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Zaxon B: The Final Struggle (Galaxies Collide Book 4)

Page 6

by Andrew McGregor

  Gradually the transports filled with the new soldiers, their rear doors slowly rising as the Silakians stared on mesmerised, the lights reflecting off the mirrored visors as the walkways gradually rose, the whir of rotors turning and driving the doors closed as rear holds were plunged into darkness. Pin lights swept across the reflective visors, the Black Death Battalion’s soldiers sitting crouched in silence as their boots clamped to the floor beneath.

  The crews backed away as pulse engines engaged, the transports slowly rising from the bay deck, cargo locks cranking as the main hold doors of the Black Star rumbled open, the craft beginning to drift through the protective screen as the Silakian loaders and ground crew stared after them, Morgon engineers preparing for the next rising wave of transports.

  Then the craft dropped suddenly from view, their engines engaging as the transports surged forward, gathering momentum as the hulls screeched, the temperature rising dramatically as they approached and entered the upper atmosphere.

  Chapter Six: The Eastern Front

  Lieutenant Kim ran towards the south along the trench, ducking as bullets zipped across the defensive positions, some smacking into the low building walls behind, others tearing up the ground before the dugouts, the defenders ducking as approaching shrieks filled the air.

  Hearing the bolts of many weapons pulled back, a desperate shout of an American unit commander came from behind the trench, ‘Into the front defences…shoot to kill! Drive them back!’ A US Marine detachment ran between the buildings, their bodies low as they dropped into the positions, thrusting their bodies against the front walls as the soldiers peered out into the swirling smoke.

  Glimpsing numerous national flags on the shoulder armour of the defenders, Kim struggled along the trench behind the soldiers, his heart pounding as the cracks of high velocity sniper rifles rang out from the buildings above, masonry and dust falling onto the defenders as incoming fire smacked against the walls behind.

  Scrambling along the walls further, he saw the South Korean national flags on the unit ahead, his trembling hands slipping his own assault rifle from his right shoulder as he joined his men, shouting in encouragement as the pensive soldiers glanced round, their grips tightening around their weapons as they moved to stare down the sights.

  Jozefina Kapralova stiffened, the shrieks ahead coming closer in the smoke as the metallic thuds of mortars firing from behind resounded across the trench. Mechanical whining echoed across the swirling snow covered terrain, the airport supervisor turning frantically to Captain Mekeert, ‘What is that noise?’

  The Trevakian officer’s jaw tensed, ‘Walkers…they mean business! This is a full scale assault…not a hostile probe!’ She spun round, shouting further, her tone rising, ‘Heavy weaponry…target their walkers…destroy them and the infantry will falter! Snipers, take out their officers and walker crews…and fast!’

  Flashes of detonations erupted in the smoke, Jozefina’s eyes straining in terror as the shrieks seemed to fill the landscape from north to south ahead, Mekeert screaming at the soldiers nearby next to her, ‘Aim smart…just below the helmet or on the leg joints! Get close combat weapons ready for when they get near!’

  The smoke thinned, Lieutenant Kim’s eyes widening in fear as the terrain filled with black and camouflaged bodies some five hundred metres from the defensive line, his head lowering along the top of his rifle as the visor surged red, dots filling the lower view, his eyes straining as he glimpsed the silhouettes of walkers behind their infantry.

  Explosions tore through the front line of Morgon infantry, three infra-red missiles brought down from above, the crews desperately attempting to reload their weapons as they glanced warily at the low stock of ammunition, two of the four crews only having one extra box, the additional supplies lost to the enemy.

  RPGs fired out from building windows, their vapour trails sweeping across the terrain as the crews dropped to reload, Kim watching almost mesmerised as flames rose high into the air, the shattered bodies of advancing Morgon infantry thrown skywards or to the sides from the blasts.

  Lights surged through the smoke, the outlines of walkers getting nearer as Kim bit his lower lip, drawing blood. The laser flashes tore towards the village buildings, the soldiers in the trenches ducking as the intense lights lit up the trenches. Deafening explosions rocked the buildings above, masonry and debris falling into the trenches below, the defenders blinded as dust and powdered snow billowed around them, the screams of the wounded filling the air as gunfire erupted from the front line, tracers and bullets scything across the terrain towards the advancing armoured troops.

