battle over England that the commercial aviation aspect of Heathrow’s business would be detrimentally, if not severely affected. Respected by her fellow colleagues and security officers, she had received several texts and phone calls from perhaps naïve staff eager to join up, all of whom had been military reservists in the many nationalities that form some of the workforce at the airport. Finally convincing the Terminal Manager and then Chief Executive, the initially mistakenly formed Heathrow Battalion now has official status as designated reserve troops for the Trevakians.

  Isolated by the advance, she is now cut off with the surviving members of her staff in the forward positions.


  A Heathrow volunteer, Rees was placed under Jozefina’s command and is isolated in the forward hamlets cut off from the planet’s capital. A young impressionable individual, it appears he may not have been completely honest about having served in a reserve military unit prior to joining, a young zeal for adventure overcoming his cautiousness.

  Having saved Captain Mason, he has run out beyond the frontlines in youthful eagerness at seeing a jettisoned seat from a crashed Trevakian fighter.

  Lieutenant Malikkas

  An officer in the Blue Leopards Special Operations Unit, Malikkas is currently missing in action (MIA), presumed killed during the naïve advance along with most of his countrymen. A Herrakian from one of the furthest, most inhospitable planets in the Trevakian Empire, the people are of deep brown, heavy skin and pure white hair. Many have distinct family markings on their cheek bones and are some of the most vicious and fearless fighters amongst the Empire.

  The Blue Leopard Special Operations Unit have virtually ceased to exist as a fighting force, being completely overwhelmed in Major Hecklan’s collapsing advance as they attempted to protect the human volunteers. The few remaining survivors are encircled in the forward hamlets.

  Lieutenant Kim

  A serving officer in the South Korean Blue Dragon Division, Kim and a number of his unit were flown directly to London at the start of the troubles. Passing through the portal, they were joined with the Heathrow Battalion as observers and support, unaware that a confusion with uniforms had placed the reservists on the front line. Thrown into the advance by Major Hecklan, the unit was torn to pieces in its attempts to stabilise the centre, the survivors now cut off in forward hamlets.

  Flight Officer Anjara

  A decorated airman, Anjara and his infamous ‘Viper’ Wing have fought almost continuously in the skies and space above Zaxon B, being heavily outnumbered and outgunned. Suffering horrific casualties amongst his crew, the unit had resorted to more cunning tactics against the jet black fighters of the Morgons, attempting to draw the enemy onto the laser guns of the Trevakian Space Station, Alexion One.

  ‘Viper’ Wing, through reputation, had become a prize kill for the Morgon fighter pilots, eventually leading to a chaotic chase across the planet’s atmosphere and ending with the shooting down of Anjara’s vessel. The stricken craft has crash landed amongst the Morgon ground forces, and although the ejection mechanism was seen to deploy, Anjara’s fate is as yet unknown.

  Captain Mason

  An American serviceman stationed at the embassy in London, Mason was sent through the portal soon after it opened. Being the officer to realise the mistake made with the Heathrow volunteer uniforms, he was severely wounded upon the collapse of the advance and is currently in a Trevakian medic station cut off with the other soldiers. Saved by the prompt and seemingly uncharacteristic actions of Rees, his future survival is questionable.

  An experienced soldier, he and his unit are believed by several to be all members of the CIA.

  Captain Mekeert

  Originally of the 16th Trevakian Motorised Division, Mekeert became isolated from her unit during the advance, escorting the Americans and Captain Mason to the north east from the Morasat frontal defensive positions. Instrumental in the drive to relieve the isolated forces in the centre, she is now isolated in the front villagers with the survivors.

  Aboard the Morgon Black Star Station:


  A black male security officer at Heathrow, Sam was designated to hold a sniper rifle by the Trevakian marines around him upon weapon selection. Having studied in his part-time for a degree, Sam has spent some considerable time considering and learning the weapon issued to him, horrified the rifle was without the common safety features of standard issue Trevakian weapons. He was positioned in one of the two small towers in the outpost of Contax Base, unfortunately the structure receiving a direct hit on the final Morgon advance as the defenders broke and fled.

  Heavily wounded and captured as a trophy by the Morgon Grenadiers, Sam has awoken to discover the depths of horror the enemy can stoop to. His body broken, he has been reformed under the contorted supervision of Morgon scientists and is now set to join the ranks of the enemy ‘Black Death’ Battalion, a unit comprised of broken captives from across the conquered worlds, technically and toxically enhanced.

  Character Overview: Earth

  With the emergence of Morgon grenadiers across earth an
d Decimator Warships in the atmosphere above, the battle for the survival of the planet has now begun. Trevakian ships were simply blown from space by the immense power of the Morgon Warships, some of the fortunate crew abandoning their vessels on orders as Vice-Admiral Chergui set his own ship on a suicidal collision course with one of the attackers.

  Landing on earth, they face an uncertain future with the planet under direct attack.

  Admiral Karladen

  Transported in a Trevakian Skorpion Class Battle Cruiser, Admiral Karladen was the chosen commander to make first contact with earth. His highly decorated career providing the perfect backdrop to open negotiations with an innocent world…a planet that would soon be drawing the attention of the destructive Morgon enemy. Unbeknown to him, the Morgons had followed the Trevakians through space, arriving in orbit above human earth shortly after initial communication was made. Upon first contact, the Admiral elected to remain on the ground with his media officer to negotiate with the humans.

  With earth now under direct attack, Karladen is struggling with world leaders to gain a complete picture of events as they unfold.

  Vice Admiral Chergui

  A Trevakian Battleship commander with the Seventh Fleet, his ship and escorts were diverted on their way to relieve Zaxon B to attend a distress beacon placed on earth at Admiral Karladen’s order. Chergui is now on earth after the destruction of his ship, with at least two immense Morgon Warship vessels now controlling Earth’s orbit and atmosphere.


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