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Zaxon B: The Final Struggle (Galaxies Collide Book 4)

Page 4

by Andrew McGregor

  Several of the twenty plus defenders turned and ran in terror, a number twisting and falling as Morgon bullets cracked through their backs and shoulders. The remainder fired out determinedly, consuming fear preventing their retreat as they crouched in rising terror, their female commander’s body twitching as the cracked and broken visor across her face exuded the oxygen provided by the helmet, her face a bloodied mush from a direct penetrating hit by shrapnel.

  More grenades clattered across the walls, another squad of Morgon shock troops descending the warped and damaged stairs, the defenders throwing pulse and smoke grenades, most disorientated in the swirling clouds of dust. Shrieks of hatred filled their earpieces as more of the enemy joined the attack, surging towards the stairs and forcing their armoured frames downwards through the retreating and struggling wounded. Detonations flashed through the smoke, tall muscular Morgon frames tossed against walls and backwards as the shock waves engulfed those advancing.

  Acid projectiles swept through the corridor, green wisps of putrid smoke swirling in their wakes as they exploded against the dust covered walls and floor, more air being sucked towards the stairs, several of the defenders spinning and struggling to remove melting, smouldering armour or jabbing at the green splattered sludge gradually consuming their insulating combat suits.

  The Morgons charged towards the first defences, Trevakian reservists screaming in hatred as they emptied ammunition clips into the advancing tall soldiers, the initial defending troops knocked to the dust covered floor as the Morgons swarmed over the positions, hacking and smashing their rifles down onto the few remaining defenders.

  The second line fired out frantically, a number lunging away in terror as they witnessed their fellow crew members smashed to the floor and butchered. Ten reservists remained, their teeth gritted in stubborn determination as they poured fire into the advancing enemy, shrieks of hatred filling their ears. Throwing the last of the grenades forward, several glanced at each other in dread as they opened fire once more, the detonations throwing debris and fragmented containers across the walls and ceiling.

  Backing away in fear, the reservist crew members continued to fire into the rising smoke, their visors flashing warning red as the billowing mass of dirt swept towards them. Silhouettes moved through the shroud, the bullets cracking against the armoured plate ahead as the Trevakians backed further, glancing to see the distance to the next defences as they stepped over the limbs of the dead. Several wounded were crawling away painfully, three soldiers ducked behind the next barricades and indicating frantically for the remaining defenders to retreat.

  Finally, the small group turned, lunging at low crouches towards the secondary defences, several glancing despondently at the small flashing green lights of the pulse mines, the activation codes now set in the next remote console, some distance behind. Bullets smacked above them, the last few grenades detonating behind as they sprinted back, sliding behind the next obstructions and grasping towards the ammunition stashes.

  The smoke spun and churned ahead, replenished assault rifles being thrust over the barricades in readiness of a fresh assault, the twelve survivors grimacing at their diminished number, realising they would probably not be able to hold the Morgon advance for much longer. A couple dragged the wounded across the floors, placing them behind the obstructions for cover before resuming their positions on the makeshift defences. High pitched shrieks resounded across the walls, the Morgon commanders moving down the stairs and urging their soldiers forward, excitement rising in their frames as they realised the defenders were almost beaten.

  The Trevakian reservists stared out into the dust, a young male bridge operator blinking as he glanced across the walls, the pulse mines flashing more persistently, then flicking to red…the traps armed. He gestured, shouting in excitement, ‘Someone has armed them!’

  Spinning round, his eyes widened further, the silhouettes of helmets and chest armour emerging up from the stairs at the far end of the corridor, the breath catching in his throat as the first figures dropped to a crouch, more emerging behind brandishing assault rifles, his voice rising in anticipation and excitement, ‘Look!’

  A commander emerged from the steps leading below, waving the reinforcements forward, gesturing for some soldiers to drag forward more mines, several behind manhandling two heavy machine guns up the stairs.

  The young Trevakian grinned as one of the soldiers dropped next to him, the man slapping his shoulder in encouragement as he gasped, his eyes scrutinising the unfamiliar face through the resin shield, ‘How many of you are there?’