  Kim spluttered as he forced his body upwards, spitting dust and blood from his mouth as he gasped for air, several of the South Korean soldiers beside him rising in the disorientating billowing smoke. Burning and smouldering body parts fell to earth, some of the snipers and gun crews torn to pieces in the ferocious explosions.

  Jozefina scrambled to her feet, more soldiers dropping into the trenches beside them and opening fire, the cracks of high powered sniper rifles ringing out over the burst of automatic fire. Her heart pounding, she raised her rifle, clenching her teeth in fear as the butt kicked back onto her shoulder armour, the bullets sweeping forward as the muzzle flashes spread all along the line.

  Heavy machine guns and mini-guns burst into life from behind, the screams of wounded soldiers drowned out under the sustained high powered fire. Kapralova screamed in hatred as the rifle kicked back once more, her adrenalin and terror surging as the muzzle flashed before her, smoke and dust billowing around the trenches as debris bounced off the helmets and shoulders of the defenders.

  The few medics were overwhelmed, scrambling along the trench on their hands and knees to slap resin bandages across wounds as quickly as possible, most of the wounded struggling upwards, their cracked armour and wincing expressions replaced by grim determination as they raised rifles with shaking hands to open fire. All knew they would not survive long if the enemy were victorious, the resin dressings seeping anaesthetics directly into their bloodied injuries as the sides of the bandage tensed around the wound.

  Flight Officer Anjara glanced down briefly at Rees, the young reservist’s teeth clenched as he stared at the resin bandaged wound on his leg, his face and shoulder armour smeared with dirt. Standing over the young soldier in the dimly lit converted basement, he extended his hand, glancing round the medical area as other wounded troops struggled to stand, some with tears of pain in their eyes as they collected weapons and limped towards the stairs. The rectangular room was filled with the injured, several unconscious as others stepped gingerly over extended limbs, the pungent aroma of unwashed bodies and open wounds filling their nostrils. Dust poured from the ceiling, the building shaking as explosions rocked the walls, the soldiers ducking before continuing to shuffle towards the entrance.

  With a shot of painkillers sweeping through his system, Anjara indicated firmly for Rees to take his hand, his voice a wheezed hiss, ‘You are needed outside…as am I.’ He leant forwards as the young soldier’s eyes widened in horror, his tone becoming more commanding, ‘There are many more with worse wounds out there…now get up and fight! If the Morgons win…we will all die here!’

  Rees spluttered, tears in his eyes, his young face flushed in excruciating pain, his eyes fixated on the tight bandages and dressings around both legs, ‘But my legs…I think one is broken! I have been shot in the other one!’

  Flight Officer Anjara grinned menacingly as a young Trevakian soldier limped past, the soldier’s arm twisted and bandaged heavily, his lower leg dripping with blood. The flight officer continued, his tone becoming impatient, ‘I have broken ribs and internal bleeding…you have one wound and a few scratches…maybe a break.’ His voice rose as he indicated to other wounded soldiers passing behind, ‘Now get up and fight! We will go together to the floors above and medics will be with us…there is no hospital during a Morgon attack unless you are dead or unconscious! Now put your helmet on and mo

  Kim fired burst after burst, the visor surging Red as the Morgon infantry approached, a low cloud of dust and smoke filling the air, the defenders benefiting from their enhanced equipment as the advancing enemy fired wildly towards them.

  Glimpsing pin lights beginning to flash some one hundred metres from their line, he grinned in relish, the approaching hordes of enemy troops heading directly towards the now armed surviving pulse mines. Detonations swept through the forward line, more mortar rounds falling to earth as the South Korean officer stared at the walker that emerged through the smoke, green slime seeming to fall from its large guns, his mouth opening to scream, ‘Acid walker ahead!’

  The desperate defensive fire intensified, terror filling the minds of the soldiers as two US Marine sniper scopes roamed across the battlefield in response to his warning. One of the Americans gritted his teeth in frustration, dust billowing across his view as he glimpsed the armoured blast shield extended above the upper cabin through the swirling murk.

  His heart leapt as he noticed the upper cabin dip slightly as the mechanical legs lowered the frame into a shell crater, the two armoured helmets of the driver and gunner roaming into view briefly as he held his breath instinctively, his finger squeezing the trigger.

  The long barrel jerked upwards, the armoured piercing bullet sweeping outwards as another rifle cracked nearby. The helmet in the distance imploded, the Morgon driver’s body shuddering backwards as he was decapitated, the sniper grinning as he immediately drew breath once more, the barrel jerking. The second bullet hit the gunner’s upper chest armour, the figure jolting before slumping forward, the walker taking two more automated steps before grinding to a halt. The thirty-four-year-old sniper from Queens in New York smiled in triumph before adjusting the sight, lowering the barrel slightly as he glimpsed an officer waving his soldiers forward through the high powered sight, the weapon jerking back into his shoulder once more.

  Jozefina fired another burst from her assault rifle, her eyes widening as she realised how close the Morgons were becoming, several reaching to their backs to draw sharpened swords, her chest heaving as she fired at another figure some two hundred metres away, the body jerking as the bullets ricocheted off the armour, the frame stiffening and shrieking back in defiance.

  The walkers roamed into view through the drifting smoke, static lights crackling across their front guns as they prepared to fire once more, Mekeert shouting frantically next to her, ‘Intensify your fire…rocket infantry, bring them down!’

  Trevakian soldiers surged forward to the edge of the trench, dropping to one knee and raising their weapons to stare along the tubes of their launchers as the soldier behind tapped their helmets. Jets of fire surged outwards, a strange metallic pop coming from the tubes as the launch troops spun round and rapidly retreated, preparing to reload in the safety of cover.

  Jozefina watched as the bright jets and trails of smoke swept forward, the wake lines seeming to jolt and bounce before reaching their targets, three large explosions tearing through the walkers’ armour as the mechanical legs buckled, the three machines collapsing onto the infantry below. Her eyes widened as two more machines roamed into view, the bright lights spewing across the terrain towards the defensive line, screams coming from behind as a muffled shout broke through the gunfire, ‘Acid grenades!’

  Rees shuddered as the building shook, the structure next door collapsing as laser fire tore through the walls, weakening the supports. Anjara winced as they stumbled in the blast, the stairs seeming to shake as they both struggled upwards in pain, a whine coming from the Trevakian’s lips as Rees leant on him heavily, the young reservist’s leg now bleeding once more, the other virtually disabled in crippling pain.

  Reaching the first floor, they leant uncomfortably against the wall, the floor soaked in blood as Rees wretched, vomit pouring from his mouth. Anjara stared despondently at the three twisted and broken bodies swept to the back of the blackened and scorched room, their faces burnt and broken with visors cracked, his voice rising as he glimpsed slight movement, ‘Medic! Now!’

  A jagged large hole stretched across the front wall where the laser blast had impacted, the broken masonry still smouldering as he nudged the coughing reservist next to him, glancing at the weapons lying at the other end of the charred space, ‘I will take the sniper rifle…and help you with the RPG…just fire your rifle when then get close!’

  Rees was coughing violently, spitting stomach acid from his mouth as he spluttered in exasperation, ‘I-I saved your damn life!’ He gasped in terror as explosions echoed outside, shouts and gunfire, then louder detonations the flashes lighting up the room as a medic clambered up the stairs behind them.

  Flight Officer Anjara glanced down at the young Heathrow officer as the Trevakian medic dropped to his knees next to the casualties, ‘I thank you for helping me...’ His voice rose becoming more menacing as further explosions erupted to the east, his body shuffling painfully towards the long sighted rifle opposite, ‘Now get up and aim your weapon…the pulse mines won’t stop them for long!’

  Chapter Seven: Discovery in the Cave

  Bullets smashed against the rock opening, dust and shattered stone flying across the cave mouth. The crouched figures scrambled inside, several dragged by others, the blood trails stretching across the light grey snow, several motionless bodies still lying some distance away.