  The tanned soldier winked at him, turning back as his rifle raised to his eyes, ‘There are over three hundred on the floors below…we attack with one hundred and fifty to begin with…’ The trooper stared into the smoke, a flash of white teeth as he smiled in readiness, realising the Morgons were reinforcing their front and preparing to advance once more, ‘I am the frontal commander, Captain Gurung…you report to me now! We will hold their assault…then drive them back!’

  The Trevakian nodded in dread, lowering his head to stare along the barrel of his rifle, his mind unconvinced, ‘Yes Sir…what unit are you from?’

  The captain grinned, realising the crewman had probably not seen a similar face to his before, ‘The Royal Gurkha Rifles…from earth…we are your new allies.’

  The young soldier smiled faintly with encouragement, ‘Good to have you with us…’ He indicated ahead into the smoke pensively, ‘The Morgons are readying to attack again! They may not be that easy to defeat!’

  The captain glanced round as the laser cannon belched, intense light sweeping above them. He nodded encouragement to his countrymen as they dropped behind the defensive positons, his voice raised, ‘Let them attack…I assure you we will slaughter the second wave and then drive upwards! I want the heavy machine guns firing from either side…then let’s give them a taste of the Kukri! (Gurkha blade).’

  Chapter Three: Rangara Outpost

  The soldiers lined up formally in the dim pre-dawn light, Captain Dugachard striding from the command post and grimacing at the low number of combat ready troops before her. Tregan stepped forward at the nearest end of the line, slamming his fist to his chest plate with his other arm clutching a new longer assault weapon, his voice a hiss, ‘Officer on parade…raise arms!’

  Boots slammed together, the soldiers raising their assault rifles automatically across their chests, Riaz and Shino smiling furtively as their actions mirrored the other troopers, their timing synchronised. Debra Hardie stepped forward at the far end of the line, cracking her boots together and raising the assault rifle to her chest in an almost automated action as Tregan had taught her, her chest filling with pride at the achievement, the two Heathrow volunteers behind staring forward, their eyes widening briefly in surprise, carefully concealing their amusement.

  Captain Dugachard slowly walked the line of eighteen soldiers, the remainder of fit troops shuffling along the upper walkways on observation duties, staring out onto the silent village below. Inspecting the men and women before her, the officer nodding in an attempt to inspire confidence in the soldiers as they stood solemnly, staring with fixed eyes ahead.

  Gradually, the commander reached the end of the line, winking at Debra as she turned on her heels, before stepping back along the route she had just taken. Speaking softly, she projected her voice so all could hear, her tone and expression determined as snowflakes began to fall, ‘We will move out in combat order…the Silakians are based some distance from here and possess some sort of transport or portal to the valley in the north.’ She stopped abruptly at the centre of the line, turning swiftly and placing her hands on her hips, a couple of male Trevakians glancing secretly across her slim figure with relish, ‘We have limited time before our additional soldiers have to head back east, so our mission is to suppress or eliminate the Silaks and destroy their transporter before more can get through to join them.’

  Captain Dugachard stepped back, glancing
across the soldiers before her as if to scrutinise their resolve. Hesitating briefly, she continued, ‘From reports, I believe there are no Morgons facing us…it is a simple search and destroy mission to reduce any threat to the garrison here and to eliminate any aggressive tendencies. This will reinvigorate the support of the residents and enable us to restore supplies and protection to the endangered species that are indigenous to this area.’ She glanced across the soldiers once more before speaking softly, ‘This will be dangerous…I require you all to stay together and follow your initial combat training…there will be no casualties on this mission. You will be supported by two of the quad halftracks, but only once you have established contact with the enemy. This will ensure the element of surprise.’ She looked away briefly, seeming to reflect on what had happened before as she drew breath heavily, ‘You will all do your duty…Our time is now!’

  Tregan glanced at his commander, stepping forward and hissing, ‘Auxiliaries and Red Leopard Reserves…any questions for the officer before we move out?’

  One female soldier raised her weapon slightly, her voice controlled but weak, ‘Sir…they are Silaks…do we take prisoners if the situation permits?’

  Dugachard smiled faintly as she considered the question, then tensed her jaw, ‘If the situation permits…yes. But at no time should this be at the danger of your fellow soldiers…in which case…’ She sighed deeply, ‘…execute any enemy combatants before endangering another trooper…we have too few left now!’

  The commander nodded grimly to Tregan, ‘Once you have returned from your mission, the reinforcements will depart with the wounded for the medical base. We also have some despatches for delivery and the outpost’s operational reports.’ Dugachard glanced back along the line, ‘The few remaining soldiers will resume garrison duties here and the supply of food to the upper pastures. The patrols will then be limited to only the village until we receive more reinforcements.’

  The eighteen figures moved swiftly forward through the gloom, their assault rifles at shoulder height and jerking to either side as they stepped along the sides of the narrow street. Tregan slipped ahead of the soldiers, Debra attempting to keep up as he glanced suspiciously from side to side into small side yards and over short rustic fences or masonry walls between the one and two storey buildings.

  Riaz and Shino followed along at the rear of the small column, the soldiers glancing nervously around as they progressed, a light fall of snowflakes drifting gradually to earth around them. Shino grasped her snub barrelled machine gun closely, Riaz grinning as he spotted her tense grip, his voice a taunting low whisper, ‘Don’t worry…they won’t take it from you…it’s too small for everyone else!’

  The petit Philippine stuck her tongue out briefly, glaring at the male asian officer, her own tone a hiss, ‘I will work out the safety measures on this weapon…then you won’t be grinning…’ She nodded at his larger assault rifle, grinning deviously, ‘…size isn’t everything when your weapon is inadequate!’

  Riaz’s eyes widened in surprise, a wry grin spreading across his face as he slapped her shoulder armour playfully, ‘Bollocks! Don’t ever change Shino…’ He glanced up at the shuttered windows suddenly, his body tensing and voice lowered, ‘I think some of the villagers are watching us…’

  Shino lowered slightly, her machine gun turning upwards nervously, ‘It’s likely they are just curious…they probably don’t see hostile reconnaissance from the base much…’ She sniffed, glancing at the figures ahead as they stole forward through the falling snow, ‘They will not have time to alert the Silakians…even if they want to.’

  The two security officers increased their pace, moving after the last members of the squad ahead, the nearest figures now emerging from the buildings into the open snow bound terrain beyond. Following the rough track they had used the previous day for some time, the figures skirting the edges, all half crouched and glancing from side to side nervously.

  Tregan dropped to one knee suddenly, Debra slowing beside him and lowering, her breathing strained in the cold and oxygen deprived air, ‘W-what is it?’

  The Trevakian stared across the surface of the snow ahead, his eyes straining as he considered the terrain, ‘We need to find a different route…’

  Debra grimaced, her chest shuddering in the cold gripping air, ‘Why? What have you seen?’

  Tregan pointed ahead, the soldiers behind dropping to their knees to wait as he spoke softly, ‘See the slight depressions in the snow?

  Debra stared ahead, her eyes struggling to glimpse what the Trevakian was pointing at. Then she stiffened, recognising two…then three slight dips in the surface, her expression confused, ‘What are they?’

  Tregan glanced round at the nervous soldiers behind, shaking his head, ‘Pulse mines…their sensors cause slight vibration, hence the dip in the snow as it is gradually displaced.’ He sighed, ‘The Silaks have some ordinance we did not expect and have been here during the night…they must have laid counter measures after yesterday! By the time we get through these it will be fully light…we will lose any element of surprise!’

  Debra gasped in the freezing air, her voice a curious whisper, ‘Will we be going back?’