  Riaz slid across the iced snow, slipping down the incline that led into the cave, dust and debris from above showering down onto his helmet and shoulder armour. Tregan shouted desperately, staring to the gloom, the pin lights automatically igniting and causing shadows across the jagged interior rock, ‘Get any equipment you can find for a barricade…one of you guard the rear!’

  Three soldiers scrambled past the twitching Silak bodies, two grabbing some dishevelled boxes and sacks that lined the walls, the cave entrance seeming to extend for some distance into the darkness. Explosions swept powdered snow and dust into the opening, the defenders ducking their heads as the dirt fell around them, their visors pulsing red as unknown shouts filled the swirling flake filled air outside.

  Debra dropped to her knees next to one of the walls ten metres from the opening, her breathing heightened and sharp as Riaz and three other defenders fired out, the rattle of assault rifle bursts echoing loudly off the walls. Tregan strode further back along the passageway, his helmet moving from side to side as he inspected the cavern, realising the initial opening continued for a short distance, noticing a dark passageway towards the back of the rocks.

  Turning, he gritted his teeth as he witnessed the few defenders, two moving anything they could find as barricades to the front of the cave, the other four laying on the frozen dirt with their weapons raised, three gasping as they lay blood soaked against the walls. Shino lay on the far side, the muzzle of her sub machine gun flashing as she fired a short burst out into the dim light.

  Pulse grenades exploded near the opening, the soldiers ducking down as a fresh wave of dirt fell onto their shoulders, the Silkians outside firing at where they knew the opening to be, their helmets lacking the advanced targeting systems of the Trevakian reservists.

  Lowering to a crouch, Tregan approached Debra, her body shuddering as she still knelt facing the rocks, his eyes narrowing as he saw the blood seeping through the uniform material on her right arm, his pace quickening in horror. Grasping her shoulders, she slumped backwards, her teeth gritted and tears in her eyes and he lowered her slowly onto the floor of the cave. His eyes opened in shock as he glimpsed the cracked armour, the bullet having cut through her upper shoulder and smashed the protective plate.

  Shino glanced round, a shriek of anguish as she realised Debra was wounded, instinctively she scrambled backwards, rising slightly as she shuffled quickly towards the injured figures, the two Trevakian reservists running past with additional boxes and sacks.

  Tregan bit his lip, seeing the armour was embedded in the wound in Debra’s shoulder, the light from his
helmet glinting across the oozing crimson liquid in the darkness. As the airport supervisor’s eyes flickered, her breathing becoming more shallow, Shino reached them, grasping at Debra’s leg, her chest heaving as she sobbed, ‘Is she going to be alright?’

  Gunfire echoed across the interior walls again, one of the female reservists shouting loudly, ‘They are unsure of how many we are…fire short bursts then move or they will target your muzzle flashes…then they will think we are more!’ Riaz glanced round fearfully, nodding as more sacks and boxes were pushed forward, the defenders moving to either side of the barricades to glance out into the heavily falling snow.

  The Trevakian glanced at Shino as Debra slipped into unconsciousness, the pain overwhelming her senses, ‘We need a medic…there are three other wounded and limited defenders. There are likely to be more injuries and we need to investigate the rest of the cave…see what is back there!’ He glanced back down at Debra, seeing she was breathing deeply, ‘She is probably best unconscious…take Riaz and investigate the passage at the rear of the cavern…I want to know what is in here, and quickly!’

  Shino Slowly looked down at Debra, her eyes straining as she glimpsed the jagged metal in the wound, her voice low, ‘Who will be the medic? Are they any good?’

  Tregan smiled grimly, as he nodded towards the back of the cave, ‘The soldier on guard duty has a medical emblem on his shoulder armour…send him to me as soon as you get going…take no chances and fire at any movement. I want to find that transporter…I have a small cache of explosives to destroy it!’

  Explosions echoed outside, the defenders ducking once more as bullets cracked against the rock overhead, dust and stone fragments falling onto them as they ducked, Tregan glancing up through the slurry and coughing, ‘Now get going…we might not be long here, but we have to destroy the transporter to save the outpost! Use your grenades if we fall!’


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