  The Trevakian shook his head, ‘Not yet…let me have a look to the side, see if we can clamber over the rocks into their area…’ He rose slowly, placing a reassuring gloved hand on Debra’s back, nodding back towards the soldiers behind, ‘Put them in to defensive positions…visors down…no further movement forward and no one comes past. I will be back soon…if not in forty of your human minutes, then head back to the outpost.’ He turned, waving at Riaz, his voice a hiss, ‘Come on young man…we are going on reconnaissance!’

  The asian officer glanced up startled, nodding in response. Glancing at Shino, he saw the nervousness rise as she breathed heavily, her eyes widening as he whispered, a forced comforting smile on his face, ‘Don’t worry…there is no one else to annoy you here…I will be back soon!’

  Shino nodded grimly, her eyes filling with emotion, ‘Be sure you are …or I will track you down and there will be hell to pay!’

  He nodded briefly to her, his jaw tensing as he turned and lunged forward between the crouched figures, their combat uniforms now a light white and grey speckled camouflage. Shino briefly raised a glove to her right eye as she watched him run forward, her vision slightly distorted as her hands trembled.

  Chapter Four: Attack at dawn

  Debra spun round, the two figures running at a half crouch into the snow covered brush land to the right, her voice a hiss, ‘Form defensive line…no further forward than me…deploy visors! Stay down…Shino, by my side!’ The soldiers surged forward in response, eyes glancing from side to side, a couple observing the figures as they disappeared through the falling snow.

  Tregan’s eyes were scanning the snow in front of them, the murky grey surface seeming flat and undisturbed. Slowing his pace and then stopping, he raised his hand to the side of his helmet, tapping the sensor as his visor swept downwards. Riaz drew level with the Trevakian, his chest heaving from the exertion and low oxygen level as he dropped to one knee, his visor sweeping downwards as he spoke, ‘So…what we looking for?’

  Tregan glanced down at him, a grin spreading across his lips beneath the visor, ‘We are looking for a way in…cut diagonally across this land and we should reach the rocks…then find a way through.’

  Riaz grimaced, shrugging dismissively, ‘Why did we leave the others behind?’

  The Trevakian smiled widely, ‘The villagers saw us…this delay could cost us the surprise. I am not having the Silaks move behind us towards Rangara with most of our force out here and the base poorly defended! That good enough reasoning for you?’

  The asian officer grinned, realising his behaviour was not what the Trevakian soldier was used to, Tregan resting a hand on his shoulder armour, ‘We find a way through…we complete the mission.’ He indicated upwards, ‘If this keeps falling, we regain surprise…unless a villager knows
a way of getting through and telling them!’

  They moved forward stealthily, Riaz keeping behind the Trevakian as the man had indicated, Tregan checking the ground before them quickly as they stepped into the crunching crisp snow. Eventually, the shadows of the jagged rocks ahead roamed into view through the falling snow, Tregan inspecting the covered ground before them as they stepped forward gingerly, glancing excitedly to either side.

  Slowing, Riaz whispered in intrigue, pointing to the Trevakian’s new rifle, ‘Does that have more power?

  Tregan glanced round nodding, ‘The bullets are projected at higher speed and it has a retractable sight. I have used it before, but only on trial…’ He grinned sheepishly, ‘…now I have cuts through armour effectively…better than the weapon you have. Hopefully we will have some more soon…’

  The asian officer nodded in admiration, glancing along the extended barrel and muzzle, the rifle having silver plate lining and a lower ammunition chamber.

  The Trevakian indicated for Riaz to move to the left, his voice hissing, ‘Check the ground for any disturbance…lower snow or mounds…avoid them by a couple of metres at least. If you find any way through the rock, come back and find me…I will be to the left and will do likewise.’ He grimaced, ‘Follow your footsteps when you return…and mine!’

  Riaz nodded in acknowledgement, his heart rate rising as he moved away, jogging slowly alongside the rocks and staring at the snow below him. Tregan moved along the rock face in the opposite direction, glancing ahead and across the weathered stone, the peaks rising metres above his head. The snowfall seemed to increase, flakes billowing around them as they progressed, the combat suits inflating as their colours transformed to be more subdued and faded.


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